I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 765 The Logical Paradox-style Terror That Everyone Satisfies


Cenchov laughed: "Do you feel that you haven't even thought about the word 'Sage Emperor' seriously, and even, in your growth experience, you haven't heard it many times?"

Xu Xiaoshou looked up in shock.

Did this old woodcutter master the mind reading technique?

"This old man doesn't have the ability to read minds, but this old man knows that there are some mysteries. After being blocked by the way of heaven, the world doesn't even have the chance to think about them." Cenchov calmed down and said.

"Foolish people?" Xu Xiaoshou poked his head.

"It's not that I can't understand it..."

Cenchov hesitated for a while, and did not refute. He returned to the previous topic: "So use your clever little brain to think about what the chief wants you to do, or what is the root of what you want to pursue?"

This time Xu Xiaoshou blurted out two words without any thought.

"Freedom, Guardian!"

This is the meaning of life that he found and summed up in the predicament of the world of mortals along the way.

But at this moment, Xu Xiaoshou suddenly felt that he needed to add another one.

"...and the 'truth'!"

Cenchov was slightly moved, he didn't refute or ridicule, but after a long pause, he said with emotion: "That's right, do you know the old man's story?"

"Well, what's the matter?" Xu Xiaoshou nodded, and said in surprise: "The woodcutters in the southern region have become slashers overnight. Let me ask you, who in this world doesn't know?"

He used to hold a skeptical attitude towards the story of "slaying Tao overnight", but he didn't know the difficulty of it.

But now along the way, he collided with many thrones and Zhan Dao.

Xu Xiaoshou knew that if this story came true.

Cenchov, maybe he should be the protagonist of that day, right?

This is a proper way to grow with a protagonist template!

"So, your legend of 'slaying the Tao overnight' has also been passed on, and it has become a myth, or...is it true?" Xu Xiaoshou asked tentatively.

Tzenchov smiled lightly.

"It's not a legend, it's a fact."

"When those old men were still in the mountains, they actually yearned for the world outside the mountains; but after becoming Dao Zhan, they yearned for the world outside the sky even more."

"I don't know, did the first seat tell you the so-called... answer?"

Xu Xiaoshou was taken aback.

He naturally knew the "answer" given by the eight masters.

And in the journey planned by the other party for him, after going through the trial of the king city, the trial of the holy palace, and entering the training base for saints in the mainland...

Xu Xiaoshou still remembered the night after the First World War in Bagongli, when Bazun lay on a rock and talked with him at the moon:

"There, maybe you can find the answer you want."

It was also at this time that when the memory was brought back to reality, Cenchov on the opposite side blurted out a similar sentence: "When you go to the Four Elephant Secret Realm, you will probably be able to find some of the answers you want, part of them."

Xu Xiao was shocked.

He even wondered if Zenchov had been brainwashed.

In other words, the other party is a partnership of two, so they want to come and brainwash one of them.

"The eight masters taught you these words?" Xu Xiaoshou couldn't help being curious.

"What do you mean?" Cenchov turned his head, a little puzzled, but soon realized, "It seems that the chief minister did say something similar to you, isn't it hard to believe?"

"It's not too difficult..." Xu Xiaoshou knew what he was going to say, so he blocked him in advance.

Tzenchov choked again.

He rolled his eyes, took a deep breath, as if he didn't hear it, and started talking to himself:

"It was hard for the old man to believe it at the time, but as he walked out step by step and saw too much, he gradually became numb."

"Not only the old man, but the storyteller, Haitanger, including your master, and those people you have never met..."

"Shen Yi, Wen Ting, Cao Yihan, You Tu, Kong Yuhen, Feng Tingchen, etc. are all looking for this answer!"

"You should have seen quite a few organizations surviving under the Temple of the Holy God by now, such as the Holy Slave, Xuyue Gray Palace, Hades, etc., including those real mainland-level supremacy forces that you may not have come into contact with..."

"San Yuexian City, Western Region Buddhist Sect, Northern Region Tianmeng, etc. are also looking for this answer!"

"Everyone finds the answer in different ways, and the process is also very different, but in the final analysis, the essence is basically the same."

Xu Xiaoshou was shocked.

In the words of the old woodcutter, he heard too many names of seniors.

Those are well-known characters, basically, everyone has their own legends.

Even Xu Xiaoshou had only heard of one name, and some had never even heard of it.

But no exceptions.

Each of the examples given by Cenchov is almost at the peak of his life, and he can stand on an equal footing with the eight masters.

Cenchov moistened his throat with a cup of tea, and continued:

"And the answers they found were indeed not all found in the Holy Palace."

"But still, except for the results, everyone is in the process of finding the answer that they can fight for for the rest of their lives."

"Then some disappeared, and some lived in a corner..."

"Some people have found the answer and dare not look further."

"Some people suddenly understood something halfway through the journey, and terminated the journey ahead of schedule."

"Some people, after thinking about this answer, force themselves to stop thinking about it and choose to live a peaceful life."

"But there are also many people like this old man who are not afraid of death and choose to resist, haha..."

Tzenchov laughed.

Xu Xiaoshou was in a daze.

He felt more and more that Sang Lao's "cage theory" was too scary.

This is really a lingering fog that shrouds the sky and the earth!

There were insinuating mentions.

No one dared to face it directly.

Even the eight gods have spent decades of silence after the legend of "three breaths of innateness, three years of sword immortality".

Even when the world thought he was dead, he dared to choose to come back.

Behind the answer, is there really such a powerful shadow?

Can this shadow be so terrifying that even a genius as strong as Ba Zunwen has to calmly wait for decades before he has the courage to face it?

"What is my answer?" Xu Xiaoshou asked after hesitating for a long time. He actually vaguely understood what the old woodcutter was going to say.

As expected, Tzenchov waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Find it yourself!"

"The old man can give you an instruction. The trial of the king city is to the void island, and the secret realm of the four elephants is to everything you want."

"The rest, the truth you want, you find it yourself, because that is beyond the reach of this old man!"

Xu Xiaoshou got a headache from hearing this.

He has understood this truth for a long time.

Such an answer, even if it is too empty, cannot be said directly.

Only those people who are familiar with Bazun can give Xu Xiaoshou a slightly clear outline of the answer under such ambiguous circumstances.

Ordinary people, generally too imaginary, even fear to avoid it.

——Secret, don’t let it out!

"You managed to get rid of me." After a long time, Xu Xiaoshou sighed with emotion.

He does feel that the final goal is not very important anymore, but the road to go in the process is actually quite long and more important.

"Holy Palace..."

"Four Elephant Secret Realm..."

"Void Island..."

From far to near, Xu Xiaoshou thought of the very thorny problem left.

"So, now that I have broken through to the Grandmaster, if I still want to participate in the King City Trial, wouldn't it be the old woodcutter you said, carrying the banner to cross the enemy army and seeking death?"

Cenqiaofu glared at him angrily, and scolded: "It depends on your own ability, your strongest kid is not the way to fool people?"

Xu Xiaoshou: "..."

Where am I like this?

At this moment, Cen Qiaofu stared at Xu Xiaoshou to size him up and down, and said in amazement: "But how did you do it? Breaking through the master, even in the eyes of Taixu, you only have the innate realm. This ability to deceive the sky, I am afraid that even the first person can't do it." Not as good as you."

Xu Xiaoshou straightened his chest and flicked his sleeves slightly: "It's nothing more than a trick, it's not worth mentioning."

Tzenchov pouted immediately.

"Despised, passive value, +1."

After a few words, Cenqiaofu consciously gave the meaning completely, and Xu Xiaoshou could fully understand it.

At this time, he was looking at the sky outside the building with his spiritual thoughts, looking at the north, and said slowly:

"It's getting late, the old man still has his own business to do, this time he was summoned by the Chief, but he actually brought some instructions."

"One, participate in the King City Trial; two, get the top three and go to the Four Elephant Secret Realm."

"What will happen in the middle, you will see it yourself, whether you want to participate or not, in fact, it all depends on your own heart."

"But as long as you take these two steps, he said you will understand everything yourself."

After a pause, Cenchov put down the tea cup and tapped his fingers on the table: "These superficial instructions are a bit like orders. Originally, the old man didn't want to say them, but just wanted to let you know, but it doesn't really matter if you say them or not. Believe me." I understand, after all, you are not stupid."

Xu Xiaoshou was speechless again.

You don't say it!

I've said all the good and bad things here, just to fear that someone will bite back at that time, saying that you didn't give explicit instructions, right?

Human spirit!

I, Xu Xiaoshou, am I the kind of person who would beat me up?

After conveying the instructions, Cen Qiaofu no longer wanted to care about Xu Xiaoshou's reaction, so he got up directly and was about to go out.

Xu Xiaoshou followed suit, and finally asked, "So what happened to the others in the Yunlun Mountains?"

"Don't worry, everything is going according to plan."

Cen Qiaofu looked back suddenly: "This time, it should be the biggest loss for the Holy Spirit Palace. Not only is it thankless, but even a few ghosts and beasts have not been caught. Rao Yaoyao will be worse than Gou Wuyue. "

Xu Xiaoshou was silent.

He thought of the operation of the Holy God Hall this time, Rao Yaoyao led the team, but in the end he was really tossed between himself and the eight gods, and they ran back and forth, with no results.

Next, who will bear the wrath of the sword fairy?

At that time, Gou Wuyue at least caught the second-in-command of Sheng Slave, right?


Seeing Xu Xiaoshou pondering, Cen Qiaofu didn't intend to ask any more questions, so he immediately waved his hand and disappeared.

The first floor in the sky is the power of "Young Master Xu". He is a holy slave, and if he stays for a long time, he may change.

After all, the ass of this "semi-holy heir" force has not been wiped clean by himself!

"This is the end..."

Xu Xiaoshou watched the old woodcutter fling away after making a few words, and couldn't help falling into the previous state of thinking again.

Undoubtedly, during or after the King City Trial, Saint Slave will make another big move.

Void Island!

This thing was summoned. Although Rao Yaoyao could delay the landing, but its landing point was the Yunlun Mountains, so it didn't run away.

Maybe there is another boost, the card appeared in the middle of the King City trial, and the Void Island landed earlier.

This will be a headache for the headquarters of the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

But outsiders know too little about the inside story of "Void Island".

On the contrary, the title of "Sky City", which has the legend of "Consecrated Saint Daoji", is more widely known.

Then, with this "City of the Sky" floating above the East Heavenly King City like this, the rumors of "Conferring the Holy Daoist Foundation" that have been floating for several months will be directly confirmed.

At that time.

The ones who really tried to get their hands on the "Conferred Saint Dao Foundation" could only be those Taixu who are closest to the Bansheng, those who are at the top of the mainland.

And among this kind of people, the major forces... It should be said that the leaders of the major dark forces, ghost beast hosts are mostly.

Because most of those who can embark on the path of canonization from the righteous path have received the education of the Holy Palace and should be "righteous" people.

Those who failed to go from the righteous path to the path of holiness need to take advantage of the opportunity of the void island to complete their path and reach the path of holiness.

So, how will the Temple of the Holy Spirit continue to lay out, stop and intercept it?

In other words, there is no need to stop, intercept...

Xu Xiaoshou thought about it, raised his eyes and used "perception" to explore the void island that slowly pulled himself out of the broken space, and always felt that this scene was very scary.

It's like Void Island is waving happily to the big bosses of the dark forces that have been hiding in the mainland for a long time, saying:

"Come on, guest officer, come on, pies are about to fall in the sky above the East Heavenly King City. As long as you survive the defensive attack of the Holy God Hall, you can all be consecrated."

——An absurd sense of "Yangmou" déjà vu!

However, Xu Xiaoshou knew that this was done by the Eight Masters.

The Holy Spirit Hall originally did not want to make the Void Island public.

So, is it all a coincidence?

The dark forces such as the Holy Slave are happy, and justice such as the Temple of the Holy Spirit stops them, and it seems that they will not be particularly sad because the Void Island is summoned.

Because if you think about it from another angle, they just need to prepare everything and wait for the turtle to be caught in the urn, seems to be all right?


Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoshou shuddered.

He felt that he should take the route of Wangcheng trial!

Although after the night battle in Wangcheng, the trial of Wangcheng is still full of wind and rain, and there is a sign that the battle situation will be upgraded.

But those are all considered by the bigwigs who really need to "canonize the Daoist foundation".

I am the master... er no, innate, I just need to follow the path of the younger generation.

"Trial in the royal city!"

Thinking of the trial in Wangcheng, Xu Xiaoshou thought of the quota for the trial.

Now that he is a real master, if he wants to pretend to be an innate person to enter the trial of the king's city, the first thing he has to pass is the investigation stage of the Holy God Hall.

Hidden, can you bear it?

Xu Xiaoshou was a little worried, but soon relieved.

Trials in the mere royal city will not cause a semi-saint to come, this is illogical and should...

At this moment, while he was thinking, there was a knock on the door.


For the time being, Xu Xiaoshou decided to go back to the room and quickly upgrade his passive skills, and looked up.

Xiao Wanfeng pushed the door in with two big dark circles under his eyes, his whole body was in a state of weakness visible to the naked eye.

He's just an ordinary guy.

But since entering the first floor in the sky, it seems to be squeezed dry by a goblin.

It's obviously just a job of serving tea and water, but he, an ordinary person, is indispensable in any Tianluo battle or Wangcheng night battle.

Following Young Master Xu to make troubles, going back and forth, Xiao Wanfeng completely messed up his work and rest, and now there is a sign that he may die suddenly in a second.

"Young Master Xu, Miss Lian from Duojin Trading Company is asking to see you." Xiao Wanfeng at the door forcibly pulled himself together.

Xu Xiaoshou looked at the boy and hesitated for a while, then hesitatingly said:

"Do you want to go to rest first? Or I will give you a salary increase, or...how about you try to practice again? Work hard and become a spiritual master who doesn't need to sleep?"

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