Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 32: The Creation of the Two Emperors


"'Disappeared for a while'? What does that mean?"

In the chess and card room in the Spear District, Thales looked at the Qi Magician in astonishment: "How many classes have we had in total? And most of the time is spent doing inexplicable questions and answers, and then you tell me , are you going to 'disappear for a while' now?"

Forget about being a little tricky, it's her menstrual period...

Forget about Puttilai, the old man has been playing and disappearing in a nervous way...

Forget about Lisbane and Nicolai, that's all anyway...


but you...

The prince took a deep breath and stared dissatisfiedly at the man in blue in front of him: "According to what you said, are you really my 'guide'?"

Wyatt and Justin standing at the door noticed the prince's gaffe when he was "talking to himself", they looked at each other, and both cast strange eyes.

Thales noticed their behavior, coughed, and pretended to read aloud the lines in the playbook in his hand.

Both Wyatt and Lord Justin looked away.

"Quiet," Ashida, who was sitting in front of Thales, snorted softly, "Now you are like a river shrimp jumping up and down in boiling water, which is not a good thing, especially for magicians."

Thales took a deep breath, put down the book, and adjusted himself.

The magician slightly raised his gaze: "Your condition today is worse than last time, what happened?"

what happens?

Thinking of Selma's performance a few days ago, Thales shook his head with an ugly expression:

"It's nothing, it's just an old question."

The prince didn't want to say more, he adjusted his mentality, and brought the topic back: "So what's the reason for you to leave in such a hurry?"

Ashida paused for a while, during which time his gaze was focused on Thales' face, as if he wanted to doubt what he just said.

Staring at Thales felt inexplicably flustered.

But the magician of qi didn't ask any more questions, he said indifferently: "Do you know the tower of the end?"

Tower of the End?

Isn't that Wyah and Cohen...

Thales raised his eyebrows slightly: "I've heard...that swordsman camp that claims to be independent of power and only inherits skills for the future of mankind?"

The magician nodded.

Thales frowned: "So what does it have to do with you and us?"

Ashida chuckled lightly: "As a group that tried its best to suppress disasters more than 600 years ago and has been vigilant against disasters for more than 600 years, what do you say: what does the Tower of the End have to do with us?"

Thales made an "oh" mouth.

"Well, let me think about it..." Thales shrugged: "Cat and mouse?"

"Or the farmer and the snake?"

Ashida ignored Thales' deliberate ridicule, and his tone became serious: "Recently, a suspicious piece of information has spread from the Tower of Terminator, and I have to go on a long journey to find out its authenticity. "

Telski said, "What information is so important?"

Ashida lightly stroked the chess piece in his hand, her eyes shrunk slightly.

"Although that information is very interesting, it is even good news for us..." The magician nodded gracefully: "But for your own good, I can't risk telling you the details."

Thales heheed twice, put on an expression of "I knew it was like this", and left Ashida with a blank stare.

The magician of qi was unmoved, he lightly tapped the pieces on the chessboard: "But I can tell you, this is information that can shock the two queens of magic."

Telston lived.

Let the two emperors...


Thales stared at Ashida's face, trying to see something from the magician's expression, just like looking at other people.

But in the ten-second-long confrontation, he finally gave up.

"It's okay," Thales sighed, retracted his chair with slight frustration and self-mockery, and waved his right hand to the calm-faced Ashida: "Anyway, I'm used to your preference of only half-talking.


Ashida snorted through her nose, unable to discern emotion.

The two fell into silence.

Thales shook off the bad mood that the bad news brought him, frowned again, thinking about the current situation: "How long are you going to go?"

"have no idea."

"Maybe a long time," Ashida shook her head, "It's not easy to get close to the Tower of the End."

Thales frowned and stared at the Qi Magician in front of him, let out a breath of boredom and helplessness, and rubbed his forehead in frustration.

"At this time..."

How bad.

When Dragon Clouds City was at its worst...

"Alas," Thales sighed softly, "You don't seem to be worried at all. In the days when Dragon Clouds City was not at peace while you were away, I was suddenly unlucky and killed by an assassin?"

The air magician narrowed his eyes.

"Why did you come out to play chess, Thales?"

Taylor's heart tightened.

"Maybe you can hide it from others, child," Ashida snorted coldly, and said with deep meaning: "But look around: you already know where you are going."

Thales, who knew what he was talking about, coughed awkwardly.

He turned his head in the box, glanced around at the Grand Duke's bodyguards and patrols who surrounded him on the street, the upper floor opposite, and at the door, and then turned back, showing a deliberate and ugly look at the magician. Fake laugh.

The afternoon sun shone on the platform of this open-air box, dyeing the smiling prince golden.


Ashida, who was clearly under the sun but strangely unchanged, raised her chin slightly, her voice raised slightly: "It seems that you still have expectations for me?"

Thales rubbed his increasingly tight brows, and spread his hands helplessly.


"There's nothing to admit." The second prince thought hard about the news from Qiyuan City: "I do take you as one of my trump cards: if things really get to the point of no return, at least I have one last thing to say." road."

"But now it seems..."

Thales shook his head and did not continue.

"Actually," Ashida's eyes lit up slightly, and the tone that Thales had experienced countless times, trying to confuse people's hearts appeared again from his mouth: "You can choose the 'last road' now."

"As long as you want, the gate of the magician will be open for you at any time. Do you want to follow me to the Tower of the End?"

But Thales coughed lightly, as if he didn't hear him, nodded sternly, and waved his hands:

"It's okay to leave."

Asheda looked sideways at his disrespectful student, she wasn't annoyed, she just raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"Thales," a blue light flashed in the magician's eyes: "During the time I'm away, you can only rely on yourself."

Thales, who was still worried about the situation, let out a sigh of relief: "It seems as if you have helped me a lot in the past few years."

Ashida snorted softly.

"Very good, as a parting gift, Thales," the Magician of Qi said softly, "Let's finish the first lesson."

"first lesson?"

"Thales," Ashida nodded, "You once asked me how the Queen of Magic betrayed us."

His expression turned serious: "It's time to tell you: our greatest enemy and threat."

Looking at the unusual expression of this unusual teacher, Thales was also a little nervous by him.

"Oh, what a surprise then."

Thales nodded awkwardly at first, then looked around suspiciously: "Wait, you won't suddenly 'leave get out of class' again in a second, right?"

Ashida's mouth curled into an arc.

He sat upright, and put the queen that he had been caressing for a long time back on the chessboard "with his own hands", which is really rare for a magician of qi, and said quietly afterwards: "Speaking of the end battle, Thales, this is not It's not a one-sided quick war, but a decade-long tug-of-war about beliefs and positions, about resistance and compromise."

Thales concentrated, and he couldn't help noticing that Ashida didn't name whose beliefs or stances.

And who is resisting and who is compromising.

"On the one hand, the struggle between soldiers and armies, politics and conspiracy on both sides of the war came and went, and on the other hand, the scuffle between the two obfuscators and the six radicals never stopped, and that war even involved gods and demons, Even dragons and magic towers."

"I have read some incomplete records." Listening to the magician's narration, Thales nodded thoughtfully: "About how the Restoration King and the Dragon Knight King mediate in a complicated political situation, gather people's hearts, and how the Holy Day Church repeatedly warrants and notices of appeal."

"I think that the war that determines the fate of the world may not be as simple as we imagined?"


According to the discussion with Heather the other day, no war is simple, friend or foe, winner or loser.

Ashida was noncommittal, he habitually crossed his fingers, and his eyes narrowed slightly:

"After the magic tower was destroyed, their survivors are still tirelessly studying the weaknesses of magicians, and have achieved results: warriors wearing anti-magic weapons can more or less exempt part of the magicians' abilities, but they Still at a loss as to how to restrict the magician's actions."

Anti-magic armed forces.

Thales grasped this familiar yet unfamiliar vocabulary.

In the next second, Ashida's tone changed suddenly.

"However, the real turning point came in the eleventh year."

The surrounding atmosphere seemed to be a secret room with the curtain drawn down, and it became dark and obscure under Ashida's gloomy tone.

Even Thales couldn't help frowning.

"The first magician to fall was Bane," Ashida said calmly, as if talking about something that had nothing to do with him, but Thales obviously felt that his state was different: "In his Once again, I used my terrifying ability, and when I fell into the nightmare of tens of thousands of people, I was pierced in the chest by the only sober enemy with an unusual anti-magic weapon."


Thales vaguely remembered that Giza also mentioned this name a long time ago.

"Then," Ashida narrowed her eyes slightly, "Ban disappeared."


A magician, after being pierced in the chest by a weapon...


The magician's words were very simple, but they made the prince shudder.

Thales looked at Ashida, recalled what he knew and heard in the past, and felt anxious about the end of the story.

"The news is terrible..."

"In those few days, almost all the magicians raised their thresholds, knocked on doors, and rose to their original state, just to find Bane who had disappeared from perception." Ashida's face remained the same, but her voice became deeper and deeper: "But we There is no trace of Bane anymore: in the threshold that once belonged to the Nightmare Sorcerer, only a dead mass remains, unconscious."

A dead mass.


Thales couldn't help but think of the moment of "knocking on the door" back then, and all the strange things he encountered in that intoxicating darkness.

"Whether it is the radicals on the battlefield or us in seclusion, we are all at a loss in shock and doubt."

Ashida looked at the void, her expression remained unchanged, but the rhythm in her tone became more disturbing:

"Giza and Arik believed that humans used some means to hide Bane, so they destroyed nine cities overnight, and forced nine kings and lords to find Bane;"

"Lebra, who is still reasonable, let go of his usual arrogance and self-satisfaction, and tried to contact us, but was forced away by Solovsky's cynicism;"

"Fleilan is determined to go to Toros for help, but there is no more follow-up;"

"Sura has a good relationship with the obfuscators, but according to what she said, neither Old Sagar nor Jilai knew what happened."

Thales blinked his eyes in astonishment, forgetting to ask who these names were interested in.

As Ashida's tone deepened and accentuated, the rhythm of the story became more and more urgent.

"Until B found out that such a big thing happened, except for Toros, there were two magicians who didn't respond."

Ashida's eyes slowly overflowed with a strange blue light: "They seem to be very busy, and they don't even knock on the door to check on Bane's time and energy."

Thales couldn't help holding his breath: "They are..."

"Ah, Bloodthorn and Black Orchid."

Ashida's eyes froze in the air, and he nodded slightly: "The queen of magic later."

Bloodthorn and Black Orchid.

double emperor.

Thales' eyes widened slightly: "That is to say, that weapon, and the Queen of Magic, they are..."

Asilda turned her head, a pair of emotionless eyes swept across Thales' face, making the latter's heart skip a beat.


"Under the table that we don't know about, the two magicians who have always seemed to stay out of it and remain neutral have already started to cooperate with humans and the survivors of the magic tower," the tone of the magician of air was cold: "And in the end, based on the existing anti-magic armed forces, the biggest nemesis of the magician was created."

The temperature in the chess and card room seemed to drop instantly.

In the next second, Ashida's lips parted slightly, and coldly spit out the compound word Thales had heard countless times:

"Legendary anti-magic weapon."

The silence between the two lasted for a while.

Thales tried hard to digest the information he just received.

Legendary Anti-Demon Armor.

double emperor.

"So, legends...they are, are they the creations of the Double Emperors?" Thales couldn't help asking.

Ashida stared fixedly at the chessboard, as if there was something not to be missed on it.

He nodded slowly with a very slow rhythm.

"Every legendary anti-magic weapon in the world is made by the Double Emperor, and each has corresponding abilities to restrain us as if it was born for every magician."

"At the same time, once we are harmed by these armed forces, we, as magicians, will suffer huge damage and never recover, or disappear without a trace."

The blue light in the magician's eyes turned into stars and disappeared into the bottomless eyes:

"This is the proof that the so-called 'seal' is a traitor."

"From then on, the magician's commandment of 'Three Deaths'," Ashida said faintly, looking at the empty void, as if watching the past scenes, "It has become 'Three Deaths and One Prohibition'."


Thales was taken aback again.

"Three deaths and one ban?"

The prince was puzzled and said, "I seem to have heard this somewhere a long time ago?"

But Ashida just shook his head, and with his most usual attitude, said lightly: "You are not yet at the stage of knowing it. Knowing it too early will be harmful and useless."

Thales raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction.

But the prince, who knew the opponent's temper well, finally just sighed and gave up the idea of ​​finding out the truth.

"So, what is the principle of the legendary anti-magic weapon? And," Thales suppressed his divergent thinking, and brought his curiosity back to the current topic: "Since it is 'sealed', it means that the sealed magician Not dead yet? Just like you were in Eternal Star City six years ago, just temporarily?"

Since talking about this topic, Ashida's tone has become very low, and this time is no exception: "The secret of the legendary anti-demon armed force has always been in the hands of the Shuanghuang, and we still don't know it."

"This is the shackles that have been on our shoulders for nearly seven hundred years."

"It's still hard to understand."

Thales looked at the magician who seemed not very interested, and didn't know how to start a conversation.

"Wait, I thought of a question," but the prince's eyes moved immediately: "If the legendary anti-magic weapon is the biggest nemesis of the magician..."

Thales looked at his guide suspiciously: "What about the Shuanghuang?"

"Won't the weapons they make themselves pose a threat to themselves?"

Thales took a deep breath, recalling all the legendary anti-demon armaments he had seen: the daggers of the masked guards, the black coffins of the Corleone sisters, the shield of the Fortress Flower, the silver and black bow of Kingdom Wrath, the meteor The white handle sword of the hunter, the soul-killing gun of the Walton family, the golden saber of the flame knight...

They probably all have their own abilities, and...

as well as……

[My blood brother. 】

Thales forcibly suppressed the voice in his memory, and thoughtfully said:

"Will someone use the legendary anti-magic weapons they created to deal with the Shuanghuang himself?"

At that moment, Ashida's eyes lit up.

"Good question," the magician chuckled, "You are getting closer and closer to the truth of the world, Your Highness."

Thales opened his eyes wide, expressing his confusion.

However, Ashida only smiled rarely, and her figure gradually faded away.

"Take care, Thales," the magician of Qi pressed his left chest lightly, and bowed gracefully: "get out of class is over."

"See you in Eternal Star City."

A few seconds later, there was (again?) only the dumbfounded Thales left in the chess and card room.

He blinked his eyes, trying to digest today's knowledge.

Legendary Anti-Demon Armor...

Double Emperor...


And Ashida who traveled far away...

Thales sighed heavily, and slammed his head on the chessboard as if giving up on himself.

However, the prince's thoughts were quickly interrupted.

"Prince Thales," the former deputy commander of the White Blade Guard, Nikolai's deputy, Lord Justin's voice came from behind him: "Are you finished?"

"What's wrong?"

Thales let out a breath with difficulty, he raised his head with difficulty, stretched out his hand, and put the queen on the chessboard back into the chess box: "I remember that the time is not up yet?"

Lord Justin came to the prince and nodded politely and indifferently.

"But the official mission of Qiyuan City has already arrived in front of Dragon Clouds City." The Lord's words lifted the prince's spirit: "The Grand Duchess and the Prime Minister, I mean the Regent, invite you to go to the Palace of welcome Qiyuan A group of guests from the city, and attend the welcome banquet."


Taylor's brows slowly tightened: "Why? It seems that an enemy prince is not suitable for this kind of thing?"

"Because this is a request from a guest," Justin said indifferently, "It is a strong request from His Excellency Ian Ronnie, the eldest son of Grand Duke Ronnie, the heir to the code of chivalry, and the next Grand Duke of Qiyuan City."

Thales paused for a few seconds.

"Ian Ronny?"

"I don't understand," the prince said rather puzzled, "I don't know him."

Justin didn't speak because someone else answered for him.

"I think so."

Puttilai, who hadn't seen him for a long time, came in from the door of the box. He greeted Wyah and Rolf while biting his pipe, then turned his head and said to his prince with a smile: "However, regarding the matter of inviting you, I heard that Lord Ronnie said so..."

Thales looked at his former deputy envoy, and his heart tightened.

"He said," Puttilai exhaled smoke and shook his head emotionally:

"For a marriage proposal, of course there must be witnesses."

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