Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten

Chapter 1143 Three words more beautiful than I love you

In a word, she told him her choice.

No matter what storms she faces in the future, she is willing to accompany him to face it together.

Life and death are bound together, talk to Zicheng.

This is the love between him and her. It is neither vigorous nor lingering. After the baptism of bullets, it has become more and more tenacious and invincible.

This answer, or the words she said, successfully touched the softest part of Mu Feichi's heart.

So that for so many years in the future, he will keep his promise to her and do everything to protect her.

Mu Feichi lowered his eyes, and there was an undercurrent and raging tenderness at the bottom of his deep eyes.

Her answer exceeded his expectations, but it made him feel that this answer, even if he did everything to change it, was worth it!

"Baby, you have thought about it. If you choose this, you will follow me on the battlefield. In the face of all kinds of blood and war, don't you regret it?"

"Since I met you, everything has been out of the way of my ordinary person, but I don't regret it."

On the contrary, she was very fortunate, fortunate to have met him.

Encountering this gentle tyrant, fortunate to fight side by side with him, fortunate to have his affection, fortunate to fall in love with him, her rebirth is not a waste of life.

Mu Feichi raised his hand and touched her head, his big hand trembling with excitement fell on the back of her neck, holding her tightly in his arms. At this moment, he could not wait to melt her into his body!

When it came to her mouth, she swallowed it all because she didn't regret one sentence.

With just these three words, he knew that he did not love the wrong person.

No regrets, these three words made him feel more beautiful than I love you!

Their identities have long put life and death behind them, and love and lovers are the most extravagant for them.

Anyone who stands by their side truly understands the responsibilities they shoulder and the dangers they face at all times, and it is difficult to say a word without regret.

Every girl longs for ease, for worry-free, and for a good life.

But they can't give their loved ones a stable life, and they can't guarantee a safe return from the battlefield. Worry and hope will always be their nightmare.

He brought her to witness death with his own eyes, fought side by side with her, and walked out of the hail of bullets. She knew exactly what she had to face with him, and he gave her the best choice.

But in the end, she chose his dream without hesitation, and regarded his dream as her belief!

She is different from those girls, she is courageous, tenacious, fearless and kind, no matter which aspect she is, she is deeply attracted to him!

From a small sprout, it took root in his heart, and eventually grew into a towering tree, which could never be pulled out of his heart.

The four people on the side looked at each other and backed away silently. Before leaving, Gu Baifan secretly stuffed a bunch of roses hidden in the other hand into Mu Feichi's hand, and the four left silently. in situ.

They were also soldiers, Feng Rui and Qi Yuan knew very well what women who were willing to stand by their side had to face. They were very envious of this girl's bravery and determination.

Looking at the two people who depended on each other, Feng Ruiqi thought of that sentence for no reason: the so-called match made in heaven is nothing more than this.

As for the way of confession is so peculiar yet so heart-wrenching, there is no one else except the young marshal!

After a long while, Yun Xi raised her head from Mu Feichi's warm and hard chest, her breath was still entwined with his unique mint scent, and... the scent of roses!

She looked down at the bouquet of fiery red roses sent to her. Even though she had never received a rose from Han Yaotian in her previous life, in this life, she received a flower from Mu Feichi.

A rose that is hotter and redder than blood, just like his love, direct, domineering, and fiery!

Mmm~ I fell asleep accidentally, make up for it~ Life and death are related to each other, Yu Zicheng said. Desire for a domineering love like the young marshal~

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