Chapter 365, hateful (1 more)

  Those clamoring people realized that there was another person here.

   And because of this change, the leading man was slightly distracted, and Heng Yi wiped his neck with a knife and chopped off his head.

   revealed Gululu get out.


  The accident happened too fast, and I couldn't react at all.

  Everyone was stunned.

   After regaining consciousness, there was a burst of angry screams.

   "He killed the second master, killed him."

   These thieves, they can kill Heng Yi, but Heng Yi can't kill their second boss.

   It's like poking a hornet's nest.

   One by one, they slashed at Heng Yi.

   It is said that two fists are no match for four hands, and Heng Yi is also a courageous person with high skills. When faced with these things, he did not panic at all.

  Even though his arm was injured, he didn't even frown, and his shots became more and more fierce and fast.

   Fewer and fewer people came to kill him, until Qin Song and the others arrived, and after attacking from inside and outside, these thieves quickly killed them, and some lay on the ground screaming.

  You don’t know the pain until the knife falls on yourself.

  This is never a lie.

   "Master Hou." Zhang Zhao stepped forward to support Heng Yi.

  Heng Yi waved his hand, "I'm fine."

  Although he was injured, he would not die of pain.

   "There is someone in the house, go and see if it is a villager?"


  The woman in the house ran out crying, her clothes were not closed, and she knelt on the ground, "I beg your benefactor, and then save the other sisters."

   As for where are the other sisters?

   Soon found more than a dozen tied and gagged girls in the pigsty behind.

  Zhang Zhao cursed and stepped forward to release him.

   After asking, I learned that they were all ruined.

   And more than once.

   "Those thieves have been in the village for six or seven days, and many villagers have been killed."

   "Elders and children are not spared."

  A girl whimpered and cried.

  Heng Yi stood outside the yard with a cold face, the corners of his eyes and brows were stern.

   These people did not die under the iron hoof of the enemy, nor did they die of hunger and cold, but were implicated by him.

   Those thieves are not as good as animals.

   There were screams from inside.

   Qin Song, Wen Yu, and Gu Jiu are interrogating.

  The whip was whipped, the salt and pepper water were poured, and the thieves didn't know what to ask.

   I don't know who gave the money to invite them to kill Heng Yi, and I don't know who is behind the scenes. They are just prodigal sons who were brought together to become killers.

   They have done such unconscionable evil things several times.

   Destroyed several families, robbed their property, and raped and killed their female relatives.


   "Do you have anyone else? Where are they? How did you get in touch?"

"I have no idea."

   There was another howl of ghosts and wolves.

   "Heng Yi."

  Han Qiao woke up with a cry of surprise.

   It was hot, and it was woken up by A Yao.

  I am used to having Hengyi to fan the wind at night, and I am also used to having Hengyi by my side, at night Hengyi urinates A Yao,


   Duan Yue came over with an oil lamp.

  When Heng Yi was away, Duan Yue set up a small couch in the corner, and Jianing also lived next door, just for secret protection.

   "Duanyue, come here and fan the two children."

   Not only Ayao was sweating profusely while sleeping, but He Cheng was too.

   "Yes." Duan Yue came over and picked up the fan, fanning the two children carefully and gently.

  Han Qiao went to drink water.

  She is not the kind of master who would trample on others. She treats the maids in the yard very well. They have seen the dowry of cattail grass, Duanyue and Shulan, and it is so rich that it makes people envious.

  Shu Lan and Pu Cao also came in lightly, "Ma'am."

   "Why didn't you sleep?" Han Qiao was surprised.

   "I heard movement in the main house, come and have a look."

  Han Qiao laughed, "You don't need to come here, I'll just drink some water when I'm thirsty."

  Such a trivial matter woke up several people, and Han Qiao was a little embarrassed.

  What has she forgotten to dream about? It was at that moment that I woke up in a panic.

  Without the man who stands upright and can support a family by his side, he is also used to the cool wind around him all night...

  Han Qiao knows that she is a bit hypocritical, but to be loved, pampered, and loved by her husband is not every woman's lifetime wish?

   Only those who are cherished are qualified to be hypocritical.

   "It's okay, you guys go to bed."

  Han Qiao returned to the bed and hugged A Yao, "Baby, pee."

  Ayao called out in a daze, "Dad?"

   See, even the kid got used to his dad.

   "Hush." ​​Han Qiao said softly.

  Ayao was very sleepy, he urinated obediently, went to bed, and stretched out his hand to touch it.

   Didn't touch mother, flat mouth was about to cry.

  Han Qiao quickly reached out to pat him on the back.

  Familiar with the force, he soon relaxed his brows and fell into a deep sleep.

  Han Qiao called out to Cheng to pee.

  The child was very well-behaved. After being carried out of the crib, he urinated in the urinal, climbed onto the bed, and fell asleep in his own place.

  Both children are actually very easy to take care of. The main reason is that there are many people taking care of the children, and she is not too tired when she is tired.

  Han Qiao enjoyed the process of raising cubs very much, thinking that when she settled down, she would have to discuss with Heng Yi to have another one.

  She knew that Heng Yi was secretly taking medicine and didn't want her to have children.

  When A Yao was born, I thought it scared him.

   "You all go to sleep, Shulan and Duanyue will go out with me tomorrow."

  Picao hurriedly said, "Ma'am, the servant girl is left for the second and third young masters to fan."

   "No, go to bed quickly, you will have to take care of them during the day tomorrow, don't stay up all night, they will be listless tomorrow." Han Qiao urged the three of them to go to bed quickly.

  After they all went to sleep, they got up to open the window, stood by the window for a while, and then went back to bed to sleep.

  Before going to bed, Han Qiao couldn't help but pray, "Heng Yi, you must be safe and well, and everything will go smoothly."

  In this world, she has someone she cares about and a home. She wants to grow old with them in this place, and create a prosperous world that belongs to them.

   Until dawn, the few who were alive had been cleaned up and dying.

  So unconscionable, the old man couldn't stand it.

   Taking a deep breath, he took out a dagger and walked over slowly.

   "The old man has traveled all these years, and he has seen a lot, and he has learned a good skill. That is death by a thousand knives."

   "Get them up for me."

  After several living people were erected, the old man took off their clothes.

   It was really a stab, blood dripping, and heart-wrenching pain, but he couldn't die.

  Heng Yi asked Qin Song to report to the nearest Yamen.

  This case is too big and must be reported to the court. As for the thieves, he doesn't care whether they live or die.

  Even if he really hacked these people to pieces, he would have no regrets.


  He is ashamed of the innocent people who died in this village.

  The girls wanted to go home and have a look, but Heng Yi objected.

   I'm afraid they won't be able to think about it when they go back.

   I have to say that Heng Yi guessed right. Although these girls are rural girls, they also have a sense of shame.

   Now that their parents and relatives are gone, what face and meaning do they have in living? And in the future, there will be many people pointing and pointing at them, but they don't rely on them. If they want to go home, they hang themselves with a rope and forget it.

  But being left here by Heng Yi, they were afraid and scared, afraid that Heng Yi would be as devoid of conscience as these people.

   Thinking about what else they have to lose?

  The entire village was almost wiped out. Except for these unmarried girls, no old, weak, women or children survived.

  Recalling the scene that day, there was hatred in their eyes, more fear. Except for the pain and humiliation of the purgatory that followed, it seemed that nothing was left in my mind.

   Gu Jiu was busy in the kitchen, but he didn't have any cooking skills, so he cooked a pot of porridge.

   It is also clear soup with little water and half-baked.

  Girls dare not dislike her, especially Heng Yi.

  He didn't even frown, and drank it in sips mixed with the smell of blood in the yard.

  He had a murderous look all over his body.

  (end of this chapter)

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