Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 142 Queen's City

"This is the Emerald City?"

Behind the checkpoint temporarily separated by wooden fences, D.D and Nate Niexi vanguard led the mounts, looking in surprise at the crowded team in front of the checkpoint and the seemingly endless houses behind it.

"Ah, there are too many people here, and they can't get in even if they line up."

"Is the Emerald City so lively? Or is there a big sale in the market?"

"No, it's not a bazaar, and there's no big sale," Kongmuto's guard pushed his way over from the other side, trying hard to refuse the peddlers who were selling accessories to them: "But obviously, we're still here at the wrong time..."

"Have you seen the security officers all over the street? There are more beggars than in the capital."

"His Royal Highness Thales will probably collapse when he sees it. He is most afraid of too many people..."

"Hey, everyone!"

Wyah Castle—the real one—dodged a dusty carriage and came to them, clutching a face towel: "My God, it's not easy to squeeze in. Your Highness waited too long behind, Ma Lord Lloyds asked me to remind me, what's going on in front?"

Kongmuto nodded. Amidst the sound of the crowd, he had to hold his companions tightly by the shoulders and raise the volume in their ears:

"I have contacted the garrison officer here, and he has sent a messenger to meet Chief Mallos with Zonavide! But the scene and the number of people are too much for me! He suggested that we, for the sake of safety, it is best to be in the city. Wait a little longer outside, when the crowds pass and they maintain order before entering the city, Emerald City will send meals..."

Everyone in Star Lake Fort was dissatisfied for a while.

"Are you kidding me!"

"This is too negligent!"

"We've been waiting for so long. If they want to deliver food, it's best to have the famous wine from Emerald City..."

"Is there a mistake? He asked His Highness to wait outside the city? We are the royal guards, led from the central government, representing the Fuxing Palace!"

"Why don't they close the road? This mess of peddlers is more important than the arrival of the prince?"

Huai Ya sighed, stood on tiptoe and looked at the checkpoint that was crowded with people:

"But the speed of entering the city... Are these people queuing? Why? Do you have to pay city tax?"

D.D narrowed his eyes:

"What? There is a city entry tax these days?"

Conmuto shook his head, led everyone away from the crowd, and walked towards the Duke's convoy:

"I've inquired about it. It's not a simple city entry tax, but a guarantee fee: everyone needs to register when entering the Emerald City. You must write down the guarantor and specific address in the city, including the amount of property you bring. If you enter the Emerald City within the specified time If you leave, the Urban Management Office will refund the original fee. If you exceed the time limit, you will be deducted or even fined. If you violate any regulations, you have to pay it back..."

Everyone complained again.

"Isn't that still a tax? Wouldn't this drive people away? What if no one wants to come to Emerald City in the future?"

"Then do we have to register when we go in? We represent His Highness, the royal family!"

"I heard from the receptionist just now that according to the rules set by the late old duke, princes and ordinary people are treated equally..."

"Damn it, the old prince's road is narrow..."

"So he's 'dead'..."

"Don't worry, we are VIPs. For filling in forms and paying fees, there will be a special person in Emerald City to take care of it. It's not your delicate hands..."

The three managed to squeeze out of the crowd, but a group of acrobatics was ushered in, and they had to make another detour.

"We're catching up with the Emerald Festival, so it's very lively."

Kongmuto wiped the sweat off his face:

"In addition to the news of the Duke of Xinghu's visit... The guests from the Seven Seas and Six Realms all came to the Emerald City to get together around this month—see, those dark-skinned people are red earth people, and those The ones wearing strange hair accessories are definitely Hanboers, as well as Kailunsa people from the Tyrannian trading state, Nieda people from the Ligur state, grassland people from some unknown tribe, and I just saw a group of Far Eastern The business travelers who came here did not know whether they came from Suye or Chengguo.


Nexi shook his head and said, "The Dacheng Khanate belongs to the Flame Sea Province, not the Far East..."

"Really, how do I remember it's Tuo Luo Province?"

Kongmuto shrugged indifferently: "It makes no difference to me..."

"There are ten countries in the Far East, and it may not necessarily be Suye, it may be the country of Kurola..."

"Kurola is the name of an ancient province..."

D.D clicked his tongue in contempt: "Hey, who taught you geography..."

"Elf! I saw an elf! It's definitely a high elf from Donglu, that pointy chin..."

"Nonsense, the elves also hate crowds. When the Sacred Tree Kingdom visited Eternal Star City, their missions all entered the city late at night. They were very low-key, and you would only know when they left..."

"Don't you see the orcs..."

"Look at that grand canal, and the big ship on it, I guess it should be able to go directly to Gonghai City and to the Sea of ​​Ending!"

"Idiot, the canal boats will fall apart when they go out to sea!"

Behind the road, in the carriage separated by the Emerald City guards, the Duke of Xinghu, Thales Canxing put down his book and took a deep breath.

Through the car window, with the help of his hell senses, he felt every breath of the city.

So, here he is.

The capital of the South Bank, the headquarters of the Kevin Dill family, the city of ashes, the capital of wealth, and the queen of the city - Emerald City.

There is no doubt that it is a completely different city from Yongxing City.

"I don't see the walls."

Beside the car window, Miranda was riding on a horse, holding up her binoculars, trying to get past the guards of the Emerald City:

"Besides people, houses, streets, bridges, and trees, it's bridges, houses, people, streets... and trees."

"Strange, I didn't find it either—didn't they tear down the city wall?"

Glover on the side was also searching for traces of the city wall.

"No hurry, I can't see it from here," Mallos, the chief of the Star Lake Guard, sat on the luggage cart beside him, calmly reading last month's income and expenditure report, "it's only two blocks away from here. See—and I suspect you won't recognize it even if you see it, several city gates have been transformed into streets."

"What? The area and radius of the Emerald City are so large? Can't even cover the city walls?"

Miranda put down the binoculars and said suspiciously to the crowd in front of her:

"How many people should there be?"

"Ten years ago it was better than this," Logistics Officer Shi Tuo replied with narrowed eyes, "I guess it expanded very quickly."

"Wait, if this is the case, the construction of the city wall cannot keep up with the expansion of the city block, so the city's defense is useless?" Glover was also surprised.

These words made the Xinghu guards on duty around them gasp in amazement.

"Then how to defend against the enemy? At least against bandits?"

"How did you survive the bloody year?"

"The Year of Blood doesn't seem to have reached the Emerald City..."

"Help me recall, how long does it take for Eternal Star City to travel from south to north?"

"Haven't been there, but it certainly hasn't been this long."

"When was the last time you were here?"

"When I was young, there were more than ten years, but at that time..."

"I came here on business five years ago, but I took the sea route. I vomited all the way on the boat. I didn't pay attention. I crossed the Mu River in the blink of an eye and went inland."

"Three or four years ago, I had a cousin who got married. Damn, he told me that his home was on the outskirts of the city. I looked at the surrounding neighborhoods and thought he was joking or self-effacing. Looking at it now, tm is actually true. of? Periphery?"

"Now I understand why my neighbor's son would rather work as a postman here than go back to the capital..."

Thales stretched his waist. He closed the "Emerald Mystery City Record", extinguished the sin of Hell River, and shut out the surrounding noise from his ears.

Looking at it now, the scenery of Emerald City is indeed very different from that of Eternal Star City.

At least, it's quite suitable for sightseeing and broadening your knowledge.

Thales poked his head out of the carriage and waved to the standing Rolf and Paul.

Of course, how good would it be if he was really just here for a tour?

Looking at the bustling crowd at the Emerald City checkpoint, the young man thought in a slightly depressed mood.

Or, just a blind date?

Well, it would be even better if the woman's brother wasn't Jenn Cavendeer.

"Since you are going to see your fiancée, you have to tidy yourself up," said Valencia, who took care of his image before leaving Star Lake Castle. "Clothes, accessories, makeup, perfume , Ah, don't forget this, an anthology of bardic love poems, guaranteed to try and prove to be a hundred."

"I'd rather bring "The Gains and Losses of Oviedo's Governance"." At that time, Thales was hovering between lack of interest and anxiety, and only yawned when he heard the words.

"Oviedo? A King of Allenbia, whose head was severed two hundred years ago, cannot please girls for you."

Aunt Valencia sternly tugged at his collar, then sighed: "Oh, Your Highness, you are really worrying. You are only going to go at such a young age... Does anyone in the team know the dating etiquette of boys and girls? ? If you don’t know anything, and you are in a hurry to offend the girl, or if you go to bed but don’t know how to use protective measures—”


Thales interrupted her helplessly: "According to the standards of the ancient empire, I am fourteen years old..."

"Don't use that to perfuse me," Valencia shook her head, "You are only a half-grown child now, at the age when you just learned to stare at girls—by the way, that girl from the Arend family is so proactive Now, do you have any ideas? Do you want Mammy to create opportunities for you?"

Thales could only bury his head in the book and continue to sigh.

Of course, not everyone is reluctant.

"So, you are finally leaving!"

In the math class, Bachelor Julio excitedly took Thales' exercise book, and immediately realized something was wrong, and quickly put on a look of surprise: "Um, I mean, are you leaving now?"

Thales rolled up the dead fish eyes:

"Bachelor Julio, you seem very happy?"

"Hey, how come... Cough, Emerald City has convenient transportation, developed commerce and trade, and has gathered talents of all kinds from all over the world. It has a surging trend of thought, a prosperous culture, and a prosperous academic style. It is also well-known in the kingdom," Julio said. Glasses, the momentum of the whole body changed, "But no matter what, Your Highness is also a student taught by the highly respected masters and bachelors of the Wang Liwen Law School. Be diligent every day, don't fall into the prestige of our Yongxing students."

"It's too long, I don't understand."

"Uh, that's right, remember to do your homework."

"Then what about you, bachelor? The field account books of the remaining two farms..."

"I'm doing it, I'm doing it! I'll be able to finish the calculation in another week—oh, no, I'm obviously the teacher!"

"A week is too long, maybe three days."

"Ah! Then... let's discuss it, Your Highness, six days? Or five days?"

"Actually, bachelor, I just wrote an application for your majesty to raise your salary..."

"I'll deliver the ledger tomorrow!"

The University of Bona brought a lot of books to Thales, including the narrative poem "Emerald Mystery City", the historical biography "Southern Exploration Records", the novel "Far Sail Wars", and the research paper "Pit Crystal and Seal: Emerald The Guarantor Tradition and the Commercial Notary System of the City Mining Association" and the Sunset Temple hymn "Emerald at Dusk".

"Emerald City? How about Emerald City!"

The scholar with a shiny scalp tremblingly took out the last book:

"The Land of the Stars is vast, and the scenery is different. The scenery is so beautiful, and the people are even worse."

Thales took the book handed over by the University of Bona, and his face changed when he saw the cover:

""The Enchanted Kingdom of the Lich Queen"?"

The prince subconsciously hid the book:

"Is this something I can see?"

"Of course—no," Bona blinked his cloudy little eyes when he was in college, "so, don't be idle and read aloud to the entire Emerald City, especially the third act "A Girl's Dream of a Paper Marriage". Some of the descriptions in it are, um, not decent."

But other than that, I daresay it's a rare good play, on par with "The Secret History of the Iron Thorn", "Lacy Anrenzo in the Wind" and "The Black Eye and His Lovers". It is especially helpful for you to understand the meaning of this mission—ah, youth, youth is gone forever. "

Thales swallowed, and bowed to thank him with complicated emotions.

On the other hand, Wyatt returned home and brought Thales a stack of documents, all of which were information about the Emerald City, and the header of each page was carefully cut off so that no one could see the source , but this did not prevent Thales from recognizing the faint imprint left on the back page - that was the trace left by Gilbert's signature.

Facing such a stack of documents, Thales was silent for a long time.

"If you have the chance, thank your father for me."

"Yes," Wyatt responded respectfully, but whispered at the end, "If there is a chance."

if it is possible.

Thales glanced at Wyah, but still didn't say anything after all.

Of course, compared with these teachers, Thales' other amiable, knowledgeable, respected, secret teacher who is not convenient to disclose his identity has a different style of painting.

"You really don't want to go to the Emerald City with me?"

"As far as I know, you are not going to improve your magic power," said the magician of Qi in the study one afternoon, still moving the chess pieces in front of him gracefully and calmly (with eyes), "but to run errands for others, Continue the childish and ridiculous political games of mortals."

On the other side of the chessboard, Thales cleared his throat: "To be exact, it's a blind date."

And - to overthrow the South Bank regime.

"And I have no interest in that, and I am insensitive to your intention to use me as a hole card."

"Then... what if I'm going to die there?"

"In the past two hundred years in the Emerald City, there is no known legendary anti-demon armed force."

"That's not certain. There are rivers and seaports next to Emerald City, and there are rich mineral deposits in it. It is not only a large city in the Western Continent, but also one of the important intersections between the two continents. It brings together countless forces. Maybe someday, hey, Just a legendary anti-demon weapon?"

"Then as a magician, I shouldn't go."

"Um, what if it is the rare perfect anti-demon weapon that you guessed, respected teacher?"

"Then work hard, Your Highness, to go forward for me and inquire about information?"

"...Then what if I die in a political conspiracy, at the hands of mortals?"

"That's what you deserve," Ashida ate the knight of Thales mercilessly. "It's your long-term narrow-mindedness and short-sightedness. You are satisfied with secular power and position, but you have no intention of learning about magic power, procrastination, laziness, and carelessness." inevitable consequences."

Thales was silent for a while.

"You just don't want to go, do you?"

"I can go, maybe I can take care of you for a while..."

"That's right! Teachers and students help each other, and teaching-"

"As long as you are willing to abandon everything you have now, and completely embark on the path of mana."

Thales twitched the corners of his mouth and overthrew his king with one finger:

"That, excuse me, you can rest."

Ashida suddenly looked up:

"Remember, even in a crisis, never show your ability to 'juggle'."


Thales rolled his eyes:

"Even if I'm dying?"

The magician was unmoved: "As you said, the Emerald City is located on an important sea route, and fish and dragons are mixed together. It is hard to guarantee that our enemies will not have eyes and ears. If those two bitches find out, then you will die as well, and there is a risk of death." It might implicate me."

Thales couldn't help curling his lips.

Ashida's tone was calm: "Then, I wish you good luck, you idiot who insists on wading in muddy water."

Seeing that there was no hope for help, Thales sighed in disappointment.

But before get out of class was over, the boy couldn't help but speak.

"In any case, Mr. Sackn, before we go, I still want to thank you."

Ashida paused:

"for what?"

Thales rubbed the king piece in his hand and was silent for a while.

"In order for me to put aside my identity, let go of my worries, and talk freely for a while in these few hours."

The magician didn't answer.

He looked at Thales quietly, not knowing what to think.

The study fell silent.

Thales didn't expect an answer. He shook his head mockingly, stood up and walked out the door: "Then, it's time for us to dismiss get out of class."

Very ironic.

But also very helpless.

And this is his life.

From that night on Hongfang Street, from when he walked into the Fuxing Palace.


When the Duke's hand touched the doorknob, Ashida stopped him suddenly.

"If your life is in danger, forget what I said."


Thales frowned and turned his head: The magician's voice was surprisingly... ethereal.

Ashida was silent for a while, and blue light flashed in her eyes from an angle Thales couldn't see, "If you're going to die, you have to risk everything, go all out, and perform the most wonderful trick of your life."

Thales paused.

Best trick?

At that moment, his throat moved and his emotions were complicated.

Presumably, we have known each other for so many years.

Or more or less, a little teacher-student friendship?

Ashida's figure gradually faded away:

"It should be noted that as long as you die from the loss of control of the mana, the Shuanghuang will not be able to find you."

Thales's smile froze, and when he recovered, the room was already empty.

Fuck the teacher-student relationship.

As for the Xinghu Guards, although some people vaguely guessed that this trip is not as easy as it sounds, most of them are quite excited ("I will never stay in this place where no shit is done again!" - Nexi's sincere emotion , before he was sent to the crow cage to clean up the bird droppings), especially after hearing that the Duke was going to visit Miss Cavendir.

"All in all, we have a very tight schedule for this trip to the Emerald City, and we must catch up with the 'Queen's Day' city event..."

Not long ago, Thales sat at the head of the long table in the Ascension Hall and sent a message to the guards and attendants of Star Lake Castle, but many people still focused on Miranda beside Thales. body.

"Queen's Day? You mean the Emerald Celebration?" Nexi beside the long table was overjoyed. "That kingdom's famous carnival where you drink alcohol for seven consecutive days?"

The guards who sat on both sides of the long table were in an uproar.

Mallos frowned, while Thales gritted his teeth.

"Yes, Emerald Celebration. But literally, it's still 'Queen's Day,' a tradition handed down in honor of the Queen's Grace, as we observe Restoration Day and King's Day here, while Western Wilderness celebrates the Excommunication day……"

But before he finished speaking, he was overwhelmed by the jubilant crowd.

"So you are really going to marry the daughter of the Kevin Dill family?"

"So, the castle is about to welcome a mistress?"

Thales had to cough and took the trouble to explain: "Attention, attention! Going to the Kongming Palace to visit the Iris family is indeed the top priority of this trip, but it is impolite to discuss the life events of an unmarried lady rashly..."

However, everyone in Star Lake Fort was full of interest:

"Is it too early to get married now? After all, you are only fourteen years old, and the world is still very exciting... Uh, or is it too late?"

"Hey, old Kong, you don't understand. If you don't get married first, how will you know that the outside world is wonderful?"

"I heard that Kevin Dill is very rich, so the dowry will not be small, right? Does this mean that we are finally rich?"

"Then I propose to rebuild the toilet and sewer..."

"That's all you care about? Why don't you worry more about whether some southern bastard from Emerald City will come to steal your job..."

"Exactly what I needed to retire early..."

Thales finally couldn't take it anymore under the chatter of everyone in Star Lake Fort.

In the next second, he took out a palm-sized puppet bear and slammed it on the long table.

Miranda on one side frowned.

Amidst D.D's painful sobs, everyone stared at the puppet bear intently, and only then did they recall Duke Xinghu's cruel and cold character.

There was silence on both sides of the long table.

"very good."

Thales looked around and nodded with satisfaction.

Sure enough, I was usually too friendly.

These guys don't have a long memory if they don't show some ruthlessness.

"I think you all know that Emerald City has a pleasant climate and prosperous commerce. It is the second largest city in the Kingdom after the Royal Capital, but for some reasons that I am not convenient to explain directly, but you probably know it, Duke Jann Compared with my relationship, um, complicated."

Everyone was still quiet, but they couldn't take their eyes off the little bear.

The Duke of Xinghu cleared his throat and straightened the crooked little bear so that everyone could see its whole picture:

"Therefore, we are not going on vacation. In addition, it is a celebration and there are many guests from all over the world. From travel security to communication affairs, our work will not be easy."

The teary-eyed D.D bit his lower lip:

"In that case, why are we going?"

Paul, who was sitting in the corner, suddenly said:

"That's why we're going."

There was another chatter on both sides of the long table. Words such as "political marriage", "pacification", "smashing the scene", "robbing his sister and becoming his brother-in-law" slipped into the Duke's ears in whispers.

Mallos, who was on the sidelines, couldn't see it after all, and snatched the bear away, depriving the Duke of the right to speak:

"In short, the schedule and route have been set, and the contact with Kongming Palace has also been completed. We have to arrive at Emerald City four days before the 'Queen's Day' at the latest. It is best to settle in Kongming Palace on the same day. Emerald City will provide We arrange the next affairs, but the matter is of great importance, the guards must not relax at any time, let me know if any of you have gone wrong..."

Everyone who lost their focus couldn't react, until Mallos warned dissatisfiedly:

"Did you hear that!"

Everyone reacted and responded in unison, their voices echoed through the castle, and their morale was high.

Only then did Mallos snort coldly, and threw the puppet bear back into the Duke's arms.

Ever since, the convoy of the Duke of Xinghu to the Emerald City set off on a certain day in autumn. They drove out of Xinghu Castle, took Zhengdu Town, crossed the Muhe River, and then turned southeast to the southern branch of Enci Avenue. They passed many places on the way: Swan County, Mirror River, Weitlen Town, Walla Corridor, Fang Field , Maolin...

The farther you go, the climate becomes more humid and warm, the river crossings become denser, the wild forests and wastelands gradually disappear, and the terrain and roads become more regular and flat. Even the weeds on both sides of the road grow softer, and people come and go in the wheat fields during the harvest season. , the farms and pastures are constantly busy, there are many types of workshops in the towns, merchants of all kinds are bustling, and messengers and postmen are running back and forth between castles and villages. Thales looked at it all the way, and only felt that this was the one described in the official documents of the stars. "Taiping Kingdom".

The journey was fairly peaceful. When the town officials and nobles in most places learned that the Duke of Xinghu was passing through the border, they sent envoys to wait on the way early to lead the way, and even sent police officers and patrols to separate the idlers. Even in the dark or heavy rain, accommodation and supplies will be provided exactly. But while treating each other with courtesy, most people are also serious, and even stay away from them, which makes Thiers sigh.

It was as if there was an invisible hand pushing everything behind this trip.

Unknowingly, the Duke and his party entered the South Shore Territory and came to the Emerald City.

Thales' thoughts returned to the present, to the carriage outside the Emerald City.

"Look at that fool, he is just walking down the street with a bag of gold on his shoulders. I bet that if he puts it in Yongxing City, he will disappear when it gets dark."

"If you're downtown, you don't even have to wait until dark."

The chatter of D.D and Nexi entered his ears, Thales smiled and shook his head, but his smile disappeared quickly.

After all, he's not here to travel, is he?

Taylor's eyes sharpened.

He came to take, and to destroy.

The prince lowered his head and opened the information on the Emerald City brought by Huai Ya.

To understand Emerald City, of course, one must first understand the Kevin Dill family.

The Star Kingdom has had thirty-nine supreme kings (not counting those who actually ascended to the throne but were disqualified by royal historians or temple priests for various reasons), and there are no fewer than fifty queens in history. Among them, there are a total of thirteen people, from the Kevin Dill family and its branches in Emerald City.

As for the rest of the noble daughters who married into rich and famous families and took charge of the family households as hostesses, there are countless others. This fact made Emerald City win the reputation of "City of Queens" early on, and "Queen of the Stars, Emerald of the Crown" This common saying also made the Iris family unable to take off the hats of relatives and uncles of the king for a long time.

Well, Thales turned a page, thinking that it's not unreasonable for him to come here for a blind date, at least traditionally, it's strictly controlled.

But, thirteen queens, that's too many.

There's only one reason: Kevin Dill's dowry—both physical and political—was too generous.

Thinking of this, Thales couldn't help but glanced at the portrait of Miss Kevin Dier.

Conversely, it is not uncommon for royal princesses to marry the Emerald City: the wife of the fourth Duke of Iris is the youngest daughter of King "Black Eyed" John I, Princess Celesia, and King "Far Sail" Kessel II will marry her to Emerald City. His younger sister (in fact, he also married his three daughters to seven dukes of the frontiers) married to Emerald City, and gained the full support of the South Bank Territory, so he was able to join the two fleets of Kevin Deere and Cullen. With the help of his help, he won the historic Battle of Bolasco, buried the fleet of the Humble dynasty in the seabed, and also killed the ambition of "Kadir without borders" on the other side of the Sea of ​​End.

sea ​​route, navy.

Thales made some notes. For a long time, the kingdom's maritime existence has relied on the three major families of the East China Sea Territory who are facing the end of the sea portal. Therefore, the Duke of Cullen has also firmly occupied the position of prime minister. It is impossible for King Kessel not to want to change this status quo. In the end, the development of the Kingdom's navy was far inferior to that of the land standing army. After all, the cost of the former was twice that of the latter.

Obviously, the South Bank collar is the second choice.

But is it all there?

Thales turned another page.

In fact, two hundred and fifty years ago, at the end of the most talked about court struggle in the history of the stars, the "Blood Debt War" that lasted for three generations, a Duke Kevin Deere even defended his princess wife—" The daughter of the "money lender" Mindis II—has claimed the right to inherit the throne, and competed with his wife and brother "surviving king" Elan III for the nine-star crown. Of course, what happened later is the favorite of writers of dramas, novels or bards: the eldest daughter of Elan III, Miss Alicia at the time, and later the "Northern Conqueror" Queen Alicia led the mercenaries to besiege Emerald City ("I heard that the South Bank is restless, there are bandits coveting the royal family, especially for my aunt to suppress the bandits."), frightened the ambitions of my aunt and uncle, and helped my father Elan III ascend to the throne.

In Canxing's genealogy, the most recent Iris Queen can be traced back to nearly sixty years ago. The second wife of the "taciturn" Sumerian IV, Bella Cavendir, was as close as she was. Star Lake Castle has something to do with it: she is the biological mother of the former Duke of Starlight, John.

Queen Bella of Shi Zai is beautiful and dignified, and she is talented and learned. She was a well-known lady in the kingdom at that time, but after she married into the royal family, her flamboyant and luxurious personality made her unfavorable. It also made Bella get the vicious derogatory title of "Witch Queen"-obviously, these are slanders with ulterior motives and sinister intentions. The triangular political struggle between Earl Almond and Duke Kevin Deer, who is the prime minister of the kingdom, is closely related.

Thales rubbed his chin and read Gilbert's notes.

There is no doubt that the influence of the Kevin Deere family on the kingdom's politics and even the royal family's genealogy has reached its peak, but something obviously happened in the middle, so that in the sixty years after "The Silent Man", the star and the iris gradually Alienated, not related by blood.

Thinking of this, Thales recalled the story that the Duke of Xihuang had told him, the story of the witch queen Bella trying to abolish the elders and establish the younger ones, and couldn't help being a little dazed.

He turned to the next page.

However, no matter what the reason is, half a century of estrangement is quite unfavorable to Canxing's influence in the far frontier and Kevin Dill's kingdom status. Therefore, in the middle of the reign of the former king Eddie II, it is logical that he and the Duke of Leinster Cavendir began to strengthen contacts. The former king first appointed the Duke of Leinster as the Minister of Commerce and Trade, and he was permanently stationed in the capital to serve the imperial court. He then promoted a group of young talents from the South Bank to work in the capital, including Turami Calabi, the later Earl of Walla. Yang, Earl of Zedi, Aitchison Lasia, and Viscount of Arch Sea City, Sona Cavendir.

The Duke of Leinster also led the Iris family to reciprocate. He first re-dredged and even re-dug the communication canals above and below the Muhe River to connect the long-decreasing business exchanges between the Central Territory and the South Coast Territory-this promoted the ports around the Emerald City. The development also brought great benefits to the military logistics of the Bloody Year later. During the bloody year, the Iris family spared no effort to provide the Fuxing Palace with a steady stream of money, food and soldiers. In fact, the famous Starlight Legion was raised and established at the time when the treasury was in distress. The addition of the credit is indispensable.

In addition, the former king Eddie II was keen on touring the kingdom and inspecting the territory. He not only maintained the relationship with the rich and famous families in various places in his own name, but also took the opportunity to let the traditional central circuit court visit various places to investigate and decide cases and spread the authority of the king. Reaffirm the regulation of the kingdom. Among them, the Emerald City with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate is one of Eddie II's favorite cities to visit. The former king often stayed here for ten months, and even convened an imperial meeting here to govern on the spot, and the accompanying officials and nobles He also marveled at the city of queens. Even the third prince Bancroft made a lifelong decision on such a parade, marrying a prince and concubine from the South Bank collar.

After the Bloody Year, all parts of the Kingdom were scarred and scarred. Only the surrounding area of ​​Emerald City was not devastated by the flames of war. The Duke of Special implemented the policy of recuperating and recuperating. On the one hand, he exempted his vassals from military service taxes, and on the other hand, he actively rebuilt the post-war order in the territory. The South Bank Territory was able to recover quickly after the war. Emerald City soon became the second largest city in the stars after Eternal Star City (Gilbert urged the Department of Finance and Taxation and the Department of Household Affairs several times to recalculate the population and economic profile of Nan'an Territory, but failed), from the historical " The Queen's City" became the actual "Queen in the City", and the Kevin Dill family was also prosperous, until the iris disaster——

"Your Highness will definitely accept it!"

There were noises outside the carriage that were incompatible with the crowd, including the exclamation of the horses and the order of the Xinghu guards. Thales, who was interrupted from reading and excerpting, frowned and looked up.

"Please pass it on, my lord, please pass it on, this is a small thought, a little thought, just to quench the thirst of my brothers..."

The movement outside the carriage was getting louder, and the Xinghu guards were obviously getting nervous. Thales felt that his carriage had been surrounded by a group of hell in the senses of hell.

Well, it’s not impossible to ask assassins to kill at this time, anyway, he’s used to it, it’s just...

Thales closed the file helplessly.

Can you let me read it first?

"What's going on outside?" Thales didn't poke his head out of the window ("No matter what happens outside the carriage, the last thing you should do is poke your head around—if I were an assassin, I would be happy to complete the kill at this time." ——Mallos who pushed Thales' head back from the car window countless times), but asked cautiously.

A few seconds later, the faces of Miranda and Glover appeared outside the car window.

"A certain civilian who came up from behind somehow saw our identities and sneaked into the separation line of the Emerald City guards." Glover was a little embarrassed, and felt guilty for revealing his whereabouts. , with a shy face, I want to give you a gift for Your Highness."

Miranda took up the conversation:

"Horrorly—Lord Mallos is taking people to check his entourage one by one, but in my opinion, it should not be an assassin, at least he is not."

A civilian who saw my identity?

"Decline the gift and persuade him to go back, but appease him and don't reveal too much," Thales shook his head and said, "Also, let Mallos take it easy during the interrogation. Before we reach Kongming Palace, we still keep low key."


Hey, I'm new here, and my hatred is as deep as the sea. Who knows what kind of "gift" Zhan En has prepared for me.

"Of course, Your Highness." Glover nodded and left.

The noise outside the carriage continued, but Thales quickly caught the formulaic tone of the logistics officer Sturna from his senses in hell:

"Thank you very much for your enthusiasm, sir. We have passed on your message, His Highness knows your heart, and he is very grateful. But unfortunately, we are not allowed to drink while on official business, and His Highness is not good at drinking alcohol, but you don't have to be discouraged... ..."

Not good for drinking.

Thales frowned when he remembered something.

"Miranda? Karen?"

"Well, you guys, go and take the wine," Thales sighed at them, "Just don't drink, and don't look too enthusiastic."

Glover nodded without hesitation, but Miranda paused:

"Can I ask why?"

Thales was silent for a while.

"Because... as the Duke of Xinghu, I can't drink badly."

Miranda's eyes moved, but she said nothing.

"Wait, what's that guy's name?"

Glover was taken aback, and was about to go back and ask for his name, when Miranda said calmly:

"Moss, Your Highness. His name is Dagory Moss, and he seems to be here to participate in the Emerald Celebration."

Dagore Moss.

At that moment, Thales' smile disappeared.

"Dagory Moss," the Duke of Xinghu muttered the name, and the coldness in his eyes became more and more serious, "you said, he was brought from the central government, and he happened to be a patriotic and considerate employee. A big wine merchant who unfortunately lost money and went bankrupt?"

Glover frowned, and was about to ask, but Miranda raised his eyebrows: "I don't know if he is patriotic, caring for employees, or whether he is bankrupt or not, but he just introduced himself, Indeed, he said that he is an honorary director of the Wine Merchant Guild of the Central Government."

Glover paused:

"Your Highness, do you know him?"

Thales looked out the window in a daze.

"No, I don't know."

But he changed the subject:

"We walked very low-key along the way. Tell me, how did he see through our identities and come to us on his own initiative?"

Glover froze when he heard that.

"My negligence, Your Highness, it should be that I have been too obvious when arranging the formation these days."

Thales smiled, and he shook his head.

"No, believe me, it wasn't your negligence—but why not drink when there's wine?"

Miranda and Glover looked at each other.

Thales put away the books and documents, opened the door and got out of the carriage: "You go and invite this Mr. Moss, and let him come to see me."

Miranda stared at him:

"Can I ask why again?"

Thales raised his head with a bright smile:

"Because I can't wait."


"The latest news is that he is here."

In a dark and dim room covered by thick cloth curtains, a figure opened the door holding a candle, with a low voice:

"No. 2 has arrived in the Emerald City."

The candlelight was faint, reflecting a dining table in the room.


A black figure lying on the dining table struggled to get up, stretched, and stroked a sword in his hand: "It's been so many days, I can't wait!"

"No. 2," said a third voice from the end of the table, "what does he have?"

The candle flickered, and there was a dead silence in the room.


Above the main seat, the fourth black figure raised his head and spoke faintly, as if in a dream:

"Fame, power, status, subordinates—he has it all."

The black shadow stroking the sword and the last black shadow fell silent.

"Number Two is light and simple."

Beside the door, a black figure holding a candle said calmly:

"But the power around you should not be underestimated. They are well-protected, watertight, and they are all masters of the royal guards in the Fuxing Palace. They are keen, vigilant, and unfathomable."

The black shadow holding the sword and the last black shadow looked at each other.

"Wang, Shi, Wei, team?"

The fifth voice was cold and hoarse, and it sounded from the corner of the room, with the sound of chains.

The sound made everyone in the room shudder.

"I remember."

Amidst the rustling of the chains, a pair of gloomy eyes appeared from the darkness, sneering sinisterly:

"A long time ago, one was slaughtered."

The people in the room seemed to be afraid of the voice, and after he finished speaking, no one answered for a long time.

After a long time, the person holding the candle spoke carefully:

"Fortunately, we haven't detected any traces of extreme experts. Obviously, the flower of the fortress is not in the team, and neither is the Kingdom's Wrath."


The people in the corner sneered, causing the metal to rattle:

"Still a pity?"

Everyone in the room resisted the desire to look into the corner.

"In short, we still have to be cautious. After all, it is the Canxing royal family, so we can't be too careful." The person holding the candle said in a low voice.

"Hahahahaha, number two... look at your frightened looks, why, is it more difficult than number one?" The sneering laughter in the corner sounded again:

"Or maybe, I should kill you first? To avoid bad things?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Until the main seat at the table, came the dreamy voice:



"Did you hear that?"

The rest were all startled.

I saw the black figure on the main seat tilting his head, putting his palms to his ears, closing his eyes and listening in the candlelight:

"The city is whispering."

"She opened her arms and warned everyone who came here."

"Whisper?" The black figure in the corner said disdainfully, causing a commotion, "Didn't it mean—fuck you all?"

The other three frowned.

Only the black shadow on the main seat ignored it and continued to immerse itself in its own world:

"The Emerald City, she said..."

"It's better to die because of friends than to die because of enemies." He said these words slowly.

no answer.

Including the dark shadow in the corner.

"Really," the black shadow on the main seat said softly, as carefully as if coaxing a baby: "Our beloved Highness Thales?"

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