I Am God!

Chapter 254 Our Creator is not the real Creator?

Shoeburn is dead, but not completely dead.

He turned into a spirit.

The ghost family was originally just a derivative of the villain in the bottle used to sacrifice and deprive mortals. They were playthings that appeared after being radiated by the power of the villain in the bottle.

The lowest level ghost has no intelligence, and is not even a first-level powerful person.

Because the power of wisdom has been taken away, only part of their spirituality and past memories remain in their bodies. They are more like a transparent book engraved with memories than a species.

In the previous era.

After the final battle on the Holy Mountain, Asai released all the ghosts, and this world no longer existed.

But at this moment, Xiubeng obviously still has consciousness.

He is not an ordinary ghost.

"What's wrong with me?"

"I'm not dead?"

He lowered his head and could see a glowing object in his chest.

He immediately recognized it, it was the god-given thing he had received before.

Because he wanted to understand the function and power of this item, and because it was not very big, he had been carrying it with him recently.

Unexpectedly, it was this thing that caught him at the end of death.

It was held back.

But didn't pull it back.

Because no one is sure whether he is dead or alive in this state.


"That's my body."

The moment he lowered his head, he also saw a burnt black corpse underneath his body.

He was frightened and couldn't understand what was happening.

At this time, he suddenly saw a beam of light shining down from a high place.

Then he raised his head again and saw a gap between reality and illusion.

And inside.

There is a huge and broken door.

There are complex and mysterious patterns painted on the door, which look like a big tree or a map with branching routes.

It is so dilapidated, revealing the charm of antiquity and vicissitudes of life.

One chain after another is entangled and bound on the door, as if the being inside does not want people to open it easily.


Shoeburn had a clear understanding that this was a creation of God.

That hand bone is the only key to this door.

This door does not exist in the real world, and only with Porick's right hand can its existence be found in the gap between reality and illusion.

However, in Shouben's eyes, he thought he was going to the kingdom of God.

"Have I been called by God?"

Shoeborn was a little excited. He had too many questions.

He wanted to ask his god why he brought such a huge disaster to the city of Aiweier.

They believed in the gods so devoutly, but why did they end up like this?

Shoeborn quickly walked up to the sky step by step. The earth lost its attraction and restraint on him, and there seemed to be an invisible staircase in the sky.

He crosses the border between fiction and reality.

The Gate of Truth was not summoned to the real world by him, so it was Shoeburn who left the real world and went to the edge of illusion.

He watched as the clouds, sky, and sun outside all disappeared, and he appeared in an unknown dark area.

He walked up through the darkness.

Finally, he came to the door of truth.

Matching the huge door is a broken base suspended in the void.

A large number of stones can be seen floating in the darkness. I don't know how long it has taken for this divine door to become so incomplete.

There is a "person" standing on the right side of the pedestal.

However, the moment Shoburn saw him, he didn't know whether he could be called a human being.

The other party appeared out of nowhere, at least before Shoeborn appeared, he did not exist.

He was tall and his body and face were covered with a layer of bone armor.

He was wearing a smock, which was much more gorgeous and exquisite than the clothes of the snake man. It seemed that there were no gaps at all, and the patterns on it were as exquisite as the clothes of gods in mythology.

But the moment he got closer, Shoeburn saw that the other party's body was transparent.

Shoeborn even noticed that the opponent's right hand was missing.

He suddenly looked at the bones of his right hand that supported his transparent body, and vaguely understood something.

That right hand belongs to the being in front of him, a completely different species from the snake man.

A "person" who has been dead for who knows how many years.

"Who are you?" Shoeburn asked the other party.

The other party responded with a somewhat blank expression.

"I am Borrick, a ghost."

"A follower of Asai."

Although the two of them don't understand each other, their communication method is straight to the soul.

Shoeburn asked, "Why am I here?"

Porick's ghost raised his head and looked at Shoeborn.

"You are a witch spirit."

"Also the first witch spirit in the world."

"It is the first servant Asai created after he became a god. He is his priest in the world."

"A person from another era, I have been sleeping for too long, and I finally waited for you to come."

Shoeborn immediately shook his head and said in panic.

"No no no."

"I am not a servant of your gods, I am a believer in the Lord of Life."

Porick's ghost didn't speak, just stood there quietly.

But not long after, Shoeborn couldn't help but say again.

"What is a witch spirit?"

Polik's ghost immediately explained: "It is a priest that only a true myth can create, a new type of wise and powerful person."

"You carry part of the power of the god, and you also carry part of the knowledge of the god."

"But you have not yet entered behind the Gate of Truth, so you have not gained the knowledge of the gods."

“You’re not really converting successfully.”

Shoeborn asked Polik: "So you are also a witch spirit?"

Shoeborn could feel that the other party had existed for countless years.

"Can a witch spirit live for so long?"

Ghost Polik shook his head. In his time, Asai had not become a true myth, but a reincarnation.

"I am a ghost."

"A dead thing, a book with memories."

"A dead thing, a stone, what's the point of it existing no matter how long it lasts?"

Ghost Porick looked at Shoeburn: "And you are alive, a living witch spirit."

"This is Asai's gift to you, and it is also a gift from the gods."

Shoeborn also noticed at this time that Porick might be right, the other party was a dead thing.

Because his answer seemed to be a dialogue that had been calculated long ago.

Shoeborn then asked: "So?"

"Who is your god?"

"What are you waiting for here?"

Ghost Polik said: "My god is the god of truth and knowledge, and I am here waiting for the person in this era who can open the door."

“The God of truth and knowledge sleeps, and He lives in His dreams.”

"He has long become a myth, but has also been forgotten."

"He wants to sleep forever, but I know He will wake up one day."

"In the endless reincarnation, his power has reached its limit, and no one can sacrifice knowledge and truth to him anymore."

Ghost Polik's voice seemed to have become desolate. Maybe it was because when he was designing this passage, he also had endless sighs and sighs in his heart.

"But I know it, everyone knows it."

"The eternal Creator will return one day, and everything will begin in the next era."

"Truth and knowledge are destined to be inherited forever."

Like the demigods with life power, if the demigods with wisdom and power cannot find a way forward, their power will be stuck at a limit.

Ghost Polik suddenly stepped forward.

Step by step, he finally stood in the middle of the door.

He opened his arms towards Shoeborn and asked him loudly.

"A person from another era, are you willing to inherit this truth and knowledge?"

As Ghost Polik finished speaking, the chains on the Door of Truth began to shake.

The tightly bound door of the myth suddenly revealed a gap.

The light from inside the door shone out, completely submerging the body of Ghost Porick in the sea of ​​light, and also swallowed up Xiubeng.

In that moment.

He saw countless pictures and memories flowing around him, which seemed to record all the knowledge of another era and another civilization.

This knowledge turns into clouds and into the sea.

But at the core of it all, there is an island-like world of illusion.


He saw the illusory world frozen in time.

Polik seemed to have traveled through time and arrived at the era 200 million years ago.

Time here no longer flows, everything is fixed.

The people and things here, the stories here, and everything that has ever happened are all left behind by a powerful force.

It's like an extremely great existence is unwilling to leave this period of time.

He wants to stay in this age forever.

The vast primitive land was a desolation that Shoburn had never seen before. It was so desolate that Shoburn thought it was impossible for life to exist in this world.

But in such a world, there is a prosperous city that far surpasses the snake people.

A city so ancient to them that it can be traced back to the source of time.

And the city hasn't been functioning for a long time.

Because it has completely cut off contact with the outside world, and no new knowledge and truth has arrived here from the outside world for hundreds of millions of years.

The gods who control this place also fell into silence for endless time.


Shoeborn heard countless people calling a name, coming from all directions like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

"The god of truth and knowledge."

"Asai, Asai who defeated and killed the evil spirit."

"The existence that opened the age of myth and the truth-seeker who uncovered the mystery of eternal life."


"He opened the magic box and closed it himself."


That was another era, a group of races that created ancient civilizations' memories and shouts for this god.

Shoeborn was so shocked by these sounds that he felt dizzy, but at this moment, he completely came back to his senses.

He found that he was still standing in front of the door.

He did not enter the world beyond the door.

What just happened was that he saw the mirror image inside the door through the gap.

He can feel it.

If you take one step forward, you will gain powerful strength, get a chance to live again, and struggle out from the edge of death.

But he also knew that as long as he took a step forward, he would betray his faith.

Shoeburn was terrified.

He was finally completely sure that he was not coming to the Kingdom of the Creator.

What he came to was truly an unknown realm of gods.

he shouted in his mind.

"No, I am a believer in the Lord of Life."

"I am the chief attendant of the temple and the most loyal servant of God."

"I absolutely cannot believe in another unknown god."

He is a descendant of the Mother of Snakes and believes in the Creator of all things in the world and the Lord of Life.


He did not enter the door of truth, but fled in a hurry.

The ghost Polik stood by the door like a statue.

He did not prevent Shoeburn from leaving, nor did he offer any persuasion.


Shoeburn escaped from the boundary between illusion and reality, or it can also be called the edge of the dream world or the spiritual world.

He reappeared on the sea in the real world, standing on the charred ship.

He only stood in front of the door of truth for a short while, but the real world has passed for a long time.

Day turned into night again.

He looked at the charred sailboat covered in burn marks.

Looking at myself facing the bow of the ship like a pilgrim.

Although it was beyond recognition, he could feel his helplessness and despair through that face.

"It turns out I'm really dead."

Shoeborn stretched out his hand, wanting to touch his body.

But he found that his hand passed through his body.

He is just a spirit body and cannot touch things in this world at all.

At this time, he truly accepted the fact that he had become a wizard spirit.

He turned his head and looked in other directions. There were corpses everywhere on the deck.

He suddenly made a stiff expression, his whole face seemed to be working hard, and he said in an almost crying voice.

"other people."

"They're all dead too."

At this time, he suddenly saw a figure wandering in the dark corner on the other side of the ship.

As if he had found some treasure, Shoeborn immediately chased after the opponent.

He saw a middle-aged man wearing a crown, who was half-floating and walking back and forth on the side of the ship.

He seemed to want to get off the boat, but he couldn't leave.

"My kingdom."

"My city of Everville."

He kept mumbling these two sentences, back and forth, repeating them.

Shoeborn immediately stepped forward excitedly and asked loudly.


"Are you still there too?"

But his king had turned into a ghost, just following his memory and talking blankly, without responding to him at all.

Shoeborn suddenly remembered the words of Ghost Porick and said with some pain in his mouth.

"The ghost is just a dead thing, and the shaman is a gift from God."

Immediately afterwards, Shoeburn discovered more ghosts on the ship.

The royal family, nobles, divine attendants, and soldiers who boarded the ship were all dead. Everyone lost their intelligence and body, and became a ghost trapped on the ship.

Everyone was wandering on the boat, talking about things they couldn't let go of before they died.

Or scared, or uneasy, or missing.

Shoeborn persistently asked everyone here, but no one could respond to him. On the contrary, it continued to make Shoeborn's inner pain worse.

And Shoeburn himself actually became a prisoner on the ship like these ghosts.

Although he was lucky enough to become a wizard spirit, he did not complete the final transformation.

He has no power now.

The difference from Ghost is that he still retains his wisdom.

He had no way to interfere with things in this world. He could only watch the ship drift aimlessly on the sea.

Floating towards a destination he didn't even know.


"It can't be like this."

He looked into the distance. Although he didn't know his location, based on the stars in the sky, he could be sure that Ewell City was in that direction.

"I want to go back."

"The city of Ewell cannot just disappear, and our country cannot just die."

"We are the descendants of Aiweier. We have finally built a country and a civilization that belongs to us."

"It can't just be gone."


He made his decision.

He looked up to the sky, and through the gap between illusion and reality, he saw the huge and broken door again.

This time he was no longer passive, nor did he step forward blankly.

He is ready.


Ghost Porick is still at the door of truth, but as long as Shoeborn doesn't ask questions, he usually won't take the initiative to speak.

Shoeborn stood in front of the ghost Porick.

"I made a decision."

"I want to go in, and I want to gain the power of the witch spirit."

Ghost Polik's sluggish body finally responded, and he raised his head.

"The key is with you, you are the one who really opens the door."

"not me."


The magical tool Porick's right hand in Shoeburn's body finally emitted light, and the Gate of Truth in front of him moved again.

The door was not fully opened and was still bound by heavy chains.

But a light emerged from the crack in the door.

The chain is not to prevent outsiders from entering, but to prevent the power inside from leaking out.

Every time this door representing the power of myth was opened, it heralded disaster.

That ray of light shone on Xiubeng's body, and Xiubeng's figure also disappeared in the light.

He finally entered the door of truth.

That light brought Shoborn to the ocean of knowledge and truth according to his will.

He saw countless images passing by.

He wanted to pry into the secrets, but all he got was a blurry afterimage.

This time.

He did not see the city frozen in time, but came to a huge temple.

But this temple looks less like a temple and more like a huge library.

There are densely packed bookshelves on both sides, filled with countless books.

It's just that the books here are not recorded in the form of paper pages, but are recorded on silk one after another, organized into book scrolls.

For snake people, this is an unspeakable luxury.

But when I think about this being the country of a god, I feel like it’s just commonplace.


The temple is also inlaid with a large number of stone slabs, and the grids are filled with bone plates and other things that record text.

If it weren't for the statue of the god on the altar, he would never have imagined that this place was a temple.

He saw one ghost after another, these people were all members of the Borrick family.

After their death, they all became part of the Gate of Truth.

Shoeborn walked in and repeated his words to a ghost in front of the statue.

"I want to gain the power of the witch spirit."

The ghost standing next to the statue said: "Sacrifice yourself, give everything you have to the gods."

As soon as he opened his mouth, a force immediately wrapped around Xiubeng.

Shoeborn immediately felt that something very important about him had been extracted.

But in the present world, his body melted instantly.

He sacrificed his body.

A force entered the Gate of Truth, condensed into one body in this temple, and finally turned into a leather book and fell.

The leather book fell into Shoeborn's hand, and he immediately felt a powerful power surge in his body.

And the name of this book immediately came to his mind.

"The Book of Witch Spirits."

And his body gradually became solid.

When he holds this book, he has the power to interfere with reality, and he can touch it like a physical body.

This book is the essence of a wizard spirit and the basis for its spells and power.

It is an existence created by the wizard spirit sacrificing his own body.

Witch spirits do not have a fixed form, and they can transform between reality and reality after possessing the Book of Witch Spirits.

And through the Book of Witch Spirits and the power of God, he can exert all kinds of incredible powers.

Shoeborn finally got what he wanted, and he also had the strength to return to the living world and start everything he wanted again.

The moment he raised his head.

Shoeborn suddenly discovered the murals on the dome, but it was obvious that the paintings on the murals were not the gods enshrined in the temple.

The existence on the mural seems to be greater and more unfathomable than the gods in this temple.

Shoeborn felt strange because this was a temple.

Who would depict another being who is not the god enshrined in the temple on top of the god's head?

It feels as if the other person is a god worshiped by a god.

"What is that?" Shoeborn asked curiously.

The ghost also answered.

"King of Wisdom."


"The firstborn son of Insai, the Creator, and the source of all wisdom and spirituality."

"As long as they are creatures of the wisdom bloodline, they are descendants of the King of Wisdom, Lederiki."

Originally, Shoeborn just asked casually, but the answer he got was shocking to him.

Before he came, he felt that he was just trying to make ends meet. He needed the power of this god who didn't know where it came from.

after all.

He felt that no matter how powerful this god was, could he be as powerful as the Creator?

The Mother of Life is the creator of all things in the world and the most powerful being in the world.

This is a fact recognized by all snake people, and it is also their unchanging belief.

But here, in the realm of another god.

He heard another answer.

He instantly felt that his scalp was exploding and his body was cold.

The other party's simple words made him so stunned that he didn't react for a long time.

What he focused on was not Lederiki, the King of Wisdom, but that sentence.

“Insai the Creator.”

He asked the other party almost with a trembling voice: "What does this mean?"

"Creator? Yinsai?"

He questioned loudly, as if everything he believed in had been overturned by others.

“What about Sally, the Mother of Life?”

"Where is the great Lord of life? What is He?"

The ghost replied: "The master of life power, the god on the left side of the throne of creation."

Shoeborn pointed at the ghost and said, "The god on the left side of the God of Creation?"

"Then what are you? Aren't you created by the Lord of Life?"

The ghost raised his hand, and the dome of the temple lit up completely.

In addition to the crown of wisdom above the head, there is also an eternal star standing in the sky in the background.

But the moment he saw Him, Shoeborn felt endless years and time rushing past.

He saw the demise of all things, the collapse of the world, and the fall of the sun.

But the other side never changes.

He is the Supreme One, the origin and end of all things and spirits.

Ghost continued: "The heaven and earth were first opened, and all things originated."

"God has come into this world."

"The god Yinsai created all things and created wisdom and life."

"The highest source of wisdom, the origin of all spirituality, is Lederiki, the King of Wisdom."

"He is the source of power for all species of intelligence and the god of all intelligent life."

"The King of Wisdom decomposed his power and gave the world wisdom."

"It was His sacrifice that gave everything a beginning and gave the world light."

The ghost's voice seemed to have traveled through time at this moment, overlapping with countless Trileaf people from 200 million years ago, echoing in this temple.

"We are the lineage of God's Firstborn Sons. We once lived in the Garden of the Creator. We once dominated this world."

"we are……"

"Trefoil man."

Shoeborn was so shocked that he was completely speechless. He could only stand in the center of the temple.

After a long time, he seemed to have fully understood the meaning of the other party's words.

He kept chanting the name of the god in his mouth, but his body took big steps back.

"Insai God?"


He didn't believe it at all, and he yelled crazily.

"What's this?"

"You are the firstborn son of God, we are just servants and creations of the Mother of Life."

"Our Creator is just the god on the left side of the throne of the real Creator?"

"The one who created all of this is another existence?"

Shoeborn seemed to be crazy: "How is this possible? How is this possible?"

"We've never heard that, we've never heard that."

"You made this all up, it doesn't even exist in our mythology."

He hurriedly fled outside the Gate of Truth, and saw the ghost Polik again.

He asked the other party awkwardly: "Who is the Creator?"

Ghost Polik looked at him and replied.


"Of course it's the God of Insai."

"I don't believe it," Shoeburn exclaimed.

"I would never believe it."

He stumbled down from the Door of Truth and disappeared into the boundless darkness.

The sun's light fell on him and the boat, but Shoeborn felt an endless emptiness.

It was as if a big hole had been dug out in his heart that could never be filled.

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