Chapter 38: The Reception (3)

As Angela collided with the person behind her, a sharp gasp escaped their lips. 

The impact disrupted her balance, causing her body to tilt precariously. She braced herself for an impending scream of shock, but before a sound could escape her lips, a pair of hands swiftly caught her, one gripping her arm and the other securely encircling her waist.

Startled, Angela let out a small "ah" before regaining her composure.

"Are you alright, Angela?" Edward's concerned voice came from behind.

"I'm fine, thank you," the little girl replied hastily, disengaging herself from his embrace, though she still felt a bit shaken. Despite her unease, she maintained her polite demeanor. "I apologize for stepping on you."

"It's alright, I shouldn't have been standing here," the boy responded with a charming smile.

However, Angela paid little attention to his charm and went straight to her question. "When did you come over?"

Edward, trying to maintain his indifferent facade, felt a hint of embarrassment but still replied, "I arrived while you were analyzing Mr. Schwarzenegger and Mr. Patrick's characters."

He then added, "I must say, your analysis of my character is spot on."

"Oh, really? In what ways is it spot on?" The little girl's impatience simmered within her, yet she managed to keep a composed expression on her face.

"The combination of inner rebellion, innocence, and kindness. I really appreciate that observation. While I've come across many positive reviews, your precise commentary stands out as truly unique," Edward expressed with genuine excitement.

Angela blinked, realizing she may have misjudged something. The present-day Edward Furlong was not the same person as his future self, who would succumb to drug addiction and neglect his responsibilities. 

As this realization struck her, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of sympathy toward him. While he would ultimately bear the responsibility for his future actions, the influence of Hollywood's intense and challenging environment also played a significant role.

"Yes, Edward. You've captured the essence of the character who possesses both rebellion and kindness. However, remember that kindness should always precede rebellion. If possible, I hope you hold onto this notion," Angela spoke sincerely.

Edward was momentarily surprised, not fully comprehending the depth of the little girl's words. Nonetheless, her earnestness resonated with him, prompting him to nod and reply, "I'll keep that in mind."

However, Edward's expression quickly shifted to a smile as he discreetly glanced at James and Michael, still engrossed in their playful banter. He whispered to Angela, "Would you like to leave this place?"

The little girl, who had indeed entertained the idea of leaving, looked at him in surprise, and Edward blinked in response before gently taking her small hand. "We can discreetly exit through the side entrance," he suggested.

In that moment, Angela, with her mind occupied by certain melodramatic scenarios, couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. 

She swiftly withdrew her hand and calmly stated, "Thank you, but it wouldn't be polite to leave without bidding farewell to the host."

Edward appeared somewhat taken aback and was about to say something, but James's playful voice interrupted, "Oh, what's this? Is Edward contemplating an escape plan with Angela?"

"You're accusing me unfairly, Mr. James. I haven't done anything," Edward protested, raising his hands in front of everyone. It was a clever way to mask his embarrassment at having his secret exposed, and it brought laughter from the guests.

Arnold Schwarzenegger approached Edward, pulling him aside and whispering something in his ear with a smile. Their camaraderie was evident. 

Angela was intrigued by their conversation, but James intervened, stopping her from eavesdropping. "Angela, it amazes me how many ideas you have in that little head of yours. Michael mentioned that you've written a script specifically for Miss Meg Ryan. Is that true?"

Angela discreetly glanced at the cunning Michael, unsure of his motives, but she nodded and replied, "Yes."

The surrounding guests once again whispered in surprise, and James furrowed his brow, lost in thought. After a few seconds, he turned his attention back to Angela. "Can you come up with a script right now, regardless of the genre?"

It was an impolite question. Even the most talented screenwriters couldn't conjure inspiration on command. However, James seemed oblivious to this fact, eagerly awaiting the little girl's response.

Angela furrowed her brow slightly, puzzled by the extent of Michael Eisner's praise and James' admiration. After all, she was just a child, and it was difficult for her to comprehend why they held her in such high regard. 

Nevertheless, she found it hard to turn down James' request. Saying no had never been her strength, both in her past and present life. Besides, she wanted to establish a good relationship with Jessica in advance. Remembering movies came naturally to her, but television dramas were a different challenge. 

Without James Cameron's expertise in filming science fiction and integrating special effects, creating a script for "Dark Angel" would prove demanding.

Angela's mind raced for a moment. While she could easily come up with a script on the spot, given the abundance of existing ones, she hesitated. But then she shrugged off her concerns. 

Why bother overthinking it?

Impulsivity could be both a blessing and a curse. Angela had her moments of impulsiveness, and it was evident that the cunning old fox, Eisner, had taken notice.

"Alright, just give me a moment, okay?" Angela cheerfully exclaimed, spinning around in place and clasping her hands behind her back, pretending to contemplate. 

After a few minutes of playful deliberation, she clapped her hands together. "I have an idea that has been brewing in my mind for a while. Now, I just need to add a few finishing touches."

With a confident smile, she took a few steps toward James, gesturing with her hands to imitate Arnold's physique. "Picture this: a computer software salesman, incredibly strong, just like Mr. Arnold here."

Laughter erupted from the crowd. Angela was clearly implying that the character was inspired by the Governor himself.

The little girl continued her storytelling with enthusiasm, capturing the attention of everyone present. "He's been married for 16 years and has a 14-year-old daughter. Theirs is an ordinary family, just like any other. But as time passes, his wife grows weary of the mundane routine, even though she still loves her husband. She craves excitement and adventure in her life. And then, one day, she encounters a spy—a con artist pretending to be a spy..."

The audience was intrigued by Angela's narrative. It sounded like a fascinating story. However, James couldn't help but feel a hint of disappointment. It seemed like a lighthearted family comedy, and he questioned if Arnold would be ready for such a comedic role. But Angela wasn't done yet.

"As the story progresses, our protagonist stumbles upon his wife's clandestine endeavors. Despite his enduring love for her and his desire to shield her, the ticking clock adds urgency to the situation. Overwhelmed with professional responsibilities, he finds himself compelled to leverage his influence, assigning his colleagues to discreetly monitor his wife's phone conversations, even amidst their ongoing surveillance of classified information. Desperate measures come into play, leading him to orchestrate continuous surveillance, employing the use of police helicopters..."

Director James, who found the plotline perplexing, interrupted, "Hold on, Angela. If our main character is a computer software salesman, how would his colleagues have access to classified information? And how could he possibly have control over police helicopters?"

"Is that so?" The little girl widened her innocent eyes, pondered for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "Oh, I forgot to mention. He may be a computer software salesman on the surface, but that's merely a façade. In reality, he is an undercover federal agent codenamed 'Alpha,' assigned to track down a terrorist organization known as the 'Red Holy War'."

The room was filled with a sense of intrigue as Angela's revelation sunk in. The guests exchanged glances, captivated by the unexpected twist. 

Angela seized the moment and continued, her voice filled with anticipation, "Now, as our male protagonist faces the encroachment of the terrorist organization and endeavors to rescue his wife from the clutches of the con artist, how will he protect her amidst the crisis? Can he navigate the treacherous siege, unveil his true identity as a secret agent, and ultimately dismantle the web of deception surrounding them, transforming their relationship from a mere charade to a reality forged in the fire of danger?"

At that moment, the cavalry finally arrived. Spielberg discreetly approached Angela, whispering something in her ear before straightening up and addressing the still-dizzy guests. "Gentlemen, I apologize for the interruption. Mrs. Mason has requested that Miss Angela should go home and rest. It's already quite late."


"In any case, I owe you my gratitude, Uncle Eisner," George expressed, glancing at the rearview mirror.

Networking and building relationships with directors and celebrities at a Hollywood party was a common occurrence, but George never anticipated that Michael Eisner, the CEO himself, would personally intervene. Not only that, but he had also brought the entire crew of《Terminator 2》which was released in July, to the party.

For George, who had recently been promoted to department manager, this assistance was invaluable.

"No, no, George, I merely handled some basic tasks such as making phone calls. It was your exceptional performance at the board meeting that convinced the members to invest in《The Parent Trap》leading to tonight's celebration," the old man replied with a smile.

"The real star here is Nancy. Miss Mason's script perfectly suits her as a producer, and it was Nancy's involvement that made it easy to convince her to take on the lead role, which is undoubtedly the film's biggest highlight," George responded, adding quickly, "In my opinion, of course."

Eisner nodded and then inquired, "How is Miss Mason's EP situation progressing?"

"I spoke with John, and he mentioned that it can be released after Halloween next Thursday. However, due to contractual obligations, we won't be able to conduct extensive promotion using her real name or image. The record company isn't pleased with these restrictions. John even admitted that if it weren't for these limitations, the EP could have sold at least 800,000 copies in the first week. Frankly, I don't quite understand Miss Mason's reasoning. Perhaps she finds it amusing," George explained with a tinge of helplessness.

"Understood. I will inform the record company tomorrow that there will be no promotional efforts for this EP," Eisner stated, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

George couldn't fathom the motive behind these decisions, but he didn't dwell on it. It wasn't his place to be overly concerned, so he simply sighed, "It's a shame."

Michael Eisner remained silent. In reality, he grasped the value of the little girl better than George did.

Tonight at the party, his intention was merely to jest with James and test Angela's abilities. He hadn't anticipated that the little girl would swiftly conjure such an impressive story. He still remembered the hesitant expression on James's face when Angela was about to leave.

"George, there is one thing I want you to accomplish," the old man spoke slowly, his voice carrying weight. "You must maintain close contact with Miss Mason and ensure that she always turns to us first whenever she has new ideas!"

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