Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 48: To the Duke of Thales

"Boom! Boom!"

Several muffled sounds came from the banquet, and at the same time there were exclamations from the crowd.

Because he was prepared, Thales didn't panic, but the moment he subconsciously stood up, Mallos next to him shoved him mercilessly!

The strength was so great that he almost suspected that his own guard captain was the assassin.

Thales fell into Glover's broad arms. Before he could react, the three big men on the guard wing of the Star Lake Guard—Bastia, Franzuke, and Ferry—came out of nowhere. When they came out, together with Glover, they formed a wall on all sides, pressing the Duke of Star Lake tightly and airtightly.

"Highest alert! The guard wings are in place! The vanguard wings return!"

Mallos' voice came from the gap between the four big men's flesh: "Don't worry about what happened..."

"Protect Your Highness and send him to a safe place!"

So the four walls supported him, stumbling and moving unstoppably.

Thales felt the darkness in front of his eyes, and half of his face was smothered on Bastia's strong abdominal muscles, and his armor was in pain.

For a full five seconds, he could only struggle to stretch his arms, opening up the world between the four thick walls of human flesh:

"Here, give me some space, hey..."

In his ears, he could only hear the commotion of the banquet getting bigger and bigger, from time to time he could hear the muffled sound of tables and chairs colliding, male guests shouting and female guests screaming.

"Oh my God!"

"Pull them away!"

"No! Baron!"

Damn, what happened!

Fortunately, Thales moved irritably for less than a few meters, and the anxious voice of the deputy captain Vogel sounded:

"Damn it, royal guard, calm down!"

"That's not an assassination at all, it's far away from us..."

It was a lifesaver.

Thales felt that his feet stopped.

"Wait a minute," Mallos' voice sounded, "Let's take a look."

In the next second, a light appeared before Thales' eyes.

Although he was still surrounded by several guards, after regaining the right to breathe, he finally supported Ferry's shoulders and finally stood up:

"what happens……"

Occupying the advantage of having a higher seat in the Duke of Xinghu, Thales looked towards the center of the commotion.

All the guests in the banquet hall stood on tiptoe and gathered together curiously.

Among the crowd of onlookers was an empty space: a long table had been overturned long ago, the dishes and tableware fell to the ground, and many guests were helpless by the people around them.

What are you doing?

Thales didn't understand what happened at the banquet.

But he could see that the long table of the dukes was also tense:

The royal guards separated Zhan En, who was looking steadfast, to a corner, but his butler followed up leisurely with his master's wine glass.

The one-eyed dragon Kuzde angrily pushed away the two guards who wanted to take him away, but the latter dared not speak out.

Duke Aaronde received the same treatment as Thales, and was directly surrounded by the guards in charge of the flag wing.

The two commanders of the guards were on the verge of an enemy,

His face was solemn: Mallos was nervously communicating with the Xinghu guards, and Vogel also ordered the personnel from the Fuxing Palace, but the latter kept sending people out, while the former kept gathering people back.

"Hurry up and find out what happened. If it's something like drinking and having sex, suppress it no matter how big the trouble is. Let's talk about it tomorrow..." This is Vogel.

"Maintain the highest alert," Mallos' voice sounded, full of vigilance:

"Protect Your Highness, this may be a commotion caused by assassins, look for an opportunity to take action..."

Doyle was annoyed at not being able to squeeze into Thales' "Protection Four" at first, but he was full of confidence after hearing this: "Leave it on me, sir!"

He tried his best to move to Taylor's side:

"With me here, even if the entire Mendis hall is blown up, no one can touch His Highness..."

But right now.

"Hey, D.D..."

Franzuke, who was the tallest and had the best vision, stared at the restless crowd and said hesitantly:

"That seems... to be your father."

Doyle was taken aback:


He quickly got out of the formation of the guard wing, stood on tiptoe, and grabbed Franzuk's shoulder.

Not only Doyle, but everyone else was also startled.

After seeing the truth, Franzuke stammered:

"It should be that he was drunk and was... fighting with someone?"

Thales narrowed his eyes:

Sure enough, a figure somewhat similar to the old Baron Doyle was thrown to the ground and dragged along, screaming non-stop.

Someone tried to stop it, but it didn't seem to work.

Surrounded by shouting crowds, they kept retreating as the center of the conflict shifted.

"Oh no, this occasion," Doyle saw the situation clearly, jumped angrily, and scratched his head anxiously:

"Father...I really admire you..."

D.D held down his weapon, and was about to rush down instinctively, but Mallos pushed him back to Thales' side, furious:

"Stay at your post, Dennis Doyle!"

Doyle came to his senses in a shock, and returned to the formation embarrassingly.

"Indeed, it's that slippery, greedy, opportunistic old baron," Vogel came to Mallos, frowning and said:

"He can still fight with people?"

Several servants rushed to help the guests affected by the conflict while trying to maintain order.

But the next moment, the man dragging the old Baron Doyle turned around and threw the two servants several meters away!


"Don't fight any more!"

"Okay! Good fight! Keep fighting! Hit him! We Beidi people support you!"

"Help him!"

"Stand back! Nothing to see!"

Quite a number of high-status and high-quality guests tried their best to maintain order and asked everyone to back off. The crowd shouted and stood a little further.

Mallos and Vogel frowned at the same time.

Well, Thales doesn't know if the old Baron Doyle can fight with others.

But he could see that the Baron's opponent was really good at fighting.

Doyle was anxious to see.

"Send the message and continue to maintain the highest alert." Mallos ordered in a muffled voice after hearing the report.

Obviously, Vogel no longer has the leisure to point fingers at Mallos, he is equally serious:

"Concentrate and watch out for suspicious guys. Now is a good time to fish in troubled waters—and protect the other dukes and nobles."

"Let the emergency team act, no matter what it is, jealousy or drunkenness, quickly suppress it..."


"No, Lord Taron."

Mallos stared at the two people at the center of the conflict, interrupting Vogel:

"I recognize that look."

Mallos' next words made everyone nervous:

"It's the assassin."

Thales was startled.


Doyle's eyes widened: "My father? Assassin?"

D.D laughed ugly twice:

"Hey, no, sir, stop joking. With his rank, he might not even be able to beat my stepmother's pet cat..."

But as Doyle spoke, he realized something.

His face turned pale, and he subconsciously looked towards the field.

"Ah, no, no, kill!"

A high-pitched and shrill female voice sounded from the crowd!

"Blood! See blood!"

Thales only had time to see a flash of cold light, and the banquet crowd retreated again!

In the next second, he was once again surrounded by the swarming royal guards, and he could only hear the sounds from around him.

"Stop them!"


"There are people injured!"

"It's not necessary!"

Thales tried his best to squeeze out a little gap, and took a glimpse of the outside situation from Glover's armpit.

"Don't panic, just guard our posts, protect His Highness and nobles, and let others handle the matter." Mallos' cold order came.

"But sir, my father—" Doyle seemed to be pleading anxiously.

At this time, an angry and gloomy male voice broke the dullness of the air and echoed throughout the banquet hall:


"I don't want to hurt you!"

"Those who don't want to die, back off!"

Thales was blocked behind Glover and couldn't see anything clearly, but the noise of the crowd seemed to stop abruptly, and then turned into rustling whispers.

"Sir, we should stop this immediately..." It was D.D's voice again, agitated, followed by his footsteps.

Mallos's distraught voice came:

"Damn it, Glover, stop him!"

Thales only felt his body loosen, and he regained his vision: Glover hugged Doyle who was about to charge forward, and knocked the latter to the ground.

As for the hall...

"What are you doing?"

Vogel looked at the center of the banquet hall in disbelief:

A young male aristocrat was staring angrily, holding the old Baron Doyle with a bruised nose and a shivering face with his left hand, and a sharp dagger with a cold light in his right hand.

"Stand back! Everyone!" he warned.

As he turned around, the short sword kept pointing at the surrounding crowd.

Pointing at the point of the sword, the crowd stepped back until the open space was getting bigger and bigger, leaving only him and the baron. ,

"That did he get the weapon? All the guests we..."

Vogel was frightened and angry, and summoned his men again and again.

"It doesn't matter anymore." Mallos didn't care much about the "Assassin" on the other side.

The watchman looked back at Thales first, and found that the curious Duke was only disheveled and his hair was a little messed up:

"The important thing is, he just got it."

Thales, who was firmly "locked" in the three human walls, blinked desperately, watching the scene of hostage-taking in the field:

"What's the situation—let him get up, Glover, stop pressing him down."

Glover just got up, pulled up the unwilling D.D, and patted him on the shoulder.

In the hall, several prestigious guests came forward to persuade the young man who was holding hostages:

"Calm down, sir..."

"There is no need to draw a sword..."

"Any contradiction, we can communicate slowly..."

"Guys, the weather is so nice, why don't you sit down and have a drink?"

While speaking, two guards from Mindis Hall saw the opportunity and rushed from behind, trying to subdue the hostage-taker!

But Thales saw that the young man smashed Baron Doyle's sword hilt hard, causing the latter to fall to the ground in pain, and he turned around immediately!

The sword light flashed quickly.

"Clang! Clang!"

With a few soft sounds, the figure of the young man passed by the guards besieging him. One guard knelt down in pain and was kicked away by the opponent a few meters away. The arms retreated again and again.

When they really saw the blood, the crowd screamed again.

After a while, reinforcements arrived, and the three guards pushed through the crowd, but stopped a moment before they rushed forward.

"One step forward!"

The young man grabbed the collar of the old Baron Doyle, and put the dagger on his neck:

"He's really dead."

The young man's appearance is not good, but his eyes are extremely determined.

The crowd whispered, and countless eyes gathered, including many heavyweights.

Only Thales frowned slightly:

This person in front of me, this "assassin"...

A little familiar.

Mallos' eyes sank:

"This skill..."

Vogel, who watched the development of the situation in surprise, changed his eyes and nodded:

"Pretty good."

"And style."

"The posture is beautiful, the moves are exquisite, and the angle is tricky," Mallos mused:

"It's the tower of the end, the swordsmanship of the 'Rose' line."

"The skill of the Tower of mean," Vogel said solemnly:

"Nobles from other places?"

Mallos nodded:


At this moment, a sharp female voice sounded out of thin air:

"You despicable bastard!"

A painted aristocratic woman broke free from the crowd, raised a plate, and rushed towards the assassin like crazy!

Both the guards and the hostage-takers were taken aback.

"I'm going to fight with you—"

The woman's dinner plate slapped the young man desperately, but the young man didn't fight back, but dragged the old baron back all the way, momentarily in a state of embarrassment.

Until he couldn't take it anymore, he roared and hit the woman, knocking her down two meters away.

The old baron exclaimed.

"You'd better back off, Mrs. Doyle," the young man gritted his teeth, and his sword edge pressed against the trembling Baron Doyle:

"I'm not in the habit of being rough on women."

Baroness Doyle was in a mess, her makeup was full of tears, but she struggled to get up, hysterical:

"If you want to kill my husband!"

"Then you'd better kill me first!"

The young man gritted his teeth, while the hostage old baron exhaled in pain.

"Damn bitch, you have a fart to come up with," the old baron said angrily:

"Stand back!"

Sitting on the ground, Mrs. Doyle's expression changed when she heard the words: "What?"

"What's your name, old lady?"

For a moment, his face was revealed.

Old Baron Doyle trembled instinctively.

"I mean, honey, back off, okay?" The baron's voice softened, and he squeezed out an ugly smile under the blade:

"Listen to him, stand back and protect yourself."

"In this way, I can live."

At this moment, an angry male voice rushed into the arena with his footsteps!

"Let him go!"

"Let go of my father!"

Thales was startled, and only then did he realize that Doyle had escaped Glover's guard at some point, left the formation, and rushed into the field.

Rush to his father!

Vogel frowned and looked at Mallos: the latter stared gloomyly at the ashamed Glover.

The banquet crowd exclaimed again, no one cared about trying to maintain order and evacuate everyone's guards.

Doyle charged extremely fast, smashed past the guards in an instant, and drew his long sword out of its sheath!


The young man had no choice but to confront D.D with a sword.

"What's coming at me!"

Doyle was extremely angry, and his sword moves opened and closed, straight forward.

"A coward who bullies the weak and fears the hard!"

This was the first time Thales saw D.D draw a sword.

Unlike Thales' impression of him, Doyle, who is glib and playful, his swordsmanship is upright, bright, and majestic.

The pace is firm, the movement is smooth, and the offense and defense are well-done.

However, the two moves forced the hostage-taker to retreat continuously.

"Your father?"

For two seconds, the hostage-taker sneered while defending.

"Your father! Bullying the weak and fearing the strong? Hahaha!"

But it's not a fair fight.

The young man kicked up a wine glass under his feet, and when Doyle fended off the wine glass, the hostage-taker's sword had already landed on the old baron's neck.

"Stand back, or I'll kill him now!"

The young man pushed the Baron in front of him, blocking Doyle's view.

His voice trembled, and he was even more resentful than D.D!

Doyle was furious, and the knight sword in his hand trembled.

"Ahhh...a coward!"

But the young man was unmoved at all, and even grabbed the old baron's hair in a demonstration.

It was the old Baron who gave a sharp pooh.

"Stinky boy," Baron Doyle, who had a bruised face and struggled to speak, said with difficulty:

"This is your father's business... Take your mother and get out!"

D.D was breathing in pain, but finally lowered his long sword and stepped back to help his stepmother up.

Thales couldn't help but say:

"Lord Mallos, perhaps we..."

But the next moment, Mallos interrupted him with a gloomy voice, with an unbearable chill permeating the words:

"You... drag that guy back for me, even if he breaks his leg."

Thales was speechless for a moment.

The Xinghu guards looked at each other in blank dismay, and the three of them came out and took orders to leave.

Maybe Doyle's skills are not bad, but two fists are no match for six hands: Piroga dispelled his resistance, Kong Mutuo restrained his struggle, and the young Nehi was the most direct. It worked, so I threw a second punch.

Until the dying Doyle, in the sound of his stepmother crying, was carried back to the formation of the guard by three men.

In the distance, several dukes had different expressions: Zhan En was thoughtful, Cyclops looked furious, and Duke Val watched coldly, even interested in pouring wine for himself.

Further down, those who were still seated, the "Seven Star Attendants" directly under the leadership of the central government were not so calm.

Baron Doyle, who was also the Seventh Attendant, was held hostage. Viscount Adrian was talking to Lozano Glover worriedly. Baron Stowe gritted his teeth, while Mrs. Barney, the "little iron thorn", held her tightly. Holding his son's hand and comforting the conflict, Luther Barney curled up and cried.

Viscount Patterson, who was old and hard of hearing, tried his best to listen to the two nephews' terrified reports of the crisis in the field, and asked loud questions from time to time, which relieved the tense atmosphere.

"Young man, this is a royal banquet, and the respected Duke of Thales is here."

Among the crowd present, Godwin, the honorary earl who was quite prestigious in the royalist party and was in charge of receiving the royal banquet, stood out more and more, with a calm and gentle voice:

"Regardless of the cause, it is unwise for you to act like this, and it is more likely to hurt many people."

"Either to Baron Doyle, or to yourself."

Facing Earl Godwin's persuasion, the hostage-taker laughed, the laughter was desolate and desperate.

Thales was deeply disturbed.

But only a few seconds later, the young man took a deep breath and tried his best to put away his madness and anger.

"I'm sorry, my lord."

"But everyone, don't panic."

Seeing that the panicked crowd gradually calmed down, and the guards in front of him didn't intend to attack by force, the young man panted for a while, and said loudly:

"Just listen to me."

The hostage-taker dropped the old baron, looked around, gritted his teeth and said:

"I have been educated, I know courtesy and virtue, and I have no intention of hurting innocent people at the banquet in Mindis Hall."

"It's a last resort to make such a bad move!"

Old Doyle at his feet hummed:


But the young man's eyes sharpened, he lowered his head, and kicked him mercilessly!

"Shut up, old silverfish!"

The crowd exclaimed again.

"The guards here can't handle it, we have to do something."

On Thales' side, Vogel, the deputy captain of the guard, whispered to his orderly:

"Control the perimeter, quietly and gradually evacuate the crowd, observe the left and right, don't relax—and don't let that guy find out."

Many people had to leave and acted one after another.

Vogel turned around:

"Are you sure it's him?"

"Is it possible that there is someone else, and he is just a decoy?"

Mallos nodded calmly:

"Look at his eyes, I'm sure."

The watchman didn't look at D.D, who was restrained by the two and was still unwilling: "It's just that I guessed wrong: his target is not His Highness, but Baron Doyle."

"So what should we do?"

Thales couldn't help saying: "Let him take hostages?"

"The king is not here, maybe the most prestigious Duke of Xinghu, the owner of this place should come forward..."

"No," Mallos refused quickly, without leaving room:

"Listen, Your Highness, you stay here."

Thales choked and was speechless for a while.

The deputy captain on the side frowned.

Mallos turned his head, his expression was capable, and he acted vigorously:

"Glorver, go and gather Morgan, Itariano, Pezzarosi... well, Toledo and Trifanov right away."

Glover was startled, with doubts on his face.

In the Star Lake Guard, Morgan is a veteran of the vanguard, and there is nothing wrong with it.

But Itariano is subordinate to the logistics wing, and Pezzarossi is the follower of the punishment officer Patterson.

As for Toledo and Trifanov, they were both subordinates in the command wing who had followed Mallos for many years, and they continued to be his messengers after arriving in Mindis Hall.

But these seemingly unrelated candidates...

"They are good scouts or snipers."

The dignified Mallos explained clearly in one sentence:

"Equipped with a bow and crossbow, you will lead the team. Divide into three groups and go up to the high platform, find a good shooting area, and wait for my signal. It is best to kill with one arrow, or two arrows..."

But Vogel's face changed drastically.

"You're crazy!"

The vice-captain held down Glover who was about to take the order, gritted his teeth and said to Mallos:

"Look around, from the Duke to the Canxing Seven Attendants!"

Thales glanced at the guests subconsciously, and found that there were actually quite a few people secretly giving their gazes here.

"Mindis Hall, the royal banquet, the nobles and high-ranking officials in the capital are all here, which means that the whole kingdom is watching!"

Vogel glanced around worriedly, lowered his voice:

"If he stabs with his sword without saying a word, that's fine, but he's holding hostages, and he's still negotiating with Earl Godwin..."

Mallos frowned.

"Drunken disputes and personal grievances are one thing. But if you don't hesitate to kill hostages in public, causing blood and blood, and the royal family preempts it, that's another..."

Mallos shook his head:

"That's the least trouble..."

Vogel interrupted him hastily:

"This is the trouble!"

The leader once again had a disagreement, and the surrounding royal guards were trembling, not daring to say a word.

Even Thales, who had relaxed after realizing that he wasn't assassinating himself, became tense again.

The deputy captain glared at the watchman:

"Don't forget, His Highness Thales is the host of the banquet! If one of the Seven Attendants dies here, it will be counted on him!"

Taylor was taken aback.

"Besides, if you fail to behead, that guy will go crazy and kill the crowd, and the scene will get out of control..."

Vogel's voice grew cautious:

"And anyone here, even an underage girl, has a lot to do with it..."

Mallos was unmoved, observing the terrain in the field:

"We can delay the negotiation, gradually clear the scene, clear the shooting area, reduce the spread and collateral damage..."

"It's not just physical 'damage'!"

Vogel's voice became more anxious, obviously losing patience:

"For the sake of the setting sun, bright moon and dark night!"

"This is just a banquet dispute, don't make it look like a palace rebellion, a bloody war!"

Thales felt a chill in his heart.

Palace change rebellion, bloody war...

The deputy captain stared at Mallos viciously:

"How many years have passed, the first royal banquet after the heir of the kingdom returned to the country, the last thing we need and can't have is such a situation and impression!"

"do you understand?"

This time, Mallos was silent.

He faced Vogel's lesson without refuting it.

"Earl Godwin has already come forward, and the best outcome of this matter is to resolve it through negotiation."

Vogel restrained his emotions and looked at the field again:

"It's the worst strategy to kill the killer."

On the other side, the negotiations between Earl Godwin and the hostage-takers continued.

"Young man, you are in a good age, why should you make mistakes?"

Earl Godwin's words were as gentle as before, making people hear sincerity:

"Put down your arms, let go of Baron Doyle, let's talk slowly. I guarantee on my honor that you will get the help you deserve."

The young man wiped the blood from his face and glanced at the old baron at his feet.

"Respected Earl Godwin, you have a very good reputation, and I am also very grateful for your concern and help."

His eyes were full of indifference and resentment.

"But sorry, you can't help me."

"Nobody can help."

"You don't have to say too much, young man." Earl Godwin signaled the guards not to provoke each other, and said softly:

"First of all, who are you?"

The young man was silent for a while.

The next second, he pressed the old baron's shoulder, making the latter tremble in fright.

"I am Anke Bailar."

The blood-stained captor raised his head, but there was a sense of pride in his words:

"From the Bailar family in Yatiao Town, West Wilderness."

The voice of the young man who called himself Anke Bailar trembled:

"It is His Majesty Kessel's loyal servants, brave warriors, and..."

His voice dropped:

"Insignificant people."

Anke slowly raised his head, looking at everyone sharply:

"And my father is one of the legitimate lords in the Star Kingdom, the Baron of Yatiao Town."

There was a small commotion in the crowd, and many people turned their heads to find friends who were in Xihuang or who knew Xihuang well, trying to dig out some information.

"Damn it, it's a hereditary nobleman from another place." On Thales' side, Vogel, the deputy captain of the guard, waved hurriedly and summoned the subordinates in charge of the flag wings:

"Go and find out if it's true, and inform the Fuxing Palace immediately."

Lord Godwin consulted with some friends.

"Anke, right? The Bailar family..."

"Since you were born noble and have been educated since childhood," Earl Godwin turned his head, gradually changing from mild to serious:

"Then you should know..."

"Whether it's kidnapping the elderly or despicable assassination, whether it's disturbing the guests or insulting the banquet host, it will bring shame to your family!"

Anke gasped a few times in a daze.

"Forgive me for taking the risk and disturbing you all because I have nowhere to go."

His throat was dry and hoarse.

Full of despair.

Anke raised his sword with hatred on his face, and pressed it against the old baron's neck again:

"Because only here can I catch this damned old silverfish!"

"Forcing him to look at me face to face!"

Looking at the resolute eyes of the other party, Thales' heart moved!

"This bastard..."

D.D, who had recovered a bit, was still held by his arms by his colleagues. He gritted his teeth and struggled:

"There's a kind of you—"

But he didn't finish, because Mallos suddenly turned around and slapped him loudly without mercy!


Doyle froze.

He stared blankly at Mallos, whose eyes were like knives.

"If you want to kill your father, just say so!"

The watchman said coldly:

"Let go of him! I want to see how many stupid things you can do today!"

Piloga, who was holding him, hesitated for a moment, and then let go of the joint a little bit, but Kongmuto simply let go of Doyle.

The latter took a few breaths in a daze, touched his red and swollen face, tremblingly looked at the kidnapped father, finally gritted his teeth, and squatted down in pain.

Mallos acted swiftly and without delay, but he frowned at Vogel on the side, and Thales was also taken aback.

But the Duke of Xinghu came back to his senses and looked at the situation on the court.

He focused on another part.

The assassin - Anke Bailar.

It's him.

Thales looked serious: he recognized it.

At the beginning of the banquet, the prince performed on the spot and gave an opening speech.

And after his bold "fuck you Charmain Rumba", a young nobleman responded first, and was the first to raise his glass and speak back loudly.

[Regard the Duke of Thales! 】

[For his enlightenment, wisdom, mind, courage——and youth! 】

It's him.

It was his generous echoing response that aroused the overwhelming response and blessings from the guests present to the Duke of Xinghu.

Thales recalled the scene just now, and looked at the young man with complicated emotions: he raised the sword in one hand, and held the dying Baron Doyle in the other, with a resolute expression on his face.

Like Mallos said...

See death as home.

"Anke, you said that your father is the lord, the Baron of Yatiao Town," Earl Godwin said slowly:

"Then would he like to see you like this?"

Anke shuddered.

"My father, Baron Bailar of Yatiao Town..."

He clasped the old baron's neck tightly, his eyes were blurred, and he murmured:

"If he doesn't want to, he won't see him again."

Lord Godwin was taken aback.

Anke took a deep breath, became angry and focused again, and looked at everyone.

"A few months ago, my father, as one of the lords of the Western Wilderness, responded to the call of the Duke of Falkenhaus."

"He led the army westward, expedition to the desert, thousands of miles away, and spread the power of the stars and the country."

Thales was startled.

Expedition to the desert? Isn't that—

Anke's voice echoed in the hall, high-spirited and generous:

"He was ordered to lead the army! For His Royal Highness Thales' return journey..."

"Clear the way!"

Thales was stunned.

Many eyes shot at the prince, all encompassing.

These include Jann's interest, Cyclops' sharp edge, and Duke Vaal's indifference and silence.

wait a minute.

Thales suppressed his astonishment, and the trip to the Western Wilderness came back to his mind.

A few months ago, the local conscripts of the princes of the Western Wilderness who cleaned the desert together with the royal standing army, what happened to them...

"Until that early morning, a few hours before the Duke of Thales was finally found..."

Anke said in a trance:

"While the Legendary Wing was not in the camp, the bone men and orcs attacked in large numbers and invaded the Saber Dune camp."

"My father, who was still in the camp, was suddenly attacked in his sleep."

"The army under his command was almost wiped out."

"And he himself was seriously injured."

Saber Dunes...

Thales trembled inwardly.

Legendary Wings—— Baron Roman's murderous eyes appeared in front of him.

and his chilling words:

[Kill back to the camp... No matter who you meet... Whether it's a human, a bastard...]

[Sa... Er... Li... Kai...]

Thales' breathing was slightly stagnant.

"As the general of the defeated army, my father returned home depressed, returned to Yatiao Town, and was criticized again..."

Assassin, hostage, Anke Bailar took a deep breath, raised his head with red eyes:

"Not long after, his injury worsened and he was tortured both physically and mentally..."

The young man holding the blade raised his head, looked at the tall Thales, and said hoarsely:

"End of pain."

At the other end of the line of sight, Thales gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.

:. :

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