"But I hope you don't think this is won."

"I'll still leave you with an ultimatum." said Lord Vale

"Surrender Dante, if you give up now,  I can still leave with your life."

Hearing this, Dante almost burst out laughing

"Surrender? Lord Vale, I think you are starting to overestimate your abilities"

In response to Dante's confidence  Lord vale just chuckled

"Overestimate my own abilities, maybe, but certainly not ours!"

"Ours?" asked a confused Dante

But Dante didn't have to wait long before his confusion was cleared.

In just a few seconds, countless auras could be felt exploding from all around Dante, with each one being roughly around the peak of the martial journeyman realm!

"Bandits." Spat Dante coldly

Dante instantly recognised his situation.

He had been surrounded,trapped if you will.

Dante just floated silently as he was gradually surrounded. In the end, Dante could sense around 40 bandits floating around and him

But even now, despite being surrounded by tens of enemies, Dante didn't panic.

Simply put, Dante looked down on his enemies.

He believed that no matter how many of these guys Lord Vale brought out; they were still just bandits.

How good were the cultivation techniques that could be found by bandits, much less bandits in such a secluded place north of the kingdom?

Even the mediocre techniques owned by the Kinsman Clan were a level above the ones that could be possibly accessed by the bandits.

The gap between techniques was already laughable, and this was not even mentioning the high level techniques owned by the Hidden Dragon Academy.

When one went even further and added the difference in martial skills and high-ranking spirit weapons, it was simply unfair to compare bandits to properly nurtured cultivators.

And It was because of this very reason that the Hidden Dragon Academy was so famous.

The students that went out into the world to do various missions  were simply  earth shattering geniuses by normal standards!

Like legends they would crush any cultivator they met even jumping across two or three minor realms to defeat their opponents.

Now if you take into account that Dante could very well do this and even more against the geniuses in the Hidden Dragon Academy, The threat these guys posed to him was minuscule.

For Dante these guys may as well have been in the Martial Novice realm!

But Lord Vale didn't know this and instead mistook Dante's surprise for panic.

So as he saw his perceived panicked expression on Dante's face his suppressed sadistic tendencies started to grow.

This was it!

Wasn't this the very reason he had affiliated with the bandits and that dirty corpse master in the first place?

A power greater than imperial power, a power greater than the royal courts and those countless great clans!

Lord vale believed himself to be smarter than those other city lords around him.

He wasn't fooled by this false sense of power they had.

It was fine to play king in their little region, but if by some chance someone slightly strong or influential came from the capital, he would have to grovel before them like a beaten dog!

It had happened before in his life,  and it had even happened with Dante.

During Dante's stay here, he was forced to wait at Dante's feet and agree to his every wish.

Even if it was just to keep up appearances, it just went to strengthen his convictions even further.

Previously, Lord Vale had always had doubts about his choices, doubts about whether his betrayal had been worth it. But now that he had been exposed, and the tables had turned, he didn't regret it!

Now He had it!

The power to stand up against those bastards from the capital and control his own fate!

With a twisted smile, Lord Vale spoke

"Dante, if you want to live, then beg for mercy!"

"Pardon?" Responded Dante in disbelief

"If you surrender and beg for your life, I can assure that your lives will be spared."

Hearing this, Dante smirked

"Surrender? Me? You're simply not worthy."

Hearing this, Lord Vale wasn't annoyed. Instead, he just laughed.

"It seems you're confused, Dante. This isn't the Vaenam kingdom capital, this is Vainwatch city, this is my Land!"

In response to the city lord's blind confidence, Dante just shook his head. His eyes were filled with pity.

'He really is a fool.' thought Dante

In his opinion, Lord Vale was clearly oblivious to reality.

There was no point trying to educate these kinds of people, you could only show them.

You could only show them the reality of the world!

As Dante Stretched forth his hand, a storm of fire quickly exploded all around him.

Suddenly, a gigantic flame claw shot out, grabbing at least 5 bandits in its clutches!

Horrified screams of panic and pain shook the sky as the bandits quickly realised their situation

"Please Lord Vale, Save us!"

Lord vale watched in horror as his previous confidence and shallow illusion of victory shattered in front of his eyes!

But before they could even realise what was going on, a giant pillar of flames burst through Dante's flame claw, burning those cultivators into nothing but ash!

"For your crimes against the people and the Vaenam Kingdom. Please leave me with your life!"

Looking at Dante, they could see a casual young man looking back at them with a truly polite smile, but in the minds of the bandits, it was arguably one of the most horrifying thing they'd seen in their life!

The terrifying aura of dragon fear didn't help in the slightest .

Eventually, some of the bandits couldn't take it anymore and quickly broke away from the group

They had enough and were trying to escape!

Fight to death? Please be realistic!

They were bandits, not soldiers! All that mattered to them was living to see another day and clearly to face this monster was choosing to die!

But before they could even cover the distance of a few metres, they heard an emotionless voice in their ears.

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