I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

209 Chapter 209: How do you think I compare

"How do you think I compare to those generals?"

As Dante spoke, the air seemed to shake as a terrifying aura exploded from him.

To those in the room, it was as if the gravity had multiplied.

It was a struggle to move.

Hell! It was a struggle to even breathe!

The aura released by Dante was something they'd never seen before.

It was superior to those released by even those famed generals at the magic beast border!

The original squad captain who spoke, looked towards Dante what could only be described as utter terror, but even as he did this he instantly regretted.

Instead of the young boy he was expecting, what he saw were a pair of giant  behemoths.

Two humongous demonic creatures, packed to the brim with muscles and scales, whilst two enormous wings shot out from their backs and With a pair of burning eyes identical to those he had seen on the boy.

Instantly, a fear began to build up in his heart.

He couldn't control it!

It was something that ran deeper than his thoughts.

It was instinctual.

It was a state of primal fear that one could only feel upon seeing a completely higher life form!


Before the squad captain truly had a breakdown, Dante quickly clapped his hand, causing the scenes to disappear as if it was all just a dream.

But the sweat on the necks of everyone here made it quite clear to them all that their experience was very real.

"Well then?" Asked Dante.

"How did it compare to those Martial Adept generals? " With a crafty smile on his face, Dante waited for their responses.

With fear still in his eyes, the squad captain quickly stuttered

"I-im astounded Lord Dragon Son! Those generals are nothing compared to yourself!"

Despite being faced with clearly over the top flattery, Dante didn't bother reject it.

Sometimes it just felt good to have someone praise your ego.

It was only when he looked to see Klent and Rebecca looking at him with a strange look that he realised that maybe it wasn't the best time

"Seeing as all possible doubts have been dealt with, we will head out today!"

Within three days, three days is all I'll need to show you the head of the bandit leader!"


Much later into the evening,

Dante, the captains sent by the other city lords and the rest of his troops, had set out on the day long march towards the Bandit Camp.

Although the journey had not been easy, eventually the group had arrived

Currently, Dante could be seen at the front of a terrifyingly large convoy of soldiers marching forward.

The terrifying rumble of catapults and other siege weapons could be heard as they rolled across the earth.

But even with all these things, Dante wasn't satisfied.

He could only imagine the terrifying defences that the bandit camp would have, especially now that they would probably be aware of the oncoming siege.

But even after trying his best, the best siege weapons Dante could find were these catapults and trebuchets that were rolling behind him.

In such a backwater place like the Zrudon region, Dante had done well to acquire these many siege weapons was only because of his reputation as the dragon son.

Others in his position could only hope of getting some war supplies, much less some siege weapons!

But even with the supposed lack of siege weapons, Dante wasn't completely displeased.

He had at least gathered enough supplies to enact the elementary stages of his plan

800 soldiers 8 catapults.

It was enough.

The bandit camp had roughly 500  members. And the basics of warfare state that when sieving defensive locations the attacking side should at least have three times the number of defenders.

But if wvrthing went as he predicted it would be solvable.

A Dante had to worry about was the high levels powers like the Martial Adepts

As he was thinking, Dante suddenly froze.

Instantly he began to fumble around in his space pouch eventually he found it.

It was a pitch black crystal with an overwhelming amount of death energy swirling around it.

The instant  Dante eyes locked onto the crystal he was  assaulted  by  a devastating wave hunger pangs

Something deep within him was screaming at him to consume it and Dante knew exactly what it was.

A dragon soul locked away deep inside of him was crying to be released!

Eventually, the sensation couldn't be stopped, causing Dante to soon cave into his desires.

Without thinking, Dante started absorbing the treasure


New Death Energy source detected! Would you like to a unlock new Dragon soul?"

"Of course!" Replied Dante, his anticipation growing with every second .


As soon as Dante responded to the system notification, the crystal quickly cracked causing a blast of dark energy to explode and swarm Him.

Instantly, the soldiers all around him began to panic.

All they could see was their leader swarmed by a dangerous cloud of black energy!

What was this?  A trap set by the Corpse Master?

Dante was the leader of the group and there only way of dealing with the Martial adept level cultivators.

if something were to happen to him, they could all kiss goodbye to the whole operation.

But before anyone could do anything stupid, the calm voice of Rebbeca could be heard.

"There's no need to panic. All of this is Dante's doing. He has it all under control."

But what Rebecca didn't know was that what she said wasn't entirely true.

As soon as Dante was swarmed by the cloud of black energy, he found himself in a void of complete darkness.

The only thing in-front of him was a giant golden gate that stretched forth as far as the eye can see.

The surprising thing was that Dante could easily recognise this gate. It was the gate that would always accompany the awaking of one of his dragon souls. He had seen it before at the awakening of his Silver Dragon.

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