Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten

Chapter 843 Just take the initiative to me!

Jin Lei looked at her new-born calf who was not afraid of tigers, and couldn't help pouring cold water: "Aren't they going to find you now? Besides, you haven't fought back yet!"

"Don't underestimate me!" Being hit, Yun Xi glared at him, turned and returned to Teacher Lu Zhiwei, preparing to deal with the compensation for the hotel fire and changing rooms.

It was not until Yun Xi was sent back to the room that Jin Lei returned to his room and called Mu Feichi.

The man who had been waiting for his call picked up the caller number as soon as he saw it.

"Your woman is smarter than you think. She beat up the two of them. Although she didn't ask anything, she judged from their words that the crocodile is not a foreigner, but a member of the military."

"What's the basis for the judgment?" Mu Feichi was silent for a moment and asked in a deep voice.

"Ask her yourself! I guess she is waiting for you to explain it to her! However, she plans to use the ledger to catch crocodiles, so you must be prepared."

"What kind of mental preparation do I need?"

"You know how many people will be involved in the ledger. If she exposes the ledger, then the people staring at her will not only be crocodiles!"

"You think she's stupid enough to do such a stupid thing? You underestimate her too!"

Mu Feichi snorted softly, and was unreasonable to protect him, and hung up the phone directly.

Jin Lei looked at the phone that was hung up, and snorted lightly, with an inexplicable look on his face.

Isn't he just a reminder, is it necessary to protect the shortness so much?

Thinking of the way Mu Feichi stared at him when he carried her back on the snowy mountain, he could kill someone!

These two people will really be side by side in the future, and he probably has to take a detour when he sees it.


When Mu Feichi's phone call came, Yun Xi was about to go to bed, checked the time, and picked up the phone.

"The young marshal called in the middle of the night, do you have any advice?"

Leaning on the bed, Yun Xi rubbed her sour eyes, ready to listen to Mu Feichi's explanation.

"Not instructing, just explaining." Mu Feichi sighed slightly, and she knew she was not happy when she heard her tone.

"What is the young commander trying to explain?"

"The reason why I hide the crocodile thing from you is that I don't want you to take risks again. I said that I don't want my woman to do such dangerous things again. With me, the sky won't fall. Things in the sea, I thought it was the end for you, so don't get involved in these things in the future, but I didn't expect..."

"You didn't expect that the crocodile is still staring at me. He is staring at me now. He has to start from me and go around in a circle, young commander, I still can't escape the fate of being used to threaten you!"

"Since our fates are tied together, baby, accept your fate! I still say that, with me, the sky won't fall!"

"Why don't you think I can carry it with you? You also underestimate me so much?"

She knew what he was worried about, and also knew the courage and responsibility on his shoulders. She just wanted to share some for him when she couldn't be side by side with him, and let her grow up faster.

"It's not that I underestimate you, it's that I don't want you to be in danger!"

His sweetheart, he was reluctant to hurt her in the slightest, but there were so many people staring at her, what could he do? She can only make herself stronger!

"You can't get rid of me about the crocodile. I'm in this game now, and I will inevitably be implicated, so I don't want to be passive anymore, I have to take the initiative!"

Mu Feichi deliberately pretended to be silly with a smile, and jokingly said: "Baby just take the initiative to me, and let it be for others!"

It's dog food time~

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