After leaving the capital for so long, Yun Xi was eager to know the situation in all aspects of the capital, especially the recent movements of the Qiao family and the Han family.

If she remembered correctly, a lot of things should have happened in the past year.

This year is also the year of the rise of the Qiao family. No matter who will be an important factor in the rise of the Qiao family, she does not want too many things that are out of her control to happen.

After all, her game of chess has already started, and the Qiao family and the Han family are both important pieces.

As soon as she got home and before the jet lag, she asked Grey Wolf to ask for the information about Kyoto during this time, and Grey Wolf directly sent the information she asked for.

In the interval before dinner, she carefully looked at the recent movements of the Qiao family, not as she expected, the Qiao family did jump very fast during this time.

After the Han family went through the crocodile incident, she has been very peaceful recently. The more peaceful she is, the more she feels that this is the tranquility before the storm.

Another thing that amazes her is that Qiao Ximin and Liang Xinyi have been doing the same thing in the past three months, conducting training for celebrities.

Although the specific time of the banquet has not yet been determined, in order to participate in this year's banquet, the ladies and daughters of the entire upper class in Kyoto have worked hard, some to marry high, and some to climb the host of this banquet - the young marshal Mu Fei pool.

It seems that Liang Xinyi has not given up her ambition to climb up. Even though she is notorious now, she has not forgotten to fight for her own glory and wealth.

Compared with the previous life, she used everything she got, and she did not have such strong ambitions in the smooth situation.

In this life, Liang Xinyi was forced by her to use any means to get what she wanted, and even lost her innocence in exchange for benefits. She was looking forward to someone who could be so cruel to herself. In the future, if she destroyed everything she had everything, Liang Xinyi wondered if she would go crazy?

Chen Lixue got a sum of money from Yun Yuanfeng. In the past three months, in addition to being long and short with the wives in the community, she was just sitting on the mountain. Yun Xi thought that Liang Xinyi would sell her mother for her own future. It's over!

It seems that she still overestimated Chen Lixue's ability. With her short-sighted and vulgar snobbery, she wants to be a junior and become a wealthy wife. If she can't do it, Liang Xinyi's future will be worrying!

Since they can't get out, she will help them!

Looking at the relationship networks of the major families on the screen, she has already thought of a candidate, her uncle will get better and better in the future, Chen Lixue's back path, she will completely block her!

The infrared sensor in the room suddenly made a small sound, she turned to look at the closed door, and there was a knock on the door after a while.

Second Aunt's voice came from outside the door: "Yunxi, are you up? Going downstairs for dinner."

"Get up, I'll come down right away!" Putting away the notebook in her hand, Yun Xi stood up and opened the door, smiling and looking at Second Aunt, "How is your home during my absence?"

"Everything is fine, you came back with the first-scholar in three divisions, your dad has no face in the compound! The funniest thing is that your mother wants to take advantage of you to get the title of champion and take the opportunity to talk to the lady in the compound. We have a relationship, but everyone is a discerning person. Knowing all the jokes your mother made in the past, they don't like to see her. She still sticks her hot face to other people's cold ass. Fortunately, you are not there, it's shameful to look at it! If I want to take your light, I didn’t treat you as good as it is now, and everyone hates it!”

Yun Xi smiled lightly, she knew very well what kind of temperament Liang Xiuqin was, and she never wanted to change it in her life.

Even if one day her mother's mind is not right, she really changes and treats her better, thinking of the hatred of being disfigured in the previous life, she may not see her.

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