Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 100 Cubs

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\u003eKingdom Blood

\u003e Chapter 373 Cub Directory Bookmark Comments Chapter 373 Cub

Novel: Bloodline of the Kingdom Author: Sword of Masterless Words: 11081

The ax wind brought up sand and dust, Thales had to close his eyes. flash dance novel network

But he escaped the fate of being cut in half after all.

In the nick of time, a single-bladed fighting ax swung from the direction of the campfire, and with an earth-shattering roar, it slashed into the orc's unprotected armpit.

With an earth-shattering cry of pain, the red blood from the orc's body spewed out, covering the face of Thales, who was panting in pain.

Fishy and salty, pungent.

Following this sword, the orc's rough giant ax came out of his hand, with the momentum of splitting the earth, it sank deep into the sand and into Thales' left shoulder.

The tall orc roared in an unfamiliar language. He turned around and swung his thick arms towards the owner of the fighting axe, but he nimbly avoided it.

"stand up!"

The powerful voice of the bald mercenary Dean resounded, which was extremely clear in the surrounding shouts of killing, which lifted Thales' spirits.

"No time to rest!"

The power of termination flowed to the boy's back and chest, making his chest tightness a little better. Thales turned over, tremblingly grasped the orc's giant axe, struggled with his strength, wiped away the blood on his face, and regained his numb hands and feet in shock.

The orc whose neck was pierced by him still looked violent, and ignored the surge of blood from the wounds on his neck and armpits. He just roared words that Thales couldn't understand, and rushed towards Big Dean.

Holding an ax in both hands, the calm mercenary rushed towards the orc, but rolled sideways the moment he approached, deftly dodging the fierce attack of the orc.

"Hula, Nadalelis!" the orc who was in the air howled angrily and turned around.

With the frantic pounce, the blood of the orcs spilled, watering the parched land.

Dean stared closely at the orc's feet, but he didn't confront it head-on. He just used his size and pace to feign an attack, dodging the opponent's two powerful impacts one after another.

Like a bird avoiding a fierce leopard.

The blood of the orcs flowed slower and slower, and became less and less.

Finally, Thales was relieved to see: the orc took a rough breath, its figure swayed slightly, and its movements slowed down.

Dean didn't miss the opportunity.

He erupted in an instant, slashed back to the side of the orc like a whirlwind, swung the ax blade, and chopped off the ugly head.

The headless body swung its giant arms several feet long for the last time, and fell to the sandy ground.

Thales breathed a sigh of relief.

"You saved me a lot of trouble by giving it that." Dean panted and pulled him up, threw the spare one-handed sword at his waist to the boy, and kicked the sturdy corpse: "But remember, Wyah, don't get entangled with them—the orcs won't fall down immediately after being injured, and the more seriously injured they are..."

"Their counterattack is more dangerous...I know," Thales gritted his teeth and took the weapon, "Sorry, someone taught me, but when facing actual combat..."

In the classrooms of the Northlanders, even though thousands of years have passed since the battle of chasing saints, those tall, strong, fearless aliens are still their eternal enemies.

In the entire Kingdom of Exeter, the sentinel in the extreme north is the most aloof archduke. In the face of the king, they are even exempted from paying a considerable part of the tax, which is used to form an elite with a reputation that is not weaker than that of the White Blade Guard. The troop, the glacier outpost, is all because the Huster family has shouldered the important task of guarding the thirty-eight outpost for generations and guarding against the glacier orcs north of Quigul.

Since the founding of Exeter, more than 20 kings have led their troops north to support and fight against the glacier orc tribes who crossed the border and went south. The regular training of conscripts,

How to fight the orcs is one of the required courses.

The guards in the Palace of Heroes said that Nikolai had already followed King Nun at the thirty-eighth outpost before he got that nickname, proving that he could not be defeated in the face of orcs, but Facing the delicate grand duchess and her dagger who looks more like a needle thread, the Meteorite, who has a lot of experience in how to resist the orcs, can only spread all the depression of "unrecognized talents" on the second student—anyway, the Prince of Stars also There is no chance to go to the north—for example, violently pushing Thales down countless times with a big axe, or beating him unceremoniously after Thales crazily shouted countless timeouts, euphemistically saying "This is the power of orcs ".

But what Thales didn't expect was that in the first battle with the orcs, he still forgot Nicolai's teachings after all.

Thales looked at the headless corpse in horror, thinking of the irresistible force when it threw itself out against the gap in its neck.

What kind of race is this!

Compared with their terrifying distant relatives stuck in the north, the orcs who wandered into the great desert after the end of the war may be slightly different, but many things are still the same, such as huge body size, amazing resilience, sensitivity to pain and temperature Their tolerance, terrifying explosive power, and their notorious near-death counterattack among humans-it is said that the famous Iron-Blood King died with the last knife of a dying orc at his feet.

Dean didn't say anything, but just thumped Thales' chest, his brows filled with sorrow.


Amidst Louisa's yelling, Dean pushed Thales away.

A fierce mace smashed into the sand between them, sending the sand flying.

There was more than one threat on Dean's side, and he turned around to hold another orc's irregular scimitar, taking advantage of the situation to dodge.

Thales stabilized his footsteps and saw the owner of the mace clearly under the moonlight—an orc with blue paint on his face, a hideous scar on his left eye, and the hair on his head was tied into a short braid. The armor on his body is more than that of the previous one, and his body is also larger, almost one and a half times the height of an adult human.

It glanced at the corpse on the ground, then opened its lips, revealing two rows of clenched teeth. It first looked at Dean who was entangled, and then at Thales.

"Sayer," the orc in front of him spoke slowly, shaking his rough vocal cords, "Luma, Soka Daser."

Thales couldn't distinguish the expression of the orc, but it didn't affect his judgment of the other's emotion.

The wet orc blood on his face was a little sticky, the prince endured the fishy smell, and put his sword in position.

This is what the awkward Griveau told Thales before parting in Dragon Clouds City.

Thales is now deeply touched by this.

Almost every one of them was seven or eight feet taller, and they were astonishingly powerful and swift at the same time. The weapons in their hands were heavy and rough, but in terms of efficiency, they were no worse than well-forged human weapons.

They are superior to humans in size, strength, and physique... It is hard to imagine how the miracle of thousands of humans defeating 20,000 orcs in the battle of saints two thousand years ago was created?

Thales gritted his teeth.

In the distance, with a two-handed sword and nimble steps, Luisa dragged three enemies with great difficulty.

McGee rolled and sprinted nimbly in the sand alone, flying with two knives, confusing the sight of multiple enemies, fighting and walking through debris and obstacles, trying to get closer to Louisa.

Hubert, Old Hammer, Kanze and Quick Rope stood back to back, struggling to resist the orcs surrounding them.

Others are not so lucky.

Although the merchants also had their own armed forces, their skill was obviously not comparable to that of the mercenaries. Under the pressure of the orcs, regardless of quantity or quality, the caravan suffered heavy casualties, and the surrounding screams were still heard endlessly.

The shouts of killing continued, but the orcs no longer concealed their raids, and the strange language and majestic voice shook the sand dunes.

"Wyah, there is one more key to fighting the bastards," Dean panted, and swung his ax back at the enemy: "Don't be alone at any time, even if it's one-on-one."

Under the moonlight, two tall and strong gray figures slid down from the sand dunes, and charged towards them with weapons raised.

"Go and join Luisa, I'll cover you."

Thales nodded nervously.


Almost the moment the boy pulled his legs out, the orc in blue roared and thumped him with a stick: "Fraka!"

But Dean didn't let him, the fighting ax parried the mace in the air.


Hearing the howling wind behind him, Thales resisted the desire to turn his head back. He desperately called out the sin of Hell River, rushed back to the campfire at an alarming speed, threw himself on the ground, and pulled out a shield from Hubert's bag.

As soon as he raised his head, he caught a glimpse of a majestic figure raising a scimitar towards him!

The swordsmanship that had been tempered countless times was activated instinctively.

The teachings that have not faded in the past six years sounded in my ears again.

Iron body style!

The scimitar smashed hard on the shield.


Amidst the terrifying loud noise and impact, terrifying power surged forth!

At that moment, Thales had an illusion: this blow was almost enough to smash through the city wall.

His feet slid back and forth in the sand, and the shield in front of his arm trembled violently.

But Thales stopped.

According to the habit, from the moment he raises the shield, his center of gravity is ready to meet the impact, and his feet are ready to unload the force-this habit in the northern military swordsmanship has always been scoffed at by many people, from Nikolai to Huaia, they all I think Thales' defense is too rigid, too conservative, lacks flexibility and quickness, and has no room for counterattack.

But at the moment of receiving the knife, Thales suddenly realized.

In the confrontation with the orcs, you have no chance of "flexibility" and "swiftness".

Compared with human opponents, the terrifying strength of the orcs conceals too many things. Their fatal blow will tear your moves at the moment of hand-to-hand combat, deform your movements, and make you fancy and unconstrained follow-up reactions become worthless.

If you lose your composure on the first turn with a disparity in strength...

"Selka!" the orc roared, moving forward!

Thales shook his arm subconsciously, transformed into a counterattack style, turned around to release the force of the impact, and turned to the opponent's side.

This is another characteristic of swordsmanship that has been criticized a lot.

Are you in a heat? Who are you going to show your ass to? The big stallion? Or the Grand Duchess next to her? ——This is Nicolai's harsh words, after he kicked Thales down in a certain class.

The prince took a deep breath, lowered his body, and the power of finishing surged to his right hand, throwing out the first attack since this battle.


The edge of the sword sliced ​​through the orc's unprotected rear knee, bringing out a cloud of blood.

The second offensive style of the Northland Army's swordsmanship, the side attack style-broken heel.

Thales frowned subconsciously.

The orc cried out in pain, its left leg was slightly discordant, but the attack became more violent.

Thales forced himself to calm down, and was not in a hurry to attack. Instead, he surrounded the opponent's injured leg and retreated while fighting with his small body. It made his arms go numb.

The power of the end flowed freely through his body, and the sense of hell not only reflected every movement of this enemy in his brain, but also reflected the situation in the distance to him: Dean was chased and blocked by three orcs, Louis Sha broke through an opponent and rushed towards him.

Finally, Thales seized the opportunity, and after another iron body pose, his long sword protruded upwards like a rattlesnake, pointing at its chest during the gap between the opponent's attacks.

The orc's skin was rougher and harder than expected, but Thales was helped by the enemy's charge. The prince gritted his teeth and felt that both the shield and the long sword shook!


Greasy and warm liquid rushed out, along the edge of his sword, and flowed onto his arm.

"Hula!" The orc who had been pierced through the chest yelled vigorously, his face twisted and ugly.

Thales, who had learned his lesson, knew something was wrong, so without hesitation, he withdrew his long sword and pounced!

next second.


The bonfire beside him was slashed to pieces by the enemy's desperate knife, and sparks flew everywhere.

The orc couldn't go any further—Luisa emerged from the darkness aside, and chopped off its knife-wielding hand.

"Beautiful!" Luisa avoided the dying opponent, and let the orc roll in the pain of being burned, pierced through the chest and severed hands, violently hammering the ground beside him, bleeding profusely: "This is the first time you see an orc?"

Thales shook his head, he only felt numb and painful all over his body. flash dance novel network

"the second time."

The first one was already slaughtered by Dean.

But they didn't have time for small talk: Luisa had brought not only reinforcements, but two orc rivals that followed.

With the howling of the wind, Thales subconsciously rolled over again!

However, due to the huge physical exertion, his movements were not very standard, and he was still swept to the shield by the enemy's epee.

Thales only felt a tremor in his left hand, then lost his balance, landed on his head and face, and gnawed two mouthfuls of sand uncontrollably.

Damn it!

Jinie told him that falling down on the battlefield is equivalent to...

Thales turned over and watched the epee continue to attack him.

Just at this moment, a figure bumped into him from the side, and the orc with the sword slammed several meters away!

It's Harken the Pot-bellied.


Haken, who saved Thales' life, was sweating profusely. He held a terrifying hammer and swung it vigorously, forcing several enemies back in a row.

Thales struggled to get up and nodded gratefully to him.

"The breeze is down, and the fire is dead." Haken, who was covered with scars, didn't care to respond to Thales, with hatred on his face: "The gray bastards know that they are the outer sentries, and eight or nine surround them together... ..."


The female captain Jiao cursed and slashed a certain orc's shoulder armor with a sword.

"call out!"

A long arrow struck and shot back an orc who was trying to pinch Luisa.

"They found that we are the key, and they are coming this way," the archer Pangja came back behind Haken, with an anxious expression on his face, and there were not many arrows left in his quiver, "I met the gods of the gray bastards. Shooter, that guy took me three hits and didn't-"

But he couldn't finish his sentence.

In the next second, a rough black arrow with ferocious tail feathers pierced into Pangjia's chest with astonishing force, and protruded from the armpit.

Thales was shocked!

"Damn it... or the old man is right," the archer looked at the arrow that pierced him in astonishment.

"No matter how hard you shoot, there will be a fart."

Pang Jia struggled to speak, and fell down weakly: "If you can't shoot, you still lose."

"Panga!" Luisa screamed, "Fucking bastard!"

Thales looked into the distance in disbelief: On the sand dunes under the moonlight, an orc with his lips painted white coldly put down a terrifyingly large and heavy black bow, and began to treat his injuries—three bright bows long arrow.

But they had no time to take care of their comrades who died in battle, and another group of orcs came here from afar.

Thales raised his shield as hard as he could, rushed behind Louisa in two or three steps, and stopped an attack for the frightened her, but he was shaken by the strength of the opponent.


Combat strength is not a level at all.

Go on like this...

He was about to turn around to greet Harken, but—

"Be careful!" Thales exclaimed!

Haken's hammer was able to repel an orc who wanted to throw him down, and when he was panting, a figure of an orc suddenly appeared behind him!


A familiar mace struck Harkon's weapon, knocking him to the ground.

Thales wanted to catch up to rescue him, but the orcs beside him attacked again.

The face of the orc who knocked down Haken was painted with familiar blue paint. He lifted the dizzy Haken and looked at Thales fiercely, with hatred that even a foreigner could recognize in his eyes: "F Raka!"

The next second, Thales watched in horror as Haken's head was grabbed by the blue-faced orc. Like a chicken, it howled angrily and pinned Haken's head to his chest armor!

Under the huge force, the collision between the skull and the steel made a creepy sound:


Thales trembled all over!

"No! Harken!" Dean roared from behind the blue-faced orc.

Just like that, the head of Haken, the Arenbian who once wanted to marry his sister to Thales, changed its shape, turned into something red and white, and sprayed out.

His whole body slid limply to the ground, motionless.

These words echoed in Thales' mind again, making him extremely horrified.

"Sock! Fraka!" The blue-faced orc roared ferociously at Thales, swung his sticky left hand, hit his breastplate covered with brains and blood, and walked step by step.

But it turned around halfway.

"Bastard!" Dean yelled and rushed forward, the fighting ax collided with its mace: "I'm your fucking enemy!"

Thales shook his head, driving the fear out of his mind just now.

But the killing did not end, and the blood in the shadow of swords and swords remained.

The shouts of the orcs have not weakened, but the screams and exclamations of the caravan have become less and less.

"Behind!" While roaring, Kanze, a Northlander covered in bruises, rushed towards Dean, knocked him away, and helped the bald head block an ax blow from behind.

Chased by several orcs, Old Hammer and Quick Rope came panting, broke through the siege to join them, and went to the front row to replace Thales and Louisa, who were getting weaker.

"The caravan, and others," Luisa, who had been under siege, had a rare chance to breathe: "What's going on?"

"Hubert is gone." Old Hammer turned around and dodged a heavy blow, and simply reported the death of his companion.

Kuaisheng took his words tremblingly: "He broke the back for us."

Louisa stamped her leg in pain.

There was no time to mourn for my companions.

"There is no caravan anymore," McGee, who was in a state of embarrassment, rushed from behind, and hurriedly said, "I'll go find the horses. If we don't break through, we'll all die here!"

The old hammer swung desperately for a while, temporarily forcing four enemies in one direction to move away a few steps.

"Damn it!" Louisa gasped in pain, "Dean!"

"I know!" During the battle, Dean's voice was distorted, but he seemed to be still thinking:

"Archers, armor, weapons, ferocious beasts, sudden surprise attacks launched at the same time, organized tactics and arrangements..."

"Coupled with this scale..."

"These gray bastards!"

The bald mercenary gritted his teeth and shouted: "They are not exiles!"

"They are tribal warriors, regular fighters of a big tribe in the desert!"

Thales was slightly taken aback.

big tribe?

A...horde of orcs?

At this moment, a strange sound came.


"Be careful!" Dean shouted angrily, and with a false move, he passed the furious blue-faced orc, and shouted at Kanze:

"Soldier Lizard!"

Thales' scalp tightened: a huge inhuman figure on all fours twisted its body, screamed strangely, and attacked at high speed in the sand!

In the next second, a giant gray-yellow lizard the size of a normal person jumped in front of Kanze, and the scales on his body were clearly visible.

It crashed into the formation of the mercenaries, bit Kanze's arm, and pulled him around in circles, causing the strong man in the North to cry out in pain.

Thales gritted his teeth and stepped forward, stabbing the monster with a sword, but was sliced ​​open by its scales.

Kanze waved his left arm reluctantly, trying to shake off Bing Li's bite.

This is his last effort.

Another orc seized the opportunity, and its heavy straight knife sliced ​​through the air with a piercing screech, slicing through Kanze's right chest.

Under the rough weapon, there was even an obvious gap in the right armpit of the Northlander.


Blood shot out, dyeing Thales beside Kanze red.

"Ahhh!" The old hammer swung the sledgehammer angrily, repelling the owner of the straight knife.

"No!" Dean roared sternly, he kicked the fire, and the burning firewood fell on the soldier lizard.

Quick Rope screamed, grabbed all the firewood on the ground, and threw it at the monster in the desert.

Bing Li finally couldn't bear the flames, let go of Kanze's arm, and retreated into the darkness.

But Kanze, who was half-split, only had trembling strength left. He fell limply to the ground and soon stopped moving.

"Ah!" Luisa burst into tears, she grabbed the long sword and threw herself at the enemy again,

The impact of the soldiers was disastrous, and Dante's swords were thrown into disarray.

Many orcs took advantage of the situation to attack. Without the support of the flanks, everyone fell into the dilemma of one enemy in an instant - Thales found himself facing two orcs at the same time.

Facing their enormous power, he almost fell into a desperate situation. The crime of Hell River has never stopped, and coupled with the timely dodge and unloading of force in the Northern Army swordsmanship, he can withstand that chilling power.

The situation took a turn for the worse.

Under the threat of the ax and the great sword, the prince dashed left and right, and the shield groaned, as if it would shatter in the next moment.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the fast rope flew several meters away and fell to the ground, unconscious.


Thales bit his chapped lips, the hope in his heart was fading little by little.

The sound of fighting became smaller and smaller.

The caravan was completely silent, and only Dean, Louisa, and Old Hammer were left fighting in Dante's great sword.

McGee, who was looking for the horse, had already disappeared among the enemies.

"Hold on!" Luisa's voice crossed the siege and came to my ears. It sounded very bad, but she was still trying to motivate them: "Trust McGee—he is a bone man, the darling of the desert!"

persist in?


Thales took a step back, dodging a fatal sword cut in embarrassment.

What do you believe?

He was breathing in pain, the sword and shield in both hands trembling from the many blows.

Through the senses of hell, the boy can feel: there are more and more orcs around, most of them are holding weapons, staying quietly on the periphery—maybe rushing up to replace their companions as soon as there is space, or waiting for them out of arrogance victory or defeat.

Seeing more and more enemies in all directions, Thales began to believe that his luck had probably come to an end.

He knows that the opponent is too strong, no matter the number or strength.

They stand little chance.

He just fought with the instinct of never giving up for so many years.

The crime of prison river seems to have reached its limit.

"Bang!" There was a heavy blow not far away, and the old hammer fell to the ground with a cry of pain.


Thales sighed in his heart, and rolled over with difficulty, only to find himself rolled under the feet of another orc.

He felt a chill in his heart.

is it.

It was the blue-faced orc.

It lowered its head, its expression ferocious.

In the next second, the mace hit the ground!


Thales threw away his shield, dragging his extremely sore body, and dodged the blow in embarrassment.

He knew that for humans, the attacks of these orcs were fatal in one blow.

As for the chance to increase the crime of prison river?

Come on, under this kind of intensity of fighting, there will be no such thing as "death is not dead" as Hei Jian said.

There is no chance to shed blood and activate magic power.

Once he was recruited, he would immediately know whether the ferryman of the Prison River was a legend.

Thales struggled to get up, but before he could stand still, a scimitar hit his sword!


Under the huge force, coupled with the unstable movement, he couldn't withstand a single blow, the long sword dropped from his hand, and fell down again.

The weapon fell into the sand with a dull sound.

It's over.

Thales trembled, only feeling a sharp pain in his arm.

Compared with Ginny, Wyah, and even Nicolai and Monty whom he had fought against...

This level of fighting...

He turned over with difficulty, only to see the blue-faced orc in armor approaching step by step.

It showed its ferocious teeth to the prince, and slowly raised its mace.

"Fracca." The orc said coldly.

Oh shit.

Thales was a little distracted.


What the hell does this mean?

Did you learn it in Dragon Clouds City's class?

Dean and Louisa's shouts are still in my ears.

Thales gasped for breath, and fumbled around, trying to find anything that could cut through the blood.

But he failed.

In the next second, the mace fell suddenly!

Thales closed his eyes.

Little cunning.

Remember, you must learn the orc language well.

Otherwise, when you die, you don’t know why you are...

at this moment.


The sound of steel clashing.

With the dust splashing everywhere, Thales broke out in a cold sweat!

He opened his eyes suddenly.

The enemy's weapon fell off and landed deep on the side of his head.

Thales' heartbeat has not recovered, and he stares blankly at the scene in front of him:

An extremely thick sharp iron fork got stuck in the gap of the mace, blocking its track.

And the iron fork was connected to a thicker wrist without a palm—it seemed to have been melted into the bone.

The blue-faced orc who was prevented from killing seemed very dissatisfied. It turned to the owner of the iron fork, to the owner of the broken arm.


The orc growled so wildly that the blue paint on his face puckered up.

It was emotional, and pointed its left hand at Thales on the ground: "Sell, Fraka!"

But the owner of the iron fork just shook his head slowly.

The right arm connected to the iron fork was still supporting the mace, without relaxing at all.

Its low voice reveals an unfamiliar vocabulary:


Thales stared blankly at their negotiation.

"Sorino," the owner of the iron fork arm repeated flatly:

"Sorino, Satusell."

The blue-faced orc seemed very angry, its breath became thicker and thicker, and its gray skin trembled slightly.

But the owner of the iron fork arm seemed very unusual. After a few seconds, the blue-faced orc roared and reluctantly withdrew his weapon. It gave Thales a hard look, and its small eyes were full of hatred.

Thales lay stiffly on the ground, only feeling that his overused body was about to lose control.

The blue-faced orc raised his head and roared to the surroundings: "Naku! Kandar!"

The next moment, as if they had received an order, all the orcs, regardless of whether they were in battle or not, put down their weapons and took a step back.

Even a ferocious beast like Bing Li was tightly roped and suppressed by two orcs.

The orcs dispersed one after another, revealing Louisa who was panting with a sword in the siege, and Dean who was supported by her.

It also reveals the owner of the iron fork.

Thales saw it clearly.

This is another orc.

Another special orc.

The blue-faced orc in armor was already considered huge, but this orc was almost bigger than the previous one, even two people tall.

That's not its greatest feature.

its skin.

The orc's skin was pure black, much darker than the surrounding companions.

Its shoulders were covered with thick snow-white fur, which looked like some kind of ferocious beast. Under the fur was hidden a black metal armor, which obviously had a very high status.

It has three parallel scars on its forehead, extending to the bridge of its nose, like claw marks, its lips are light gray, and the hair on the top of its head is more vigorous.

Thales frowned.

Is it... the leader?

But the only remaining mercenary exclaimed.

In the next second, the pure black orc leader curled his black lips and raised his thick left hand towards them - its palm tightly wrapped around the neck of a human captive, allowing him to struggle in vain.

"No, no," Louisa said with a slight cry in her voice, "No."

Dean sighed, "McGee."

The skeleton man who was strangled by the neck trembled, his expression was slack, and his hands feebly climbed onto the huge arm of this special orc, but he couldn't make any resistance.

Thales shook his head in despair.

It's over.

The orc made a sound like laughter, threw the weak McGee to the ground, then raised his severed wrist, and pointed the iron fork on it at the only remaining mercenary.

The next moment, the pure black orc spoke slowly.

What shocked Thales and the two mercenaries was that what came out of each other's mouth was a fluent Westland common language with a desert accent.

"Humans," the orc's low voice seemed to shake the sand, "you fought bravely, took away the fighting spirits of four tribal warriors, and won our respect."

Louisa stared in surprise, Dean frowned.

There were dozens of orcs around, standing in a dense mass, holding weapons and staring at the mercenaries with murderous intent, but held their breath and remained silent, no one made a sound.

"Therefore, I pledge the honor of the Cracking Stone tribe, as long as you surrender to me."

"Your companions, including this Sorino," it gently kicked Thales under its feet, solemnly and seriously:

"It will survive."

Thales moved slightly.

He remembered.

That word for pure black orcs: Sorino.

In Dragon Clouds City's class, there are similar words in the glacier orc language, although the tone and suffix are different - Solina.



Novel recommendation: Gourmet Adventure The president is the overlord of Lengwen [Quick time travel] The emperor's rescue plan strategy master's manual [Sword 3] Desperate star Gu dog planing Jianghu training Qi Xian Zun Jintang Spring slow heaven knows Nine directions legend EXO wounded city military marriage Sultry: The major general’s charming wife is too hot. Hello, Mr. Mo was reborn in the 1970s. A military wife in the 100s. Trial marriage for 100 days: Young master Ye, addicted to pampering. The city’s happy doctor 99 divorces: Young master Li, please be a low-key female president, a god-level expert farmer. Little widow: Bringing steamed buns to farm and cheating on marriage CEO: He only spoils his little wife and is a chef in another world

There is no next chapter in the previous chapter

Chapter 373 Cub, Bloodline of the Kingdom - WuxiaWorld

The ax wind brought up sand and dust, Thales had to close his eyes. flash dance novel network

But he escaped the fate of being cut in half after all.

In the nick of time, a single-bladed fighting ax swung from the direction of the campfire, and with an earth-shattering roar, it slashed into the orc's unprotected armpit.

With an earth-shattering cry of pain, the red blood from the orc's body spewed out, covering the face of Thales, who was panting in pain.

Fishy and salty, pungent.

Following this sword, the orc's rough giant ax came out of his hand, with the momentum of splitting the earth, it sank deep into the sand and into Thales' left shoulder.

The tall orc roared in an unfamiliar language. He turned around and swung his thick arms towards the owner of the fighting axe, but he nimbly avoided it.

"stand up!"

The powerful voice of the bald mercenary Dean resounded, which was extremely clear in the surrounding shouts of killing, which lifted Thales' spirits.

"No time to rest!"

The power of termination flowed to the boy's back and chest, making his chest tightness a little better. Thales turned over, tremblingly grasped the orc's giant axe, struggled with his strength, wiped away the blood on his face, and regained his numb hands and feet in shock.

The orc whose neck was pierced by him still looked violent, and ignored the surge of blood from the wounds on his neck and armpits. He just roared words that Thales couldn't understand, and rushed towards Big Dean.

Holding an ax in both hands, the calm mercenary rushed towards the orc, but rolled sideways the moment he approached, deftly dodging the fierce attack of the orc.

"Hula, Nadalelis!" the orc who was in the air howled angrily and turned around.

With the frantic pounce, the blood of the orcs spilled, watering the parched land.

Dean stared closely at the orc's feet, but he didn't confront it head-on. He just used his size and pace to feign an attack, dodging the opponent's two powerful impacts one after another.

Like a bird avoiding a fierce leopard.

The blood of the orcs flowed slower and slower, and became less and less.

Finally, Thales was relieved to see: the orc took a rough breath, its figure swayed slightly, and its movements slowed down.

Dean didn't miss the opportunity.

He erupted in an instant, slashed back to the side of the orc like a whirlwind, swung the ax blade, and chopped off the ugly head.

The headless body swung its giant arms several feet long for the last time, and fell to the sandy ground.

Thales breathed a sigh of relief.

"You saved me a lot of trouble by giving it that." Dean panted and pulled him up, threw the spare one-handed sword at his waist to the boy, and kicked the sturdy corpse: "But remember, Wyah, don't get entangled with them—the orcs won't fall down immediately after being injured, and the more seriously injured they are..."

"Their counterattack is more dangerous...I know," Thales gritted his teeth and took the weapon, "Sorry, someone taught me, but when facing actual combat..."

In the classrooms of the Northlanders, even though thousands of years have passed since the battle of chasing saints, those tall, strong, fearless aliens are still their eternal enemies.

In the entire Kingdom of Exeter, the sentinel in the extreme north is the most aloof archduke. In the face of the king, they are even exempted from paying a considerable part of the tax, which is used to form an elite with a reputation that is not weaker than that of the White Blade Guard. The troop, the glacier outpost, is all because the Huster family has shouldered the important task of guarding the thirty-eight outpost for generations and guarding against the glacier orcs north of Quigul.

Since the founding of Exeter, more than 20 kings have led their troops north to support and fight against the glacier orc tribes who crossed the border and went south. The regular training of the conscripts, how to fight the orcs is one of the compulsory courses.

The guards in the Palace of Heroes said that Nikolai had already followed King Nun at the thirty-eighth outpost before he got that nickname, proving that he could not be defeated in the face of orcs, but Facing the delicate grand duchess and her dagger who looks more like a needle thread, the Meteorite, who has a lot of experience in how to resist the orcs, can only spread all the depression of "unrecognized talents" on the second student—anyway, the Prince of Stars also There is no chance to go to the north—for example, violently pushing Thales down countless times with a big axe, or beating him unceremoniously after Thales yelled countless timeouts, euphemistically saying "This is the power of orcs" ".

But what Thales didn't expect was that in the first battle with the orcs, he still forgot Nicolai's teachings after all.

Thales looked at the headless corpse in horror, thinking of the irresistible force when it threw itself out against the gap in its neck.

What kind of race is this!

Compared with their terrifying distant relatives stuck in the north, the orcs who wandered into the great desert after the end of the war may be slightly different, but many things are still the same, such as huge body size, amazing resilience, sensitivity to pain and temperature Their tolerance, terrifying explosive power, and their notorious near-death counterattack among humans-it is said that the famous Iron-Blood King died with the last knife of a dying orc at his feet.

Dean didn't say anything, but just thumped Thales' chest, his brows filled with sorrow.


Amidst Louisa's yelling, Dean pushed Thales away.

A fierce mace smashed into the sand between them, sending the sand flying.

There was more than one threat on Dean's side, and he turned around to hold another orc's irregular scimitar, taking advantage of the situation to dodge.

Thales stabilized his footsteps and saw the owner of the mace clearly under the moonlight—an orc with blue paint on his face, a hideous scar on his left eye, and the hair on his head was tied into a short braid. The armor on his body is more than that of the previous one, and his body is also larger, almost one and a half times the height of an adult human.

It glanced at the corpse on the ground, then opened its lips, revealing two rows of clenched teeth. It first looked at Dean who was entangled, and then at Thales.

"Sayer," the orc in front of him spoke slowly, shaking his rough vocal cords, "Luma, Soka Daser."

Thales couldn't distinguish the expression of the orc, but it didn't affect his judgment of the other's emotion.

The wet orc blood on his face was a little sticky, the prince endured the fishy smell, and put his sword in position.

This is what the awkward Griveau told Thales before parting in Dragon Clouds City.

Thales is now deeply touched by this.

Almost every one of them was seven or eight feet taller, and they were astonishingly powerful and swift at the same time. The weapons in their hands were heavy and rough, but in terms of efficiency, they were no worse than well-forged human weapons.

They are superior to humans in size, strength, and physique... It is hard to imagine how the miracle of thousands of humans defeating 20,000 orcs in the battle of saints two thousand years ago was created?

Thales gritted his teeth.

In the distance, with a two-handed sword and nimble steps, Luisa dragged three enemies with great difficulty.

McGee rolled and sprinted nimbly in the sand alone, flying with two knives, confusing the sight of multiple enemies, fighting and walking through debris and obstacles, trying to get closer to Louisa.

Hubert, Old Hammer, Kanze and Quick Rope stood back to back, struggling to resist the orcs surrounding them.

Others are not so lucky.

Although the merchants also had their own armed forces, their skill was obviously not comparable to that of the mercenaries. Under the pressure of the orcs, regardless of quantity or quality, the caravan suffered heavy casualties, and the surrounding screams were still heard endlessly.

The shouts of killing continued, but the orcs no longer concealed their raids, and the strange language and majestic voice shook the sand dunes.

"Wyah, there is one more key to fighting the bastards," Dean panted, and swung his ax back at the enemy: "Don't be alone at any time, even if it's one-on-one."

Under the moonlight, two tall and strong gray figures slid down from the sand dunes, and charged towards them with weapons raised.

"Go and join Luisa, I'll cover you."

Thales nodded nervously.


Almost the moment the boy pulled his legs out, the orc in blue roared and thumped him with a stick: "Fraka!"

But Dean didn't let him, the fighting ax parried the mace in the air.


Hearing the howling wind behind him, Thales resisted the desire to turn his head back. He desperately called out the sin of Hell River, rushed back to the campfire at an alarming speed, threw himself on the ground, and pulled out a shield from Hubert's bag.

As soon as he raised his head, he caught a glimpse of a majestic figure raising a scimitar towards him!

The swordsmanship that had been tempered countless times was activated instinctively.

The teachings that have not faded in the past six years sounded in my ears again.

Iron body style!

The scimitar smashed hard on the shield.


Amidst the terrifying loud noise and impact, terrifying power surged forth!

At that moment, Thales had an illusion: this blow was almost enough to smash through the city wall.

His feet slid back and forth in the sand, and the shield in front of his arm trembled violently.

But Thales stopped.

According to the habit, from the moment he raises the shield, his center of gravity is ready to meet the impact, and his feet are ready to unload the force-this habit in the northern military swordsmanship has always been scoffed at by many people, from Nikolai to Huaia, they all I think Thales' defense is too rigid, too conservative, lacks flexibility and quickness, and has no room for counterattack.

But at the moment of receiving the knife, Thales suddenly realized.

In the confrontation with the orcs, you have no chance of "flexibility" and "swiftness".

Compared with human opponents, the terrifying strength of the orcs conceals too many things. Their fatal blow will tear your moves at the moment of hand-to-hand combat, deform your movements, and make you fancy and unconstrained follow-up reactions become worthless.

If you lose your composure on the first turn with a disparity in strength...

"Selka!" the orc roared, moving forward!

Thales shook his arm subconsciously, transformed into a counterattack style, turned around to release the force of the impact, and turned to the opponent's side.

This is another characteristic of swordsmanship that has been criticized a lot.

Are you in a heat? Who are you going to show your ass to? The big stallion? Or the Grand Duchess next to her? ——This is Nicolai's harsh words, after he kicked Thales down in a certain class.

The prince took a deep breath, lowered his body, and the power of finishing surged to his right hand, throwing out the first attack since this battle.


The edge of the sword sliced ​​through the orc's unprotected rear knee, bringing out a cloud of blood.

The second offensive style of the Northland Army's swordsmanship, the side attack style-broken heel.

Thales frowned subconsciously.

The orc cried out in pain, its left leg was slightly discordant, but the attack became more violent.

Thales forced himself to calm down, and was not in a hurry to attack. Instead, he surrounded the opponent's injured leg and retreated while fighting with his small body. It made his arms go numb.

The power of the end flowed freely through his body, and the sense of hell not only reflected every movement of this enemy in his brain, but also reflected the situation in the distance to him: Dean was chased and blocked by three orcs, Louis Sha broke through an opponent and rushed towards him.

Finally, Thales seized the opportunity, and after another iron body pose, his long sword protruded upwards like a rattlesnake, pointing at its chest during the gap between the opponent's attacks.

The orc's skin was rougher and harder than expected, but Thales was helped by the enemy's charge. The prince gritted his teeth and felt that both the shield and the long sword shook!


Greasy and warm liquid rushed out, along the edge of his sword, and flowed onto his arm.

"Hula!" The orc who had been pierced through the chest yelled vigorously, his face twisted and ugly.

Thales, who had learned his lesson, knew something was wrong, so without hesitation, he withdrew his long sword and pounced!

next second.


The bonfire beside him was slashed to pieces by the enemy's desperate knife, and sparks flew everywhere.

The orc couldn't go any further—Luisa emerged from the darkness aside, and chopped off its knife-wielding hand.

"Beautiful!" Luisa avoided the dying opponent, and let the orc roll in the pain of being burned, pierced through the chest and severed hands, violently hammering the ground beside him, bleeding profusely: "This is the first time you see an orc?"

Thales shook his head, he only felt numb and painful all over his body. flash dance novel network

"the second time."

The first one was already slaughtered by Dean.

But they didn't have time for small talk: Luisa had brought not only reinforcements, but two orc rivals that followed.

With the howling of the wind, Thales subconsciously rolled over again!

However, due to the huge physical exertion, his movements were not very standard, and he was still swept to the shield by the enemy's epee.

Thales only felt a tremor in his left hand, then lost his balance, landed on his head and face, and gnawed two mouthfuls of sand uncontrollably.

Damn it!

Jinie told him that falling down on the battlefield is equivalent to...

Thales turned over and watched the epee continue to attack him.

Just at this moment, a figure bumped into him from the side, and the orc with the sword slammed several meters away!

It's Harken the Pot-bellied.


Haken, who saved Thales' life, was sweating profusely. He held a terrifying hammer and swung it vigorously, forcing several enemies back in a row.

Thales struggled to get up and nodded gratefully to him.

"The breeze is down, and the fire is dead." Haken, who was covered with scars, didn't care to respond to Thales, with hatred on his face: "The gray bastards know that they are the outer sentries, and eight or nine surround them together... ..."


The female captain Jiao cursed and slashed a certain orc's shoulder armor with a sword.

"call out!"

A long arrow struck and shot back an orc who was trying to pinch Luisa.

"They found that we are the key, and they are coming this way," the archer Pangja came back behind Haken, with an anxious expression on his face, and there were not many arrows left in his quiver, "I met the gods of the gray bastards. Shooter, that guy took me three hits and didn't-"

But he couldn't finish his sentence.

In the next second, a rough black arrow with ferocious tail feathers pierced into Pangjia's chest with astonishing force, and protruded from the armpit.

Thales was shocked!

"Damn it... or the old man is right," the archer looked at the arrow that pierced him in astonishment.

"No matter how hard you shoot, there will be a fart."

Pang Jia struggled to speak, and fell down weakly: "If you can't shoot, you still lose."

"Panga!" Luisa screamed, "Fucking bastard!"

Thales looked into the distance in disbelief: On the sand dunes under the moonlight, an orc with his lips painted white coldly put down a terrifyingly large and heavy black bow, and began to treat his injuries—three bright bows long arrow.

But they had no time to take care of their comrades who died in battle, and another group of orcs came here from afar.

Thales raised his shield as hard as he could, rushed behind Louisa in two or three steps, and stopped an attack for the frightened her, but he was shaken by the strength of the opponent.


Combat strength is not a level at all.

Go on like this...

He was about to turn around to greet Harken, but—

"Be careful!" Thales exclaimed!

Haken's hammer was able to repel an orc who wanted to throw him down, and when he was panting, a figure of an orc suddenly appeared behind him!


A familiar mace struck Harkon's weapon, knocking him to the ground.

Thales wanted to catch up to rescue him, but the orcs beside him attacked again.

The face of the orc who knocked down Haken was painted with familiar blue paint. He lifted the dizzy Haken and looked at Thales fiercely, with hatred that even a foreigner could recognize in his eyes: "F Raka!"

The next second, Thales watched in horror as Haken's head was grabbed by the blue-faced orc. Like a chicken, it howled angrily and pinned Haken's head to his chest armor!

Under the huge force, the collision between the skull and the steel made a creepy noise:


Thales trembled all over!

"No! Harken!" Dean roared from behind the blue-faced orc.

Just like that, the head of Haken, the Arenbian who once wanted to marry his sister to Thales, changed its shape, turned into something red and white, and sprayed out.

His whole body slid limply to the ground, motionless.

These words echoed in Thales' mind again, making him extremely horrified.

"Sock! Fraka!" The blue-faced orc roared ferociously at Thales, swung his sticky left hand, hit his breastplate covered with brains and blood, and walked step by step.

But it turned around halfway.

"Bastard!" Dean yelled and rushed forward, the fighting ax collided with its mace: "I'm your fucking enemy!"

Thales shook his head, driving the fear out of his mind just now.

But the killing did not end, and the blood in the shadow of swords and swords remained.

The shouts of the orcs have not weakened, but the screams and exclamations of the caravan have become less and less.

"Behind!" While roaring, Kanze, a Northlander covered in bruises, rushed towards Dean, knocked him away, and helped the bald head block an ax blow from behind.

Chased by several orcs, Old Hammer and Quick Rope came panting, broke through the siege to join them, and went to the front row to replace Thales and Louisa, who were getting weaker.

"The caravan, and others," Luisa, who had been under siege, had a rare chance to breathe: "What's going on?"

"Hubert is gone." Old Hammer turned around and dodged a heavy blow, and simply reported the death of his companion.

Kuaisheng took his words tremblingly: "He broke the back for us."

Louisa stamped her leg in pain.

There was no time to mourn for my companions.

"There is no caravan anymore," McGee, who was in a state of embarrassment, rushed from behind, and hurriedly said, "I'll go find the horses. If we don't break through, we'll all die here!"

The old hammer swung desperately for a while, temporarily forcing four enemies in one direction to move away a few steps.

"Damn it!" Louisa gasped in pain, "Dean!"

"I know!" During the battle, Dean's voice was distorted, but he seemed to be still thinking:

"Archers, armor, weapons, ferocious beasts, sudden surprise attacks launched at the same time, organized tactics and arrangements..."

"Coupled with this scale..."

"These gray bastards!"

The bald mercenary gritted his teeth and shouted: "They are not exiles!"

"They are tribal warriors, regular fighters of a big tribe in the desert!"

Thales was slightly taken aback.

big tribe?

A...horde of orcs?

At this moment, a strange sound came.


"Be careful!" Dean shouted angrily, and with a false move, he passed the furious blue-faced orc, and shouted at Kanze:

"Soldier Lizard!"

Thales' scalp tightened: a huge inhuman figure on all fours twisted its body, screamed strangely, and attacked at high speed in the sand!

In the next second, a giant gray-yellow lizard the size of a normal person jumped in front of Kanze, and the scales on his body were clearly visible.

It crashed into the formation of the mercenaries, bit Kanze's arm, and pulled him around in circles, causing the strong man in the North to cry out in pain.

Thales gritted his teeth and stepped forward, stabbing the monster with a sword, but was sliced ​​open by its scales.

Kanze waved his left arm reluctantly, trying to shake off Bing Li's bite.

This is his last effort.

Another orc seized the opportunity, and its heavy straight knife sliced ​​through the air with a piercing screech, slicing through Kanze's right chest.

Under the rough weapon, there was even an obvious gap in the right armpit of the Northlander.


Blood shot out, dyeing Thales beside Kanze red.

"Ahhh!" The old hammer swung the sledgehammer angrily, repelling the owner of the straight knife.

"No!" Dean roared sternly, he kicked the fire, and the burning firewood fell on the soldier lizard.

Quick Rope screamed, grabbed all the firewood on the ground, and threw it at the monster in the desert.

Bing Li finally couldn't bear the flames, let go of Kanze's arm, and retreated into the darkness.

But Kanze, who was half-split, only had trembling strength left. He fell limply to the ground and soon stopped moving.

"Ah!" Luisa burst into tears, she grabbed the long sword and threw herself at the enemy again,

The impact of the soldiers was disastrous, and Dante's swords were thrown into disarray.

Many orcs took advantage of the situation to attack. Without the support of the flanks, everyone fell into the dilemma of one enemy in an instant - Thales found himself facing two orcs at the same time.

Facing their enormous power, he almost fell into a desperate situation. The crime of Hell River has never stopped, and coupled with the timely dodge and unloading of force in the Northern Army swordsmanship, he can withstand that chilling power.

The situation took a turn for the worse.

Under the threat of the ax and the great sword, the prince dashed left and right, and the shield groaned, as if it would shatter in the next moment.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the fast rope flew several meters away and fell to the ground, unconscious.


Thales bit his chapped lips, the hope in his heart was fading little by little.

The sound of fighting became smaller and smaller.

The caravan was completely silent, and only Dean, Louisa, and Old Hammer were left fighting in Dante's great sword.

McGee, who was looking for the horse, had already disappeared among the enemies.

"Hold on!" Luisa's voice crossed the siege and came to my ears. It sounded very bad, but she was still trying to motivate them: "Trust McGee—he is a bone man, the darling of the desert!"

persist in?


Thales took a step back, dodging a fatal sword cut in embarrassment.

What do you believe?

He was breathing in pain, the sword and shield in both hands trembling from the many blows.

Through the senses of hell, the boy can feel: there are more and more orcs around, most of them are holding weapons, staying quietly on the periphery—maybe rushing up to replace their companions as soon as there is space, or waiting for them out of arrogance victory or defeat.

Seeing more and more enemies in all directions, Thales began to believe that his luck had probably come to an end.

He knows that the opponent is too strong, no matter the number or strength.

They stand little chance.

He just fought with the instinct of never giving up for so many years.

The crime of prison river seems to have reached its limit.

"Bang!" There was a heavy blow not far away, and the old hammer fell to the ground with a cry of pain.


Thales sighed in his heart, and rolled over with difficulty, only to find himself rolled under the feet of another orc.

He felt a chill in his heart.

is it.

It was the blue-faced orc.

It lowered its head, its expression ferocious.

In the next second, the mace hit the ground!


Thales threw away his shield, dragging his extremely sore body, and dodged the blow in embarrassment.

He knew that for humans, the attacks of these orcs were fatal in one blow.

As for the chance to increase the crime of prison river?

Come on, under this kind of intensity of fighting, there will be no such thing as "death is not dead" as Hei Jian said.

There is no chance to shed blood and activate magic power.

Once he was recruited, he would immediately know whether the ferryman of the Prison River was a legend.

Thales struggled to get up, but before he could stand still, a scimitar hit his sword!


Under the huge force, coupled with the unstable movement, he couldn't withstand a single blow, the long sword dropped from his hand, and fell down again.

The weapon fell into the sand with a dull sound.

It's over.

Thales trembled, only feeling a sharp pain in his arm.

Compared with Ginny, Wyah, and even Nicolai and Monty whom he had fought against...

This level of fighting...

He turned over with difficulty, only to see the blue-faced orc in armor approaching step by step.

It showed its ferocious teeth to the prince, and slowly raised its mace.

"Fracca." The orc said coldly.

Oh shit.

Thales was a little distracted.


What the hell does this mean?

Did you learn it in Dragon Clouds City's class?

Dean and Louisa's shouts are still in my ears.

Thales gasped for breath, and fumbled around, trying to find anything that could cut through the blood.

But he failed.

In the next second, the mace fell suddenly!

Thales closed his eyes.

Little cunning.

Remember, you must learn the orc language well.

Otherwise, when you die, you don’t know why you are...

at this moment.


The sound of steel clashing.

With the dust splashing everywhere, Thales broke out in a cold sweat!

He opened his eyes suddenly.

The enemy's weapon fell off and landed deep on the side of his head.

Thales' heartbeat has not recovered, and he stares blankly at the scene in front of him:

An extremely thick sharp iron fork got stuck in the gap of the mace, blocking its track.

And the iron fork was connected to a thicker wrist without a palm—it seemed to have been melted into the bone.

The blue-faced orc who was prevented from killing seemed very dissatisfied. It turned to the owner of the iron fork, to the owner of the broken arm.


The orc growled so wildly that the blue paint on his face puckered up.

It was emotional, and pointed its left hand at Thales on the ground: "Sell, Fraka!"

But the owner of the iron fork just shook his head slowly.

The right arm connected to the iron fork was still supporting the mace, without relaxing at all.

Its low voice reveals an unfamiliar vocabulary:


Thales stared blankly at their negotiation.

"Sorino," the owner of the iron fork arm repeated flatly:

"Sorino, Satusell."

The blue-faced orc seemed very angry, its breath became thicker and thicker, and its gray skin trembled slightly.

But the owner of the iron fork arm seemed very unusual. After a few seconds, the blue-faced orc roared and reluctantly withdrew his weapon. It gave Thales a hard look, and its small eyes were full of hatred.

Thales lay stiffly on the ground, only feeling that his overused body was about to lose control.

The blue-faced orc raised his head and roared to the surroundings: "Naku! Kandar!"

The next moment, as if they had received an order, all the orcs, regardless of whether they were in battle or not, put down their weapons and took a step back.

Even a ferocious beast like Bing Li was tightly roped and suppressed by two orcs.

The orcs dispersed one after another, revealing Louisa who was panting with a sword in the siege, and Dean who was supported by her.

It also reveals the owner of the iron fork.

Thales saw it clearly.

This is another orc.

Another special orc.

The blue-faced orc in armor was already considered huge, but this orc was almost bigger than the previous one, even two people tall.

That's not its greatest feature.

its skin.

The orc's skin was pure black, much darker than the surrounding companions.

Its shoulders were covered with thick snow-white fur, which looked like some kind of ferocious beast. Under the fur was hidden a black metal armor, which obviously had a very high status.

It has three parallel scars on its forehead, extending to the bridge of its nose, like claw marks, its lips are light gray, and the hair on the top of its head is more vigorous.

Thales frowned.

Is it... the leader?

But the only remaining mercenary exclaimed.

In the next second, the pure black orc leader curled his black lips and raised his thick left hand towards them—its palm tightly wrapped around the neck of a human captive, allowing him to struggle in vain.

"No, no," Louisa said with a slight cry in her voice, "No."

Dean sighed, "McGee."

The skeleton man who was strangled by the neck trembled, his expression was slack, and his hands feebly climbed onto the huge arm of this special orc, but he couldn't make any resistance.

Thales shook his head in despair.

It's over.

The orc made a sound like laughter, threw the weak McGee to the ground, then raised his severed wrist, and pointed the iron fork on it at the only remaining mercenary.

The next moment, the pure black orc spoke slowly.

What shocked Thales and the two mercenaries was that what came out of each other's mouth was a fluent Westland common language with a desert accent.

"Humans," the orc's low voice seemed to shake the sand, "you fought bravely, took away the fighting spirits of four tribal warriors, and won our respect."

Louisa stared in surprise, Dean frowned.

There were dozens of orcs around, standing in a dense mass, holding weapons and staring at the mercenaries with murderous intent, but held their breath and remained silent, no one made a sound.

"Therefore, I pledge the honor of the Cracking Stone tribe, as long as you surrender to me."

"Your companions, including this Sorino," it gently kicked Thales under its feet, solemnly and seriously:

"It will survive."

Thales moved slightly.

He remembered.

That word for pure black orcs: Sorino.

In Dragon Clouds City's class, there are similar words in the glacier orc language, although the tone and suffix are different - Solina.



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