"SWL is hiring."

The boy spoke briefly.


Zhuangzhou knew that this team was a veteran giant, and it could be said that the future was smooth sailing when he was selected. He hurriedly asked, "Have you voted?"

Shen Chi hummed.

"Just vote." Zhuangzhou breathed a sigh of relief, "With your strength, there is definitely no problem. On the day of the interview, I called Shi Liang and the others to celebrate for you. The four of us haven't met yet in Yancheng."

Shen Chi raised his eyebrows: "I'll treat you after."

The young man was born to be good-looking, but he raised his eyebrows a little to make his eyebrows fly, and his pupils were intensely colored.

Zhuangzhou is not surprised. Shen Chi was fond of girls when he was in high school. He also did not do homework. The English class representative never remembered Shen Chi's name. for so long?"

"Hair cream to make up."

Zhuangzhou thought it was no wonder, it was not surprising that Shen Chi dyed his hair with a hair dye. Although the young man was careless about dressing up, he was precious that he had red hair and would not be touched by anyone.


On Saturday morning, Shen Chi received an interview call from SWL, informing him to come to the club for an interview at nine o'clock.

SWL is the home team of Yancheng. The club is not far from Yanda. It took half an hour to arrive. He reported to the club on time.

The recruitment requirements are high, and there are not many people participating in the interview. The manager of SWL arranged for them to enter the training room and gave them a room number and password.

He entered the room and entered the same game as the 20 players who came to interview. Two months after the end of the college entrance examination, he had completely recovered most of his hand feeling, and it was no longer strange to touch the keyboard with his fingertips.

If the college entrance examination brought him anything, it was probably more active memory and more detailed concentration, and the updated map appeared in his mind exactly.

The manager remembered Shen Chi. He once watched Shen Chi's games. At that time, when Shen Chi was not an adult, he sent an invitation to the youth training camp, but the teenager refused.

He heard the news from Shen Chi again that in the Emperor Penguin Cup single match, the teenager defeated their team's main player Zhou Tingchuan to win the championship.

But he looked at the screen and thought that the boy's hand should have recovered. Among this batch of candidates, he was most optimistic about Shen Chi.

His intuition was correct. Shen Chi won five games in six games. He asked the coach, "What do you think of Shen Chi?"

"Playing very well, there are no shortcomings in all aspects, and the long shot is especially amazing." The coach complimented him. "And he is only eighteen years old, and his career has just begun."

However, the coach immediately changed his tone: "But we are recruiting No. 4 this time. Shen Chi's style is too prominent. If he joins, the team tactics will have to be changed a lot."

The manager was silent, the No. 4 position of their team belonged to the role after the shot was broken, and they needed players from the service team. Shen Chi would undoubtedly become a star player on the field, and everyone's attention would be focused on Shen Chi.

The autumn game is coming, instead of making up for the opponent, he can sign Shen Chi first, it is nothing more than one more player sitting on the bench, which is not a burden for SWL, but he looked at the scar on the boy's wrist, this idea was just a thought. flashed by.

Anyway, SWL has always been called the Alliance Talent Delivery Camp. He was used to seeing the seedlings leave, and he walked into the training room.

Shen Chi stood up and looked at the manager.

The manager glanced at Shen Chi slowly and announced the decision: "Yang Wei stays, the others can leave."

Aware of the boy's puzzled gaze, the manager walked up to Shen Chi and explained, "You play well, but you are not suitable for our team, you will find a team that is more suitable for you."

He didn't have the heart to say everything, Shen Chi's style was too prominent, and the core of each major team did not change easily. Like Ye Ning, who retired from Live Broadcast, it was difficult to find his place in a wealthy team unless he joined a new team.

Shen Chi turned and left: "Got it."

Looking at the thin back of the young man, the manager couldn't help but remind: "There is nothing that can't be overcome."

The young man put down his sleeves and responded, there is really nothing that can't be overcome, no matter how uncomfortable it was, now thinking about it like watching other people's affairs, there is no fluctuation.


At the Yan's meeting, Xu Xin boldly said, "Zaiyuan has taken over the medical transportation project and needs to set up an ultra-low temperature cold chain storage system. I hope the group can provide financial support."

Yan Xueyiao nodded slightly.

Seeing Yan Xuexiao's approval, Zheng An, who was sitting below, immediately said: "Xu Xin, it's not that they don't provide funds. You can see the quarterly report of Zaiyuan Logistics. The net profit rate is less than 4.5%. Where did the money go?"

Xu Xin lowered his head and did not dare to mention it again.

After the meeting, Zheng An reminded Yan Xueyiao: "Xu Xin has recently become addicted to betting on horses, and his hands and feet are not clean. If he asks you for money, don't agree."

Although Xu Xin was one of his people, he despised the gamblers, and he was not so big that he let the gamblers do things for him, and gradually began to alienate him.

"Uncle Xu is my elder after all."

"Ci doesn't control the army, you are too bookish." Zheng An shook his head, Yan Xueyiao didn't look like the Yan family.

After everyone in the conference room had left, Yan Xueyiao remained in the conference room to review the documents. A Pei couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you going yet?"

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