Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 331 Blessing

Li Fengyuan ordered loudly: "Go and save her!"

However, the bright light that shrouded Yunzhong City gradually dimmed, and the feathered people around them all looked cold and withdrew their power.

Even though Li Fengyuan could control Yunzhong City, to exert its true power, he needed the cooperation of all the Yu people. He asked angrily: "Are you going to rebel?"

"My king, you asked us to deal with the hungry ghosts. We have already done it. Please stop!"

"Okay, if you don't want to help me, I'll do it myself!"

Li Fengyuan sneered and urged Yunzhong City to descend.

"You are risking the entire Yuren clan. Even if you save her, neither Lingguo Temple nor Hungry Ghost Road will give up! As the King of Yuren, do you only value her and ignore her? And the life and death of the Yuren in Mancheng?"

Li Fengyuan was shocked, and familiar faces appeared in his heart, including many children. For him, the word "Feathered Man" was not just a noun, but many living lives.

Even though he was born under many influences from Li Qingshan, he is still a phoenix of kindness in essence, so how can he be abandoned so easily.

"Stay here in Feather City and I'll go down by myself. Is that okay?"

Li Fengyuan was about to walk away when a feathered man grabbed his sleeve: "You are dying in vain, and a feathered man cannot live without a king."

All the feathered people said: "My king, please think twice!"

Unknowingly, not only did Yuren have him in his heart, Yuren also had him in his heart. Kindness can always unite people's hearts.

And heartless people. But doomed to loneliness.


The golden meteor fell to the ground and created a large crater thousands of feet wide in the wasteland, showing the terrifying power of this attack, but there was no one in the crater.

The Buddha's light shone through the sky, and there were more than twenty monks and kings there.

Zuo Guoshi not only summoned all the monk kings from Lingguo Temple, but also the monk kings from major sects and temples in the world, just to kill the "enemies of Buddha".

Even if she could avoid a blow, how could she resist such a powerful force with a seriously injured body.

However, Zuo Guoshi did not continue to take action.

Because she walked towards the Gate of Hungry Ghosts with faltering steps.

The world of death excludes all living things. He also particularly rejects people from the Buddhist sect.

"National Preceptor. Do you want to give chase?"

"No need, she will die wherever she goes."

Zuo Guoshi took back the wooden fish hammer and stared at her closely.

The corpses are like vicious dogs fighting for food, condensing all their strength. They rushed forward one after another.

They all felt the strong will of the Hungry Ghost Path. If I could personally put an end to this legend for the Hungry Ghost Realm. You will definitely get endless benefits, and it will be easy to break through the realm of four heavenly tribulations.

"Smart choice, let her come over!"

Lihuang's words dispelled the dreams of the ghouls. After planning for so long, how can I make wedding clothes for others?

The Corpse Dragon King rushed towards Xiao An ferociously. Its ferocious intertwined sharp teeth, each one a hundred times larger than her body, stood in front of her. Phosphorus fire spurted out of its nostrils, but it did not dare to bite.

This is the rule of the Hungry Ghost Realm. It is never a wise choice to compete with the superiors for food.

Xiao An walked past a mountain of huge corpses, blood soaked into his white clothes, and fell to the ground drop by drop, sparks rising up.

She approached the Gate of Hungry Ghosts surrounded by many people, and looked up at Concubine You in the Bone Cage.

Concubine You clutched the bones tightly, her expression sad and desperate: "Xuan Yue."

"Mother, wait for me."

Xiao An said silently, waving his sleeves, his long hair flying, and a handful of black balls flying everywhere.

The Corpse Dragon King stared at a small black ball that flew in front of him. Suddenly, he felt intense fear and was about to retreat.


More than thirty black balls exploded at the same time, turning into clusters of red light balls that condensed terrifying power. They quickly expanded and became larger. Each one radiated thousands of red lights. The lights intertwined and turned into a huge and unparalleled ball. The red ball of light swallowed up everything centered on her.

The earth shook violently, setting off a wave of earth a hundred feet high, spreading hundreds of miles away; the air waves were like dozens of superimposed storms, dancing crazily between the sky and the earth.

The monk kings were still far away in the air, unable to stabilize their bodies. There was a roar in their ears, and they were dumbfounded by this terrifying destructive power.

The corpses were the first to bear the brunt. The tight encirclement turned out to be a fatal injury, and their heads were torn apart and their souls were scattered.

Everything happened in an instant, but it seemed like a long time passed. A mushroom cloud slowly rose into the sky, and a huge sinkhole with a radius of a hundred miles appeared on the spot.


The cracked head of the Corpse Dragon King fell to the ground, and the soul fire in it had been extinguished.

Dozens of corpse kings and ghost kings died on the spot, and the remaining ones were all injured, flying around the sinkhole like frightened birds, not daring to approach.

"It's the Mo family's thunder ball!"

Zuo Guoshi frowned and recognized the origin of those black balls at a glance.

This thunder ball can only be refined by the great master of the Mohist family. It is extremely difficult to refine and difficult to control. It cannot be used to fight, but can only be used to attack cities and break formations. However, each one has great power to annihilate mountain peaks. Pursue the ultimate The destructive power, I don’t know how she collected so many.

However, the fearless monk vaguely remembered that when Li Qingshan killed the master of the Hidden Sword Palace, he captured many minefield bombs. They were originally used by the Hidden Sword Palace to bombard the Demon Suppressing Palace, but he did not expect that they were used here in the end, and they almost died together.

She sighed in her heart. After all, she and Li Qingshan were kind to Tianlong Temple. If she were not an enemy of Buddha, she might have inherited the position of abbot of Tianlong Temple.

Zuo Guoshi said: "This landmine ball does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. The enemy is at the core and must be seriously injured. We must take this opportunity to kill the enemy, otherwise it will become a big problem in the future!"

"Yes!" Monk King promised.

The fearless monk said: "Master, this is a God-given opportunity. Why not allocate some people to seal the door of hungry ghosts and eliminate a big trouble for the world."

Zuo Guoshi hesitated for a moment, realizing that the hungry ghost path was indeed a scourge.


A hysterical roar came from the Hungry Ghost Gate. Li Huangxian was extremely angry. After some planning and preparation, instead of catching any fish, he suffered heavy losses.

The death energy surged in the Hungry Ghost Gate, and the tear became larger, as if a big mouth was roaring to the sky. The Death Wasteland expanded rapidly until it approached the border of Wuzhou. The clear sky was once again obscured by clouds, which became even thicker.

In the vast sea of ​​trees, the Big Banyan Tree King watched this scene, knowing that this was not only Li Huang's power: the size of the Hungry Ghost Gate was the result of the final balance between the two worlds. Even if the Ghost Tower continued to rise, it would expand. Just a wasteland of death.

This is the expansion of the hungry ghost realm, eager to devour this world and devour her!

The destruction of the world seems inevitable.

Zuo Guoshi said: "Don't worry about these corpses for now, we must find her!"

With the power of the gods, the Big Banyan Tree King slowly sent his thoughts deep into the ground, but then gave up: "Xiao An, I don't want to be your enemy. That violates my agreement with Qingshan. But I can't be friends with you, because I know what you are going to do..."

In the wash of death energy, You Fei's body quickly withered, and she was dying.

She had no time to care about these small things, and folded her hands on her chest. It was not a spell, it was just a blessing - a mother's blessing. (To be continued...)

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