Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 75 Reasons for Fighting (Part 2)

In the palace of heroes, in the corridor near the armory, there is a distance of more than ten meters between the soul-killing blade and the soul-killing gun. One is firmly nailed to the wall, and the other is lying quietly on the ground.

The Soul Slaughter Spear emitted a faint but ominous tremor, intermittently.

But the two people who should have noticed this did not have the time and energy to take a look at this weapon.

Their battlefield has already changed from the corridor to other places.


Amidst the loud noise, a large wooden door was knocked open firmly!

In the darkness, two figures rushed into the room.

This is a weapon arsenal. The wide storage racks are covered with layers of thick cloth, and all kinds of equipment are kept in the dark: from longswords and maces to shields and armors, there are many more.

It is a special reserve set up by the White Blade Guards in the Palace of Heroes - the palace guards of the Palace of Heroes are trained according to the standard equipment, but they are far from using so many types of weapons with their own characteristics.

In the dark, the calm Nikolai rolled over, followed his memory, and stretched out his hand towards the nearest storage shelf!

Hearing the voice behind him, he knew that the other party would not hesitate.

Just like I wouldn't hesitate.

In the next second, Nikolai turned around suddenly in the dim vision, and the weapon in his hand was flying in the air.


Sure enough, Nikolai only felt a slap in the face: his weapon encountered artificial obstacles.

In this sudden weapon collision, both he and the enemy shook slightly, and Qiqi used the force of the shock to retreat repeatedly in the dark.

Nicolai retreated to the wall, found the location in his memory, flipped the weapon in his hand backwards skillfully, and drew sparks on an iron frame. The eternal oil on the frame quickly turned into flames, igniting the firewood.

On the opposite side of him, with a soft sound, the enemy also used the flint next to him to ignite the brazier in the corner.

The dimly lit arsenal suddenly brightened.

Kaslan stared at the one-sided battle ax in Nicolai's hand.

"It seems you think the same as I do,

"Caslan said, waving the broad-edged sword he just got, "During the battle, look for the weapon closest to you. "

Nicolei pursed his lips, but did not answer.


This is one of the principles of White Blade Guard.

Back then, the person who taught me this...

Nikolai didn't speak. He lowered his eyes, held the handle with both hands, and the ax blade moved back and forth in front of him, skillfully chopping an "X"-shaped trajectory.

Kaslan smiled.

According to the usual practice, when a Grand Duke of Exeter is newly promoted to become the king of the co-jue, he has the right to take over the iconic "Legend of the White Blade" and form a special guard that the Northlanders are proud of. The high-status white-bladed guards demonstrate the honor and importance of being a king.

The White Blade Guards are selected from experienced fighters—such as the standing army trained three times a year—and then retrained to form. The elite who fought in the life-and-death struggle in person: they are not only the king's guards, but also his blade.

And each session of the White Blade Guard is full of the personal characteristics of the commander. For example, Kaslan Rumba of "Shaking the Earth", based on his own example, requires the White Blade Guard to master the usage of almost every battlefield weapon.

That's why there is this arsenal, which stores almost every kind of weapon in every era.

"Your vision for evaluating battles has regressed." Kaslan raised his eyes from the opponent's weapon, "You know, the attack is monotonous, the chopping is slow, and I'm not wearing heavy armor—the battle ax is really not a good choice .”

It was Nikolai's merciless blow with the ax that answered him.


I can't see anything clearly, so of course I can use whatever I catch.


Kaslan knocked off the opponent's slash, and the broad-edged sword counterattacked, but was blocked by Nikolai's instant change of direction again.

Nicolai took two steps back, annoyed.


The broad-edged sword is sharpened on both sides, and the attack is flexible. As long as he counterattacks backhand, I have to spend some finishing power to defend.

Thinking of this, Nikolai swung his hands without hesitation, and the tomahawk flew towards the enemy.

Kaslan threw away the opponent's throwing axe, but when he looked up again, a light and well-balanced one-handed stabbing sword had come to Nikolai's hand from the weapon rack not far away.

"Good choice."

Kaslan only had time to utter these two words, and Nicolai used his finishing power to slash, stab, and slash, and there was almost no gap in the transition!

In a few rounds, around the gap between the two-way slashing of the wide-edged sword, the slashing and stabbing sword deftly attacked back and forth, and the combination of slashing and stabbing made Kaslan quite embarrassed.

In the last blow, Kaslan tried hard to deflect Nikolai's slash, but was forced by the opponent's change of move again and had no way out. .

Amidst the clinking of countless weapons falling to the ground, Nikolai had to stop and adjust his breathing.

"You're already wounded, it's serious," Nicolai kicked away a row of shelves blocking the road, and shook the stabbing sword in his hand: "Can't you handle a slightly more flexible move?"

"Good job," Kaslan spat out the dust in his mouth, and threw away the broadsword in his hand, "It's just..."

"You also seem to have wounds on your leg," he grabbed the handle of a new weapon from the ground with his right hand, and said lightly:

"I guess, maybe it's not very convenient to dodge?"

Seeing the new weapon in Kaslan's hand, Nikolai suddenly changed color!

With the sound of the weapon rack, the three iron chains connected to Kaslan's handle were slowly pulled straight, and three metal balls covered with spikes were brought out at the end.

Nikolai didn't hesitate, he threw away the sword in his hand instantly, turned around and fled!

Sure enough, the next moment, three terrifying shackle heads drew three arcs in the air, and smashed hard at Nicolai's original position.

"Bang!" Stone chips splashed.

Nicolai knew that Kaslan had found his weakness at the moment.

Multi-headed flail.

This kind of weapon with a striking hammer attached to its long handle is a veritable battlefield weapon. Not only is it powerful, but if you brush it casually, your bones will be broken—and because when you swing it, as many comrades die under it as the enemy .

Normally, it would be easy to dodge it, but now...

Nicolai gritted his teeth and endured the pain caused by the arrow wound on his leg. He kept on stepping, but he heard the sound of the wind behind his ears.

The meteorite didn't even think about it, just rolled on the spot!

Stone chips from a flail head bounced off Nikolai's head.

Nikolai got up abruptly and continued to run away.

"Bang!" Kaslan swung the flail skillfully again, and the head of the flail with the chain brushed against the weapon rack beside Nicolai, sweeping it into three pieces.

Broken weapons scattered in the air.

Nikolai dodged a falling dagger.

But he knew he couldn't stop until...

Nikolai, who was avoiding Kaslan's attack, turned around a stone pillar and finally found what he wanted.

The next moment, Kaslan threw out the shackle again!

But then his pupils shrank—Nikolai threw himself on the ground, and when he got up, he already had a long weapon in his hand.

The Meteorite turned around and greeted Kaslan!

"Clang clang!"

The iron chain in the air was wrapped around an iron rod that suddenly appeared!

Nikolai jerked back the long handle in his hand.

With the sound of metal, the iron chain looped around the iron rod twice, and then stopped moving—the flail head was tightly locked to the ax design on the top of the iron rod.

Caslan's heart tightened.

In Nikolai's hand was a complicated ax and halberd.

The protruding ax tip on it, the shape of the ax blade, and the special hook are all cast specifically for dealing with cavalry - as long as the strength is sufficient and the movements are skilled, infantry can also use this long weapon to easily hook cavalry off the horse Come.

And now, it locks its shackles perfectly.

Nikolai took a few breaths, feeling the fatigue of his body—even if he was as strong as him, he was exhausted enough after several hours of high-intensity fighting.

Fortunately, the other party is the same.

Without pausing, he stretched his right hand back, and the ax and halberd in his hand skillfully stabbed at Caslan with the flail!

Caslan let go of the shackle that was locked in embarrassment—this time it was his turn to stagger to avoid Nikolai's erratic axe that could change directions at any time.


The ax and halberd knocked down a row of bow racks beside Kaslan, and the unwound longbow fell to the ground.

Kaslan didn't stop, with a serious face, he continued to roll around, avoiding the sweep of Nikolai's long weapon.

Nikolai clenched the weapon in his hand, and slashed out with a backhanded halberd without hesitation.


With a sliding shovel, Kaslan kicked down a weapon rack while dodging the attack, and the weapons on it fell down with a clatter.

The old man moved his hands, held three or four weapons under his left armpit, and then ran seven or eight steps away before turning to face him again.

Seeing the weapon in Kaslan's hand clearly, Nikolai's heart flashed with warning signs!

The old man stretched out his right hand and pulled out an obsolete weapon that had long since disappeared from the battlefield from his left arm.


Caslan raised his javelin solemnly and drew his right arm apart.


The javelin was dropped.

At that moment, Nikolai didn't care about sending out the ax and halberd in his hand, so he shrank his head because of his short stature!


With the whistling sound of the wind, the galloping javelin brushed against Nikolai's head that had just drooped, and ruthlessly plunged into the stone brick behind him.

Nikolai couldn't care that his brow was still getting cold, so he decisively threw down the ax and halberd.

But in the next second, there were two "whoosh" whistles again!

It took all of Nicolai's strength to avoid the target's gun and the two javelins on his head, but the arrow wound in his leg began to ache again.

The meteorite shrank behind a stone pillar, and just as he hid, a javelin flew from afar and pierced into his position just now.

Nicolai was panting against the stone pillar, anxiously looking for a new weapon, cursing in his heart.

As the white blade guard brought out by Kaslan, no one knows Kaslan's horror better than him.

Kaslan's strength and reflexes are terrifying, which earned him the nickname "Earth Shaker".

But the old commander's unique skill lies in his proficiency in the use and characteristics of almost every weapon. Any weapon he grabs on the battlefield can become an incomparable killing tool.

For example, now... Broadsword, chain flail, javelin, every time he changes weapons, his pressure increases sharply, but the meteorite can only deal with it passively.

There was a sound behind the stone pillar - Kaslan picked up the bundle of javelins again and tore the seal.

"You have wasted a lot of skills, Stabhead," Kaslan's voice came through the stone pillar: "It can be seen from the weapons you have chosen—have you forgotten everything I taught you?"

"As a White Blade Guard, knowing the characteristics of each weapon is..."

Nicolai, who was leaning on the stone pillar, clenched his teeth.

Anger and pain rose from his chest.

"Why?" He said with difficulty, interrupting the other party.

"What why?" Kaslan's voice.

Nicolai gasped and clenched his fists.

"You damn bastard, from now until now..." The meteorite gritted his teeth, "Why the hell are you still mentioning so many things from the past?"

He roared: "Do you think we are still practicing on the training ground like in the past?"


The old man behind the stone pillar fell silent.

"It's you," Nicolai said in pain, "It's you who turned us from conscripts who only knew to fight for food and clothing, money, face, honor, and promotion into white-bladed guards..."

Nicolai closed his eyes tightly, only feeling the blood rushing from every blood vessel: "Back then, those words you told me while whipping the whip..."

In the next second, he grabbed the javelin stuck at his feet, and flashed out from behind the stone pillar——

"Is it all fake!"

Two javelins were thrown towards each other from the hands of two people!



Kaslan's javelin grazed Nikolai's calf, tearing the leather armor on his leg and bleeding.

Nicolai rolled over again, hiding behind another stone pillar.

He touched his calf, which was wet.

But he has no time to take care of it.


"Looking at your appearance just now, I thought you just wanted to kill me." Kaslan looked at the trembling javelin at the other end of the stone pillar, looking at the trembling javelin beside him, and wiped the wound outside his forearm: "You'll never ask again."

"A commander always thinks one step more than his subordinates on the battlefield, and takes one step less." Nicolai couldn't stand it anymore: "Didn't you tell me that?"

"You tell me how to be a qualified commander..."

"To become a strong shield, an iron wall, a battle flag that comrades on the battlefield can rely on to shelter..."

"But what about you?" The Meteorite was agitated, and he shouted violently with a distorted face: "What about the blade oath you made?"

"Defend against powerful enemies, fight a hundred battles, until the blood runs out," Nikolai tremblingly said: "Inherit hope, bloom glory, until everything sleeps forever..."

"Where's your blood?"

"Where is your glory?"


Nicolai's roar shocked Kaslan!

There was a long silence in the armory.

Only the breathing of the two people remained, one was intense and the other was unstable.

Finally, the old man spoke slowly.

"Stab, being a commander must be tiring."

Nicole paused.

Kaslan lowered his eyelids and spoke softly:

"For nearly twenty years, His Majesty Nuen, how much darkness and secrets have you been burdened with?"

"In there, how many things are there that will make you feel guilty, sleepless at night, heavy on your shoulders, but unable to speak?"

The meteorite clenched his teeth and did not answer.

But there was an unspeakable sadness in his heart.

Kaslan said silently: "And you can only continue to teach your subordinates with an upright face in the next day's training, to be a loyal, honorable, upright, and heroic white-bladed guard."

"I know, I know from my heart," Kaslan said bitterly:

"That's right, as one of His Majesty's most trusted people, the most powerful personal guard captain around him, the commander of the White Blade Guard, the world will always only remember your heroic demeanor on the battlefield and your mighty presence next to the king..."

"But behind the shiny exterior..."

"There are always those things that cannot be escaped."

Nicolai only frowned, his hands trembling slightly.

"Nunn and I grew up together, like brothers—far better than my relationship with Holt," Kaslan sighed slightly, pulling out his javelins one by one, and putting them in the Arranged in front of me for easy access: "More than 30 years ago, when I was sitting in the Tower of Terminator, facing the test letter of the inheritor given to me by the teacher, and the invitation letter of the White Blade Guard from the newly promoted King Nun, I I chose the latter without hesitation."

"I still remember the day when I went to Longxiao City to take up my post," the old man said silently, "Nuen, who just became the King of Gongju, took me standing on the cliff of the sky with snowflakes all over his body, overlooking the entire Longxiao City. city."

"'Caslan,' His Majesty said," Caslan said bitterly, "'If I want to change Exeter, change this country...'"

Nicole was shocked!

"'I want to change this great country that is as great as before, but also as old as before, and change this country that has made no progress for more than six hundred years...'"

"Will you help me?"

"I didn't hesitate," Kaslan said with a long sigh, "but I never realized what kind of road this is."

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