He walked towards the depths of the forest alone, no matter how she called him from behind, he didn't hear him, and walked towards the depths of the forest without hesitation.

And deep in the forest is a swamp!

She shouted hysterically, but the villain went in anyway.

She saw that he fell into the swamp and was submerged a little bit, but she couldn't seem to get close to him, and there was no way to save him...

Little villain!

Su Jiu suddenly opened his eyes, gasped for breath, and fine sweat appeared on his forehead.

After a long while, she recovered.

Well...it's just a dream.

I didn't sleep well all night, which led to some absent-mindedness in class the next day. Even when school was over in the evening, she was still a little groggy, so that she couldn't hear what Han Sye said next to her.

"Little wine, do you want to have dinner together tonight? There is a French restaurant in the city center. I heard that it is very good."

Han Siye just said, Xiao Wei gave him a sideways glance, and said with some disgust: "You don't need to ask, I know that Xiaojiu doesn't want to eat with you."

"How do you know? You're not a small wine! Go away, you're really annoying." Han Sye hates Xiao Wei now and wants to fight him.

But in the presence of Xiaojiu, he couldn't fight, or it might scare her. In that case, she would not accept herself even more.

"You are also very annoying." Xiao Wei said calmly.

The next second, Han Siye glared at him, his brows furrowed, obviously very upset.

The atmosphere between the two was tense again, but Su Jiu was not in the mood to persuade him. His mind was full of dreams from last night, and he was vaguely worried.

Does that dream foreshadow something?

Although this statement is not reliable, she doesn't know why, she is really worried.

Seeing Su Jiu's worried look, she didn't speak, Han Sye and Xiao Wei knew that she was in a bad mood, so they could only temporarily stop fighting, and asked with concern, "Xiaojiu, what's the matter, something unhappy happened? ?"

After Han Siye finished speaking, Xiao Wei also said: "Xiaojiu, if you have anything, you can tell us. Maybe, we can help."

Su Jiu regained his senses, shook his head and said, "I'm fine, it's just... I didn't sleep well last night, and I've been out of energy all day, so I can't go to dinner with you."

Han Sye pouted, hum, he knew it would be like this.

Even if Xiaojiu slept well last night, she wouldn't go to dinner with him, he knew.

Seeing that her dark circles were indeed a little obvious, Xiao Wei nodded, "Okay, Xiaojiu, go back early, rest early, and don't stay up late."

"Okay, then I'll go first, you all hurry back." Su Jiu waved to the two of them and got into the car parked on the side of the road.

After getting on the bus, the driver turned around and asked her, "Miss, you said you would go back to Su's house two days ago to have dinner with the old man. When are you going to go back, the old man just asked the housekeeper to call me and ask me if you can't go back? Well, it looks like he's been looking forward to it."

Su Jiu remembered that he had said before that he would go back, and it would be better to hit the sun if he chose another day, so he nodded, "Then why don't we go back tonight?"

"Okay!" The driver happily started the car.

The car slowly drove away from the school gate. Su Jiu turned to look at the receding scenery outside the window. Looking at the students in different school uniforms on the street, coming and going, he suddenly thought of the figure he saw behind the banyan tree yesterday. (Don't read the next chapter for now~)

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