Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 136 The Wolf of the Fortress

"And those people, of course, take it for granted: It's okay to tell you earlier, this is normal, you are already great, but you have to accept the reality that this job is still suitable for men."

Sonia took out her pouch and started rolling her third cigarette.

"You know, they always sound so righteous, always so rational, neutral, objective and sincere."

Sonia's gaze focused on the tobacco in her hand.

"By the end, I'm almost convinced that maybe I screwed up, maybe I'm not fit to be in the military?"

Fortress Flower turned her head and grinned at Thales:


Thales didn't answer immediately. He sat on the ground with his back against the watchtower, his hands on his knees, and his expression was deep.

They always sound so righteous and confident...

At the royal banquet, the scene where Vogel's vice-captain Jean took the initiative to die is still vivid.

"I'm not like you, I didn't mess up."

The boy suddenly said:

"I can work it out, I'm just working on it, adapting, I need time."

Sonia paused as she rolled her cigarette, and she turned to look at Thales.


The Flower of the Fortress first smiled, but immediately turned cold.

"Sunset, it looks like you really screwed up."

Thales frowned.

Sonia rolled the cigarette and said with a sneer:

"And it's more than a little bit smashed, otherwise you wouldn't be living in a dead man's house, your father wouldn't be sneaking up to you, and Jinny wouldn't be yelling and threatening me to fix you."

Thales was not convinced at first, but he looked up in surprise when he heard the words:

"Jenny, Ms. Ginny?"

Sonia skillfully held the cigarette in her mouth, and took out the flint:

"Are you sure you don't want to have a bite?"

Thales twitched his mouth as he looked at the rough appearance of the cigarette.

Sonia shrugged her shoulders, lit the tobacco two or three times, and sighed comfortably:

"Well, boy, maybe you're the one out of the two of us who's not fit to be a soldier."


Thales waved away the smoke, moved his butt to the side, and looked bad.

"I know, you have just returned to the capital, which is equivalent to stepping into a new battlefield. But every rule that prevails in the new battlefield is against you and unfair to you. They make you feel strange, confused, hopeless, and unable to see way out."

Thales frowned noncommittally, while Sonia exhaled smoke:

"It's not difficult to fight with a sword, which is different from what most people think. Even if the so-called risking your life and sacrificing your life, it's just a matter of getting hot-headed and gritting your teeth. The real difficulty is knowing why to fight."

Listening to her words, Thales suddenly remembered what Mallos left behind after his punishment:

When you decide to trade, make sure it's your own scale.

"But when you look up and away from specific opponents, when you see more, when you see higher, when you find out that the rules of fighting are so fucked from the beginning, when you find that your fighting is just a cage monkey play, and when you can never change the cage... fighting, it's going to be hard, hard."

It was as if what my sword had hit was no longer flesh and blood or a steel weapon, but an invisible wall, and no matter how I swung the sword, it would be of no avail.

For some reason, Thales suddenly remembered what Cohen said in the lower city.

The Flower of the Fortress blew on the underburned cigarette butt, and said calmly:

"Nervousness, fear, panic, mistakes, regrets, wavering, self-doubt, even numbness and giving up, we have all experienced these, and there is nothing to be ashamed of."

The watchtower under the moonlight is quiet and quiet, and with the smoke in Sonia's hand, everything is like a dream.

"You failed in your enlistment as a guard?" Thales said suddenly, expressionless.

Sonia crossed one leg and hooked her lips, but shook her head.

"I got a shit luck, a big shot just passed by, I got a second chance, stay here, and wait for the next round of enlistment."

The voice of the Fortress Flower was a bit dim.

big shot.

Thales looked around Star Lake Fort for a week:

"John Canxing?"

Sonia chuckled, she took the cigarette back in her mouth, leaned back, and supported the back of her head with her hands.

"The days after that were difficult. I ate and slept with the guards in the castle, worked hard, and prepared to pass the next assessment."

At this moment, there was something more in Sonia's eyes.

"The nice words of consolation have disappeared since then, no one gave me a good look, everyone is isolating me, and I also understand that I got cheap and entered the game without following their rules, which made the group of men They feel that their rights are violated, that special women take shortcuts, that it's unfair to men and so on."

"From the arrangement of beds and shifts to daily work and rest, from frequent emergency training, increased weight training to the coincidence that I get my cleaning job every time, they tried every means to make me look embarrassed. A person from the past came to sing and babble: They are not targeting you, they just feel sorry for you, but maybe you should give up?."

Thales listened quietly, but he remembered the moment when Anke took hostages at the royal banquet and forced the palace to a duel.

At that moment, all the guests in the banquet, the prominent figures in Yongxing City, all raised their heads and looked at him.

"Including every friendly match in the team, sometimes I bite hard and win, they will say, luck is good, let me let you go, I am a little tired today, let me give you a hand, or you took a chance, some On the other hand, if you change the situation, the outcome will be different, and even if you fight for your life, you will definitely die. Real battles are not so simple,,, and so on."

"Oh, by the way, there is also my favorite sentence, I can't prove that you are better than a man if you win, and if you have the ability, just compare yourself with a more powerful man?"

Sonia dusted off the cigarette ash, and smiled:

"Does every man know this sentence? I call it a few sharing skills. Every time I defeat one of them, they will say this. It seems that as long as I say this, the defeated guy will instantly share more powerful The big ones of the old men, with their heads held high and their chests upright, have changed from being short and weak to being like a golden spear.”

A few sharing techniques.

Thales couldn't help but chuckle.

But his smile faded away immediately: In his battlefield, there are also such people, aren't there?

"And when I lost, they all said in unison, look, I told you, this is perfectly normal. Generally speaking, it's okay for women to beat men. According to your standards, it's already very good."

Sonia's tone fell.

"At that time, everything was very frustrating: swordsmanship, fighting, weightlifting, long-distance running, javelin, archery, it seemed that everyone could not beat other people especially those men who had been trained and even served in the army."

"I don't have their strength, strength, speed, explosiveness, size, physique, which is usually compared from athletic games to jousting. I don't have everything they are proud of."

A dark cloud blocked the moonlight, leaving the young man and the woman in the darkness, each dejected.

"But you won," Thales said softly, "under this unfair rule."

Sonia was silent for a long time, and then took a big breath, and slowly exhaled the smoke from her nose.

"I didn't win. I just, survived."

Fortress Flower's distracted gaze slowly reunited.

"As the days went by and the date for the next enlistment approached, and I almost gave up on myself, someone asked me: Why, Sonia, why are you on their chessboard?"

Hearing this, Thales raised his head.

"Their board?"

Sonia smiled and nodded, as if thinking of something happy:

"I was asked: Soldiers have many ways to fight, and there are so many ways to kill people. Why do we have to learn from them to use their muscles, rely on their physique, resort to strength and explosiveness, and learn how to bluff all day long? Why do you have to pursue what they are looking for—strong, rude, domineering, masculine, and full of aggression, and take it as the standard to prove yourself? Why should you learn these things from them and compete with them?"

Thales narrowed his eyes.

Sonia sighed:

"Because, at that time, I said stupidly," because these are useful, because the officer said, these are all tested in the competition, and the things that have passed the test of history are what every soldier needs when he goes to the battlefield. s things. "

Having said that, the flower of the fortress smiled.

"That's because the earliest games were only for men, I was told so, so, of course, they competed in their own events. When did you ever see them compete to have children?"

Thales' expression changed.

"And soldiers need these not just because they are 'good'," Sonia sat up cross-legged and even forgot to smoke, letting the cigarette burn slowly in her hand," the guy told me, but because they were already Soldiers, and they like, are used to, are good at these strong, rude, domineering, masculine, aggressive, they will only use these most of the time, so these things become "useful" and "good", Then pass it on to the people who came later, and when there are more and more people who doubt it, everyone will acquiesce that this is common sense and truth.”

Sonia's retelling was amazing, as if returning to the moment many years ago:

"Because this is the game they control, the battlefield they define, and one of their most cunning tricks is to allow you to enter the game to participate in the game, and then beat you in these rules and events that are not allowed to be doubted, and then tell you: Look, you didn't win, you can't."

Thales subconsciously said:


But the flower of the fortress didn't let him continue, and said to himself:

"So why, Sonia, you are already at a disadvantage on the chessboard that men are so familiar with and has dominated for tens of thousands of years. If so, why, why should you follow the rules they set and the standards they are used to in the game? , The survival criteria they set, the habits that are more familiar to them than they are, when the armor and weapons you can get are all made according to the conditions of men, how can you expect to rely on these to counter them?"

Why should they follow the rules they set, the standards they are accustomed to, the living standards they set...

Thales' eyes gradually drifted away.

"...When they even regard the size of a few hands as a standard competition event and ask everyone to compare the length with them, how do you win? Pretend to have a few hands and pretend that you are a man?" Sonia sneered.

Thales came back to his senses and found that he had missed a passage:

"Is this a metaphor?"

Sonia turned her head and smiled evilly:

"depends on you."

Thales raised his eyebrows.

At this moment, the fortress flower in front of him looked like a torch, piercing through the smoke and confusion:

"Don't listen to them, that's what I've been told, even if you want to win their prize, don't live up to their standards, don't do what they say, don't play tricks, even if it's the only way to prove to them that because of that, you I really lost."

"On that night, I realized how stupid I was before."

She turned to the thinking boy:

"Thales, don't be stupid, don't listen to them, don't pretend."

Thales clenched his fists.

Don't listen to them.

At that moment, he inexplicably thought of Quick Rope and what the latter had said to him.

Don't play chess with him on the same board, Thales, because you don't know how deep his tactics are and how many cards he has in this game, and those players who are played by his father but don't know it People are extremely sad.

Immediately afterwards, Thales thought of Charmain Rumba.

"I didn't, I was fighting, my way."

Thales subconsciously opened his mouth to refute, almost at the same moment he remembered the man whose eyes were like ice, but burning in the ice.

"Physically, of course you don't, but what about in your mind?"

Sonia stared at him, reached out and touched Thales's chest: "What about here?"

Thales didn't speak. On his chest, the scar from being burned by silver coins when he was a child seemed to be slightly hot.

"A few handfuls originally only grew in one place," Sonia said sarcastically, holding up the cigarette again, "but the reality is that after tens of thousands of years have passed, they have become something else, ubiquitous is not a natural growth, It's artificial."

Thales pursed his lips.

"And then?" he asked hoarsely.

Sonia's eyes moved.

"Later, later, I no longer desperately went to wrestle with them, compete in weightlifting, and fight for speed."

"There must be something, I thought," she narrowed her eyes, as if she was reliving the way she was thinking hard back then, "on this chessboard, there must be something that has been ignored and abandoned by them for a long time. I don’t take it seriously, but I can pick it up and use it. Although it is difficult, because this chessboard has belonged to them for too long, and the rules of chess have been formulated for them for too long, so long that everyone feels that they are born this way.”

"But I can't give up, no matter how loudly they laugh, how harshly they scold, what they use to hinder me, how many obscene jokes they tell to make me up, and how many people they slept with to get close to the Duke, they must put the following Are you kidding about being worn out, my old lady is the number one shrew in the six major villages and towns, I have never heard any dirty jokes, and I have never kicked any ugly things!"

Unknowingly, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, the moonlight fell, and the watchtower was surrounded by green smoke.

Sonia snorted softly:

"I stayed, I persisted, I worked hard, studied, observed, and I was defeated in the competition with men and those strong ones, and then gradually, I was the most inconspicuous, the most ignored, and the most ridiculed where I found something interesting that most people dismissed."

"I have a better sense of balance. I can trot on the single-plank bridge where they can't stand still, and walk like flying on the broken road with potholes."

"I'm small and light, can get into smaller gaps, hide in narrower bushes, and can be equipped with different types of mounts."

Sonia opened her mouth wide, and exhaled lightly into a hollow smoke ring.

"I have more coordinated and flexible fingers and wrists. My weapon belts are finer and tighter than theirs, and it is easier to adjust. My longbow is more calibrated than theirs, and it is more convenient and tighter."

"Smell, sight, hearing, I have better senses than many people, so that for a while John said that my nose is better than his hound."

"I can endure pain, cold and hunger better than a considerable number of soldiers. I probably passed it down to my mother. When I was young, she had to earn a living after doing farm work. She had to squat by the river for hours and wash countless basins. clothes, and I still don't know how she did it."

"In a harsh environment, I can lurk and hide, and persist for a long time. Although my strength is small, my consumption is also less. Even after exhausting my strength, I only need to rest for half of their time and only eat them. With half the food, I can stand up again and be alive and kicking."

"In a long-distance run that is longer than the longest long-distance run, or in cross-country, I may not be faster than them, and I may not be more conspicuous than them, but I am more stable and precise than them, and I am less prone to fatigue, sleepiness, dizziness and loss. "

Thales was fascinated.

"That's it, endurance, balance, adaptability, memory, detail and delicacy, tenacity and recovery rate low consumption, high sensitivity and you know, I only recently discovered that women live longer than men even in peace Era."

The Flower of the Fortress curls her lips:

"So I learned to use my ability to bear the pain and use more reliable parts to meet the attack. When they were surprised that you didn't fall, I learned to choose a battlefield environment that is more suitable for me. Instead of sitting down on flat ground and wrestling with them, if that doesn't work, then simply avoid the front, fight a war of attrition, hide yourself, mobilize your opponent, and bet he will be tired and paralyzed before me, and freeze first Bad, get hungry first."

She patted her thigh and sighed:

"Of course, for all the above qualities, men will never admit that I am better than them. There will always be people who refute, and there will always be people who want to compare with the royal guard? But they only admit one thing..."

Sonia blinked and pointed to Thales' head:

"My head."

"Although I think it's because John said first that she's smarter than you all, and no matter how unwilling they are, they dare not offend the Duke."

Thales smiled softly.

Sonia spoke excitedly, holding the cigarette in one hand and waving it with the other, regardless of the splash of saliva:

"You know, people always think that men are more intelligent, rational, calmer, more able to hide their emotions, more determined and rational, while women are more dull, irrational, weaker, emotionally unstable, and only understand hysteria."

"But in such a long military career, I didn't realize this. You know, almost every soldier in the army is irritable, irritable, and impulsive. After three days without being forced to fuck, I can't help but want to masturbate or have a fight. It doesn't seem much better than a woman."

Sonia shook her head:

"I don't know where the conclusion that men are more rational comes from."

"It came from a man," Thales said suddenly, "You know, the more you lack something, the more you want to brag about it."

Sonia was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Wait, don't you sound angry?"

The Flower of the Stronghold stopped laughing.

"When most men hear this, they will turn into anger and deny their anger and jump their feet. At least they can't overturn a whole boat with a single sentence?"

Thales shrugged:

"Isn't that right in your arms, men are irrational?"

"Oh, no, you react really quickly," Sonia frowned. "I want to mention this in the future, and someone will refute it. Look, His Highness Thales is also a man, so he is very sensible."

"You don't have to."

Thales waved his hands politely and looked back: "I don't plan to share a few."

Sonia let out a hearty laugh again.

She raised her head, looked at the bright moon surrounded by stars, and said with emotion:

"In short, make good use of my strengths and make up for my weaknesses. I am me and I will do my thing instead of following their standards and doing what they want me to do. It is pointless to prove to them that I can be a man."

Thales suddenly felt that the bone ring in the front placket seemed not so heavy.

"You passed the guard's assessment?"

At that moment, Sonia's smile faded.

"While I was waiting for the next opportunity to try to subvert the rules, the assessment was unexpected and came ahead of schedule."

Fortress Flower stood up and took a deep breath.

"A group of thieves entered Wang Family's Hunting Forest and settled down. The Star Lake Guard took recruits to suppress the bandits, but the information went wrong. They were not ordinary thieves, but the advance scouts of the Blade Leader rebel army."

Her words were a little lonely.

"We were dragged in the woods for a whole month. We suffered heavy losses, our trust was cut off, and we couldn't advance or retreat."

Sonia nodded slowly:

"It was that battle, I passed the assessment."

Listening to her calm and understated words, Thales suddenly realized what a thrilling story was hidden behind it.

"But I also understand one thing: on a real battlefield, when people on both sides are rushing at each other like wild animals, when your enemy just wants to stick a knife and his hand into your stomach, when your comrade's intestines When it mixed with blood and leaked out..."

The flower of the fortress turned cold, and held up the few remaining cigarettes:

"No one cares whether you are a man or a woman."

The other party's words reminded Thales of the countless bloody experiences he had experienced. He couldn't help but turn dark, and also stood up:

"I'm very sorry."

Sonia shook her head and didn't care:

"In this way, I discovered another advantage of mine: my mind. No matter what the environment, I can grit my teeth and calm down, endure the unbearable, and force myself to think, summarize, and consider the situation on the battlefield. Where is the team's position, what is the state of each person, what the enemy may do next, and what should we do next, to make more favorable and rational decisions..."

Thales had a weird expression: "But I remember, you just said before that you are in the Broken Dragon Fortress, just a few blows?"

Sonia smiled and slapped her thighs:

"So I don't have a few!"

Thales was startled, speechless for a moment.

"There is another example, the bloody year, we were caught in a tug-of-war with the Exeters along the Muhe River."

The Year of Blood.

Thales smiled when he heard the term.

"Araka and his fury guards are the vanguard. They dare to fight against Exeter's army in field battles. There are not many warriors in the north who fell into his hands. The Kingdom's Wrath was once famous in the Westland , It is said that the first question King Lian Nuen gets up every day is whether Arakamu is dead or not."

Fortress Flower shook her finger and curled her lips:

"And just when Alaka's reputation was getting bigger and bigger, and the stars were dying more and more, becoming more desperate and fanatical, and your father even conscripted young soldiers into the army, and died with the northerners, I calmed down. I Thinking, we can't do this, and then, and then I did a thing."

"What's up?"

Sonia took a deep breath:

"Before Alaka's one-for-one mad dog style killed him and his subordinates, I bypassed the main battlefield and went deep behind the enemy's rear, abruptly surmounting the northern border occupied by the Exeters..."

"Recaptured the Cold Castle."

She said it in the same tone of understatement, as if it didn't matter.

In the bloody year, take back the cold castle...

But Thales connected his memory, and his expression changed immediately after he figured it out:


"Why, don't you believe me?" Sonia raised her eyebrows.

Thales blinked hard, trying to recall his historical knowledge:

"No...wait, as far as I know, two hundred years ago, Alicia, the conqueror of the North, mobilized soldiers from all over the country and set up three pockets. During this time, she made countless schemes and fought endlessly. Thanks to luck, she finally took over the Northern Territory. The largest and most fertile cold fortress, driving the Ext people back to the northern plains and black sand mountains..."

He stared at the Fortress Flower in disbelief:

"But in the year of blood, you went north alone with no support and no response, and you had to face the threat of a hundred thousand troops. How did you do it? Why haven't I heard of this at all?"

But Sonia just smiled mysteriously.

"According to the old man Soduo, one of the prerequisites for King Nun's willingness to negotiate is not to disclose the truth about the loss of Cold Castle. There are hundreds of thousands of athletes from the north who are brave and invincible, but they were stabbed by a woman."

Thinking of King Nun's voice and smile, Thales suddenly looked strange.

"Are you doubting?" Sonia was very dissatisfied with his attitude, "Hey, why do you think that guy in Valjalund, who has eyes above the top, has been respectful to me for more than ten years and has never been short of supplies? How short? And his daughter, Miranda, why is she willing to serve under me? Because I am the one who took the head of the old Duke Dylan from the gate of Cold Castle and returned it to the Arend family!"

"And on the other hand, why did your father ask me to guard the fortress instead of Arakamu, who is more famous and can scare the northerners?"

Sonia crossed her arms with a cigarette in her mouth:

"Could it be because I'm good-looking?"

Thales nodded after thinking about it: "You really look good."

At that moment, Sonia's expression froze, and the cigarette fell from her mouth to the ground.

Thales reacted and quickly explained:

"I mean, well, when you're fighting, it's nice to see you smoke it."

Sonia seemed very unaccustomed to such an answer. While bending over to pick up the cigarette, she was surprised, doubted, secretly delighted, introspective, and denied. Her expression kept changing for several seconds.

"Cut, it looks good, you mean including these?"

She hummed softly, straightened up, lifted her clothes, exposing the skin on her ribs, and then opened her neckline, exposing her shoulders and collarbone:

"And these?"

Thales was taken aback.

That's...a scar.


Under Sonia's clothes, from the side to the back, from the shoulders to the neck, there are bumps everywhere, full of criss-crossing knife scars, arrow scars and burn scars, including sunburn marks, old and new skin are entangled, with different shades .

This is the price of transforming from a farmer's daughter to a fortress' flower?

Thales stared blankly at the scars on the opponent's body. It took him a while to realize what he was doing, and he turned his face away in embarrassment:

"Yes, including them, you look good by other standards too."

Fortress Flower frowned, she tied up her clothes, and looked at Thales again:

"Strange, you don't seem to be trying to smooth things over politely, such as euphemisms such as you look very heroic or have special characteristics."

She scratched her head.

"Since my parents passed away, no one has praised me for being beautiful, and my mother even advised me not to care about my damn appearance. It feels so strange to be praised for being beautiful. Is this the daily life of Williams in Xihuang?"

Thales' expression darkened.

No, he can guarantee that in Xihuang, no one dares to boast that the Legendary Wing is beautiful.

At least dare not boast in person.

Thales coughed: "You, that, actually, just say thank you."

But he remembered something.

"No wonder."

Thales sighed:

"It's no wonder that in the Year of Blood, that stubborn old man of King Nun was willing to sit down and negotiate with Xingchen, not because of Gilbert's eloquence, nor because of the terror of the Kingdom's Wrath, nor because of my father's young soldiers. "

"It's because of you," Thales stared at the other party. "Because of Cold Fort, King Nun made the final decision and finally brought the fortress peace treaty."

"Countless people in Star Kingdom owe you great kindness."

But Sonia just smiled lightly and waved her hand: "John said that fame is like Donglu's poop cough cough, well, um, it's nice to be praised occasionally."

She scratched her chin, enjoying the last few puffs.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Thales couldn't help but feel emotional.

In comparison, his mission to Exeter seven years ago to stop the flames of war... seems nothing.

"I have a question." Thales frowned, "As a general who was promoted to a noble during the Bloody Year and commanded the standing army for the royal family, why, why did Kingdom Wrath and Wings of Legend confer the title of baron, and you , Sonia Sutherley, who has made great achievements in the world, is just a lady?"

"Yeah, I'm curious too," Fortress Flower's face was full of sarcasm, "Not only that, I'm also the youngest among the so-called three handsome men."

Speaking of this, she seems full of complaints:

"And the flower of the fortress, who the hell likes to be called a flower? Is it waiting to be fertilized, pruned, picked, given away to express love, or waiting to bloom and then wither?"

"Why don't you see them called the Flower of the Kingdom of Alaka, or the Flower of Roman Legend? Really, if you've seen that little boy, you'll understand that this is the nickname he should have, okay?"

Her evaluation of Williams made Thales nod repeatedly:

"Then what do you want to be called?"

This really stumped Sonia.

"Well, let me think about it, uh, the wolf of the fortress?"

Thales chuckled.

"Very good." The Flower of the Fortress looked at him for a while, then suddenly smiled, "Now you make me feel that you are still the one who rescued a deserter when you first arrived in the Fortress, and I carried you on my shoulders, and died because of fear of heights." A crying child."

Thales's smile froze and his expression became embarrassed.

"I used to have so many majestic things, you have to mention this."

Sonia shook her head, meaning:

"To me, this incident is much more majestic than the nonsense of you raising your sword to force the palace."

Thales fell silent, thoughtful.

Sonia continued to smoke her cigarette, with the same deep expression.

A few seconds later, Thales said abruptly:

"Can I have a bite?"

Sonia was startled at first, but she understood something, and smiled evilly: "Oh? Where can children go when they can't smoke?"

"It is the custom of the empire that a man becomes an adult at the age of fourteen." Thales was not ashamed.

Sonia smiled at him, and the former held out a hand holding a cigarette to him: "Take it easy, the smuggled goods from Dragon's Kiss are very expensive."

Then I will give you free food and free living.

"Don't worry, it's just to share cigarettes, not to share a few with you... By the way, I still remember the slap you just gave me, fuck you."

"Hey, if you want to fuck back, you are always here."

"Forget it, I don't dare to fuck the wolf of the stronghold."

Thales took the cigarette from Fortress Flower unceremoniously, put it in his mouth, and took a deep breath.

"Cough! Cough! Cough cough cough!"

After just the first sip, Thales was choked by the wonderful acridity and coughed again and again, shivering in the cloud he spit out. He hurriedly handed the cigarette back, vowing to die not to take a second sip.

"Oh, I was wrong, you can't be a soldier," Sonia took back her cigarette, gloating, "It's still okay to be a smoker."

Thales was busy coughing, so he had to stretch out a middle finger to respond.

"What's this? I think I saw that mute do it to Miranda."

"This is the general friendly gesture of Beidi, the Southern Stars."

Sonia smiled slightly, took the last puff of cigarette, and raised her middle finger at him:

"Hello, you little bastard!"

"Anyway, thank you," the prince managed to relieve himself. He turned around and faced the distant mountains and forests of Star Lake Fort. "I have figured it out a lot, and I feel much better."



At that moment, the weight of "Kurtaksa" was no longer like a thorn on his back.

Thales raised his head, faced the gentle moonlight, and sighed:

"I suddenly realized that compared with what you have faced, have faced, and are facing, the battlefield I am going into seems not so difficult and not so bad."

And as a newcomer and challenger to the game, he can't pretend to be a few fake ones, pretend to be them, and follow their rules.

never can.

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