The truck entered the town smoothly, and it was still by the river outside the town. Gray Wolf and another team member jumped out of the car with their backpacks and scanners in their arms ahead of time.

As soon as the car entered the town, everyone tensed up, and no one dared to be negligent.

The back rack of the train was crowded with three groups of people, standing back to back and curled up, the atmosphere was dignified and serious.

When he arrived, Mu Feichi asked the driver clearly. The approximate number of people in the Independence Army in the city is quite large. But fortunately, the leader of the Independence Army took more than half of them to negotiate with the President yesterday. The remaining one hundred Many people are in town.

A small part of the more than 100 people are residents of the town of Casa, and there are independent troops on duty all around the town. The number of people is much smaller than expected, which is undoubtedly good news for them!

Taking advantage of the lack of people in the city, no matter what, we must pass the town smoothly today!

If you miss this opportunity, you don't know when it will come again!

Even if there are not many people, no one dares to be careless, especially in such a situation where there are many hostages, the enemy has an absolute advantage, they can only be careful and careful!

When the car arrived near the square of the town, Mu Feichi asked the driver to drive the car to the designated location. Before the car stopped, the group behind got out of the car quickly.

The truck continued to drive forward, stealing through the tiny gaps in the car, Yunxi waited for the prompt while paying attention to the evacuation direction around her.

Soon, there were a few knocking sounds from the front passenger seat, and Phoenix quickly got out of the car with the second team and Yun Xi.

After getting off the car, everyone quickly entered the state, and snipers and observers quickly occupied the commanding heights.

Phoenix took A1 and ran directly to the commanding heights, preparing to cover the three groups at the fastest speed.

Fenghuangniao and Yunxi laid mines to the right to attract the enemy's firepower, and the remaining members of the second group went to the entrance and exit on the other side to guard, waiting for the rescued expatriates, and covered them to leave as quickly as possible.

This is not the first time Yun Xi has participated in actual combat, but whenever she sees that each of them cooperates tacitly, and no one hesitates in the face of a hail of bullets, she can't help but feel a little admiration in her heart.

Perhaps only they themselves know in their hearts how many times they have to go through life and death to cooperate so tacitly.

The car finally stopped outside a dilapidated house with a flat view. There were dilapidated tents outside the house. In the yard inside, there were many residents in local costumes cooking by the stove. There were more than a dozen people sitting sparsely under the porch Soldiers in Independence Army uniforms.

There were five or six people standing by the wall outside the door patrolling back and forth. Mu Feichi turned his head to look at the room on the right, and knocked behind the seat with a free hand. The car continued to drive, and the people behind were silent. After getting out of the car, with the cover of the car, he quickly solved the patrol on the outer wall.

The car stopped next to the broken house at the corner. After Mu Feichi knocked the driver unconscious, he got out of the car, went around the other side of the house and entered the destination behind the wall from the adjacent alley.

Before he got close, he heard someone singing the national anthem inside, and the familiar language made him confirm the location of the target again and again.

After he lightly pressed the headset to inform the others in a low voice, everyone took their positions. The three groups behind the wall and the group on the commanding height quickly dealt with the people in the yard, while he climbed over the wall and entered the backyard.

Across a wall, he took a parachute knife and tapped a rhythmic code on the wall. Soon Li Zilan inside heard the sound and reacted. He kicked the tree stump with his feet and responded rhythmically. for a while.

In the room, except for the expats who were huddled in the corner with their hands bound, all the special forces were tied to tree stumps and stools. Happening.

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