I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 1248 I really don't want to cheat!


The great turmoil on the Void Island turned into an overall landslide.

While Xu Xiaoshou was talking nonsense, he didn't stop the movements of his hands.

The Devil Emperor Black Dragon continuously projected the magic breath energy and poured it into the cracks in the space. "This, you haven't successfully broken the seal yet?" Even Xu Xiaoshou was shocked.

It's hard to imagine that just one explosion is enough to destroy the holy five-fingerprint seed technique in the inner space of the Hall of Sin.

Throwing it into the space crack, no waves can come out.

And now the situation is...

While taking drugs, he didn't know that he had launched hundreds of attacks, plus the output of the Devil Emperor Black Dragon Sage Emperor level.

The two-pronged approach failed to destroy the crack opened by the red-hot black iron sword!

All swallowed!

Looking at the big earthquake that was reflected on the outer island of the void island, Xu Xiaoshou really didn't know when this space crack would consume energy before it would end.

But one thing he can confirm...

Heavenly Ancestor Inheritance, probably flew!

The spiritual masters on the island became more and more panicked, and the ghosts and beasts in the world outside the mirror became more and more expectant.

As for the falling into the abyss, under Xu Xiaoshou's nervous guard, Rao Yaoyao, who was almost famous for being named Jian Tianjie, was forcefully stopped.

"Yan headless..."

The black dragon flashed by.

Xu Xiaoshou, who was riding on the dragon's head, saw that Yan Wuse had returned, and he had Yu Lingdi's secondary door in his hand.

"Old Ba, Lao Ba, that's all I can do."

"Long Bao has no strength, and I have no strength. Once the door of face opens this time, no one can stop it." Xu Xiaoshou swallowed, feeling that the situation had taken a turn for the worse.

He didn't have any confidence to block the second door in the hands of the semi-holy Yan Wushi, let alone stop Yan Wushi from breaking the inner island's seal.

There is only one solution to this situation.

The eight gods appear,

Or maybe he has other back-ups coming out, or just now...

The inner island is broken!

"call out!"

Another energy source flew past, the red-hot black iron sword trembled slightly, and the crack in space swallowed the attack.

No feedback!

"Long Bao, you must have a way to contact the Eight Masters, right? You are the great master of the black veins!" Xu Xiaoshou looked difficult.

"The latter sentence, my emperor approves, the former, I'm sorry, this emperor has no choice..." Demon Emperor Black Dragon said flatly, "Besides, this emperor can't continue to help you attack."

It leaped into the sky and stopped outputting.

As a holy emperor, it couldn't take too many shots on the outer island, and it also destroyed the major Jedi on the void island.

But because of Xu Xiaoshou, now the entire outer island is almost bursting with its energy.

This has reached the limit!

Take another shot, the incarnation of the idea of ​​the Devil Emperor Black Dragon will be killed by the rules while being exiled.

And the main body entrenched in the inner island will be punished.

This result, the Devil Emperor Black Dragon actually expected it long ago.

When it chose to listen to Xu Xiaoshou's fight for freedom, it was aiming for this goal.

In its eyes, against the Holy Spirit Temple, the probability of miracles is almost equal to zero. How many years?

How many times did Inner Island try?

Every time, it ended in failure!

How could it be possible that the eight masters didn't meet each other this time, but because of one Xu Xiaoshou, they were able to succeed?

The Devil Emperor Black Dragon didn't even think about winning.

It's just a statement, it's just to get a wave of goodwill from Xu Xiaoshou.

If this human kid died in the middle of his growth, or in the current battle, he died suddenly.

The Devil Emperor Black Dragon didn't lose, at most he lost some face.

But once Xu Xiaoshou grows up to become the second eight masters, the attitude of the Demon Emperor Black Dragon today will be the greatest contribution in the future.

Die to fight!

Great work

Here it is!

Xu Xiaoshou never thought that Long Bao's little calculations were so meticulous, he just heard these words and fell into deep thought.

"There is no other way?"

"The Devil Emperor Black Dragon can't make a move, so let's not stop Yan Wushi's actions, I can't even resist if Yan Wuse wants to kill me."

"Since that's the case, is there a possibility that the Devil Emperor Black Dragon can shoot without restrictions?" Xu Xiaoshou thought of himself first.

He is the exception, but is this because he is in the process of accepting the inheritance of Tianzu, and he is regarded as a friend of the Void Clan?

In short, there is no longer a countdown in your mind.

But if the Devil Emperor Black Dragon can be recognized by the will of Tianzu, it has been recognized long ago, and it will not wait until today.

Therefore, this way is dead!

As for laughing Kongtong...

It is estimated that there are still some exempt orders and exempt orders, but they are all in his special space ring. This thing only recognizes one owner!

Lei Xi'er tried the ring, but couldn't open it.

Unless Xiao Kongtong is killed, and then his specially made interspatial ring is crushed, it is literally "killing people to seize treasure".

Before everything in the ring was shattered or fell into the broken space, Xu Xiaoshou used the space attribute to get a few pieces.

If you are lucky, you can get a few death warrants and exemption orders.

But killing people is obviously impossible, just think about it...

Xu Xiaoshou also tried to make Lei Xi'er ask Greedy God to control the unconscious Xiao Kongtong to open the ring and take out the order of avoiding death and avoiding expulsion.

Ended, no doubt, or failed.

The personality of the three annoyed pupils is high.

But Xiao Kongtong is immersed in the even more terrifying second world, and it is impossible to wake up and respond.

As long as this move can be successful, who in this world would waste time practicing ancient swordsmanship? Find a Lei family to kill and take the eyes, isn't this a real step up to the sky? Looking down, he took the elixir on the falling abyss, grabbed the door of the second face, Dao swallowed it, and began to refine the aura of heaven and earth, and restore his colorless color.

Xu Xiaoshou knew that there was not much time left for him.

At the right time, he looked at Yan Wuse, Rao Yaoyao, and Yu Lingdi, and felt something was touched.

That's right, why the Devil Emperor Heilong, Mr. Siren, etc., except Xiao Kongtong's own people, are restricted by the rules of the outer island of the void island, so they can't make a move with all their strength.

People from the Holy Spirit Hall can do it?

"Mysterious Box!"

Xu Xiaoshou thought of the three special celestial boxes that were blown out by Mr. Ji Ren's three swords in the Hall of Sin at that time.

He already knew that it was the secret creation of the master of Taoism, which could shield the rules of heaven and earth and make unlimited shots on the void island.

But at that time, he had just broken through, and his passive value wasted.

He couldn't even understand the secret creations like the Mysterious Void Box, let alone smash them or make use of them.

Now, things are very different!

"Perhaps there is the mark of the master of the Dao Palace on it, and people who are not from the Holy God Palace can't use it." "But what if my level of Heavenly Secret Art reaches the holy level?"

"Could it be that as long as I get the Mysterious Void Box, I can crack it and use the enemy's things for my own use?"

Gaming head-on with the firmament!

Xu Xiaoshou didn't dare to think about this before, but now, he is eager to try.

Looking down, in the distant deep stream, there is still a decapitated Angel of Heaven stuck in the pile of rubble.

He vaguely remembered that some people from the Holy Spirit Hall secretly carried out dirty transactions before.

Situ Yong took out the Xuanxu box and gave it to Rao Yaoyao and Yu Lingdi, but he kept one for himself.

Now Situ Yong is dead and his body has been cremated.

The Xuanxu box cannot even be cut off by Mr. Ji Ren's sword, and it must not be burned, and it did not appear during the cremation...

That's only one result.

It's on the Divine Envoy of Heaven's Mystery!

Xu Xiaoshou thanked Situ Yong.

This is a good guy, so he doesn't have to kill him

The idea of ​​Xiaoqiang Yu Lingdi, Rao Yaoyao and Yan Wuse who can't beat at all.

He glanced at the mysterious envoy who was uncontrolled, and then at Long Bao.

As long as one gets the Mysterious Void Box, the combat power of Long Bao, the incarnation of the Holy Emperor's mind, can be completely liberated. He couldn't imagine how Yan Wuse and Rao Yaoyao would die!

And all of this must be based on the fact that Xu Xiaoshou suddenly reached the holy level in the technique of Tianji, which is comparable to, or only slightly weaker than Dao Qiongcang.

You don't need to learn how to create secrets, but at least you have to know how to crack them.

Unfortunately, Xu Xiaoshou did possess such a skill.

"Damn, I didn't want to."

"But all of this was forced by you."

Xu Xiaoshou cast his mind on the bottom of the information bar, looked at the long series of numbers, and sighed, "I really don't want to hang up..."

Passive value: 3551314.

Fighting with Yu Lingdi from the Temple of Sin, fighting with Jiang Buyi, fighting with No. 2, even breaking through the Temple of Sin, fighting with Xiao Kongtong, all the way to the Yuanyuan...

This way, you won't earn much passive value.

The figure of 3.55 million is all due to the sensationalism in the Hall of Sin, and after the Devil Emperor Black Dragon came out, he swaggered through the market on a dragon.

But this only earned a small part of it, probably hundreds of thousands!

The rest is all contributed by Yan Wuse, one of the Three Emperors, the Light of Refining Spirit.

Not because of his explosive attack power, but because of his "light energy world". In the world of light energy, move your finger, the passive value is "+9999".

Even a hero like Xu Xiaoshou, who is so afraid of pain and vows never to use his body to increase his passive value, couldn't help but sell his body for the passive value.

He secretly swiped hundreds of times.

It's a pity that the light energy world doesn't appear many times, and the duration of each appearance is not long.

In order to survive, Xu Xiaoshou had to break his tricks in a short time.

But enough!

A Tier 4 skill points 50,000 passive points, and it only costs 500,000 to move from Throne Lv.1 to Holy Emperor Lv.0.

"Dragon treasure."


"Remember, I did this because I love you."

"Ah? What are you crazy about?"

The devil emperor Heilong was shocked when he heard the dragon's body, and almost thought that Xu Xiaoshou would also give himself a "Holy Great Punishment Technique".

It's not masculine!

However, as soon as the voice above his head fell, the Demon Emperor Heilong noticed that Xu Xiaoshou's body was rippling with a terrifying dao charm.

Round, round, round...

Even a breakthrough in epiphany cannot emit such a majestic breath of dao rhyme.

This has almost turned into substance, above the high altitude, in the form of space waves, pushing away in all directions.

"what happened?"

All the people looking at the distant sky have noticed the abnormality of Xu Xiaoshou on the dragon's head.

To be honest, they only saw the body of the dragon, not even Xu Xiaoshou's people.

But the dao rhyme breath is too scary, it's almost like a saint is preaching. Looking at it at a glance, if everyone has realized something, they only feel that their thoughts are clear, and many Taoisms that could not be understood before can be understood at a touch.


Not long after, when a thunderbolt exploded on the sunny day, everyone woke up like a dream, and each had their own gains. That sound, which was very similar to the thunder calamity, was not deafening to the sound of heaven and earth breaking on the Void Island at this time.

But everyone realized that Xu Xiaoshou might have made another breakthrough!


"In, in such a situation, he can feel something, an epiphany breakthrough?"

"Who is this? This is, is he still letting people live? He is fighting against the semi-holy!"

"Is he not nervous at all?"

"Look! Elder Yan also moved..."

Yan Wuse naturally also sensed the Taoist breath that suddenly opened up in Xu Xiaoshou's position above the sky.

It was very strange that he actually felt similar fluctuations in the Dao Yun aura of the Dao Yun.

Xu Xiaoshou, suddenly realized the secret art?

After Yan Wuhui breathed out, he let out a sneer, and put this absurd idea behind him, feeling ashamed of his stupidity.

"Pay attention, Xu Xiaoshou may have another moth."

He gave a worried warning, then grabbed the second door and flew towards the red-hot black iron sword.

"Weaving Proficiency (Throne Lv.2)."

"Weaving Proficiency (Throne Lv.3)."


"Weaving Proficiency (Holy Emperor)."

Closing and opening the eyes, the textile proficiency has been upgraded.

It's not the main method of battle, nor is it his best ability. Xu Xiaoshou has experience, and he has no burden to put it on the Holy Emperor Lv.0.

The situation was exactly as he had expected, there was only a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and it never really caused a holy catastrophe.

After he opened his eyes, his eyes were bloodshot, and the veins on his forehead were twitching wildly, which was the aftereffect of the forced upgrade.

In a short period of time, a lot of knowledge flooded into Xu Xiaoshou's mind.

Those complicated Taoisms were already obscure and difficult to understand, but at this time it was like a craniotomy, and he was so full that he almost screamed in pain.

But Xu Xiaoshou endured it.

The situation was urgent, and he didn't have so much time to digest it slowly, so he could only upgrade first and then realize it. As for pain...

Anything that can't be killed immediately can be tolerated, so Xu Xiaoshou will tolerate it. Can't bear it, at this moment, the combination of various passive skills has been able to save his brain that might be fried.

Naturally, Xu Xiaoshou also has more unscrupulous ways to upgrade.

Looking up, everything in the world has changed.

Under the witness of the Holy Emperor, every plant, every tree, every flower and every stone on the outer island of Void Island seemed to have a reason for its existence.

Just like what Xu Xiaoshou saw in the fantasy world he entered when "Textile Proficiency" was opened for the first time.

Everything, whether living or dead, has its own "picture". The veins of grass, the annual rings of trees, the texture of stones, the bones of people...

These are all pictures of natural principles!

They correspond one to one, and they are a certain part of the way of heaven and the way of the holy!

"I see, I see..."

Xu Xiaoshou pressed his fingers to his temples, his red eyes widened, and he murmured like a bewildered man.

He once again looked at the envoy of Heaven's Secret who had been decapitated.

This time, what he saw was not the appearance of a three-foot-tall man in sackcloth, but the criss-crossing laws of heaven inside.

Hundreds of millions of nested heavenly secret spirit arrays outline a human-like diagram of the Tao, which is borrowed from the power of the Holy Tao.

Sophisticated, complex, dazzling!

This is the reason why the Divine Envoy of Heaven's Secret is known as the "Strongest Half Saint"!

The former Xu Xiaoshou couldn't understand it at all, and couldn't see it through. After all, Dao Qiongcang's level was too high and his handwriting was too big!

The current him, even though he still feels that such a nested heavenly secret formation counted in "billions" is simply out of the world.

But although he can't copy it, he can see through the truth one or two.

"Sit in..."

"I, can manipulate it!"

He had never been trained to manipulate the puppets of heavenly secrets, but at a glance, Xu Xiaoshou had such a bold idea.

Moreover, he felt that this idea had a 70% chance of being realized!

At this moment, Xu Xiaoshou's eyes flashed scarlet, and his breathing became heavier. He completely forgot what his original intention of recklessly leveling the "Textile Proficiency" skill was.

Crazy pictures of "Liberated State·Tianji Shenshou" appeared in his mind like a revolving lantern...

Just that, Xu Xiaoshou felt that he was going crazy with excitement!

Naturally, he also understood why Situ Yongren, who was seated in the Divine Envoy of Heaven's Secret, would be so arrogant that he thought he had the ability to save him from a jihad situation.


"Long Bao, I will disappear first."

Before the Devil Emperor Heilong could react, Xu Xiaoshou disappeared.

After a while, his pale face twitched, as if his body had been hollowed out.


With a touch of the Devil Emperor Black Dragon under his feet, Xu Xiaoshou leaped into the air.

He took a deep breath, in front of everyone on Void Island, in front of all the ghosts and beasts in the world outside the mirror, in front of Yan Wushi, Rao Yaoyao, and Devil Emperor Black Dragon, he mobilized his holy power and frantically Shout out:

"Stop what you're doing, old man!"

"All eyes, look at me!"



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