Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 176 Brother and Sister

"Jin Chan, come out for me! Jin Chan, do you know how many people I have eaten? Your compassionate heart and your lost way know how to return, come out for me!"

In the dark underground cave, locust swarms whizzed past, setting off a shrill whistling, like a gust of wind on the ice field, no matter whether there is a response or not, the roaring and roaring day and night, stirring the deepest darkness.

hum! The swarm of insects poured into a cave like a tide, and the blue butterfly flower sea that had bloomed in the dark for thousands of years was all dimmed and devoured, and only a stone platform was left standing alone in the middle.

After a while, the buzzing sound went away, and two figures emerged from the stone platform.

"Huh, it's gone, these bugs are like crazy!"

The little phoenix Li Fengyuan let out a sigh of relief, and only then did he feel pain in his arm. The tiger girl, who was a little smaller than him, was biting hard, roaring angrily, and her tiger ears stood up.

"Stinky girl, have you eaten enough? How many times have I said it? I'm your brother. Although I'm not a kisser, I'm more kissable than a kisser. If it wasn't for me, you would have been eaten by insects, and you would still be bitten!" Li Fengyuan waved his arms, trying to shake her off, but he didn't dare to use too much force for fear of hurting her.

Suddenly, he heard a slight flap of wings, and a locust flew down from the stone pillars at the top of the cave, staring at them with a pair of grim compound eyes.

With a flash of sword light, Li Fengyuan waved his "tiger teeth" and chopped the locust in half.

At this time, a deafening humming sound came from the depths of the cave again.

"Oops, get out of here quickly!"

He turned around, and flames shot up all over his body, illuminating the lacquered black hole, turning it into pieces of gorgeous wings, showing the shape of a phoenix, grabbing the tiger girl with both claws, and galloping away.

A radiant flame of light galloped in the dark cave, but buzzing sounds sounded from all directions, gradually closing in.

Suddenly. The road ahead was blocked by a strange yellow face, but it was composed of countless locusts. The mouth opened and closed, making a hoarse voice: "It turned out to be a phoenix. It looks delicious! Come over quickly and let me taste it. Your taste." He suddenly opened his mouth wide and swooped in.

"Taste your mother!" Li Fengyuan's heart sank, and he let out a loud feng sing, and slammed his head into the withered yellow strange face.

With a bang, the strange face collapsed, and countless locusts splashed out and turned to ashes in the flames, but more locusts came up.

as if in a quagmire,

as far as the eye can see. What you hear in your ears and what you feel in your breath are all endless locusts. This is not just a simple aggregation of a huge number, but a closely related whole. The power of billions of locusts is superimposed on each other, causing a terrifying qualitative change.

Li Fengyuan couldn't move an inch, the flames on his body gradually weakened, and he tightly protected the tiger girl in his arms, but he heard the hoarse voice: "It's so hot! It's so hot!" This is not a scream, but like a gluttonous diners are tasting hot food , chewing cautiously and eagerly.

"Ow. Give me back the knife!" The tiger girl struggled.

"You're going to use it to chop me again... oops!"

Li Fengyuan felt a very slight tingling pain in his arm, a locust broke through the flame barrier and took a bite. Although it immediately turned to ashes, it made him feel a fatal threat, and said to himself, "It seems that it is impossible not to ask for help. Now!" He took out the jade talisman given by Li Qingshan. Crushed hard.

Snapped! A thunderous cracking sound ripped apart countless locusts.

"So fast!" Li Fengyuan exclaimed in surprise.

A long black whip like a poisonous dragon penetrated the swarm, entangled them, and pulled them back, but the swarm wrapped them tightly. Unwilling to relax.

The tiger girl grabbed the "tiger tooth" with a split hand, and slashed forward with force, and a half-moon-shaped blood light roared away, breaking through the layers of insect swarms.

Li Fengyuan also fluttered his wings vigorously, and his vision suddenly opened up. The other end of the long whip was held in the hands of a woman covered in silver. She was tall and graceful, but her expression was extremely cold.

"Mother!" Tiger Girl blurted out.

"It turns out that it's not the father, but the mother! No matter, I will help you!"

Li Fengyuan threw a fiery red sycamore fruit into his mouth, and the flames reignited on his body.

The Rose Spider Queen glanced at him and swung the long whip with all her strength. After the tiger girl swung a knife, her face turned white, and the madness in her eyes became stronger and stronger. She was about to swing the second knife. Grab it at will.

Li Fengyuan's strength is comparable to that of the Demon King. He joined forces with the powerful Kun-class Demon King Rose Spider Queen, which can withstand the onslaught of the insect swarm, but it is also difficult to break through the siege. Once the demon energy is exhausted, it is the end of being swallowed up. The swarm seems to be endless, and they gradually fall into a desperate situation.

"Why hasn't Dad come yet!" Li Fengyuan was anxious, but between life and death, he unleashed the hidden power in his body.

"The Bull Demon shook!"

At the juncture of life and death, an extremely calm voice suddenly came from the top of the cave through the layers of earth and stone, followed by a loud noise.

boom! The solid and heavy earth and rock shook and split, collapsed and poured down, burying them with the swarm.

"Earth force field!".

"Dad!" Li Fengyuan was overjoyed, and suddenly felt light all over his body, soaring upwards together with the earth and stone beside him, the bright sky light poured into his eyes, he left the underground cave in a blink of an eye, and saw the scenery above the earth, and the A figure standing in the sky.

"Dad, you are too slow!" Li Fengyuan cried.

"I've been here a long time ago! Otherwise, do you think you can play hide-and-seek for so long?"

Li Qingshan's mirror avatar has been swimming in the underground cave, and secretly used magical powers several times to help Li Fengyuan and the tiger girl avoid the detection of the Flying Locust King.

"What, then why didn't you take action earlier?"

"If I shot early, I wouldn't have a chance to show you!"

Li Qingshan stared at the cylindrical hollow below. The insect swarm did not catch up, but scattered into the underground cave. He said in his heart: "It's really cool! It's too much forbearance!"

These days, he has been looking for the deity of the Flying Locust King, otherwise in such a vast underground cave, it would be too labor-intensive to kill all the locusts, and it would be difficult to complete it before the ascension of the Golden Cicada Spirit King.

And as long as the deity of the Flying Locust King appears, and the Han residence is less than a thousand miles away, his real body can feel the beheading plan in an instant. However, the prudence of the Flying Locust King was beyond his expectations. Even when surrounded by so many swarms, the deity never appeared, and not even a breath was leaked.

However, it is only natural to think about it. Although King Jin Chan is focusing on his practice and preparing to ascend, he is not absolutely unable to take action. Once the deity of the Flying Locust King appears, he may not be the opponent of King Jin Chan. With his help, The Flying Locust King will definitely lose. Only when Jin Chan Ling Wang crosses the robbery, with the help of the power of the robbery, will he have the opportunity to take revenge.

"It seems that he will only appear when the Spirit King Jin Chan ascends to the sky. Well, let's deal with him at that time. When Xiao An joins forces with me, your chances will only be less!"

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