I Can Make Everything Level UP

Chapter 369 Absolute power (4)

Mad Spearrow- Lv 195

HP: 550/ 550

MP: 1530/ 1560

SP: 760/760

Strength: 155

Speed: 289

Magic: 730

Endurance: 112

Dexterity: 240

Status Points: 00

Skills: Steel Wing Lv 50

Spells: Fly Lv 133, Wind Arrow Lv 89, Gust Lv 76

Passive: Pain Resistance Lv 60, Fire Resistance Lv 72, Heat Resistance Lv 45, Cold Resistance Lv 56, Wind Resistance Lv 220

Skill Points: 00

"Is that guy fucking with me?" Billy frowned. "What the hell is that name?"

Even the name was the same… Regardless, that changes a few things, but not the fact that Billy and his friends had to take down and freeze as many of those monsters as possible… Their numbers were quite high, but it wasn't like they couldn't defeat all of those.

In any case, the defenders' side was armed with many crossbows and arrows. It would be helpful to have bigger weapons like siege weapons since the monsters were pretty close to each other, but Billy couldn't see any of that. Some of the mercenaries and barbarians even had a few dozen throwing spears next to them, and they were preparing to fight them as well. When the monsters entered their range, hundreds of projectiles flew toward them…

Billy's group joined them, and Billy himself fired the ice bolts with the crossbow in one hand, and he froze the wings of some other monsters with the other by manipulating the moisture in the air and next to the monsters. They easily began to fall since they didn't have much of a Resistance against the cold… Some of the monsters even fell with their heads on the ground.

You obtained 500 experience points.

You obtained 500 experience points.

You obtained 500 experience points.

That was an easy and fast experience… But while Billy was surprised, his friends were working harder than him. In any case, thanks to the massive number of enemies, no one saw him freezing the monsters directly. People got even more busy when some monsters still alive began to fall, and others began to use Wind Arrows. For his friends and for those who had experience with magic, they could sense its course and dodge it at the last moment, but normal people couldn't. The walls of some houses, the ceiling, and even the ground began to break, and dozens of holes appeared in the places the wind arrows hit. Their power sure was something…

Thanks to Billy's group's help, few people were getting hit, and while that was good and all, he was more interested in watching the monsters be killed… And then, soon afterward, they began to turn into dust. Billy knew that they weren't ordinary monsters, but for them to end up like that…

"I guess they aren't considered real creatures in this world… Summoning real monsters and then using their body materials would be an easy way to make money," Billy thought.

For whatever reason, the monsters suddenly got more agitated, and then they began to fire wind Arrows a lot faster than before. Mercenaries, soldiers, and barbarians began to fall a lot faster than before as well. They had a high tolerance to that type of attack, so only a few of them died… Without much of choice, Billy decreased the temperature of the whole area above that part of the city. Thanks to that, the monsters got a lot slower, and their attacks decreased as well… the barbarians used that change to attack more fiercely with their throwing spears. When they ran out of ammo, plenty of monsters were wounded and ready to be slain. The barbarians dashed toward like they were madmen and began to swing their axes and behead the monsters. It was quite the scene if they were on the enemy side, so Billy felt relief that they were in the case.

Regardless, Billy saw the monsters be slaughtered by the defenders. He thought that they would have to work harder. Still, things were surprisingly easy and stayed that way until the enemy's numbers decreased to a few hundred. At that point in time, they tried to escape, but everyone used all the energy they could muster on their empty stomachs to kill all the remaining ones. Billy also gave a hand by freezing the air around the monsters even more, to the point that even some ice stones began to fall. Still, thanks to that, all the monsters were exterminated… The battle didn't even last half an hour. While the previous one lasted for two, and only half of the monsters were killed.

While they were happy with the result, those involved in the fight also looked quite suspicious. They looked, trying to find what made the fight so easy, but Billy's group was already heading to the inn.

"That went a lot smoother than I expected… As expected of magic, it is too convenient," Svan said.

"No, we just got lucky that we attacked using a type of magic that the monsters were weak against," Billy said. "Besides, although you didn't fight them up close until now, they aren't that sturdy."

"Ah, come to think of it, my ax cut their heads quite easily…" Svan said while frowning. "I didn't notice that since it was too much work to bring them down before."

"What else do you realize from this battle, Billy?" Kate asked.

"We already knew that, but flying monsters are rare and the enemy… Somehow can send thousands of them to attack everyday," Billy replied. "But I assume that he just used them because it is the most troublesome type he could think of for the people here right now… And since he can make so many, they are probably not some resources that he will miss in the next confrontations."

"Without magic, we would have a hard time against those, and to think that the enem can use this type of creature without worries… what kind of person is the current leader of the Cegia state?" Kate asked.

That was a question that Billy hoped that they could forget, but hoping for that would be too much. In any case, Billy had to wait expectantly for the next day to see how things would proceed from now on…

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