Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 159 Confession

The Sunset Temple in Emerald City is not as majestic and solemn as the Great Temple in Everstar City, but it is exquisite and well-planned. It is an architectural masterpiece based on the pre-historical triumphal style of the old empire and taking into account the mathematical geometric aesthetics of the new era.

This religious architectural style of stability and change confirms the turbulent and restless era in which the Star Kingdom was at the end of the third century. "From the king and dukes to the common people, everyone is painfully tug-of-war between the old rules and the new era. If they advance, they will leave their homes and live in thorns, and if they retreat, they will be old and wait for death" (349 years of the End Calendar, Boser Kaandi "The Difficulty of the Century: Will the Stars Remain, or Will the Empire Survive?").

The people who presided over the construction of this temple were two high-level clergymen during the reign of "Jackal" Sumer III: one was the deputy chief priest of the Sacrifice Department who was proficient in history and theology, and the other was the deputy bishop of the Mission Department who was proficient in mathematics and architecture.

At that time, their cooperation and the completion of this temple in Emerald City were the results and signs of the religious reconciliation between the Priesthood and the Missionary Department in the Sunset Belief System, proving that the bloody religious dispute "Sacrifice-Religion Dispute" that had been repeated for a century in the Star Kingdom had finally come to an end.

(Some documents took the "Cutter" Tormund IV's disregard of the oracle of appointment of High Priest Lydia Brightstar, intervening in the affairs of the temple, and arbitrarily appointing Archbishop Nerif as the "false promise" as the starting mark, calling this religious faction dispute "Sacred and Mortal Split". However, due to the controversy over the legitimacy of King "Cutter" and the bad impression of him by court historians, this historical term was not as widely accepted by court historians as the "Sacrifice-Religion Dispute" written by King "Zhan Ji" himself on paper, starting with the sacrifice of the son on a high mountain.)

(Some later scholars also believed that the root of the sacrificial dispute was The origin can be traced back to Sumer II, the "broken vein". It is believed that it was because of his coronation as a religious scholar that the status of non-family hereditary priests in the Sunset Temple gradually improved, and they gradually gained power, and finally threatened the sacred and inviolable power of oracle interpretation and sacrifice. )

Under the mediation of King "Jackal" (perhaps with the threat of invaders from the East Land), the Sunset Temple, the supreme authority of the Sunset faith, officially split peacefully:

The sacrificial department was able to enjoy the traditional old name of "Temple", and all the sunset priests in the kingdom were governed by the Sunset High Priest.

The Mission Department left the temple and changed its name to "Church", and the Archbishop of Sunset, who headed it, had the right to appoint Sunset priests in charge of missionary work in each diocese.

In this way, the Temple and the Church worshipped the Sunset together, one was close to God, the other was close to people, and they were in charge of sacred and secular affairs respectively. They recognized each other but did not belong to each other, and their powers were divided regardless of their status.

As a condition for reconciliation, the priests no longer used the names of "heresy", "misbelief", "degeneration", "devil's bewitching" and other names to attack and persecute dissenting believers, and were tolerant of the interpretation of doctrines; the priests removed the "alien pattern" symbol from their robes, no longer claimed freedom of interpretation, and gave up inciting the lower-level believers to fight against the priests and lords.

As for those sensitive issues that had set off countless bloody storms, such as "truth is placed in the holy way or hidden in the secular world", "which is closer to God, the altar or the church", "who is more qualified to speak for God, the priest or the priest", "who is higher, lower, lighter, or more important, the high priest or the archbishop", and other religious disputes, they were put aside or even avoided.

Because peace requires mutual trust, but trust requires compromise.

And this meaningful temple became the first, and probably the only religious building shared by the temple and the church, priests and priests. The sacrificial ceremonies and church sermons of the Emerald City were all held here.

At this moment, as one of the most distinguished guests, Thales was sitting on the viewing platform in the front row of the temple altar, looking solemnly at the statue of the Goddess of the Setting Sun. Well, compared to the look in the Temple of Everstar City, where she was about to stare at you to death, wasn't her face here much gentler and more humane?

Behind him, nearly ten meters away, countless nobles and people of status filled the remaining seats in front of the altar. They were all dressed in dark (it is said that the Temple of the Sun across the sea is the opposite, worshipping white and light colors) formal clothes to pay respect to the gods, watching the chief priest of the Temple of the Emerald City recite a long sacrificial text in a rhythmic manner, preparing to start the public prayer.

Thales looked back secretly and saw the father and son of Earl Lacia of Marshland, Earl Harvia of Yanbi Port, the smiling Earl Xukadel of Changqingdao at all times, and the demon twins of the Karabiyan family in the first row of people. They raised their fans (this time the words on them were changed to "Blessed by the setting sun, everything you need" and "Blessed by the setting sun, success and fame") to cover their faces and secretly winked at Thales in front of them, but Miranda beside them said "hmm", and the two sisters immediately sat properly and did not look sideways. Thales gave Mira a thumbs up. For some reason, Thales thought the Karabiyan twins were much more pleasing to the eye yesterday, but today he felt a headache again when he saw them. But he soon didn't have to have a headache. Because at the edge of the first row, Xilai Kevendill still looked like she hadn't woken up. She propped her elbows on her knees and supported her chin listlessly. Her head rose and fell in the chanting of the priests and the solemn atmosphere of the temple. Noticing Thales's gaze, the round-faced girl perked up, quietly opened her palm, and then blocked the light source. The ferocious face of "Soul Bone Jacques" smiled at him again.


Thales turned around quickly.

Actually, thinking back, Kaisa and Qina are still pretty good.

"I heard that you sent someone to the prison early in the morning." A familiar figure entered the temple under the spotlight and came to Thales. He lowered his voice and said indifferently, "For the death of Dagory Moss ”

Thales felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, and his mood sank.

The prince snorted coldly:

"So you got it."

Zhan En did not sit down, but bowed respectfully to the icon of the sunset goddess and prayed.

Thales had to stand up and follow him to avoid being criticized by others for being domineering and bullying the gods. As a result, in a chain reaction, there was a crashing sound of seats from behind, and the believers present stood up one after another and hurriedly prayed.

Zhan's expression remained unchanged:

"I was going to tell you, Thales, about the accident at the wine merchant..."

"Yeah, that's the prison of Emerald City, your prison," Thales sneered and sarcastically said, "It's really up to you to tell me."

Zhan En was silent for a while and whispered:

"I admit that it was my subordinates who failed to supervise me well, and that was my negligence."

Thales raised his eyebrows: "Just an oversight? Nothing else?"

"I am sorry for your loss."

"Jie Ni Ni"

The angry and frustrated Thales took a deep breath, remembering that he was in a temple.

"Chenghui Mingshen, carrying the holy sun of light, the goddess's grace is endless, and the setting sun shines boundlessly. May you protect my kingdom and protect this city, just like you once protected King Heiman and Queen Regina, and saved countless lives from the flames of war... "

In front of the altar, priests stepped out from both sides of the altar one after another, holding candles to follow. They saluted and prayed rhythmically as the chief priest sang and the believers also followed suit and prayed respectfully.

No one noticed that the two dukes were silently confronting each other on the most distinguished viewing platform.

"Officer Kaguire told me that Dagory Moss was found dead in the prison at midnight last night." During the religious chanting over and over again, Thales glanced at Zhan next to him and spoke in a low voice, "But My men got the news around midnight last night. I still remember the fireworks at the celebration.”

The Duke of Iris, who was praying, opened his eyes with clarity.

"Knowing it so quickly, it seems that your Star Lake Guards are well-informed."

"On the contrary, I know what my men are capable of," Thales responded coldly. "In the Emerald City, a place I am unfamiliar with, the news must have been delayed for a long time from the prison to me: Dagori's death will only Earlier than midnight, much earlier.”

Zhan En looked sharply and did not answer.

"But the prison still reported that it was discovered at zero point. Why?"

Thales thought of Miranda and the others' return, narrowed his eyes and asked:

"In other words, why did the prison authorities modify or lie about the time of the incident?"

Lying about the time...

Zhan En looked at the priests in front of the altar faintly. After a moment, he smiled and said:

"I don't know the specifics. But I guess they changed the time of the incident to cover up the prison's own negligence. Don't worry, I will take care of the relevant departments."


Thales interrupted him coldly:

"The Sunset Goddess is literally superior, so you should stop lying."

The Duke of Nan'an's eyes moved and his smile did not change:

"I do not understand?"

The prince shook his head: "Three times."

"What three times?"

Thales sneered: "We talked about a lot of things at the competition banquet last night. The topics ranged from the background of each guest to the past and current situation of the Emerald City."

"But there is only one thing, little Huahua, you mentioned it three times, intentionally or unintentionally."

Zhan En was a little confused at first, but he quickly remembered something and his pupils shrank!

In the temple, the religious chanting gradually became low.

"That's right, you mentioned that wine merchant, Dagory Moss." After the public prayer, Thales raised his head, sat down slowly, and said word by word, "Three times exactly."

"Not everyone can make our South Coast Guardian Duke sit down for so long. Stop torturing the people behind you."

Zhan's expression was serious and extremely solemn, but after a few seconds, he slowly sat down.

Then, from behind the whole temple, the sound of people sitting down could be heard.

On the altar, the candlestick in front of the main priest of the temple flickered, and the flame turned silver.

Amidst the whispers of the believers, the officiating priest calmly waited for the priest apprentices to put on the ceremonial gloves embroidered with the sunset emblem, then took the dinner plate from his deputy and tore the holy communion bread into pieces, solemnly and skillfully The ground passed by the silver candlelight and was served on the silver dinner plate handed by the next priest.

On the most distinguished viewing platform, Thales stared at the actions of the officiant, but his words did not deviate from the theme:

"Even when I asked if Moss should be released last night, you hurriedly changed the subject with Miranda, pretending to be fascinated by her beauty after cross-dressing."

Zhan snorted softly:

"Yeah, I don't even remember."

The Holy Communion ceremony began. The two diocesan deputy priests came forward, neither humble nor arrogant, and presented the first two pieces of Holy Communion roasted with the setting sun fire on a silver plate to the two Dukes.

"It doesn't matter, I'll remember it for you, and it's not just that."

Thales picked up the silver plate and picked up the small piece of Holy Communion. When he bit it into his mouth, it tasted not as good as Kongming Palace.

Zhan, on the other hand, solemnly but freely offered the Holy Communion, showing etiquette that was many times more orthodox than the Duke of Star Lake. Thales even suspected that he swallowed it without even chewing, and was desperate to save face and suffer.

"At the royal banquet, before Anke Bailar showed the dagger of unknown origin and complained about their land issue, a certain young and promising duke came up to me eagerly and talked about the title. Minister’s land issue.”

Thales narrowed his eyes:

"What you say reflects what you think, you should remember this, right?"

Zhan En's brows tightened imperceptibly.

"Tell me, Master Zhan, why did you mention Dagory Moss at the battle banquet last night?"

Thales spoke softly, but his words were sharp:

"Unless you already knew that Moss was dead at that time, you were just testing me between the lines."

Zhan stood up gently and handed the silver plate back to the priest with a smile:


But the prince ignored him and the silver plate in his hand fell to the ground with a thud, startling many people.

The Duke of Nan'an had to smile apologetically, took the trouble to pick up the prince's dinner plate, handed it to the priest gently, and then returned to his seat.

"So, little Huahua, you have something secret in your heart, but you still pretended not to know about it and finished the competition banquet quietly, even though you knew about it early. You pretended to be cool and concealed the news of Moss's death from me the whole time."

Thales endured the displeasure in his words:

"You even told the people in the prison to cover up the traces, including changing the time of the crime to zero o'clock, just to avoid arousing my suspicion and tricking me into believing that Dagori did indeed die of an ordinary suicide or vendetta?"

Zhan took a deep breath and smiled in response to every believer who walked past him and returned a silver plate to the priest.


Thales gritted his teeth tightly:

"Dagory Moss, what reason did he have to die?"

When the last believer returned to his seat, the officiant's serious expression relaxed and he announced with a smile that the Holy Communion ceremony was over.

Only then did all the distinguished believers relax, the quiet and solemn atmosphere was broken, and conversations and greetings broke out one after another.


For the first time, Zhan responded coldly to Thales:

"Moss is a traitor. He works for me, but uses my resources to steal the money that belongs to me. Even as a businessman, he is a scumbag. He has deceived and kidnapped countless people since he entered the wine industry. He is not worthy of death. Cherish.”

When no one was paying attention, the Duke gave him a sharp look:

"And the last time you got involved with him, you just made yourself dirty for nothing, so why are you so concerned about it?"

"This is not the question I just asked." Thales did not follow his lead at all. "My question is: Why did you kill him last night?"

Zhan's expression changed.

He stood up suddenly, startling several guests who were about to greet the Duke.

"This is not the place to talk," Duke Iris glanced at Thales, "Follow me."

After saying that, Zhan En turned and left, with a gloomy face all the way. He only nodded to the greetings of others and did not answer.

Thales snorted coldly, stood up and followed, not afraid at all.

At this time, everyone saw that there was another problem between the two dukes.

Faced with two different but equally bad auras, no one dared to come forward to talk. Even the devil twins shrank back while whispering to each other. They both raised their hands to fan and turned out their backs: "Kasakina, Count Cohen on your head; if you can eliminate disasters, you will be able to live a safe life."

The believers in the temple began to whisper cautiously again. In the noise, a few vague words could be vaguely heard, such as "enemy between sisters", "brother's mistake", "bullying men and dominating women", " "Northern barbarians" and the like...

Thales followed Zhann to the second floor of the temple. The latter opened a door, and inside there was a confessional room that looked quite private and noble. Two small wooden cubicles were connected to each other by sound-transmitting panels. Without hesitation, he opened the door to one of the compartments.

Thales frowned and fanned away the pungent smell. A Sunset Priest with sparse hair, a rosy face, and a rich look from top to bottom, with a big belly, sat comfortably in the cubicle, and kept feeling. Holding the metal hose in his hand, he puffed away the smoke.


The wealthy priest, who was probably in his fifties and smoking, opened his eyes in shock when he heard this, jumped up from the confessional, and slammed into the door.

"Ah, Your Majesty the Duke! Your Highness the Prince!"

Priest Chadwei was crying in pain, but he didn't care much. He looked panicked and hurriedly stuffed the hookah into his robe:

"I am...preparing for a confession later. I need to enter a state of absolute rationality and calmness..."

But Zhan was not polite and pulled him out of the confession booth:

"Go out, guard the door, and don't let anyone get close."

Chad Wei staggered while holding the hookah, a little confused:

"But I have to confess to the nobles later..."

"From now on, you have to confess to the Duke of Nan'an and the second prince. Isn't that enough?" Zhan En said coldly, "For the others, let them go to other confession rooms."

Chadwei was stunned for a long time. He looked at Zhan, then at Thales, and finally at the small confessional cubicle. Suddenly, he felt blissful and enlightened.

He was no longer nervous, but shook his belly, showed the hookah openly, and smiled evilly:

"But, Your Majesty the Duke, the Sunset Goddess will not forgive us for cheating, unless..."

Thales narrowed his eyes.

"Get out now, Chadwei," but Zhan's expression remained unchanged, but his tone was colder: "The Sunset Goddess will forgive you for your good deeds to Mrs. Pintor, and will not let her son know about it, let alone let him do it for the sake of his late father. Reputation comes to you for a life-or-death duel."

Priest Chadwei was instantly petrified.

"Huh?" Zhan raised his eyebrows.

The next second, Priest Chadwei reacted and rushed out of the room, slamming the door shut.

Thales was a little surprised:

"That guy, is Chadvi a priest or a priest? Hey, have I seen him somewhere..."

But Zhan just snorted coldly and sat in the booth on one side.

There was going on, so Thales snorted angrily, opened the door of another confessional cubicle, fanned out the cigarette smoke, and sat in the darkness in the cubicle.

"You can talk now"

But before Thales finished speaking, the figure in the other cubicle shook.

Just listen to Zhan push open the cubicle door with a bang, then come to Thales' cubicle, open the door and squeeze in.

"Step aside." The Duke said coldly.


Thales was pushed aside by Zhan and gritted his teeth:

"There are no vacancies over there..."

"Smells like cigarette smoke." Zhan En's eyes were displeased and he spoke concisely.

Thales was startled.

"Smokers shouldn't be afraid of the smell of smoke anymore, right?"

"People who have been poor shouldn't be afraid of poverty anymore, right?"

Taylor was speechless.

As a result, Duke Xinghu and Duke Nan'an huddled angrily in the small warning compartment, glaring in the dark and listening to each other's breath.

"I didn't kill him."

Zhan gritted his teeth and said, "I did not kill Dagory Moss or instruct others to kill him."

Thales shook his head disdainfully:

"Come on, when it comes to this, what's the point of quibbling?"

Jenn's breathing worsened:

"For the sake of the setting sun, I swear on Kevin Dill's last name! When the people in the prison reported this news, Thales Brightstar, I was as shocked as you were!"

Thales' words stopped for a moment.

Just listen to the Duke of South Bank yelling angrily in the darkness;

"Dagory Moss may be a pawn of the Secret Service, but he is already in my prison and at my disposal. Why should I do anything more? Kill him in prison and silence him, and then come back to make up excuses with you and commit suicide." Looking for trouble?"

Thales frowned and thought for a moment.

"But your people tampered with or even concealed the case, from the time to the scene, from the suspects to the facts, including Caguire's report," the prince said methodically, "They turned a murder into a suicide. Now, Moss is not an ordinary criminal. They don’t dare to do this privately. This can only be done under your instruction.”

"That's right."

This time, Zhan En admitted generously without any attempt to hide it:

"To maintain stability."

"Stable?" Thales smiled sarcastically.

"The wine merchant went to jail because of our conflicts. His murder will become the center of public opinion," Zhan En suppressed his anger and explained patiently, "We cannot and do not need to let this incident interrupt the competition banquet and the Emerald Celebration. The guests don’t need to know the beginning.”

"Go ahead and lie to ghosts! There is no need for the guests to know, but what about me? You even made up stories after the fact to cover up the truth, just to fool me? Vendetta? Bah!" Thales said in a low voice.

"That story is just for fun"

"That's enough! Little Huahua, I've had enough of running around in circles with you. Regarding the death of Dagory Moss, what's the reason why you had to hide it from me all night?"


Thales nodded angrily: "Yes!"

Zhan said angrily: "No, you!"

"for me!"

"No, no, no! I mean, you, it's you!"

Thales was confused: "What's wrong with me?"

Zhan was furious for a moment.

He took a deep breath and raised his index finger: "No, I mean, because of you! Because I'm worried about you!"

Thales was stunned:

"What? What am I worried about?"

Zhan En took several breaths and finally calmed down.

"Okay, now that the matter is over, I'll just ask."

He turned to Thales in the darkness, his eyes cold and quiet:

"Dagory Moss, did you kill him, Thales?"


Did I kill him?

Thales was stunned for a moment:


Zhan En snorted coldly:

"Did your people kill him? Or did you instruct your men or people outside the palace to kill him in prison?"

Thales reacted and angrily denied:

"Of course it's not what you're talking about!"

"Then did you know about it beforehand? At least at the banquet?" Zhan En sounded suspicious and pressed forward step by step.

"No! This is the question I should ask you!"

Zhan sneered sarcastically.

"Then you, or your 'good friends' in the secret department, do you have any conspiracy plans surrounding Moss's death to deal with me?"

"Good friends" of the secret department...

The image of the round-faced girl appeared in front of his eyes, and Tails was immediately suffocated.

"I do not understand what you are saying."

In the darkness, Zhan was silent for a long time.

"Hmph, I guess so," the Duke of Nan'an said coldly, with a hint of disdain, "You look so cowardly and doesn't look like you have the ability to help the kingdom's secret department carry out its conspiracy."


Thales tried his best to stabilize his emotions by relying on the Sin of the Prison River:

"Wait, you mean you hid this from me because you doubted me?"

"Last night was a competition banquet with everyone's attention," Zhan En said as if he should take it for granted. "As I said, if your father wants to take action, it's a good opportunity."

"As for me, I can never be too suspicious and cautious."

Thales exhaled in disbelief:

"So you doubt even me and think I was the one responsible for Dagoli's death?"

"Nonsense, that wine merchant came to find you on his own initiative, Your Highness!"

Zhan En was extremely angry and scolded:

"It was you who brought him into the city! It was you who came to tell me that he was from the Secret Service! He was already in jail and you were still interrogating him! So, of course, when Dagory Moss was strangely at the juncture of the fight for the banquet, When my son died unexpectedly, yes, I had ten thousand reasons, and I should have doubted you first!"

Thales gasped in anger:

"Have you lost your fucking mind?"

But Jenn showed no sign of weakness:

"Don't forget, you are a damn shining star! Who knows if you did it? Or someone who is on the same camp as you did it? Who knows if you are going to attack this matter at the fight banquet? Are you ready? What kind of conspiracy did I catch him off guard? Who knows if Moss died with the butcher's knife, and you happened to be the one who carried it!"


Thales took a deep breath and looked around in anger, but could only see darkness.

"I stood by your side last night, analyzing with you the possible conspiracy of my father and the kingdom's secret department! I was on guard all night long! Until the end of the competition banquet!"

Jenn sarcastically said:

"Yes, undercover agents and spies will do the same thing. I guarantee it's more like that than you!"

Thales laughed angrily:

"And we even discussed the weaknesses of Emerald City together. Well, even if you have questions and doubts, you could have asked me directly!"

"Asking you? What am I asking you? 'Hey, Thales, happy fighting party, did you just kill someone?'"

"You can at least try!"

Thales said angrily: "Are you mute? Even 'Faceless Kirk' at least has a mouth to use! My mute men can all sign language!"

"Can I try?"

Zhan was obviously angry too. He no longer cared about etiquette in the cubicle:

"Yes, I can, of course I can! But I choose not to try because you fucking can't!"

"What? I can't?"

The Duke of South Bank waved his hands in anger:

"Oh, don't be pretentious, Thales. We have been fighting for seven years. I know you too well. If I were to smile at the fight banquet and tell you this lightly, tell you that Moss is dead, tell you that you My good toy and good wine merchant were broken and lost... Isn't that warm-hearted saint like Prince Thales, who has too much compassion and too much sense of justice, or is pretending to be hypocritical, the first to doubt me?"


"Don't you first suspect that I am a thief, suspect that I am ruthless, suspect that I am a thief and shout to catch a thief, and suspect that I secretly silenced Moss?"


"Won't you come to me with integrity and indignation to ask me what's going on? Like just now, you threw a plate in front of everyone in the Sunset Temple to show my shame? And like now, indiscriminately, right? I just yelled at you?"

"Jane Kevin Deere," Thales struggled to adjust his breathing and gritted his teeth every word, "Are you really telling the truth?"

"More real than your height!"

"Worri you"

"And last night was the competition banquet, the opening of the Emerald Celebration! Kevin Deere's century-old tradition!"

Zhan was furious:

"Who knows if a troublemaker like you, who is known to everyone as a disaster star, will ruin my banquet, a banquet that has never gone wrong for all my generations!

"Who knows if you will suddenly lose your mind and throw a sword in front of everyone like you did at the royal banquet, 'Did you bring it'? Or like at the Fuxing Palace and the imperial meeting, for an innocuous The kidnapper and extortionist broke into the palace to rebel? Even in front of all the guests at the banquet, he caused an unimaginable big mess that no one could clean up. No, let everyone in the Emerald City judge whether Zhan En is good or bad, right? You ruined my cute, pathetic little wine merchant boy!'?"

Zhan pinched his throat and imitated Thales, and the effect was both funny and ridiculous, but unfortunately the Duke of Star Lake himself was not among the audience who could appreciate it.

"I'm not kidding!"

Thales banged the door angrily:

"You know I wouldn't do that, let alone say that, or ruin your party!"

"No, I do not know!"

Jenn vigorously rebutted:

"But even if I know it, I don't know if others will!"

"other people?"

"Yes! I don't know if other people, such as your father, have any back-up plans! I don't know if the Kingdom's secret department will interfere with it, make a fuss about your temper and character, and instigate schemes without even your knowledge. Who dares to say that this will not happen? Do you know? "

Thales is still angry:

"But if you come to me and tell me the truth, I can at least protect you."

"You're just a poor prince who has no power, no roots, no foundation, is despised by his father, and has a butt bigger than his head. You can guarantee your shit!"

"You're right, I'm poor! But I have chips, I have the support of my subordinates, and they can maintain the scene. At least I can guarantee..."

"Oh, your subordinate? The one who comes to the main hall every day to shamelessly drink free Tairenbang high-priced spring drinks, and then goes to eat, drink and have fun with the dandy boys, and every time he has to pay on credit before coming back to Ashford Danny Doyle, the accountant?"

"You, D.D., he just...don't just stare at him!"

After Thales and Zhan finished this round of quarreling, the topic was a little off topic and they were a little tired from shouting. In addition, the air in the confession booth was dull, both of them were out of breath, and they couldn't help but tacitly agreed to a truce.

After a few seconds, Zhan finally breathed his last.

"So, it's about the tradition of the entire Emerald City and the face of Kevin Deere, as well as the security and rule of Iris."

He said stiffly:

"At the competition banquet, the safest and most reliable way I could think of at that time was to suppress Moss's death and turn it into an ordinary case of suicide due to fear of crime, so that no one knew about it and no one cared about it. No one can make a fuss about it, including our enemies.”

Thales couldn't help but sneer:

"You mean including me?"

"I said, this is for the sake of the overall situation and stability! Facts have proved that this was successful, everything went normally that night!"

Zhan reiterated again and again, gritting his teeth:

"I planned to tell you later, in a more secure and rational way, rather than on your own initiative..."

"Oh, of course, let Caguire tell me afterwards that Moss was just killed by a few gangsters who were in debt for revenge? And I don't have to worry about it anymore. I can just go back to the room and sleep. This is really safe and rational. Woolen cloth!"

Thales groaned again:

"If I hadn't been so stubborn and persistent in pursuing the investigation, would you have been prepared to treat me as a fool, keep it in the dark, and wait until a disaster was imminent before pushing me out to block the knife?"

Hearing this, Zhan En snorted disdainfully, waved his hand and said:

"Sure enough, my guess came true. Look at the temper of a child like you who was robbed of a lollipop. How do you expect me to believe you?"

"Return the original words!"

Thales said bitterly:

"Since you treat me as a fool, you'd better be prepared to be annoyed to death by a child's temper! Friendly reminder, the last person who suffered from this child's temper was named Charmaine Lun."


There was a loud noise, and the compartment door of the confessional was opened.

The next second, a monster with wet red fleshy whiskers on its face rushed to the door, opened its huge mouth filled with mucus to the shocked two people, and made a disgusting sucking sound:

"Rustling, rustling~"

At the critical moment, Zhan roared and grabbed the monster's face, tearing off its skin:



With a muffled sound, Zhan threw the monster skin in his hand to his feet and glared at the confused round-faced freckled girl in front of him.

Time seemed to stand still.

After a few seconds, Hilley Kevindill blinked, lowered his head indifferently, and picked up the wet leather case:

"Okay, this is the sucking demon, said to be a long time ago..."

"Get out of here! Don't you understand?" Zhan's anger was still lingering and he shouted to interrupt her.

Hilley shrugged, a little helpless.

"Okay, okay, why are you so fierce? Alas, it took a lot of effort to bring you in."

She grabbed the sucking demon's leather sheath, crumpled it into a ball and stuffed it under her skirt, then turned and left: "Oh, there is nothing we can do if we encounter a boring audience that doesn't understand appreciation and has no intention of cooperating..."

Before leaving, Hilley glanced at Thales reluctantly:

"Forget it, the performance can't be successful every time."

Seeing Hilley staggering out of the room, Duke Iris snorted angrily and closed the door of the confessional cubicle.

"A wild girl who needs no discipline!"

Zhan En cursed bitterly and turned his head:

"Anyway, we are here with you, why are you cowering in the corner?"

Under the strange gaze of the Duke of South Bank, Thales slowly straightened up and raised his head, wiped the sweat from his face, and said expressionlessly:

"Tie your shoes."

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