Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 46 Stars and Dragons, and the Fading Empire

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"Lord of the mountains?"

Thales was taken aback: "Why haven't I heard of it at all?"

"Because this god has no spokesperson in the world, it has neither a temple nor a church," Puttilai explained with a chuckle: "There are even very few credible records of the appearance of the gods, and it only exists in the word of mouth of the people." In the stories and legends. Please search (product#书¥) to see the most complete update! The fastest novel For travelers in the mountains and lands, the meaning of worshiping the Lord of the mountains is more of a kind of safety and peace of mind when traveling far away, and the gifts of the mountains are more like a ritual to help travelers overcome means of severe cold."

"Word of mouth?"

"In the era of the ancient empire, the Lord of the Mountains was once the common belief of the entire human race, not only us people in the north, but also you—the Central World, the Ludor people who established the empire, and the people from the Thornland and Dragon's Kiss in the southwest. The Kailunsa people, the bone people in the great desert, the "bandit" Nedar people in the Near East, the Kiseli people grazing on the eastern grasslands, the dark-skinned red earth people in the extreme south, and the Kasai people who roam the islands, except for the people from the Far East , almost all human beings know and acknowledge the existence of the Lord of the Mountains," the old man Caslan himself took a sip of ale, and said with emotion behind the bar:

"But now, even in the Northland, this kind of simple belief can still be seen in the simple countryside... The name of the Lord of the Mountains has disappeared—just like countless precious Northland traditions—the remaining There are only temples wrapped in power and money."

"Rudor people and Northlanders?" Thales lowered his head happily, gnawing on the next piece of bread: "I remember, the title of Star Supreme King..."

"Yes, we all know that," the advisor of the Grand Duke of Lombard, the Viscount Kanda, laughed sarcastically: "'The co-lord of the Ludor people and the Northlanders in the western continent'. But I sincerely suggest that you, in Eke Ster, you can omit the second half of the content - the Northlanders have never recognized your right to rule over us."

"As far as I know," Puttilai retorted sharply, "Two-thirds of the provinces of the Northland during the ancient empire were in Exeter, and the remaining one-third was in the Northern Territory of Stars. —the Star People also call themselves Northlanders, and recognize the High King's rule over them."

"This is the problem," Viscount Kanda tapped on the bar thoughtfully: "The Northland belongs only to the people of the Northland, so why should it belong to the stars, and why should it belong to the rule of a Ludor king?"

Thales suddenly understood that "Northern" refers to the northern provinces of the ancient empire thousands of years ago. As for the human race, as for "Exter", this is a country established after the End War, and its weight is far inferior to that of "Northern", let alone "Northern people".

Just like Xingchen is also a country that existed after the War of the End, in fact, the human beings living in Xingchen were called "Ludor people" thousands of years ago, and they seem to be the main ethnic group of the ancient empire .

Today, the Northlanders and Ludor people have long been mixed in the Black Sand Territory of Exeter and the northern border of the Stars.

Thales lowered his head and inadvertently saw the wheat dregs that had settled in the wine glass. He suddenly thought of the Sunset Bar in the underground street of the lower part of Yongxing City, the carefree female bartender Yala, the ferocious fat cook Edmund, and the A bar owner who shows up once or twice.

"Why? Because of history," Puttilai said indifferently: "To this day, whether it is the Black Sand Territory or the Northern Territory, the Ludor people and the Northlanders have lived together for many years, and they have long been indistinguishable from each other."

"Hmph, that's the land and people you took away from the Northland," Kanda retorted, "Like a cold castle four hundred years ago, like an old lonely tower two hundred years ago—your northern territory is ours." The southern lands!.


Caslan, the owner of the tavern, couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard the dispute between Kanda and Putillai.

Thales' heart shuddered: So this is the idea of ​​the Exeters?

He recalled the attitude and behavior of those sergeants when he first entered the Lumbardy Army camp, and he immediately understood.

Xingchen wants to defend its northern land, but Exter wants to recover the border belonging to the northerners.

It's ironic that the two sides are fighting for their own justice.

These are the sounds he couldn't hear in Xingchen Country.

"What do you really want to say that 'The Northland only belongs to the people of the Northland'," Puttilai said with a chuckle, "The Arend family in the starry north used to manage the entire Northland province for the emperor. What about the millennium-long imperial duke family..."

"Hmph, the needless pride of the people of the stars," Viscount Kanda snorted coldly: "At the end of the day, you still want to talk about going back to the ancient empire that perished for a long time, don't you? Still miss the lack of power and glory of the Pegasus Throne, Miss those emperors who waved their sleeves and made the whole world tremble, and the era when they could spread a map of national borders from one end of the room to the other?"

"The empire is the most precious legacy, the most glorious page, and the most powerful existence in human history. There is no doubt about it." Not faded."

"Ha! I almost forgot!" Kanda raised his hands and laughed sarcastically at Thales: "'If the stars are there, the empire will last forever', isn't it? Your Royal Highness?"

Thales shrugged and smiled at him in response.

"Don't make fun of the royal family," Puttilai said coldly: "His blood once stood on the top of the world and witnessed the rise and fall of human beings."

"Blood?" Kanda snorted heavily.

"Northern people don't believe in blood. Heroes who can carry the country and the people are naturally kings." The next moment, His Excellency the Viscount of Exeter narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "And listen carefully, Your Royal Highness, you are born The empire under the rule of the so-called imperial family has left the world with nothing but chaotic nightmares!"

"Uh, thank you for your point." Thales scratched his hair in embarrassment, and he laughed twice: "It's really a novel point of view."

"Novelty?" Kanda stared at him and said indifferently: "Have you heard the story of Queso Rumba? Your Royal Highness?"

"Queso Rumba? The ancestor of the Rumba family? The rebel king?" Thales replied enthusiastically.

"You don't need to hear from the subordinates of a local grand duke..." Puttilai was about to speak, but Thales raised his hand with great interest to stop him.

"Please continue talking, Your Excellency Viscount Kanda," Thales said with a smile, "I am very interested in all knowledge."

Puttilai and Kanda both glanced at Thales unexpectedly.

"Do you know Grand Duke Trudida of the Reconstruction Tower? One of the ten Grand Dukes of Exeter," Kanda pondered for a while, and said silently: "The Reconstruction Tower is adjacent to your lonely old tower. Ruled by the famous family of knights, the Trudidas, whose sigil is a radiant sword."

"I don't know much, sorry, I'm only seven years old," Thales shook his head awkwardly: "But I'd love to hear your explanation—what happened to the Trudida family? What does it have to do with Queso Rumba?"

"It has nothing to do with the Trudida family, but their territory, rebuilding the tower and its surroundings," Kanda sighed: "It is the extreme east of the Northland, and it is also one of the entrances to the Sighing Mountains. In the ancient empire era, the Tower of Reconstruction was synonymous with barbarism and chaos—do you know why the Tower of Reconstruction got its name?"

Thales shook his head cooperatively.

"It used to be the exile prison and execution ground of the ancient empire. People who go there need to be 'rebuilt'." Kanda shook his head and said: "The rebuilding tower... Unfortunately, most of the prisoners in it failed to come out alive, so they can be rebuilt." life."

Thales nodded thoughtfully.

"And in the ancient empire, there was a famous person imprisoned there, Queso Rumba."

Thales frowned slightly.

Queso Rumba.

He knows this man.

At least that's what Gilbert told him in the history of the world that he made up for - Queso Rumba, "Rebel King" of the North.

The man who kicked off the first civil strife in the ancient empire.

But in the book, he is a green forest robber who runs through the Great Needle Forest in the Northland. During a robbery, he accidentally killed an official official of the empire, so he was captured by the empire Sona, and his accomplices attacked the execution ground and rescued him.

Queso, who had nowhere to go, knew that he could not escape the pursuit of the empire forever, so he simply stopped doing nothing. Taking advantage of the dissatisfaction of the northerners with the tyranny of the Duke of Allende, he spread rumors to split the northern lands, set off a storm of chaos in the northern lands, and completely rebelled against the empire. In the end, his rebellion was easily extinguished by the army of the Empire on the side of the Lonely Peak.

But the first civil strife in the empire also started and intensified.

But today, Kanda told him a completely different story.

Just listen to Kanda indifferently: "It is said that the Lunba family is the descendant of the northern ancestor Tacom in the ignorant era before the orcs invaded."

"More than 1,500 years ago, Queso Lombard was just an ordinary lumberjack in the northern province of the ancient empire. The duke's family, Arend knows such a person."

"That was the most glorious era of the so-called empire—the elves compromised with the empire, the dwarves became artisans, and after the orcs escaped from the glacier, the dragons disappeared, leaving only the Far East unconquered."

"Therefore, when the empire's campaign against the Far East was in full swing, Queso was drafted into the army. With the glory and pride of fighting for the empire, he happily went to the battlefield. He fought bravely and was good at fighting, and because of his prestige in the hearts of the North , promoted all the way, until the empire granted him the title of earl of the empire, and appointed him as the general of the Northland Legion."

Thales' heart shuddered.

This story is completely different from the one in his impression.

"With the efforts of Queso and other legions, the people of the Far East retreated day by day, trapped in the isolated city, leaving only the holy city of Qilin, which is depleted of soldiers, food and life, and is about to fall. The feat of the empire's unification of the world is about to be realized."

"The emperor's desires are becoming more and more unreasonable, the demands are endless, the conscription of labor has never stopped, the taxes and fees are increasing, and the Northland Province, as the best source of troops, bears the brunt."

"The northerners could no longer bear it. They began to resist taxes, escaped from service, drove away the emperor's tax collectors, and began to face the authority of the empire with anger and abuse instead of enthusiasm and obedience."

"So the Duke of Aarond - the emperor's servants can no longer collect enough taxes, can't collect enough labor, and even have repeated tax resistance incidents - even. The servants of the empire came up with a way: find the North The most famous person in the land—the commander of the Northern Land Legion, Queso, who was returning home to recuperate during the legion’s rotation, let him persuade his hometown people.”

Kaslan sighed, Putti Lamer remained silent.

Kanda continued:

"They persuaded Queso to be their colleague and went with them to collect taxes and labor. Queso did not nod; Moved out the name of the empire and ordered the generals of the empire to help them find the rebels in the north, but Queso did not nod."

"That's what Queso said: 'I'm loyal to the Empire, but I'm a Northlander.'"

"This matter was finally known by the emperor."

"The emperor sent an edict, and there are only two words on it." Kanda's eyes became icy cold, and he said lightly:

"'choose one.'"

Thales only felt a chill down his back.

choose one.

"The next thing the Northlanders know, Queso is exiled to the Tower of Reconstruction until he re-proves his loyalty to the Empire—something the Emperor can't stand for his own generals to fail to do."

"But for a whole year, Queso didn't let go. At the same time, people in the Northland who heard the news became even more resentful."

"Finally, the emperor who heard the report of the people's grievances in the North, got tired of Queso's toughness, and decided to use him to scare the people of the North with punishment and fear, reaffirming the majesty of the empire."

"So Queso Rumba was taken to the execution ground."

"There he watched his son beheaded, his wife hanged, his daughter hanged, his friend flogged, and finally, when it was Queso's turn, the angry North The locals and Queso's subordinates broke through the Tower of Reconstruction, entered the execution ground, killed the soldiers of the empire, and rescued Queso."

"When the news came out, the whole Northland was shocked. People picked up their weapons again, put on their armor, and gathered around the dying Queso—but this time they were not serving the empire, but resisting the empire."

"Of course you know the later story..."

Thales savored this story—it was too different from what was written in Xingchen's books.

"Yes," Thales said silently while thinking: "The uprising king fought to the end, and his last three hundred people..."

But at the end of the story, Kanda still surprised Thales.

"There's only one difference," Kanda interrupted him, his eyes lit up. "There's no 'fight to the end.'"

Thales was taken aback.

"Queso had no plans to fight at all—he disbanded most of the rebels, and only led the last 300 people who never gave up, and launched a final charge against the three major legions on the side of Gu Laofeng."

"It's more of a complaint to the Emperor than a rebellion against the Empire he's been loyal to all his life, isn't it?"

"After his death, every household in the Northland lit candles and respected him as king according to the ancient rituals of the kings' era."

"This is the story of the Rebellion King... Many people in Exeter are familiar with it."

"Do you understand, the descendants of the emperor?" Kanda said indifferently: "What did the empire leave to the North?"

Kaslan watched Thales' reaction with great interest.

Fortunately, everyone else was sitting at a round table some distance away from them. Otherwise, Thales estimated that there would soon be another tavern brawl between the Stars and the Extres.

"A well-polished story," Puttilai snorted and said, "I'm surprised, how do you know the emperor's decree so clearly, and you're sure it's word for word?"

"Just be sarcastic, Imperials, anyway, you only have the glory of the Empire in your mind," Kanda continued with disgust in his eyes:

"What did the empire give to the world? Years of endless military service, exorbitant and heavy taxes without scale, greedy and corrupt high-ranking imperial officials, cruel and oppressive rule of the foolish people, ugly and dark religious oppression - you know like the Lord of the Mountains, the Shepherd Did primitive beliefs such as Sea Maiden and Grassland Heavenly Father disappear under the prohibition of the ancient empire and the conspiracy of the emperor and the Myojin Church?"

"There is also the northern knight temple that was forcibly demolished by the emperor thousands of years ago... that is the cradle and holy place where knights originated, and it is the place where human beings jointly resisted the ancient orcs in the north!"

"Imperial people," Kanda said with a sip of wine, sneered, "Stop lying in the glory of the past, you don't even know how ugly your posture is."

"Continue to hold that kind of thinking, but history can't be changed, even now," Puttilai said disdainfully: "I only see your carriages running on the road built by the empire, and your currency casting follows the The gold, silver and bronze standards established by the empire, no matter how many words you have in your language, the northern accent and habits are still ancient and common languages ​​derived from the empire. Your army follows the imperial organization of legions, brigades, guards, and squads. The aristocratic organization in China adopts the imperial system of duke, earl, viscount, baron, and lord. Your paintings, poems, and music all draw nourishment from the glory of the empire... Without the empire, I am afraid that the Northland is still just an empire. A piece of loose sand, backward and barbaric!"

"What does that prove?" Kanda interrupted him unceremoniously: "If you call what the empire imposed on us with violence a gift, and be complacent about it..."

"Forcing?" Puttilai seemed to be aroused, "The knights of the kings of the Northland almost joined the army of the kings of sand at the same time as the emperor Comorra Carrose. You are the emperor's earliest Supporters are the most active swords and blades when building an empire!"

"Very good," Kanda said coldly, "Now, we, the children of the North Wind and the Dragon, don't need that evil empire any longer. We are self-reliant—please put away the pride of the empire, people of the empire."

"Beifeng has seen a lot," Puttilai said indifferently: "As for the dragon, if you mean the one embroidered with the Exeter flag, well, the material is pretty good."

"The significance of the dragon on Exeter's flag does not lie in its existence. After all, we do not rely on a legendary beast to protect this country." Kanda said seriously.

"But that represents the belief and temperament of our Exeter when we founded the country. It is the inspiration left to us by the hero of the North, Naikaru, in the final battle-strength, patience, strength, tenacity, pride, and perseverance. And," Kanda glanced at the crowd in the stars, then took a big sip from his wine glass, and said with a deep smile: "Never surrender...even for a behemoth like the Empire."

"And what are you left with?" Kanda sneered, "The Kingdom of Stars is just an antique, and it has no meaning of existence at all—the reason for its existence is to testify to a piece of past history, to summon the soul of a long-destroyed country. .”

Puttilai was about to answer, but Thales let out a long sigh at this moment.

"do you know?"

Kanda and Putilei turned to the second prince of the stars at the same time.

"Whether it's Putilai or Viscount Kanda," Thales sighed deeply, "Although one is from the stars and the other is from Exeter, in your unpleasant encounter, I found Your two biggest things in common."

Putilei and Kanda were taken aback at the same time.

"So what is that?"

It turned out that the tavern owner, Kaslan, who had been watching the show, nodded his chin with interest and asked Thales, "What do you have in common?"

Thales raised his eyebrows and shrugged:

"You two meet each other, and even though you're each speaking out for your own stand, you both have the same thing in your head."

"One of the most uninspiring things."

Putilei showed a puzzled expression, while Kanda frowned slightly.


Thales said softly.

He gnawed the last bite of bread.

Putilei and Kanda were stunned at the same time.

"Hahahaha..." Kaslan clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "What an interesting conclusion, what about the second common point?"

"The second one, um," Thales muttered while biting the black bread, "The two of them, even though they said so many things about the empire..."

"But none of them actually saw the empire with their own eyes—whether it was the final empire six hundred years ago, or the ancient empire more than a thousand years ago."

Kaslan's laughter grew louder.

The complexions of Putilei and Kanda turned black.

"Well said! The second prince of the stars!" Kaslan slapped the table with joy, and looked at Thales with a big smile: "They have never seen the empire before!"

"Thank you for your support," Thales shrugged: "On the one hand, it shows that the empire does have far-reaching influence, and on the other hand..."

He looked helplessly at the two brawlers: "You guys are arguing with each other's imaginations...Really?"

Putilei and Kanda Qiqi turned their heads and stopped looking at each other.

"Look out, boys."

The old man Kaslan shook his head: "The ancient legends, the glorious past, the lost history, and the sacred traditions, except for the nobles who boasted their families and the stinky scholars, who still remember them now? But this thing," he pointed Pointing outside the door:

"The gift of the mountains can prevent the boys who go out in the cold winter from freezing and starving to death... that's enough, it is useful to people, and has its own meaning of existence-the lord of the mountains has not disappeared , it has lived in every crevice of our deadly cold, in the gratitude of the traveler for the food he took from the tree."

"And the dragon and the empire," Kaslan said with a sneer, "the same is true."

Both Putilei and Kanda stopped talking, but their faces were not good-looking.

Thales showed a bright smile.

"Boom!" Kaslan smashed a glass of wine with an obviously different color on the bar counter, and pushed it in front of Thales.

"Good rye alcohol, a special supply from the Hero Tavern!" The old man said carelessly under Thales' surprised eyes: "The rye provided by my old comrades in Welland Territory is limited daily."

"It's not the rough stuff they drink—it's because of what you just said!"

Thales widened his eyes, looked at the white-haired old man, and then looked down at the wine in the glass.

"Don't hesitate, kid! Drink it up!" Kaslan showed off his powerful, muscular right arm, without a single trace of muscle in his old right arm: "The criteria for judging a good fighter are firstly whether the ax swing is strong enough, and secondly, drinking Is it refreshing enough!"

"Uh... I'm only seven years old..." Thales looked at the wine glass the size of his head, widened his eyes, and said awkwardly: "You know, children can't drink alcohol, it will be bad for their health..."

"That's nonsense!" Kaslan threw out a thumb and his yellow teeth, and then slapped Thales on the shoulder, causing him to stagger: "You don't drink until you're seven!"

"Children, if you don't drink, you won't grow up!"

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