
The front page is sealed and pushed, which is an official recognition of the author's achievements by the starting point. Being able to display the work here shows... Damn, when I say this, Bourdieu's "Speech on Speech" always pops up in my mind, I couldn't speak for a moment.

All in all, I am very happy.

Along the way, although there are many ups and downs, what is enough to make me proud and moved is: the readers have always been by my side.

When the collection was less than a hundred, nine readers joined the book friend group, discussing the plot, blowing water and farting, which gave me a considerable part of motivation in the monotonous life, and supported me to record and show the next chapter. story.

Until now, the book friend group has exceeded 500 people, and there are more book friends who have not joined the group, supporting this work, this world, and the lives of these characters in various ways.

It is my honor to fight side by side with you.

I dare not say how fast I can write and how many updates I can make, but I will try my best to write every chapter to the best level.

I don't have the confidence to write more than 10,000 words every day, but I have the persistence to polish 3,000 words in seven hours.

In addition, I would like to thank Qingmang, the editor in charge of this book.

As mentioned above, he was the one who picked up this book that hit the street from the trash dump and signed it.

I'm not going to say anything about what he recommended for the arrangement so I appreciate it.

I'm just saying one thing.

During the ten months, Qingmang continued to use methods such as provocation, encouragement, threat, inducement, pleading, etc., to inhumanely ... remind Wujian to change.

That's right, Wujian, whose update is unstable, has made it to this day, largely due to the editor's persistent reminders.

Here, I will intercept a part of what Qingmang said on QQ:

"Don't stop changing, hey"

"Can't you divide the 6,000-word content into two days and update it?"

"If you have this time, it's better to code a few words"

"I really want to scold my mother when you break the watch"

"I haven't started pushing yet,

You underestimate yourself"

"Write well, "XXXX" was written with you, and now the monthly manuscript fee is over 10,000."

"There is still a lot of income, you can concentrate on writing, don't play with me and stop updating"

"Let me do the math for you. You updated 270,000 words in two months. On average, it is 135,000 words a month, which is 4,000 words a day. You can definitely update more stable points."

"The Sword of the Street!"

"You can at least try to update for a week in a row!"

"Why don't you just drop me the eunuch, I'm upset"

"Can't you update 3,000 words every day? You can't even recommend it if you want to"

"I didn't give up on you when you turned into a dog"

"We haven't known each other for a day or two, and if you don't update, I don't have the slightest benefit. I just think it's a pity for a book."

"You finally have a stable update! I'm so moved, what should I do? I'm crying"

"Master! You are the author!"

"Update more, your book has great potential"

"Why do I care more about my work than you do"

"You are now the 11th monthly pass, go and explode the 10th chrysanthemum"

"Let me change the title of the book to "Blood Cutting""

"The only requirement is that you don't stop updating during the blocking period, or you will be really blocked."

"It's up to you to update!"

The above words are enough to explain everything.

I can't express my gratitude to Qingmang.

Wujian doesn't often reveal his private thoughts on the Internet, but he has been writing for a year, and he has a deep relationship with his book friends, so it's time to say something from the bottom of his heart.

The birth of "Kingdom's Blood" originated a long time ago, but it was an accident that it was actually published as a book.

Many years ago in high school, when Wujian was most fascinated by fantasy literature, three classmates and I made an appointment with great enthusiasm to write a fantasy novel together after graduation.

I am probably one of the most active people among them. I even made a historical chronology and drew a draft map (yes, it is the rough and naive hand-drawn map on Weibo).

However, after the college entrance examination, the four of us just had a quick meeting in McDonald's and laughed and laughed together for an afternoon, and nothing happened.

Later, the four went their separate ways and had their own lives, and one of them was no longer alive.

Although we kept in touch, no one mentioned this matter again, and the enthusiasm and impulse at the beginning gradually cooled down. I'm not even sure whether they still remember this agreement.

Because I almost forgot about myself.

Until many years later - the summer of 2016.

I still remember the day I received a rejection letter for my PhD application.

That was the last school on the list.

For a person who once aspired and has always believed that he wants to take the path of academic research, the frustration of a disillusioned future is still very real.

In the early morning of that day, I was depressed and brought a pitcher of beer back to the dormitory. While drinking, I sorted out everything in the bookcase—I just felt that the names of every academic book were full of a strong sense of irony.

Probably by chance, "it" suddenly appeared in the interlayer of an old book (Gadamer's "Truth and Method").

That hand-drawn map from high school.

That map that I never got a chance to show them after I finished drawing it.

Looking at the place names written down with a pencil many years ago, and the inch-by-inch lines drawn, I recalled the unfinished agreement.

Thinking of past youth, interests and enthusiasm, thinking of someone who passed away many years ago.

I just feel panting in my eyes and tightness in my chest.

Mixed feelings.

Maybe it's time.

I tell myself so.

Regain that agreement, regain the dream once.

Even if I'm the only one left.

So, drunk, I opened the keyboard.

In the early hours of the morning, the first two chapters of "Kingdom Blood" came out.

The image of the boy curled up in the abandoned house, gritted his teeth and struggled to survive, appeared before my eyes for the first time.

At that time, everything was still hazy, the world was not yet clear, and many characters had only a vague face.

I didn't realize what I had done until I woke up the next day and stared blankly at the big "Your work has been reviewed" line on the screen.

I went downstairs and smoked a cigarette (sixteenth relapse) and thought about it for five minutes.

And that's how it started.

The road was not smooth at first.

Many excellent works may be signed when they are 30,000 words or less.

But that's not Kingdomblood.

Ten thousand, thirty thousand, fifty thousand, one hundred thousand, one hundred and thirty thousand...

After writing 150,000 words, the book waited for the invitation to sign the contract——Editor Qingmang "picked out the lonely little Thales from the trash" (his original words).

Just signed the contract, probably because the sixth chapter is often reported, the book disappeared on the website 404 for several days.

Three hundred and seventy thousand words, three days before it went on sale, the collection of this book just passed 300.

During this period, I experienced breaking up, defending, graduating, going home, and working.

After it was put on the shelves, the number of readers gradually increased, followed by more doubts, criticisms, and even abuse.

Only then did I realize that writing is really tiring.

Do you want to give up?

During this process, similar thoughts popped up in my mind more than once.

But my heart always tells me: you like to write, no matter how hard it is, no matter how tired, no matter how misunderstood, you still have the motivation and reason to persevere.

Qinzhi Huaqing, the author of "The Devil", once said in the group of authors: "If you can realize value while earning a living, what else in the world is happier than this?".

Quite right.

As I said in my testimonial on the shelves: Bitterness is insignificant, but happiness goes without saying.

Whenever I have the idea of ​​giving up, bad endings, word counts, and outlines, I will go to the book group to have a look, laughing and laughing with everyone, and at the same time convince myself: Look, these pronunciations are all because of the fantastic and magnificent The world of the world is gathered here, looking forward to the future of that world with great hope.

You can't let them down.


You have to keep writing.

keep writing.

Until today's 1.3 million words.

Closer to home.

As the novice's first work, "Kingdom's Bloodline" is too long, and the lack of sword-free writing power and poor rhythm appear: looking back, the first volume is too sloppy, the second volume is a bit taken for granted, and the third volume The front of the volume is too complicated and redundant, the back is too big and too wide, the first half of the fourth volume is too urgent, and the second half is too delayed.

In general, the book still has the problem of too tight rhythm and not enough relief.

It’s actually quite normal for this problem to occur: because from the beginning, Wujian refers to the unit settings in American dramas, episode by episode, season by season, and uses compact and continuous plots to spread out the story and the world.

Now it seems that once this writing method stretches the length, various problems will occur, such as reading fatigue.

Believe me, Wujian is trying to solve these problems-and Wujian is a person who likes to go back and revise the text every now and then (smile).

Well, readers, it’s still the old saying: I write well, and you read it well.

I believe that we can find resonance in the book and let each other stimulate some thinking. This is more efficient communication than many forms of discussion.

I hope everyone will subscribe to the genuine version, especially starting point or QQ reading: believe me, buying the genuine version will be addictive.

Finally, post a passage from the postscript of "The Prodigal Son in the Frontier Town" as self-encouragement:

[The conflict of human nature is truly the moving factor that cannot be missing in any novel.

As a person who "writes martial arts novels", I certainly have no objection to attracting readers with strange changes, amazing plots, and heroes with outstanding personalities. I just think that besides these, there should be something else for the readers, something exciting.

Something that allows others to admit that martial arts novels are also novels.

But I also know that new ventures are risky and often thankless.

But I am willing.

Because I am a "writer of martial arts novels", I always hope that people who write martial arts novels can also be called "writers" in the future and be valued as much as other writers.

I always hope that martial arts novels can also be called "novels" in the future, and like other novels, they can be placed in the living room majestically.


September 20, 1972]

? (Holding head and squatting on the ground) Next, it is open for readers and friends to throw bricks.



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