Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 16 Coincidence?

Speaking of this topic, Gilbert's eyes became serious.

"You can't imagine how the northerners, especially the nobles above the earl, understand the military class and how they arrange it."

Having said that, Thales' expression became serious:

"The military class was divided into two parts by them."

"Outdoors and indoors."

Thales' eyes froze in the void:

"The noble's military outdoor class includes personal martial arts and army command."

"The proportion is huge, almost every day."

Thales opened his fingers:

"Beating, riding, charging, archery, hunting, patrolling the barracks, battle exercises...Of course, the last few parts, the Star Prince generally has no part."

Gilbert narrowed his eyes:


Thales sighed, and drove the dead face out of his mind:

"do not mind the details."

The Duke came back to his senses:

"As for the noble's military indoor class, I was surprised when I saw it for the first time..."

Thales looked at the foreign minister and said seriously:

"It's grammar, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy..."

Gilbert's pen stopped.

"Yes, you heard that right," Thales frowned:

"How to read and write, do arithmetic, know the weather, calculate distance...all of these were compressed by the Exeters and placed in the 'Military Indoor Class'."

Gilbert was silent for a while, and then began to write:

"I have indeed heard that people in the Northlands are used to learning to read and write in war lessons, but even the Arend family in the Star Territory..."

"This is the first time I've heard such a close account of a person who experienced it... Interesting."

Thales twitched the corners of his mouth and shook his shoulders.

"As for why, according to a certain dead face, if you don't know how to read and write military orders, you can't count the number of people, you don't know the topography, you don't know the climate and astronomy," Thales sarcastically hooked the two fingers outstretched:

"'That's a fart fight'."

Thales leaned back angrily.

Who would have imagined that the clumsy-looking Nicolai could know how long it was until dawn and when it was time to make a surprise attack just by looking up at the stars; As long as the flagpole is erected, can you figure out the influence of the current wind direction on the bow and crossbow shooting?

("Everyone in the team knows that it was all icebergs that forced him to memorize it by rote, but he doesn't know the truth at all." This is a veteran of the White Blade Guard in the Palace of Heroes, talking about the past with newcomers: "So the wild When investigating, you can directly ask the boss 'Which side is the east', don't be specific about 'Which one is the highest star' or 'Why is the highest star pointing to the east' - Isaiah once asked very shamelessly Once, that day, they had a fight in front of Prince Suril...")

("What, you asked what happened afterwards? Later, Bingshan came up with a good idea to mediate their conflict: shake hands 50,000 times.")

("That day, the entire White Blade Guards did nothing, so they stood collectively in front of the palace gate, watching the two of them shake hands and shake hands expressionlessly, from morning to night, counting in turn, almost threw up... His Majesty found out, so he simply moved the dining table out, and watched the two of them shake hands while eating... ")

("Thankfully, they got along much better after that, pointing noses at each other, but never fighting again...")

("Look, this is the brotherhood under the blade oath, oh my god, I'm so touched...")

("Well, time flies, the touching story is over, let's talk about the real thing: who dare to fight at the post today, who are the bastards?")

And Nicolai was only a half-way monk—he wasn't even aristocratic.

"As for geometry and astronomy, although they mostly go back and forth in ancient books, mixing a lot of old calculations and ancient legends, coupled with the physical geography around the Northland, you know, 'there are few people in the Northland and the weather is cold,

The desert is hot and plants are sparse, the stars are full of bad guys, and the sea is full of big monsters' set..."

Thales' voice became heavy.

"But as long as the practical and empirical battlefield application is involved, these simple knowledge in our opinion will become extremely detailed and practical."

Thales looked solemn:

"Reading and writing pay attention to efficiency and directness, while arithmetic cares about convenience and speed."

"As for geometrical astronomy, such as charging distance calculation, slope and shooting range measurement, team statistics, battle loss ratio estimation, movie orientation, stargazing, weather forecasting, landform observation..."

Having said this, the Duke glanced at Gilbert with complicated emotions.

"And there are even foreign languages ​​and music in the military class."

Gilbert raised his head:

"Foreign language? Music?"

Thales nodded:

"Do you know how to say 'children' in Orc language?"

"Northern people know—'Solino' and 'Solina' are the orc languages ​​for desert and glacier respectively."

"Because it comes in handy when dealing with 'bastards.'"

Gilbert frowned again.

"As for music, you know, there are many types of war drums and bone flutes in the Northland," Thales said silently:

"There are rough and desolate but also passionate, from the charge to the death battle to the retreat, from the victory celebration to the funeral farewell, and so on."

"This is the meaning of Northland music."

It was quiet for a while in the living room.

"It is well known in the world that the North respects soldiers and martial arts," this time it was Gilbert's turn to sigh:

"But it seems that they are always victorious in the battlefield and invincible. It is not without reason, but has a historical tradition."

"Leaving aside other things, at least one well-educated noble from Exeter must be a qualified battlefield commander—regardless of spiritual temperament or ability."

"They are not illiterate, let alone stupid."

Gilbert sighed, with the utmost fear in his eyes:

"It was our fate..."

"A terrible opponent."

This topic is a bit heavy.

Thales could only nod with complicated emotions.

"So, the historical traditions of the Northland, the etiquette and jurisprudence of the Northland, and the ruling knowledge of the nobles of the Northland," Gilbert said with emotion:

"And their most special military lessons, are these what you learned in the Northland?"

"I can't say I learned it, I just know it," Thales forced a smile:

"After all, they didn't really teach me like a prince—at least not before the old crow."

Gilbert nodded slightly, looking at Thales with a hint of pity.

The Foreign Secretary turned over many pages and brought out again a sheet of paper that was heavily written on.

"Generally speaking, Xingchen's aristocratic education inherits the imperial tradition, extends from the 'Empire Seven Arts', and is self-contained, which is very different from the Northland."

Gilbert glanced at Thales:

"But I will consider your education experience in the Northland, Your Highness, and make a slight adjustment, a slight adjustment."

The Duke could only smile.

Gilbert also explained with a smile:

"Generally, the knowledge required for a qualified star noble can be divided into three categories."

Three categories.

Thales nodded in his heart: Well, it's okay.

not much.

"First, it is the basic class."

"Under it, there are four subjects: Grammar, History, Etiquette, Ancient Chinese and Foreign Language..."

Thales frowned slightly.

There are four doors in the first category?

A little too much.


Grammar, history, etiquette...

"It's quite similar to the North..." Thales muttered.

Until Gilbert's next sentence with a smile:

"And grammar is the first subject, and then..."

"Divide into... three subjects."

Thales froze for a moment.


Gilbert still had that smiling expression, and continued:

"Grammar, logic, rhetoric."

Thales quickly stopped him.

"Wait, it sounds familiar."

The prince didn't complain about the total number of "three times four times three" subjects, but triggered another memory:

"Although it's only a few months..."

Thales scratched his chin and pondered:

"However, considering the national conditions of the Northland, the old crow rebooked us, I mean, rebooked my schedule."

Gilbert motioned for him to continue.

"Grammar, this is the subject most despised by northerners," Thales tentatively said:

"But the old crow did the opposite. He specifically removed it from the military indoor class, and specifically emphasized that there are three things to learn in grammar."

Gilbert smiled.

"Let me guess what he meant—grammar, logic, rhetoric?"

Thales nodded.

"Yes, but it's not that detailed—northern people don't like it—usually, the old crow will give us a poem or a short essay or something, let us study its grammar, clarify the author's thoughts, and summarize it logical structure, and then let us rhetorically work on it, rewrite it."

Gilbert seemed to remember something, nodded nostalgicly and said:

"Dragon Kiss Academy has a long history, and the Dragon Kiss Land is less affected by the flames of war. For centuries, it has been a gathering place for humanities in the Western Continent."

"Their culture is deeply influenced by the empire, and they have a lot of reservations about the civilization of the empire—more so than ours to some extent."

He nodded approvingly and gratifiedly:

"Thank you, Mr. Heather, for saving us a lot of trouble."

But it was Thales' turn to frown:

"So, the so-called imperial tradition is placed here in the stars, and a grammar class has to be learned so carefully?"

There are three categories, the first category has four subjects, and the first category has three subjects...

So three times four times three...

No way.

Thinking of something, his face darkened.

Gilbert laughed:

"You may not have noticed, Your Highness, but six years ago, what I taught you here is an integral part of the grammar class: whether it is the grammatical understanding of ancient imperial prose and ancient poetry, or the logic and rhetoric of sonnets .”

Thales was stunned.

"But since you say so, I'll revise it as appropriate in grammar class—Ms. Heather's handling is very tactful."

Gilbert raised his glasses again, lowered his head and marked all the first row of the paper schedule:

"That grammar class, let's... take out six mornings a week."

Thales' expression changed.


six days?

The prince made a bitter face:

"Since the time is tight, can't we put it in the history and etiquette classes? You know, grammar is not something that can be done in a while..."

But Gilbert was very persistent.

"The importance of grammar is far beyond your imagination, Your Highness."

The foreign secretary is still trying to draw the course schedule on the paper:

"Listen and speak, it's not difficult."

"But the difficulty is that not everyone can think, understand, and express beyond listening and speaking."

Gilbert raised his eyes:

"Worse, everyone thought they would."

The cunning fox narrowed his eyes:

"That's why Mr. Heather has a saying: 'Most of the conflict in the world is because someone failed grammar'."

"That's why, in addition to listening and speaking, we also need to read and write - it's not just about literacy."

Thales was dumbfounded.

All right.

Gilbert lowered his head to sort out his schedule:

"You were born noble, Your Highness, but if you can't even fully understand the words spoken by others, you can't even see the logic behind the writing, and you don't even know the rhetoric that contains reason," Gilbert snorted One sound:

"Then it would be extremely irresponsible for me to rashly let you learn about history, learn etiquette, and push you to the whole world."

Gilbert seemed to be talking more and more vigorously:

"If you don't know grammar, logic, or rhetoric—or worse, you know all three, but don't know how to use them, let alone benefit from them—then when you face history and etiquette, face different people and things , things, the choices you make by relying on wisdom will be very limited: either impulsive blind obedience or ignorant opposition, either parody imitation or self-righteous disdain.”

"And they all fall into one category: misunderstanding."

"Makes you a pompous fool."

Thales raised his eyebrows.

I'm just asking a question...

How do you feel... being taught a lesson?


Thales couldn't help thinking:

At this time, Gilbert really looks like... the old crow himself.

Gilbert's words continued:

"On the contrary, if you are proficient in grammar, no matter history, etiquette, or worldly wisdom, you will get twice the result with half the effort and understand everything."

"It's not like most people, just relying on intuition and luck, living in this world and living in your own world."

Gilbert changed the subject and his face became warm:

"Please remember, Your Highness, this is not for the short-term, but for the long-term."

Thales' head got dizzy after being told, and he couldn't help leaning back.

Well, well, you are right.

We are all.

"So the grammar class is set like this, so in the basic class, there are only history, etiquette, ancient Chinese and foreign languages..."

Gilbert paused, then put down his glasses:

"I believe that Mr. Wu—Mr. Heather has also made corresponding adjustments?"

History, etiquette, ancient and foreign languages...

Thales sighed:

"Yes, his first class was history."

"But his history is not just the traditional fables of the Northlanders. It only tells you what happened, and what you need to remember, what lessons you have learned, who is right and who is wrong, who has the greatest contribution and needs to be remembered the most. Flattering words like that..."

As Thales talked, he was gradually reminded of nostalgia:

"On the contrary, every piece of history explained by the old crow leads to a theme, and then he stops there and turns back to force you to think."

The more he talked, the more engrossed he was:

"The cause of law, the basis of belief, the boundaries of rule, the meaning of victory and defeat...all things you can't see, let alone think of, when you only read narratives, heroic hymns, and established conclusions."

Maybe it was out of respect for the teacher, maybe it was dry mouth after talking too much just now, Gilbert didn't say anything more this time.

"Very well, the history class will be three times a week, three nights, we just need to adjust the focus of history, let's start with the 208 emperors of the empire and the 39 kings of the stars..."

Gilbert happily ticked off the three grids on the schedule.


How many?

Thales' face suddenly darkened.

That's right, he had read about the deeds of many imperial emperors, but...

Two hundred and eight?

Seeing Gilbert's smiling expression, Thales let out a weak breath.

"The etiquette class is taught by Lady Jinx. The Earl of Lisbane will also appear when he is free. It is said that some old nobles and ladies with high morals and respects are often invited to come..."

Thales said listlessly:

"Originally, I often skipped these classes, so I ran out to read books and study by myself..."

At the same time, avoid eyes and ears, and test the loopholes of the Palace of Heroes.

Fight wits with the meteorites.

"But after the old crow came, he told us that although it was boring, the etiquette class is not only about etiquette, at least it is not just about teaching you how to greet each other, nodding and bowing," Thales cheered up:

"It contains ethics, morality, aristocratic rules and religious traditions."

"It's the real 'Way of the North'."

"Looking at it this way, even the etiquette class of the Northlanders is not boring, because it reflects what the Northlanders value: they tell you, as a Northland lord, when to kill and when to pardon, When there is war, there is peace."

"So in his eyes, etiquette is not just etiquette, but something that is customary and self-evident. It is the old and new legal principles of Exeter, the rules and order of the nobles, the responsibilities and obligations of the monarch, and the rights and freedoms of the vassals. , for example..."

Thales' eyes focused:

"Naikaru's co-government oath."

What it sets off is not only the cold and rigid rule book, but also the warm and lively actors.

it's true...


it's like...

Thales' eyes suddenly blurred.

[Garfinkel's so-called 'description' and 'index', these so-called self-evident tacit factors, it builds a bridge between 'action' and 'scene', reflecting each other between people and the environment, Joint construction... For example, public etiquette that everyone must abide by...]

Thales shook his head desperately, and threw this piece of memory that was too far away from this world and too profound back into his brain.

After returning from the Western Wilderness, for some reason, his old memories that had gradually become silent in the past six years began to roll back from time to time like a volcano full of pressure.

Like a resurgence.

Thales pressed his forehead, while getting rid of the dizziness just now, while feeling suspicious.

Back to the stars and that's it...

This is……


:. :

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