Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 216 Feathered Man

Li Qingshan lay lazily on a banyan leaf as wide as a boat. The autumn sun shone on his belly, making him feel tipsy. Of course, Keneng was the culprit for the hundreds of jars of wine he drank, but there were What's the relationship?

The breeze comes and feels comfortable.

"Qingshan, you have been lying here for ten days." The voice of the big banyan tree king echoed in the cloud-like crown.

"More trouble, okay, that's it." Li Qingshan let the banyan leaves change to an angle more conducive to basking in the sun, and then suddenly realized what the big banyan tree king said, tilted his head and said: "Ten days, is it so long? Hey , It’s like I just drank my first cup!” “Novel” The novel chapters are updated the fastest

As he spoke, he grabbed a wine jar, drank it all, tossed it away, and the wine jar disappeared into a cloud mountain in the sky. Then he lay down comfortably, burped, and half chanted, half sang:

"Singing while drinking wine, how many years there are in life...how can we relieve our worries, only Du Kang!"

"Hmph, I didn't expect the legendary Beiyue Demon King to be so decadent."

There was a flash of white light deep in the cloud mountain, falling from the sky, hovering over the tree crown, and transformed into a woman in white. Her skin was as white as milk, and her beautiful face had a holy aura. She looked down at Li Qingshan, and the most conspicuous one was Nothing more than a pair of white wings behind her.

"Angel?" Li Qingshan was vague, "Oh, alien." He vaguely remembered this species.

The word "stranger" made the woman in white frown and corrected herself: "It's a god!"

"You're crazy!" Li Qingshan laughed loudly, the tree crown swaying.

The woman's expression changed, considering her cultivation level of three heavenly tribulations. I actually felt a tremendous pressure in this laughter. It turned out that Li Qingshan was not in vain, he was a little more respectful.

"I am from the Kingdom of God in the Clouds. I hold the golden statue in front of the palace, Bai Jie. By order of my king, I have come to invite you to gather in the Kingdom of God."

"What's your name?" Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment.

"Bai Jie." The woman repeated proudly.

"What a name!" Li Qingshan's lips curled up slightly, and he looked up and down, making Bai Jie feel inexplicably unhappy. She suppressed the disgust in her heart and said, "Please come with me!"

"I won't go." Li Qingshan said.

"You actually refused,

This is an invitation from Yunzhong City. How many of you want to climb the Cloud City? But not available? "Bai Jie said in disbelief.

"Go away, you're blocking me from the sun." Li Qingshan waved his hand impatiently.

"Okay, I hope you won't regret it!" Bai Jie turned into a white light and disappeared on the horizon.

Li Qingshan was drinking. While watching.

"Why refuse?" Big Banyan Tree King asked.

"Stop pretending. Can't you feel it?" Li Qingshan suddenly had an idea. "A big banyan tree filled with garlic, hahahaha!"

After mastering the spirit turtle transformation and understanding the laws of heaven and earth. His inspiration became more and more acute. This invitation was not the warm hospitality of ethnic minority brothers, and there was clearly a hidden danger.

"That's why you shouldn't refuse!" Big Banyan Tree King said. With Li Qingshan's temperament, how could he be afraid of any danger.

"I don't want a woman or an enemy right now. Hey, you seem to really don't want me to stay here?"

"What do you think?"

The big banyan tree king asked back, and the sky became overcast.

The wine that Li Qingshan drinks these days is all made from tree sap. Li Qingshan is also picky about taste, so he uses the laws of heaven and earth to make these wines have the effect of aging for hundreds or thousands of years. Many practitioners will never see so much precious spiritual wine in their lifetime. This guy drank hundreds of jars like water.

Li Qingshan is like an old man who sits at home and drinks some wine and goes crazy. Naturally, the old man can't stand it.

"Aren't I here to protect Xiao An?"

Li Qingshan spread his hands, while Xiao An was still practicing under the tree, refining the few bone instruments.

"She doesn't need you to protect the Dharma." The Big Banyan Tree King exposed his excuse unceremoniously and asked: "Don't you have the ambition of the Nine Heavens?"

"No rush, no rush."

The drunkenness in Li Qingshan's eyes melted away, and he regained clarity. He stared at the high sky. He was lying here, not just lazy and resting. The practice of "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons" has reached a relatively stable stage. After drinking these many Spiritual wine is also a preparation for further practice.

"Okay, I'm afraid you'll lose your ambition, so I'd like to remind you, do you still want to drink?"

"Hey, don't dare drink, otherwise you will really fall out." Li Qingshan jumped up and twisted his neck, "Tell me about Yuren."

"The Yuren are one of the seven major alien races. Their national surname is 'White'. They are arrogant and reserved. They claim to be true descendants of gods and look down on other races, including other aliens. As for the human race and the demon race, not to mention Established a heavenly kingdom called 'Cloud City' to distinguish it from other alien kingdoms on earth. It is said that from birth to death, his feet will never touch the soil."

"This is really weird. Don't look at what era this is. Didn't you deal with these guys when Daxia was founded?" Li Qingshan asked curiously.

"The Yumen are the race least affected by war. Although they have extraordinary strength, they hate fighting by nature, so there is little internal strife. Since the era of the Kingdom of God, they have rarely been involved in ground battles. They only do so when demons invade in large numbers. Those who know how to take action turn things around at critical moments and are regarded as the decisive force against the Demon Realm."

"When Daxia was founded, they always remained neutral. After that, they seemed to have signed some agreement and did not engage in war. After that, they were rarely seen, and Yunzhong City was mostly stationed in Yunzhou in the east. Stay, or drift on the sea.”

The Big Banyan Tree King once again demonstrated his profound knowledge.

"It sounds like it is a race full of greatness, light and justice. If freedom and democracy are added to it, it will be impossible to cure. But why would such a race come to trouble me?"

"Keneng is the invasion of the Demon Realm, which attracted their attention. As for why they came to you, it is difficult to guess. You are right to refuse the invitation. After five thousand years of development, the Yuren's strength is probably second only to Daxia , it really cannot be underestimated.”

Li Qingshan deeply believed that Yiren was already extremely talented. If they were to have a huge scale, there would definitely be many strong people from the three tribulations. However, as long as he did not go to the "Cloud City", there was nothing these Yuren could do. He doesn't need to worry too much.

"It's time to go for a walk."

Li Qingshan reached into the Shura field and pulled out the Thelma and Louise sword. All the scars on it were restored to their original appearance, shining brightly and looking sharper. Before ascending, there were still many things to settle.

"Mo Hai Dragon King, I'm here!"

At the same time, thousands of miles away, a ray of white light fell into the palace looming in the clouds.

"He refused?"


"How is the strength?"

"It's no small matter, but it's far from invincible, let alone being compared with His Majesty."

"Then prepare to invite our real guests!" To be continued...

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