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Fu Zheng left from a high distance, returned to the community, and was not in a hurry to contact Shu Ning. It is absolutely impossible to contact her now. Yu Feiyuan probably relied on his old PUA method to appease Shu Ning, so he directly No matter how they communicated with Shu Ning and Yu Feiyuan, it was impossible for the two of them to cancel their complaints against Ning Wan.

Curved to save the country, Fu Zheng bought a lot of seasonal fruits and visited Shu Ning and Yu Feiyuan's neighbors on the same floor or even upstairs and downstairs in turn.

"You said Yu Feiyuan, others seem to be quite honest, but I haven't heard much of their husband and wife arguing, but I did see Shu Ning's face hurt several times, and she asked a question casually at that time, she said it was herself I accidentally slipped and fell while taking a shower, and I didn't ask about it in detail..."

"His hostess doesn't get along with us very much. Although I am also a full-time wife, I haven't met her very much. She doesn't seem to participate in group activities. It was a rare time when we did a community fundraiser and she came. It was good, but her husband came over and called her away soon after."

"Yes, we also asked her to join us at a meeting of the industry committee last time. We just wanted to add a WeChat account with her, but her husband came over and asked us to add him..."

Sure enough, Fu Zheng chatted several times in a row, and the details he gave could basically piece together the truth-Yu Feiyuan had strict social control over Shu Ning, and he used almost every excuse to prevent her from making new friends, even the neighbors. No, so most of the neighbors don't know the situation of their house, no one knows whether Yu Feiyuan abused Shu Ning, and no one can provide evidence——

"I really don't know the situation about their family, but they have a daughter who is six years old. This child looks a little withdrawn and gloomy. Yes, there are some young and mature, only six-year-old dolls, they don't look like six-year-old children on weekdays, and they don't like to greet people or play with children of the same age. My grandson and that child are in the same class, My grandson also said that she is very strange, doesn't like to talk, and doesn't take much care of people."

Speaking of this child, Fu Zheng had an impression. Shu Ning had submitted relevant family information when she wanted to divorce. Fu Zheng remembered that her daughter was called Yu Shiyin and was still in kindergarten.

Growing up in a mentally controlled and violent family like Yu Feiyuan, how could a child be so cheerful? I'm afraid they live in fear, depression and gloom. When Fu Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but think of Ning Wan, who can have such a bright smile as she does now. , I do not know how much self-digestion and burden.

Other neighbors have nothing to offer, and they generally think that more things are worse than less things, but Auntie Lin from downstairs of Shu Ning's house took Fu Zheng and said a lot. She is a foreigner and came to Rongshi to see her grandson. There is no one to talk to at home on weekdays. Obviously, he is suffocated. Pulling Fu Zheng is a complete nonsense. From the climate of calm city to the recent increase in fruit prices, this Auntie Lin's thinking is very divergent, and Fu Zheng is already ready to find an excuse. She said goodbye, but when she heard about Shu Ning's daughter, she became interested.

Fu Zheng pondered for a while and asked, "Apart from being more introverted, is there any other difference in this child?"

Aunt Lin thought for a while, and said in a low voice, "In addition to being withdrawn and not very talkative, this child also likes to lie!"


"Yes." Auntie Lin put on a gossip stance, as if she could not wait to get a handful of melon seeds, "This child has called the false police four or five times in half a year."

Fu Zheng frowned: "What did you call the police?"

"It's just that her father beat her mother, that her father was going to kill her mother..." Aunt Lin tutted her head and shook her head, "Listen, what are you talking about, her father is usually quite honest in my opinion, but later the police also When I came, it was true when I asked, her mother said that there was no such thing, the injuries on her face were caused by accidental falls, and said that her balance was not very good, and it was easy to fall every time she dozed off..."

"Later, because of this, the child's father took the fruit to apologize to the police, saying that the workload was increased. It turned out that the child was criticized by her father for not studying well, and complained in his heart, so he called the false police." Aunt Lin shook her head as she spoke, "Tell me how precocious these children are now, this child is a liar when he is young, but when he is old, he is revengeful... So, children's education is very important now, you Seeing that many children are now…”

Auntie Lin was still talking, but Fu Zheng was already serious.

Shu Ning never called the police for domestic violence, but she didn't expect her six-year-old daughter to call the police. It's a pity that the six-year-old child has no right to speak. The child called the false police.

Without further ado, Fu Zheng decided to go to the police station in Yuelan's jurisdiction. *****

Fu Zheng originally planned to go to the police station to find out the situation and see if there were any useful details recorded in the police record at that time, but he didn't expect it to be a book. Fu Zheng just stepped into the police station and heard the inside The police are chasing people-

"Little boy, I've told you many times, you can't lie. Your father works hard every day to earn money to support his family. If you don't study hard, it's right for him to criticize you, but it's not right for you to slander him and beat people all the time..."

It was an older male policeman who spoke kindly, but he obviously didn't take it seriously: "Uncle policeman is not omnipotent, uncle policeman also has a lot of other things to do. You call the false police every time. , we are going to tell your teacher!"

The one who answered the policeman was a glutinous child's voice. Although his voice was low, he was firm: "But uncle policeman, my father really beat my mother, several times, and the mother's face was covered in blood, this time. hit mom again


It was the hotline at the police station that interrupted the child's voice, and the male policeman picked it up, waved at the child while talking on the phone, and rushed out: "Let's go, child, uncle will take you back to school, don't come next time. , it's wrong to lie, at your age, you have to listen to your teachers and parents..."

The little girl stepped back subconsciously. This time, she was driven back to the door and bumped into Fu Zheng's leg.

The girl had a ponytail, was carrying a small schoolbag, and was wearing a pink dress. With a fair face, her expression was very calm. Although she was still very young, her eyes were very heavy. Fu Zheng's heart moved. "Yu Shiyin?"

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the little girl looked up at him. Auntie Lin was right. The child's expression was dull as if he had neither joy nor sorrow. It was more like a pool of stagnant water, and Fu Zheng couldn't bear to see it.

He squatted down and tried to make his eyes level with the child: "Are you here to call the police?"

The child glanced at him warily, but nodded anyway: "Yes, but no one believes me." She lowered her head, her voice depressed, "Because I am a child, no one believes me, but I didn't lie..."

"I believe you."

Fu Zheng's words really made the child stunned, she looked at Fu Zheng, her eyes lit up for the first time: "You are here, so are you also the police here? You, can you help me save my mother? My father Beating my mother, beating and beating, can you put my father in jail?"

The child's words were incoherent, but Fu Zheng still understood.

"I'm not a policeman, I can't help you put Dad in jail."

When the child heard this, his eyes were really tired.

Fu Zheng smiled and continued to say warmly: "But I'm a lawyer, I can help you protect your mother with the law." He patted the child's head, "Okay, now I'll take you to see the police uncle first, there is me Yes, he will believe you, you can tell everything you know, let's see how to help your mother, okay?"

The child hesitated, but in the end, he nodded and followed Fu Zheng into the police station again. ...


On the other hand, Ning Wan was having a headache and was complained about by Shu Ning. She really did not expect that her intention was for Shu Ning's good, but she underestimated Yu Feiyuan's brainwashing and control over Shu Ning. Ning Wan waited for the mediation to finish. Director Ji let himself go to the case all the way to the community office, only then did he feel irritable, depressed and heavy.

Once there is a record of being complained in that year, you will not be able to apply for election to join any partner team. Finally, Zhengyuan has a big par who needs to form a new team. I really want to miss this opportunity. These are the best in my career. Year is obsolete.

Although she knew that at this moment, it might not be useful to ask Shu Ning for mercy, but Ning Wan still decided to give it a try. Whether it was for her own future or for Shu Ning, Ning Wan had the best hope.

It's a pity that reality is very skinny, Ning Wan closed the door, Shu Ning saw from the cat's eyes that it was her, and didn't even open the door at all—

"Let's go, I don't want to see you again. My husband and I are very good. If someone like you doesn't push me, I'll get divorced!"

Even though she knew it was probably useless, Ning Wan still made her last effort. Across the door, she began to tell Shu Ning the results of her research at the company and school.

Although there was no reply, Ning Wan knew that Shu Ning was behind the door.


"Shu Ning, think about it for yourself, is Yu Feiyuan really doing it for your own good, or does he want to trap you as a tool person who has no resistance and can be slaughtered by him? Don't you think it's ridiculous? He married you and had children all the way, and he really didn't have any intention of taking advantage of your superiority?"

Ning Wan simply analyzed all the details in one breath: "Because of falling in love with you, he published a paper signed by his first author and second author; because of an unexpected pregnancy, he persuaded you to give up the offer of Deep Blue Machinery; because Claiming to be jealous, he made you cut off all past social circles; because he claimed that he needed a man's face, he was not allowed to go out to work, so that after you resigned, he got the promotion you dreamed of, and this position was originally reserved for yours……"

Ning Wan said, she simply let go, even if Shu Ning refused to withdraw her complaint, she hoped that Shu Ning would wake up.

"Calm down and think about it, what is Yu Feiyuan's love for you mixed with? The person Yu Feiyuan loves the most has always been himself!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Shu Ning finally opened the door, but just when Ning Wan thought she had changed her mind, Shu Ning issued an order to evict the guest——

"Can you stop pestering me? Do you think one complaint is not enough?" She lowered her head and lowered her hair, "I'm going to pick up my daughter from kindergarten now, please let me go."

With this movement, her long hair just fell on her cheeks, covering a large part of her face. Ning Wan realized something almost instantly - this was her mother's favorite posture, in order to cover up the marks of being beaten.

"He hit you again?!"

In the face of his own questioning, Shu Ning dodged his eyes: "No, don't worry about our family..."

Taking advantage of Shu Ning's time to react, Ning Wan quickly lifted the other person's long hair. As expected, there was a red mark on Shu Ning's left cheek, which looked like a slap in the face.

Ning Wan couldn't hold back her emotions any longer: "How many days did he admit to you this time? How many days did he tell you to get a divorce and find a new life?! Do you have to trust him again? The chance to hit you? Shu Ning, wake up!"

However, Shu Ning just wanted to get rid of Ning Wan and hurried forward, but this time his tone was a little pleading: "Don't follow me anymore, this time it's because I found you and listened to your words to consider divorce, Feiyuan only He beat me, said that my family was ugly, that I was destroying the harmony of my family, I always listened to the words of outsiders, and if he saw me with you again, he would get angry again..."

Ning Wan wanted to say something, but Shu Ning's cell phone ringing interrupted the conversation, she picked it up, and her voice was a little suspicious at first: "Police station?" Soon, the doubt turned into consternation, "What! Shiyin ran from kindergarten. Going out, now at the police station? Okay, I know, I'll rush over as soon as possible!"

Shu Ning couldn't care about Ning Wan anymore, and hurried to the police station.

Sounds like something happened to her daughter?

Ning Wan thought about it for a while, and was a little worried, for fear that this matter had something to do with Yu Feiyuan, she quickly followed Shu Ning to the police station.


Ning Wan followed Shu Ning to the police station out of breath.

Shu Ning seems to be familiar with the road: "I'm sorry, comrade police, has my daughter Shiyin come to call the fake police again? The child is joking, ignorant, and angry. I will take her home, and now she is a where is it?"

Call the false police? Ning Wan was suspicious when she heard the policeman sitting at the window pointing to the mediation room and saying, "There, our director and a lawyer will bring it in to understand the situation."

Shu Ning couldn't take care of it anymore, and went straight to the mediation room, while Ning Wan frowned and followed closely behind. At this time, the door of the mediation room was ajar, and just as Shu Ning wanted to open the door, there was a Shion's voice came -- a cry full of despair --

"Uncle police, uncle lawyer, please help my mother! How can I make my father disappear?"

The six-year-old child doesn't know how to hide, and his appeal is straightforward: "The parents of some classmates in our class said that they are divorced, and they will no longer live together. Can my mother get a divorce? I don't want to see it again. Mom was beaten, or can you take my dad away?"

The sound that followed made Ning Wan stunned for a moment. She almost instantly recognized that it was Fu Zheng's voice. It was low, with a slightly cold texture, but it was very gentle. Probably because he was talking to a child, he deliberately slowed down his tone and used simple and easy-to-understand words——

"Divorce or not, it's not up to the police and lawyers to decide." Fu Zheng's voice seemed to have the power to soothe people's hearts. When the child's sobbing became quieter, Fu Zheng continued, "Simply put, it is possible to decide whether to The only people who don't want to divorce are your parents."

"But my father refuses to divorce..."

"That's fine." Fu Zheng's voice was very gentle, "you don't need both your parents to agree to divorce, as long as one of them wants to divorce, they can always get divorced, as long as your mother is determined to divorce, she can leave your father completely. Yes, so don't cry, it will be resolved."

It's a pity that the child broke down when he heard this: "My mother doesn't want to get a divorce at all! My father beat my mother several times, and I called the police uncle! But my mother said that she was not beaten! The liar is not me at all, It's mom!"

Even with Fu Zheng's guarantee, the police could only comfort him. No adult reported the case, no victim's confession, and no evidence, so the case could not be filed.

Yu Shiyin probably saw the hopelessness of the police intervention, and lowered her head and muttered to herself, "If only Dad could disappear..."

Her voice was obviously still a childish voice, but what she said next did not look like a six-year-old girl: "Uncle lawyer, I have a question. I'm only six years old. If I kill someone, do I not need to go to jail? ?"

Before Fu Zheng could answer, Yu Shiyin continued: "I've watched TV, and it says that if you kill someone under the age of fourteen, you don't need to go to jail, so if my mother refuses to divorce, can I still let my father go? Disappeared? My classmates have rat poison at home..."

No one could imagine such a terrifying and cold thought coming from a child as sweet and tender as Yu Shiyin.

The two people in the room were obviously stunned, while Shu Ning, who was standing at the door and was about to push in, shuddered slightly like an electric shock.

In the past, when she was violently attacked by Yu Feiyuan, Shu Ning always locked the child in the bedroom immediately and told the child to plug in the earphones to listen to songs and watch cartoons. She was relieved that every time after the incident, the child did not ask about her injuries. Over time, Shu Ning felt that this incident would not have a big impact on the child.

After the child called the police several times, Shu Ning also comforted the child. Afterwards, Yu Feiyuan also bought a toy for the child to make up for it. After every time he admits his mistake, the family still looks harmonious and beautiful, and the child has nothing to do with his father. special emotional expression.

I just didn't expect that everything turned out to be an illusion. I don't know when my innocent daughter has become such a gloomy child who makes people feel cold just listening to her words...

Things that even Shu Ning had never thought of, such a heavy topic as murder, and such an idea of ​​killing a father that violated the rules of ethics, were actually spoken out by his six-year-old daughter with such a light but serious attitude...

She was clearly at a childish age, but the hatred and determination on the child's face could no longer be concealed. Through the gap in the door, Shu Ning could see clearly that her daughter's immature face was indifferent to her age. .

At about this moment, the accompanying policeman finally believed that the child's many previous reports to the police were not groundless. However, because the child's mother, the victim, did not make a statement to call the police, and there was no evidence, he was not easy to intervene according to the procedure, and only sighed. He persuaded: "Children, don't think about it, and don't learn from those bad kids on TV.

At the age of six, if you really do anything, your life will be ruined, and your future is still long. If you hate your father, when you grow up, you can naturally leave your father, don't do things that you will regret..."

The policeman's remarks made Ning Wan, who was also outside the door, pause for a while. She felt that time had flown back in a trance, and she had become Yu Shiyin sitting indoors. Everything seemed to be a reincarnation...

Ning Wan had also reported to the police at the beginning, and her mother also chose to cover up the truth, and like Shu Ning, she was reluctant to divorce. In the end, Ning Wan chose to compromise on her own. She had no way to change her. Mother, so I look forward to growing up every day. I am admitted to a university far away from my hometown, and I have a job that can be financially independent. I completely left her father...

She prayed in her heart that the comfort of the police might be able to soothe Yu Shiyin's young heart.

"But I left my father, what about my mother?" But Yu Shiyin, who was inside the door, interrupted the police forcefully, her voice was crying, but she was firm, "Uncle, I want to protect my mother, I don't want to. I saw that my mother was beaten again. If even I ran away, what would my mother do?"

If Shu Ning was only shocked by her own daughter's dark thoughts before, but now she can't control her crying anymore.

Everything is her fault. It was she who made the child like this. However, none of the children resented her, and wanted to protect her. In order to protect her, the originally active and cheerful child actually came up with the idea of ​​killing her...

Because of her cowardice and whitewashing, the child who should have a sunny mentality has been living in the haze. However, even if she was disappointed by lying to her again and again after she called the police, the child did not give up on herself, and the child still wanted to protect herself, but it was obvious ... Obviously it's up to you to stand up and protect the child!

She is not a qualified mother at all!

She thought that not getting a divorce would give her children a complete family, but she never thought that when Yu Feiyuan raised his fist towards her, the family would never be complete...

Shu Ning's heart was mixed with remorse, pain and emotion, biting his lips and almost wept.

However, Ning Wan also stopped her hand pushing the door because of the child's words. Yu Shiyin's words were like a small hand, grabbing her inner emotions, and her heart also churning...

And at this time, Fu Zheng's voice sounded again in the room, with a cold texture, but not cold-

"It's good that you want to protect your mom, you're a wonderful kid, but whatever your dad does, it's not a reason to think about the dangerous idea of ​​killing someone."

The child retorted forcefully: "It's my father who beat my mother like that, that's why I think so." She said this, and her emotions became agitated again, "You are not me, and you don't have a father like me! You don't know at all. How hateful he is! How like a devil!"

But Fu Zheng was still very gentle: "I haven't experienced something like you, but it's not that no one else has experienced it. I know a girl, and her father was like this. She was even more difficult than you, because her father still Gambling money, her family does not have the same conditions as yours, and she has to work by herself, but she did not do extreme things, nor did she become a bad person. On the contrary, she may be the best girl I know, working hard , helpful, and never thought of doing anything illegal."

Yu Shiyin was indeed attracted: "Then...then what is she doing now?"

Fu Zheng's expression was very gentle when he said these words, from Ning Wan's point of view, he could see the solemn expression and gentle eyebrows when he stared at Yu Shiyin: "She has become a lawyer just like me and wants to help A child like myself wants to help a mother like her mother."

Ning Wan bit her lip, she never thought that Fu Zheng would mention her, and she never thought that in Fu Zheng's eyes, she turned out to be the best girl he knew.

Fu Zheng didn't know the existence of Ning Wan outside the door, he looked at the child, his voice was gentle but serious: "Shiyin, you are braver than your mother, I think you can help your mother, so don't go to you first. What is your father doing, let's work together to help your mother first, okay?"

He gently and patiently persuaded her: "So can you have a good chat with your mother and ask this lawyer lady to help her? Your mother is a little misunderstood by her now, but she really wants to help you, she I have experienced it myself, so I really understand you. If she is there, if your mother is willing to talk to her, your mother can stay away from your father. "

Shiyin was silent for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay."

Outside the door, Shu Ning couldn't control herself anymore, she rushed into the mediation room and cried with her daughter in her arms: "Shiyin, it's mother's fault, it's all mother's fault, it's mother who harmed you, you Don't be stupid!"

Even when she was raped by Yu Feiyuan, Shu Ning gritted her teeth and didn't cry much, but now, she couldn't control her tears: "It's useless for your mother, stupid child, it should be your mother to protect you!"

Family love is probably the most delicate relationship in the world. Family love cannot be chosen, and family love is complex enough. Such simple words can Paul love, give, absorb, dedicate, sacrifice, control, suppress, violence, help each other, support, betray, Appearance and separation, etc. all relationships.

Some relatives will give you the deepest damage, but some relatives are the sparks that support us to continue to live hard in this world.

Yu Feiyuan hurt Shu Ning, but little Yu Shiyin was thinking about protecting her mother, even in the darkest way.

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