Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 41: For Dragon Clouds City

There was no sound in the Hall of Heroes.

Except for the missionary group of Qiyuan City who is extremely familiar with Ian, almost everyone, including the six Earls, stared in disbelief, looking at the man standing on the seat with a wide smile and arms raised sideways. Your Excellency Viscount Ronnie Jr.

It seems to be watching a rare thing.

Thales had to lower his head, coughed lightly, and poked Ian's leg.

Ian, who was immersed in his own world, moved slightly, as if he finally realized the embarrassment of the scene.

He retracted his arms resentfully, jumped off the seat, and waved to the whole hall with a stiff smile: "Hey, everyone?"

Only then did the nobles in the hall recover from their jaw-dropping astonishment, turning their heads or coughing unnaturally.

Seems deeply ashamed of this scene in the Hall of Heroes.

The five earls who had been aggressive before did not say a word, but sat there with ugly faces, looking at each other.

Thales, who was on the sidelines, chuckled in his heart: Well done, Ian, for interrupting their increasingly aggressive interrogation.

Faced with such an unreasonable person and such an inexplicable situation, how should they react?

"Did this clown stand here and insult all of us with your permission?" Count Kirtsen turned to the Grand Duchess with cold eyes and a stiff expression. Matching his military uniform, he looked like an ice wall: "Miss?"

Selma was about to answer.

"Ma'am, gentlemen," among the missions in Qiyuan City, the nobleman who had reprimanded Ian, the old Boni suddenly stood up tremblingly, bowing to the grand duchess sitting on his seat with a tragic and sad face. He bowed: "This is just a joke. On behalf of Qiyuan City, my behavior towards Ian..."

But before he could finish his words, Monty, who was beside him, suddenly stretched out his big hand, grabbed his shoulder, and forcibly pushed down the bewildered old Bonny.

Ian blinked, and nodded slightly to Monty, whose lips were slightly raised.

At this moment, the grand duchess in the seat seemed to be unable to stand it any longer, and only heard her cough.

"Everyone," Thales could see that Selma looked at the ashen faces of the earls and held back a smile when she spoke: "This is His Excellency Ian Ronnie from Qiyuan City, Grand Duke Ronnie eldest son and heir, Viscount Wind City."

"He came with the mission of Grand Duke Ronnie."

Ian smiled friendly and bowed slightly to the Grand Duchess.

The earls all looked at Ian, but none of them showed any surprise. Instead, they were relieved that "as expected", which made Thales think: Maybe they already knew who Ian was.

"Qiyuan City, Ronnie," Cotson looked at Ian from a distance, with a little solemnity in his eyes: "I have seen your father, 'long-haired' Kurikun is a respectable person, what he said More trustworthy than a long sword, I also respect the Ronnie family, who have been role models of knights in the Northland for thousands of years."

The corner of Ian's mouth moved slightly, a half-smile.

"But when I saw you, kid?" Earl Kurtsen shook his head disdainfully: "I'm really ashamed of your father and family."

There were bursts of laughter among the vassals.

Thales saw that Ian's eyes flickered slightly.

"To each other," the heir of Qiyuan City sat down with the most relaxed posture, "When I saw you, I also felt ashamed of Dragon Clouds City and Your Majesty the Grand Duchess."

Ian snorted softly: "A count who hid outside the city when disaster struck, and was unscathed when the lord died in battle."

Earl Curtson's face turned cold.

"If I were you, coward," Ian yawned pretentiously, repeating what Cotson had just accused the meteorites: "I should find a place where no one is around and commit suicide as soon as possible, instead of brazenly staying by the side of the Grand Duchess , pretending nothing happened."

The meteorite beside the Grand Duchess frowned slightly.

These words are like the momentum of throwing into the lake, causing huge waves.

The nobles in the hall instantly boiled up!

The nobles, especially the five earls stared at the indifferent Ian,

As if it was their father-killing enemy.

Thales breathed a sigh of relief: Hey, this little Ronnie is really kind.

"Say it again, Viscount," Earl Cotson gritted his teeth, highlighting the other party's title: "Then you and I, we can have a duel."

Ian laughed.


He waved his hand boldly: "Duel!"

Thales was shocked: Wait, Ian, this is...

But before he could figure it out, the heir of Qiyuan City snapped his fingers, flipped his hands without any scruples, and pointed at the Qiyuan City mission with a relaxed face: "And I name the De Monti of Qiyuan City Lord, let him fight you on behalf of my honor! Live or die!"

"How about it?"

In the distance, Monty, who was scratching his neck, froze instantly.

The counts stiffened again and looked at Ian.

Ian maintained a smiling face.

In a duel, looking for a proxy?

This he really from the North?

Thales exhaled: Fortunately, Ian is still the same Ian, and will not suddenly become a good man who is as proud as he is dead.

"In the face of a duel, are you hiding behind the Deathcrow?"

Earl Curtson looked at Monty with a helpless face, then at Ian, with unbearable anger in his voice: "Cowardly, you are a shame to us Northlanders."

The nobles in the hall all snorted, laughed, and even cursed in disdain.

But Ian was content with these gazes, as if he didn't feel anything.

"I'm sorry." Ian raised his legs, crossed his arms, and shrugged. "It's my honor to bring you shame."

The atmosphere in the hall was detonated again, and the protests and curses of the people in the Northland poured in like a tide.

Thales sighed and patted Ian on the shoulder.

You can do it, buddy.

At this moment, seeing that the order was about to get out of control, the clear and sweet voice of the Grand Duchess suddenly sounded in the buzzing hall.

"Everyone, everyone!"

Amid the deep protests of a row of men, Thelma's high-pitched and shrill female voice was extremely special: "Now is not the time for us to fight among ourselves!"


Nikolai punched hard and hit the wall beside him!

The voice in the hall gradually became quieter.

Following the meteorite's movements, the Grand Duke's guards in the hall raised their weapons together as if they had rehearsed, and smashed their faces against the wall beside them.


A dull but deafening sound resounded in the hall, making all the angry nobles quiet down.

People couldn't hide the expressions on their faces, and they all looked at the highest seat.

Selma glanced at Regent Lisbane, and after getting his affirmation, she tried hard to finish what she wanted to say: "No matter how we look at this Lord Ian, we cannot ignore the most important thing at present."

"Qiyuan City brought bad news from the golden corridor," the Grand Duchess took a breath: "Twenty years ago, the Liberty Alliance, which bowed its head before the King's soldiers, recently tore up the agreement signed with my grandfather."

"Everyone, the dignity we regained for Exeter 20 years ago has been violated again."

The voice of the Grand Duchess fell.

Ian snapped his fingers, spread his hands amid disdainful gazes, and made a "that's it" gesture.

No one spoke.

Thales closed his eyes: Here we come.

Real drama.

They seem to be thinking.

Until the old Earl Nagel spoke slowly.

"The bastards of the west have finally gotten tough again," the Earl of Stone Mausoleum and Hartingshire sighed. "However, history repeats itself again and again, and people still don't remember the lesson."

Perhaps Exter's state affairs seemed to have attracted the earls' attention a little bit, maybe it was related to their previous wars. In short, the earls no longer entangled in the "disgrace of Qiyuan City", even Earl Curtson He just snorted coldly, then turned his head.

It seems... Thales observed everyone's expressions, and his heart sank:

They all have a clear sense of priority.

It's just that, for the earls, the really important affairs may not only be the Freedom Alliance.

"Free League."

"Those cowards didn't dare to do it alone, who is behind them?" Kierkegaard, the one-armed earl who had been silent for a long time, seemed to have nothing to do with himself, frowned: "It's another Those long ears?"

"No," Ian seemed to have regained his normal form a little bit, which made the Qiyuan City missions relax a lot: "Baishan is very calm, and we have not received any abnormal information about the white elves."

"I still remember twenty years ago," Earl Linna still didn't change his face: "Those bastards in the alliance had only mercenaries to help them fight. It was easier to tear apart their battle lines than to tear paper. Ladder work."

"Qiyuan City can completely solve it by itself."

"As long as they don't send clowns to fight." Earl Curtson added with disdain.

Ian smiled.

"The pretentious drama is about to be played again, everyone," the regent of Dragon Clouds City, the Earl of Lisbane clapped his hands, and he spoke with a serious face, and the words were loud and loud: "I believe that you are not fools, you know very well that this chess game Where is the key, even the people behind the Liberty Alliance, you know it well."

The five earls narrowed their eyes and stared at Lisbane.

Ian coughed.

"Everyone, I believe you all know..."

"King Charman is oppressing and abusing the nobles in his territory," His Excellency the Viscount from Qiyuan City sighed: "Qiyuan City, and our like-minded companions, such as Jieshou City and Elk City, are fighting for this Run away with misfortune."

Ian raised his eyebrows: "And now, we need the support of Dragon Clouds City to tell the entire kingdom: the king cannot do whatever he wants."

"The events of the Liberty League are an episode, but they cannot be ignored."

"That's why I'm here."

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and everyone turned their attention to the six earls at the front.

But the answer Ian got was not so positive.

Earl Linna said coldly: "Then go to the king, maybe you give the king what he wants, and the Freedom Alliance will obediently bow their heads."

Ian frowned slightly.

"Stop disturbing Dragon Clouds City," Ketson snorted coldly, "This is not our war, at least not now."

Thales frowned: They all could see clearly.

they just...

The Earl of Lisbane spoke in a timely manner: "But this is our war, and we cannot escape."

The former prime minister who had been powerful for decades made everyone look at him solemnly.

Just listen to Lisban's authentic words: "Twenty years ago, Dragon Clouds responded to the rebellion of the Freedom Alliance with blood. This is the glorious past of the Dragonlance family, and it is the majestic proof of the former king Nun that we are the leaders of Exeter. , duty-bound."

Count Nagel looked at Lisbane who spoke solemnly, and couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

old friend.

"What's more, it's about the dignity of the Walton family and the honor of being a born king," Lisbane said coldly, "When the West changes again, the Walton family can't just sit idly by."

"Don't forget, we are from the North."

"It's a northerner from Dragon Clouds City!"

"We never escape! Because we value honor more than life and interests!"

The hall fell silent.

Thales saw it out of the corner of his eye, and Ian snorted disapprovingly.

Thelma, who was full of pressure, finally smiled, and she looked at Lisbane gratefully.

"That's right, Charles, we need to send troops to the west as we did twenty years ago, to revive the reputation of Dragon Clouds City," the Grand Duchess seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: "As for King Charman..."

at this moment.


Opposite the Earl of Lisbane, Earl Nagel, who was first on the right of the Grand Duchess, spoke.

"Of course we are willing to fight for Exter's honor and your honor, ma'am."

His old voice did not damage his majesty, and for a moment even reminded Thales of the former ascended king.

Like a senior elder, Najier said in a persuasive manner: "But as a vassal who is deeply favored by the king and loyal to the Walton family, I have the responsibility and the obligation to remind you: think one more step."

Thelma tensed.

Thales clenched his fists, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Following in the footsteps of your father and grandfather, and sending troops to the west, you may indeed be praised by others, and even passed on as a good story."

"But after the battle, what happens when we win the victory and tear down the walls of the Freedom Alliance again?" Najir looked around the audience and said softly, "We, Dragon Clouds City, are nothing more than a city between Qiyuan City and Heisha City." Swinging back and forth between the leaders, it's just a pawn being used by others."

Ian raised an eyebrow.

Selma's face tightened, a little anxious, she was about to speak: "But..."

"Yes, maybe you have protected the dignity of Dragon Clouds City, and people praised you as 'not bad'," Nagel interrupted his lord unhurriedly: "But what Dragon Clouds City can really get, What is it?"

All the nobles in the hall listened to his words in silence.

Especially the other five earls, Lisbane, looked ugly.

Nagel continued: "Recommand Exeter's authority?"

"Or the treasure jewels sent by Qiyuan City?"

"Or is it a King's Commendation from Heisha?"

His voice echoed in the hall.

Najir stared at the Grand Duchess with lightning eyes.

Selma bit her lower lip, and looked at Thales for help.

But Thales can't do anything at this moment.

"Twenty years ago, my grandfather did this, and he reaped..." The Grand Duchess panicked.

She was interrupted again.

"At that time he was the king, your grandfather, Nun and we all represented the whole of Exeter," Nagel said slowly, "Now?"

Najier let out a long sigh, stood up tremblingly under the dignified eyes of everyone, and looked at the soul-killing gun behind the Grand Duchess.

Eyes full of pain and nostalgia.

"It's not twenty years ago, ma'am."

His tone was understated, but with an undeniable sadness: "Dragon Clouds City has long since lost its king."

At that moment, Thales looked at the old earl again, with constant warning signs in his heart.

He had a hunch where the conversation was going.


This guy……

Definitely a ruthless character who won't lose to Lisbane!

"We have already suffered from outsiders." Najir turned his head, his voice became indifferent: "Why should we go to this muddy water as a pawn?"

There were many whispers in the hall.

The Grand Duchess was at a loss.

"Have suffered a lot? Old friend," Lisbane stared at Najir, "what do you mean?"

It was Count Linna who took the lead.

"Didn't he make it clear enough?" Lin Na's stinging words were the same as before: "Six years ago, the new king and the four grand dukes almost forcibly determined the ownership of Dragon Clouds City. The first ever female Grand Duchess."

All eyes were on one seat.

There, Thelma's face grew paler.

Nazer shook his head.

"I don't mean to be disrespectful, ma'am." He smiled apologetically at the girl in the seat, with disappointment in his tone: "But we are no longer that powerful Dragon Clouds City."

"In the past six years, the morale of the vassals has been low, the morale of the army has been lax, and the nobles have been scattered, making it difficult to unite."

"And opponents like Heisha Ling and Qiyuan City can now swagger into the city to spy on us and insult us in the Palace of Heroes."

Ian was about to say something, but Thales grabbed his shoulder.

"No," the prince frowned, "it's not the time yet."

Count Nazer clasped his hands, with a solemn expression: "From that day on, the whole of Exeter looked down on us: a girl sat on the throne of the Grand Duke, with us, powerlessly watching After the ravages of foreign armies, the dilapidated Dragon Clouds City was ruined."

The Grand Duchess bit her lips tightly and said nothing.

Opposite him, Lisbane's gaze was so sharp that it could almost emit lightning.

"You want us to send troops to maintain Walton's dignity, revive the prestige of Dragon Clouds City, and regain our place in Exeter, of course."

"It must be the same," Nazel nodded, regaining his respect and indifference: "But you may have overlooked the bigger crisis we are facing, and also neglected the way to truly revive the prestige and stabilize Dragon Clouds City .”

"What are you talking about?" Under the eyes of the whole hall, the Grand Duchess spoke with difficulty: "The real method?"

Nazel shook his head and said nothing.

"I think the Earl is saying... for six years, in the eyes of others, the grand duke of Dragon Clouds City is a young and weak orphan, without a husband or heir, and the Walton family is on the verge of collapse..." Ke Tesen said sarcastically: "Even we, the vassals of Dragon Clouds City, feel that we are like the sunset on the west mountain..."

The atmosphere in the hall was getting more and more uncomfortable.

Thales looked at Thelma, who was wriggling her lips feebly on the stage, like a fish struggling feebly on the chopping board.

His teeth clenched more and more.

"Are you blaming me?" Thelma said with difficulty.


Nazer clapped his hands.

"No, we care about you, ma'am." Nazel said in a gentle tone, "Just as we love Dragon Clouds City and pledge our allegiance to His Majesty the Former King."

"So we need you to be strong."

"Dragon Clouds City can no longer be wasted in weakness and turmoil, and I am also tired of the endless confrontation with Shire. We used to be friends who depended on life and death, but now we are fighting each other because of your affairs."

Nazel was unhurried, as if he was the most competent consultant, and suggested calmly and rationally: "Ma'am, for Dragon Clouds, you need a husband."

G_cup actress idol first shot A_V won the championship online watching!!:meinvlu123!!

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