Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 111 Break into the battlefield!

At six o'clock in the morning, in Dragon Clouds City, in the center of the shield zone, the moon has already set, and the darkest hour of the day is coming. %乐%文%Novel Www.しWM

The hydra Kilika seems to be very excited, and the chilling sound of flesh and blood grinding from its huge body can not help but remind people of the scene of grinding pork on the grinder. It danced its limbs and tentacles crazily, continuously releasing waves of people, besieging Nikolai and Griveau.

And the two extreme masters armed with legendary anti-magic weapons fought hard among the crowd controlled by the magicians and tried their best to move forward.

With great perseverance, the two fought through the crowd despite the crying and screaming of the residents, and managed to get close to the magician.

However, the girl with a bright smile just shook her head slightly, and a huge tentacle stretched out from behind, sending her twenty meters away.

More people controlled by the magician came out suspiciously from the gap where the tentacles separated, and they surrounded the two extreme human beings, involuntarily blocking the space vacated by the tentacles again.

Just a dozen meters away, under an inconspicuous low wall, Thales listened attentively to Hei Jian's explanation with shock and surprise.

"The power of finishing comes from the untapped potential in the human body, and we channel it into usable power through special methods-such as specific fighting techniques and sword styles."

What Hei Jian said seems to have a faint authority, which makes people listen unconsciously: "It can improve a person's ability, quality, or understanding of certain situations more or less, for a short or long time. adaptability."

I saw him looking straight at Thales seriously and sharply:

"The existence of the power of ending varies from person to person, and there are many types. Some will form visible light, some will be integrated with organs and tissues, some will even circulate day and night, some will act on special parts, and some will diffuse whole body."

"Even if the power of the same type of termination is used by different people, it is often very different."

Thales frowned: If there are thousands of differences, how can we 'teach'?

Hei Jian seemed to hear what he was thinking in his heart, and amidst the "roar" sound of the hydra coming from the flesh, he said calmly: "But they still have something in common for reference."

"Most of the final power has a specific form and function at the moment of awakening," Hei Jian exhaled, all the muscles in his body were trembling, as if he was doing the final warm-up, he only heard him say:

"For example, the glory of stars that greatly prolongs nerve excitement and human endurance,

For example, Melt of Glacier, which continuously enhances the anti-stress and perception, and Tianma Movement, which maximizes the maximum limit and resonates with the external environment, and the Sword Washing, which instantly breaks the body's self-protection mechanism..."

"People who have awakened these powers of termination will naturally form personal biases and habits in their fighting style and ability use, following the specific form of power of termination."

At the moment Thales blinked, Hei Jian changed his subject:

"But the crime of prison river is different."

Hei Jian's expression became icy cold.

"It is one of the powers of termination with the least records. Based on my experience and that of some seniors, it comes from the most incredible potential of life," Black Sword said slowly:


Taylor's heart tightened.

He remembered what happened in the birch forest: Serena "strangled" him in mid-air.

"So, the existence of the sin of Hell River is fundamentally to continue the dying life." Hei Jian slowly took in a breath and adjusted his breathing: "It is the last struggle at all costs."

He took a deep look at the prince: "This is also the prerequisite for us to wake up from the crime of prison river."

"It wakes up in the hour of death, evokes all the essence of life, and exhausts all the possibilities of life."

"Because of this, it is different from most of the ending powers: the crime of Hell River has no specific form."

"In other words, it can exist in any form..."

"And make a difference."

Thales' pupils shrank: "Any? Any other form of terminating power?"

He somewhat understood what Hei Jian meant.

"That's right..." Hei Jian smiled, nodded, and looked at Kirika in the distance: "As far as that is concerned."

"The crime of Hell River..."

Heijian narrowed his eyes, his pupils focused on the battle in the distance:

"It can be described as the omnipotent power of termination."

While the two were talking, Nicolai and Griveau were struggling to hold on.

"It can't go on like this."

With a cold face, Nikolai cut off a woman's head with the Soul-Breaking Blade--the horrified eyes of her before death made the chest of this experienced warrior heavy--and then faced the next old man with a confused expression.

"Relying on the legendary anti-demon armed forces, although we can protect ourselves..." Nikolai shook his slightly sore arms slightly, looked at the corpses lying around them, and couldn't help frowning.

"But it will eventually be exhausted by it!"

The meteorite glanced at Griveau, who had a crazy expression and angry eyes, and thought to himself:

Or, after Grewal killed enough people and reached the critical point, he directly collapsed?

Griveau roared and waved his spear, and the tip of the gun shot across the three of them in succession, but he himself was scratched on his left arm by a little girl attacking from behind.

The civilians in the shield area who were scratched by the tip of the gun died under the effect of "Killing". Griveau tried his best not to look at their expressions before they died, but they were trembling violently.

"Do you have any way to break through the past!" Grewal gritted his teeth and took a step back, feeling very emotional: "Don't tell me, you are actually the Wrath of the Kingdom!"

"We can't break through," Nikolai stared at the girl standing in front of the hydra, and pulled out a knife light: "But it can make her unable to retreat!"

Griveau's expression changed.

The next moment, the aura of the meteorite changed!

Two blushes rose on Nicolai's pale face, he withdrew his arm, and stopped killing the densely packed crowd in front of him.

His fingers caressed the blade of the broken soul.

In an instant, there was only a "click", and the soul-breaking blade with two arcs broke into two halves from the protruding point on the spine of the blade!

Seeing all this, the blood magician raised his eyebrows, instinctively feeling that something was wrong, and the bloody streaks on his face trembled.

The break of the blade seems to be very regular. I saw the meteorite holding the broken blade in one hand, and the half-cut soul-breaking blade in the other, showing a mysterious smile.

"Boundary breaking begins." He said softly.

The next second, Nikolai's figure moved, and the power of termination in his body began to tremble.

On one side of his body, he squeezed past the three civilians controlled by the magician in front of him with incredible agility. Amidst their screams, he stepped lightly on their shoulders and jumped into the air!

If Ada had been here, she would have recognized it immediately: this is what Nicolai showed when they first met, the kind of pace that is just right to weave through the crowd, and follow you everywhere.

Giza's expression moved slightly, and immediately several controlled civilians bent their knees, performed monster-like bounces, and rushed towards Nicolai in the air.

But Griveau's soul-killing gun drew a rare big circle at this moment, sweeping it out of thin air!


With his shoulder and back injured during the siege, Griveau roared and swept away all the civilians who tried to intercept Nikolai, turning them into lifeless corpses.

Nikolai jumped up in the air without hindrance, and at that second, he took a deep look at Giza in the distance.

Across dozens of densely packed people, the Meteor shook his arm.

The broken blade made a "swoosh" sound of breaking wind in the air, and shot directly at the magician's face!

Giza's expression changed drastically.

In the ear-piercing sound of the wind, she cautiously extended two tentacles from her body, hit the ground, and pushed herself backwards.


The blade stabbed fiercely on the earth and rocks, only a few meters away from the blood magician.

Nikolai's face remained unchanged, he fell from the air, and the broken blade cut away an enemy who was about to attack behind him.

Giza narrowed his eyes, staring at the blade on the ground, without saying a word.

However, only a second later, Nikolai flicked the blade lightly, his eyes burst into light, and he said coldly: "The boundary is completed."

The magician's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't even have any doubts.

But at that moment, Nikolai suddenly burst into the most emotional roar since the start of the war: "Charge!"

As if receiving the supreme order, Griveau opened his mouth, waved the constantly trembling long spear ferociously, pierced through the two innocent "enemies" in front of him, and rushed forward with tears in his eyes!


Amid Grivo's roar, Nicolai was not to be outdone, and the half-cut blade in his hand flickered with an unsightly light, instantly cutting the neck of a howling boy, and breaking through in the direction of the magician.

"There is only one chance! Break through!"

In the eyes of the blood magician, the two extreme people charged blindly regardless of cost, injury, and defense. The dense crowd of dozens of people was actually crushed by them!

Giza tilted his head slightly, and more people walked out of the tentacles, surrounding the charge.

But Nikolai and Griveau's charge still did not stop. Both of them had scratches and cuts all over their bodies, but they all broke out in the most violent state at the same time, and came to fight!

They were getting closer and closer to the magician.

After all, Giza closed her eyes, and soon, Kirika behind her stretched out a giant tentacle as before, wrapped her around her waist, and swept her away.

But the accident happened at this moment.

The magician on the tentacles retreated no more than ten meters, and the blade of the broken soul blade inserted into the ground suddenly brightened!

The most dazzling yellow glow flashed from the broken blade.

The tentacles guarding Giza continued to drag backwards, but the same yellow light as on the blade suddenly flashed behind Giza!

Giza's expression changed.

The tentacles were still retreating, but Giza seemed to be held back from behind by an invisible big hand, stopping abruptly in front of a barrier composed of yellow awns.

No matter how hard the tentacles were, they couldn't drag Giza out of the range of the yellow glow!

It's like being stuck with something.

Giza raised his head abruptly, looking at the broken blade on the ground in front of him.

It's the blade!

It has problems.

It didn't take long for Giza to think, because in an instant, the two extreme masters broke through the dense crowd, covered in blood, and fiercely killed the magician who couldn't retreat half a point!

Ten meters... five meters... four meters... three meters... the distance between the two of them is getting closer and closer!

"Shoot!" Nikolai roared, knocking back an enemy on the left with an elbow, then turned around and decisively swiped his knife, chopping down three or four people amidst the flying blood, protecting Griveau at all costs.

With wet tears and resentment in his heart, Griveau swung his deadly soul-killing spear, stepped into the three-meter range of the magician, and stabbed it out!

The yellow glow behind the blood magician flickered more and more urgently.

Still hindering her, unable to retreat and dodge.

The tip of the gun approached between Giza's eyes.


At the critical moment again, the barrel of the Soul-Slaying Spear was once again held tightly by the "big belt" of the veteran who suddenly appeared beside Giza.

"Boss Griveau," Big Belt held the Soul Slayer Spear with tears all over his face, "I'm sorry."

Nicolai's figure flickered again, the broken knife flew, and the metal rattled, protecting Griveau's body in a short time.

"It's nothing." Griveau gritted his teeth, looking resentfully at the large belt that was involuntarily blocked between the magician and the soul-killing gun, "It's just another unlucky battle."

The three are deadlocked here.

The crowd besieging the three seemed to have received some order suddenly, and stopped suddenly, and they all retreated amidst the fearful cries of the controlled.

Only then did Nikolai get a chance to breathe. He took a step back and stood back to back with Griveau, who was pointing at the magician with the soul-killing gun.

Giza lowered her head, her lips moved slightly, and her voice sounded in the ears of the two extreme people.

"What is this?" the magician asked lightly.

"This is the ability of the soul-slaying blade," Nikolai clutched his chest, glanced at the blade on the ground, and then at the big belt blocking the soul-slaying gun, his face was ugly, "with the separated blade as the center of the circle, short-term It isolates a region that is completely isolated from the outside."

"Only in and out."

Grewal gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of hatred: "It's enough to trap you here—— Biaozi."

Giza squinted her eyes, as if she didn't care, and asked with her lips barely moving: "It's really rare, and it's another piece of armor that I haven't seen before."

"This ability has a terrible name," Nicolai's face twitched, he finally took a deep breath, and said stiffly, "It's called 'You Can't Escape'. "

"Hmph," the blood magician snorted coldly, "it sounds like the work of that bitch Bloodthorn."

Nikolai looked at the crowd around vigilantly, and poked his companion behind him calmly: "The Queen of Bloodthorn forged this weapon originally to fight against the Void Magician—the kind of illusory, untraceable exist."

The hydra Kirika let out an angry and unclear roar of flesh and blood.

"Just to deal with Sagar?" The blood magician slowly shook his head: "I don't know how sad that fool will be when I hear you say that."

"Of course, we found out later," Nikolai turned his head and stared at Giza, "if the Blade of Broken Soul cooperates with other armed forces, it will be quite effective against most disasters."

"For example, now... it's 'you can't escape'."

The blood magician stared at them, his expression becoming more and more rigid.

"The game is over, Biaozi." Griveau, holding the Soul Slayer Spear, had a terrifying expression on his face, almost cutting the magician into pieces with his eyes.

"Let's do it," Nikolai urged the companion behind him coldly: "Make it a deal."

"Are you ready, big belt?" Griveau nodded, looking at his former colleagues under control, his eyes flashed with anger and intolerance.

"Of course, boss," Big Belt first smiled miserably, then his face froze, and he said sadly: "I have a daughter..."

Griveau frowned slightly upon hearing this.

The Shield Zone was almost completely destroyed.

Only a small part of the outer residents were evacuated.

His daughter is afraid...

But Griveau still took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "I will help you take care of her."

The eyes of the big belt flashed brightly, and at that moment, he showed a serene smile: "Thank you."

In the next second, under the relieved gaze of the big belt, Griveau made a terrifying "crack" from top to bottom.

I saw that the soul-killing gun in his hand seemed to have a thousand pounds of strength, trembling with both hands that were separated from the big belt, and stabbed straight out!


The soul-killing gun passed through the chest of the big belt, making a muffled sound of metal rubbing against the breastbone.

The big belt's relieved smile froze on his face, and he turned into a dry corpse.


The gun point again protrudes from the back of the large belt.

Then, alive, it pierced between the magician's eyes.

protruding from the back of her head.

At that moment, the magician opened his mouth wide, trembling, but didn't say anything.

As if experiencing boundless pain.

Kirika behind her made a frightening hissing sound, and her huge body slowly collapsed.

The crowd around them stopped moving.

Giza's face began to turn black and brittle, like cracked dead wood, falling into pieces.

Nicolai exhaled.

Panting, he took two staggering steps, picked up the blade stuck in the ground, and then slowly fastened it to the broken soul-breaking blade.

I saw a dazzling yellow light flashing across the fracture, and then the two metal edges fused together tightly.

Clean as new, as if it had never been broken.

Griveau closed his eyes, leaned his gun on the ground, and knelt down on one knee in exhaustion.

it's over.

Nikolai turned around and looked at the crumbling hydra.


Griveau's violent drinking sounded at this moment!

Nicolai immediately cast a suspicious look at him.


"The soul-killing gun... is still vibrating!" The lame veteran opened his mouth in disbelief, looking at Giza, which was shattered like broken pottery, he pulled out the tip of the gun with all his might.

"It's not her!" Griveau roared angrily, "It's not that biao!"

Nicole was shocked!

Under the shocked gazes of the two, the fragments of "Giza"'s face fell off one by one, revealing a handsome but silent gray face.

After the magician's appearance was peeled off, an innocent girl appeared in front of their eyes.

"It's just a civilian!" Griveau yelled heartbreakingly.

Nikolai, who had experienced many battles, had a cold face. He spread his arms like thunder and turned to the surrounding crowd!

But it's too late.

Countless people moved instantly and rushed towards Nicolai who had just relaxed.

Drown him in the crowd.

The next moment, a tentacle was thrown out from the crowd quietly, and arrived in an instant.


Griveau, who couldn't react in time, was hit hard by the tentacle!

With boundless strength, the lame veteran flew more than ten meters away.


Like a broken sack, Griveau hit a ruin, rolled out several times amid splashes of earth and rocks, and then fell to the ground motionless.

Appears to lose consciousness.

His Soul Slayer Spear flew in another direction, and rolled to the ground, making a dull "clang" sound.


Nikolai's mournful roar pierced through the crowd.

He fought out of countless crowds whose strength, speed, and reaction surpassed ordinary people, and his body was covered in bruises.

With the blood splattered everywhere, the Meteor Roller rolled several meters away, put his hand on the ground, lifted his head feebly, and looked at Griveau, who didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

And Kirika, the hydra that was on the verge of collapse, became active again, sending out a tentacle and splitting open. A gentle and bright girl—a real blood magician appeared in the tentacles, with a lovely smile on her face.

Nikolai with a gloomy expression looked at Giza, and then at the double who fell under the soul-killing gun.

"No... you... since when did you change your real body?" Nikolai trembled in disbelief.

And Giza just looked at him with a smile, like a naughty child.

Nicolai closed his eyes, punched the ground with his fist, and cried out in grief.

It was his fault.

He should have thought of it earlier.

From the very beginning—that magician, he never smiled, never moved his lips, and didn't even have any big expressions!

Thinking about it now: that is simply a double!

The soft voice of the blood magician came from afar.

"Look, it's not that difficult to change a person's appearance with a little dead skin tissue, is it?" Giza shook her head mischievously: "It saves my little cuties from being attacked by the soul-killing gun, which spreads to the whole world." My own peril..."

"I can also appreciate your wonderful expressions of being deceived."

Giza looked at Nikolai's resentful expression with a playful smile, and waved his hands.

"And I just need to stand in a straight line with the double - even if it is a soul-killing gun that can locate the magician, I can't tell whether this is the double or the real body."

"Soul Killer, you're out of the game." The magician narrowed his eyes and looked at Griveau in the distance. "Listen up, this is a teaching from Biaozi."

At that moment, Giza's expression became extremely cold: "Don't let your guard down at any moment."

The next moment, countless tentacles and the controlled crowd, like a raging flood that broke through the embankment, covered the sky, covered the sky and covered the moon, and rushed towards the fainted Griveau and the scarred Nicolai!

The masters of the two legendary anti-magic armed forces were finally defeated by the magician.

Nikolai clenched his teeth, the hand holding the blade trembling with anger.

He staggered to his feet, looked at the enemies attacking from all directions, and feebly raised his blade.

The blade cut across a tentacle, turning it into fly ash.

The handle of the knife smashed away a crying child who came like a falcon

Farewell, Griveaux.

Nikolai felt the blood left on his forehead and thought desperately.



But at this moment, the expression of the blood magician suddenly changed!

She turned her head abruptly, looking in one direction.

There, Kirika's two giant tentacles trembled together!

Then Qi Qi turned into fly ash.

Giza narrowed her eyes.

Legendary anti-magic armed forces?


Soon, the magician saw the attacking figure clearly.

"It's you?" Giza's eyebrows twitched, it was her old acquaintance.

The figure of Hei Jian loomed amidst the siege of tentacles, less than twenty meters away from her.

But wherever he went, the flesh and blood creations of the blood magician turned to ashes.

"Remember," Heijian rushed towards Giza without any hesitation, and whispered to Thales, who was holding the sword of purifying the world in his arms, "We only have one chance."

"Going up."

Thales took a deep breath, his eyes were firm, and he nodded slowly.

Black Sword and Thales rushed into the battlefield at this moment.

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