Kingdom’s Bloodline

Recommend 1 book, Lonely Island World

It's a fantasy, but very sci-fi book.

The title of this book may not be very good (Swordless Heart: tm what a broken title!), but when it comes to the author, many fantasy readers may have the impression: the prodigal son of the capital who wrote "Yara's Adventure Notes".

That's right, the 4 million-word article about an uncle leading beautiful girls to travel around the world is well-known in the hearts of many readers, and it can be described as a clear stream of fantasy.

But this new book by the prodigal son is quite different from the upright "Yara", for example, the style is much more gloomy and gloomy.

Some readers may not be used to it, but others may like the Gothic post-war worldview he created.

An author, after getting used to the original style of writing, is determined to change the track and try to innovate. This is a kind of adventure, but also a kind of courage. No matter what the result is, Wujian must first express his affirmation to this attempt. Hey, even if you don’t If I like it, I also want to contribute a few clicks to favorites, otherwise the minority Qingliu writers like Prodigal Son will be forced by the market to write routines, what should I do!

Let's talk about the novel itself.

The narrative technique of this book is very interesting. First, the legendary character Lily at the beginning is described in a flashback manner, and then three interesting (hentai) protagonists are introduced:

clever (zhonger) but poor-mouthed () crow

A rose that exalts (gaochao) in bloody violence

Doubi's bisexual female leopard.

Obviously, starting from the crow, probably everyone has a bitter and bitter past, and the story begins with the first encounter of the three-person team.

I am convinced of the ability of this book to create characters. Although there are not many words, there is evidence in the previous book: "Yara's Notes" The characters are vivid and real, and they seem to be within reach. There are very few shriveled paper figures and vases.

The writing style of this novel is also ok. After all, it is an old pen that has written 4 million words of "Yara". Obstacles and stagnation.

Secondly, the ability of the prodigal son to break the world setting is obvious to all, as can be seen from "Yara". In the beginning of the prologue, a big hole was dug (the "door" to change the world?), I don't know what surprise he will give.

Convention, let me talk about the deficiencies I saw as a reader:

1. The first few chapters are full of long paragraphs of text, which is quite difficult to read, but fortunately, the situation has improved since then.

2. The personalities of the characters are too "distinctive", especially the three protagonists, who are hentai to an unimaginable degree, and to some extent have the exaggerated effect of a stage drama, but impatient readers may not easily feel a sense of substitution.

3. The narrative technique is relatively complicated, especially the flashback from the first volume to the second volume, and the transition from the present to the first encounter, which is easy to make people feel confused. As for whether this is the case, you can judge for yourself.

One-sentence evaluation: The gothic and precious innovation experiment of the old author of the fresh running group.

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