Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter Fifty-Five Like Charmain Rumba

"This is the end? So...Your Highness, have you succeeded?"

Huai Ya looked at King Charman from a distance in disbelief: "Also, we... are we really going to Heisha?"

Only this time, Rolf, who disagreed with him, didn't retort with movements or hums. m..

The prince raised his head and forced a smile.

But he wasn't done yet.

"You surprised me again, Your Highness."

Lisbane went straight up to the Prince with a serious face.

Thales let out a sigh of relief, closed his eyes and said, "Me too."

Lisbane snorted.

"You already knew: the king is in Dragon Clouds City."

The Regent said affirmatively: "You will know when you get into the black sand leading carriage."

Thales didn't speak.

Lisban stared at him sharply: "But you didn't tell us, you didn't tell Dragon Clouds City."

"You just waited quietly for today."

Lisban cast a glance at King Charman, who was still standing leisurely in the field, receiving all kinds of gazes, as if he was about to stop after visiting the hall: "You, and him."

Thales remained silent.

Lisbane sighed: "As Ma'am said, Dragon Clouds City will remember everything today, Your Highness."

Thales finally spoke.

"Yes, me too," the prince said in a low voice, "I will miss you and watch you, Lord Regent."

Lisbane gave him a deep look.

In the end, the count turned and left without saying anything.

He's not the only one.

The bitter Earl Curtson didn't say anything, but gave him a warning gesture of wiping his neck with a look of hatred when he left.

Thales responded with a faint smile.

"You are very kind, connected to Heisha collar, and betrayed the entire Dragon Clouds City?" This is Kierkegaard coldly: "You know, people with kindness generally die quickly."

"Congratulations, Your Highness," Earl Linna said softly when he passed by, "What kind of good do you think Rumba is?"

"Bah, ungrateful, repeated breach of trust," Earl Hearst poohed disdainfully as he left: "The imperial cowards."

Facing these gazes and words, Thales could only smile in return.

As if he didn't care.

But the words of the other person were very different.

"Is she worth it?"

Thales was slightly taken aback.

It was Count Nazer.

The old earl stood a step away from him and sighed, "Worth your sacrifice?"

Thales frowned slightly.

"I do not understand you, Count."

"Huh, I'm old, but I'm not blind yet." Nazel shook his head with a smile, "Maybe what others saw was that you and Luba were in collusion, betrayed Dragon Cloud City, and fled to Heisha collar, but I think Arrived..."

With an unknown meaning, he took a deep look at Thales: "You cooperated with Qiyuan City in advance so that she would not be forced to marry, but you interrupted us three times during the meeting, but you saved the girl every time Get out of trouble."

Thales' complexion stiffened.

"As for your cooperation with Heisha Ling..."

"That girl," Nazel paused and said softly, "Is she really worth it?"

Thales' face was livid and he didn't speak.

Seeing this, Nazer just sighed silently. He patted Thales on the shoulder and walked away slowly.

Thales watched the old earl's footsteps with complicated emotions.

is she worth it

at this moment.


Thales was startled, his shoulders had already been grabbed unceremoniously!


It's Ian.

"Rumba is the backer you said, isn't it?" At this moment, the Viscount of Fengcheng was looking at him with red eyes, gritted his teeth, and angrily.

Thales stared blankly at the person in front of him.

He had never seen Ian like this before, as if the little Ronnie who talked and laughed with him before had died.

Thales sighed,

Swipe back Rolf and Wyah who were about to step forward.

"From the beginning to the end, did you act as if you were watching a good show?" Ian breathed heavily, his eyes filled with hatred. "On the surface, you cooperated with me, but secretly you betrayed me as a clown?"

"It's interesting, isn't it!"

Thales was silent.

After a long while, he finally choked out a word: "I'm sorry."


Ian seemed to be aroused by this sentence, and his lips trembled: "Qiyuan City, Qiyuan City was betrayed just like!"

Ian's eyes became more and more terrifying, and the hand holding his shoulder became stronger and stronger.

"You think this is very smart? You have the protection of the king, and the Grand Duchess has the support of the vassals?"

Thales didn't speak.

He turned his head unnaturally, not looking into Ian's eyes.


I do not have any choice.

His attitude seemed to irritate Ian, who growled bitterly, "No, no, no!"

"You can't escape!"

"I promise, one day, you will all regret it."

Ian gritted his teeth, his expression was a little crazy, and he vowed: "One day..."

"You will all pay the price," Ian turned to the immobile Grand Duchess on the steps, threatening sternly, "Especially your little girlfriend!"

"Do you take good care of her? Very good, then I will..."

Thales tensed up!

He jerked off Ian's arm, leaving the latter stunned.

"Before you threaten me with something boring..."

"You'd better take care of yourself first, Ian Ronnie," Thales turned cold, and looked at the resentful Ian: "You and your sister."

Ian was slightly taken aback.

"You know, even if your sister got zero points in the Shoucheng City..." Thales said softly, "It's better than someone getting a negative score in Dragon Clouds City?"

Ian's eyes widened, and his expression became more and more ugly: "You..."

"That's right, Ian."

"A long time ago, a scary ugly old hag taught me," Thales' eyes sharpened: "Treachery is the true meaning of alliance."

Ian stared at him stubbornly, as if he knew Thales for the first time.

"Today, I will teach you this sentence."

"Free tuition."

Ian's complexion changed, and he was about to explode, but his shoulder was firmly held down by another person!

"If you lose, you lose," Monty said coldly, standing behind Ian, "Ian, at least act like a man."

Ian gave Monty a look of disbelief.

"This matter is endless." Finally, Ian gave up and continued to entangle. He approached Thales and looked into his eyes: "Tyls Canxing."

"Now I opponent is not just Rumba..."

"And you."

Thales still looked at him coldly, showing no sign of weakness.

The next second, Ian angrily shook off Monty's hand, passed Thales with a gloomy expression, and turned to leave.

Thales looked at the back of the other party and sighed in his heart.

What an honor.


Monty snorted softly, glanced at Thales, and showed a somewhat ferocious smile.

His malicious gaze made Thales feel uncomfortable.

The Death's Crow walked by his side, leaving a light words: "You really deserve your reputation, Your Royal Highness."

Thales swallowed his throat uncomfortably.

But the next complicated gaze made Thales feel uneasy.

Accompanied by Nicolai, the girl walked towards the gate silently.

The Grand Duchess passed Thales, and her footsteps paused slightly.

Thales closed his eyes.

A voice full of anger came, but it was not her.

"how did you do it?"

Thales took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

The meteorite stood in front of Thales, and there was no anger in his eyes.

Only coldness and hatred remain.

"You've lied to us for so long about Rumba, but..."

"From the ax area to here, there are at least three layers of guards," Nicolai sneered, "How did Rumba come to the entrance of the hall without hindrance, and then appeared just right to cooperate with your acting?"

Thales had to wave again, signaling Wyatt and Rolf that they don't have to go forward.

Thelma stood not far from them, not looking back.

Thales exhaled.

At this moment, he really felt a heavy heart.

"The mission of the Black Sand Territory has been in Dragon Clouds City for a long time," Thales said indifferently: "Viscount Cambida came here in the name of meeting the Grand Duchess, as long as no one knows the king, they can pass through the first city gate smoothly patrols."

"As for the Palace of Heroes... Today is very special. The elite guards of the Grand Duke are guarding the safety of the nobles around the Hall of Heroes, so it is the palace guards who are responsible for guarding the gate of the palace, and they also have the servants of the princes waiting outside to receive them. "

Thales said silently: "So, as long as you know their shift schedule in advance, Rolf's ability and Wyatt's identity can cooperate...Rumba can avoid the palace guards and arrive at the door of the hall. Your Grand Duke's personal guards."

Nicolai narrowed his eyes: "The shift arrangement of the palace guards?"

Thales nodded, his face darkened: "The Grand Duke's guards can't be avoided, but Lumbard doesn't need to face them directly, he just needs to let Cambida directly find the herald at the door, and ask him to notify Lisbane in the hall Count: Here is the king."

Nicolai frowned.

"The Grand Duchess was at the end of her rope at that time," Thales sighed, "All I need to do is to intensify the conflict and push the bad scene in the hall to the point where no one can clean it up. The Earl of Lisbane, who knows how to judge the situation, will know what to do. done."

"He's very good at making choices."

Not far away, Thelma's shoulders shook slightly.

Thales finished speaking.

Nicolai stared at him coldly.

"The shift arrangement of the palace guards?" Nicolai's voice became more and more terrifying, and every word carried a dangerous meaning: "That is a secret that is rescheduled every month."

"Which mouse betrayed us?"

"There's no need to bother other people," Thales shook his head: "The chef's son, Joseph, remember."

Nicolai frowned, as if trying to search for the name in his mind.

"He is very lonely in the palace," Thales showed a bitter smile, "I often practice swordsmanship with him when he comes to the courtyard to deliver meals."

Nicolai figured out something, and his face turned pale: "The back kitchen?"

"Of course I can't get the shift schedule that is rescheduled once a month," Thales nodded slowly: "But the palace guards also need to eat, and the daily cooking schedule of the back kitchen is fixed, such as when you need to make a team The bread, where to send it..."

Nicolai's face became more and more ugly.

"Don't embarrass Joseph," Thales shook his head, his tone flat: "He was still young, so he thought it was just chatting during sword practice.

"So, some of your behaviors in the palace in the past six years, whether you skipped class and ran to read books in every corner, or you were so bored that you talked to animals, you humbled yourself and ran to meddle in the work of the servants, and you talked to the servants in an amiable manner. Chatting with the guards..." The Meteorite sneered faintly, but he said for no reason:

"Are they all gathering intelligence, or testing our defenses?"

"And your six years of self-control... are all acting?"

In the distance, Thelma's back stopped in place, and the Grand Duke's guards waited respectfully around her.

Thales' breathing stagnated slightly.

There was a few seconds of silence between Nicolai and Thales.

The nobles in the hall had almost left, and only the awe-inspiring King Charmain was left, accompanied by Cambida and Croesch, watching this side with great interest from afar.

"Talking to animals is because I'm really bored, as for the others..."

The second prince took a breath and squeezed out a gloomy smile: "I have no choice."

"no choice?"

Thales turned around, looked at the soul-killing gun on the ledge, and sighed in memory: "Six years, in Dragon Clouds City..."

"Every letter of mine has to be unpacked and inspected, every destination of mine has to be searched in advance, everyone who has spoken has to be cross-examined three times, even the paper used in class must be inspected, and all the papers that have been touched must be inspected. Every book is recorded by a special person, and if there is a slight error in the daily itinerary or behavior, you, Lisbane, or Ms. Jinx will be interrogated, and then grounded..."

Thelma's back trembled slightly.

Thales sighed: "My every move is under your surveillance. If it weren't for the permission of the Grand Duchess, I wouldn't even be able to step out of the Palace of Heroes."

"As for Huai Ya and Ada, every star person who leaves the palace will not only have to be searched, but will also be followed by scouts. Even if they throw a copper coin to a beggar, you will arrest that beggar and lock him up for two months. The missions from China who visit me are restricted and monitored..."

Nikolai still stared at him silently with terrifying eyes.

"I know that in the name of King Tochaman, you did it yourself, locked me in this deep palace, cut off all contact with the outside world, and castrated the normal education that should have been given to me. It is meaningless to count on me Going by in a muddled life, turning into a canary that can only crow in a cage..."

Nicolai was silent.

Thales lowered his head and said sadly: "Xingchen and I, and the Secret Division, brought you a lot of trouble and even disaster six years ago, but at least we have fought side by side..."

"Is this necessary?"

This time, the silence lasted for a long time.

Nicolai sneered.

"Not only is it necessary..."

"In my opinion, this is far from enough," he said decisively: "Justin is still too loose with you, he should never have let you have contact with people from Heisha collar."

"That's why you got the chance to betray us."

"You betrayed all of us, thinking that everything will be safe if you escape to Heisha collar?"

Nikolai's eyes showed a cold light: "You will remember it well, little prince of the empire."

Thales frowned lightly.

"It's up to you? Forget it," the prince shook his head slightly: "Don't overestimate yourself just because others call you a meteorite, you shameless face."

"You and I... have never been on the same level."

Nicolai's face froze.

"Very good," said the meteorite bitterly, "Be careful yourself, it's best not to fall into my hands."

"At that won't even have a chance to regret it."

Nicolai gave him a gouged look, followed the team of the Grand Duchess, and strode away.

Thank you, Dead Face.

I will be careful.

as always.

The Grand Duchess didn't stop, her back directly stepped out of the gate.

There is no turning back.

Hearing the sound of footsteps away from his ears, Thales sighed, feeling an indescribable dullness in his heart.

"Aren't we leaving?"

Watching waves of big men put down their harsh words, Huai Ya, who came closer, didn't even dare to breathe out, "Your Highness?"

Thales shook his head.


One more.

Finally, the heavy footsteps approached.

Wyatt and Rolf immediately felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"How do you feel?" King Charman's thick and slightly hoarse voice sounded.

Compared with the majesty just now, his tone is now less domineering and more joking.

But Thales didn't answer directly, he signaled Wyah to back down.

"Your reaction was quick," Thales turned to the king, and said sincerely, "I just mentioned the matter of the Stars sending troops to the Freedom Alliance, and you seized the opportunity."

King Charman snorted disdainfully: "To each other."

"However," the prince faced the king and took a deep breath: "You just said that you have already established a victory against the black sand leader and those vassals who opposed you?"

The king's eyes moved slightly: "What?"

Thales narrowed his eyes: "You also said that Grand Duke Trudida will send troops with you to clean them up?"

King Charmain raised his eyebrows.

Thales stared at him for a long time.

After a while, the prince laughed out loud.

"Don't be kidding," Thales shook his head and said, "We all know him—Trudida, who rebuilt the tower, will he help you?"

"What's the matter?" King Charman snorted lightly: "Everyone knows that Perseus Trudida has always been vacillating, treacherous and cunning."

Thales stroked his hair helplessly, thinking back to the prince with the gleaming pot head.

"That's right, but let me put it this way: If you invite Trudida to go hunting deer with you, then he will definitely not agree," Thales sighed, "unless he knows in advance that the deer he is going to hunt has already been killed." dead, all that needs to be done is to drag the venison back..."

"Trudida will have a bold, tragic and generous look on his face, like a hero who has gone forever, with a bow and arrow on his back, and a knife and a horse to go out."

The two looked at each other silently.

After a while, King Charman smiled.

"Hahahahaha, 'The Hero Who Gone and Never Returns'." This time, Rumba laughed extraordinarily happily, contrary to the previous sneer and ridicule, as if this moment was his real happy look: "I have to say, very happy." The image is also very appropriate!"

Thales also laughed, his shoulders trembling slightly.

But his smile disappeared quickly: "So, although Trudida speaks nicely, he won't send troops with you at all."

"If your vassals gather together and fight to the death with the Lombard family," the smile in Thales' eyes was replaced by seriousness and seriousness: "Who will win between you and them is still unknown. "

King Charman's laughter also stopped.

"What you claimed, 'the outcome of the chessboard is already doomed'," Thales stared at him coldly, "is nothing more than empty words."

"That's why you came here in person."

Like six years ago.

King Charman neither denied nor admitted, but just stared at him mysteriously.

Thales looked in the direction of the door and sighed: "Ian is still too young, he still lacks the experience of facing you, so he was so easily intimidated by you, if it was his father, and that fortitude Courageous, stubborn and ruthless warrior and Grand Duke of Qiyuan City, Kurikun Roni is here..."

King Charman sneered: "You think highly of him."

Thales snorted.

"Look at the expressions of Lisbon and Nazel, I'm afraid they have doubts in their hearts." The prince stretched his sore shoulders, and said softly: "I'm just afraid of your relationship with Star Kingdom, and I don't have confidence in Trudida , I'm afraid that you really promised him a bargaining chip that he can't refuse, so I dare not bet against you."

King Charman shook his head seemingly casually: "Not everyone has the wisdom to see through the bet and the courage to bet against me."

Thales shook his head and snorted softly.

"But soon, everything that happened in this hall—whether Qiyuan City suffered a big defeat in the confrontation with the king, or Longxiao City did not join the alliance against the king, but finally handed over Prince Xingchen to the king The news will spread throughout the Kingdom of Exeter, especially back to the Black Sand Territory."

Thales suddenly felt tired, as if a morning meeting had exhausted his energy.

"The moment the Grand Duchess agrees to hand me over, you will truly win," he said with some loss of interest, "It was just a bluff before."

"Are you satisfied?"

The two stared at each other silently in the middle of the hall.

Their delay also made the Grand Duke's guards who were still guarding around the hall frown, but Cambida's smiling face and Croesch's cold face effectively held them back.

"But you didn't get nothing, Thales," King Charman said silently after a while, "First of all, you yourself, not only avoided the fate of being involved in the war, but also got rid of the clutches of Dragon Clouds City."

"Really," the prince yawned, seemingly indifferent:

"Excuse me, I can't see what a good thing this is."

But the king ignored him, and only said in a slightly cold tone: "And, according to the conditions we negotiated..."

"I also specially gave that girl a chance to cultivate her prestige, so that her vassals will no longer be her enemies."

These words made Thales's slack eyes focus instantly.

"Under the pressure of a terrifying king, at least in the short term, the Grand Duchess of Dragon Clouds City will not lose their support, nor will she be forced to marry. Instead, they will become more sincere and united under external force."

"Isn't that what you want?"

Thales frowned.

"But she is a girl after all." After a few seconds, Thales choked out a sentence: "No matter what, her existence will make many people in Dragon Clouds City feel uneasy and unhappy."

King Charman raised his eyebrows: "Then there is nothing I can do, unless you turn her into a man?"

Thales raised his eyes.

"So," the prince stared into King Charman's deep eyes with certainty and unquestioning: "You must help her gain a firm foothold—no matter what method you use."

The king seemed a little amused: "Must?"

Thales nodded.

"As King Exeter," he said calmly, "it is in your interest to let a controversial female archduchess, a girl who subverts tradition, continue to rule Dragon Clouds City, which has produced many capable people and has a strong heritage. .”

"You don't want to see a Grand Duke of Dragon Clouds City who is as tight as Lisbane, as cunning as Nazer, and as tough and upright as Kierkegaard?"

King Charman's expression was still for a moment.

Thales stared at him firmly, without taking his eyes off.

There were slight waves on the king's rough face: "Indeed, we don't need a second King Nun."

Thales breathed a sigh of relief.

"For this reason, you even have to help her gain considerable power," the second prince's tone became more serious and the rhythm quickened: "Don't forget, as a grand duchess, the obstacles she faces are not the same as the difficulties you face. , are consistent to some extent, such as the thousands of years of tradition in the North..."

When King Charman heard this, the interest in his eyes became more and more intense.

"What's more, she is the Grand Duchess you recognize, and you vote for her..."

Thales suddenly fell silent.

What's more, you still hold the hole card that can kill her.

Her throne is tied to your crown.

Thales straightened his face and didn't speak any more.

King Charman let out a long breath slowly.

"I have a hunch, Thales," the king curled his mouth, and with his eyes, it gave people a slightly stinging sharpness: "During the time you come to Heishaling, we will get along Well done."

Thales' face darkened.

"Is it."

The two fell silent again.

After a long while, King Charman said meaningfully: "Old question: how does it feel?"

Thales responded with a cold snort: "What does it feel like?"

King Charman took a deep breath, his face was joyful, as if feeling the beauty of Dragon Clouds City at this moment.

"From Qiyuan City to Dragon Clouds City, from Lisbon to the Grand Duchess, you betrayer who betrayed everyone—or at least that's what they thought."

"Carrying everything alone, walking alone?"

King Charman looked at him with sharper and sharper eyes, and he spoke forcefully:

"How does it taste?"

Thales was silent.

He lowered his head and remained silent for a long time.

The prince suddenly remembered, six years ago, sitting in the carriage of the Marquis from Commus, when he questioned the then Grand Duke Heisha and later King Charman, the other party's cold answer.

King Charman looked at him, shook his head with contempt, turned and left.

The moment he turned around, Prince Xingchen's voice came from behind him.

But unprecedented low, gloomy, indifferent.

"This feeling..."

Thales looked at the ground without raising his head, and said hoarsely, "This feels like...Charmain Rumba."

The king froze when he walked halfway.

In the quiet air, Thales snorted lightly.

He called Wyah and Rolf with his usual expression, and walked towards the gate.

When the prince walked to the door of the hall, he paused slightly.

He looked at the slightly uneven and rough floor tiles in the hall, and raised the corners of his mouth.

Six years ago, he met the famous natural king of the Northland for the first time here.

six years later...

The next moment, Thales resisted the desire to turn around, and he took a deep breath.

Oh shit.

Thales raised his feet without hesitation.

Shit in six years.

With two easy steps, he stepped out of Nakaru's Hall of Heroes.

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