Living With a Temperamental Adonis: 99 Proclamations of Love

Chapter 534: A night full of passion (14)

All the excitement and throbbing, in this moment, from her bone marrow, all was pumped out.

Suddenly she felt a little dull, suddenly she felt a bit of a heartache, but she felt that her body was stiff and could not move.

She looked like she had been acupunctured, staring at his distracted face for a long, long time before her eyes moved slightly, and tears flowed slowly from the corner of her eyes, following her Her cheek fell into her ear.

She hugged the fingers on his waist, and the strength gradually disappeared, slipping a little bit onto the bed-, grabbing the sheets hard.

She was just a little secretly and secretly happy because of such intimate contact with him.

Even, even when he was intimate with her, for a moment, when she was rational, she still quietly dreamed that he would be with her for this night...

It turned out that it was just her whimsical...

He hasn't fully awakened, he is still immersed in his dream, he just regarded her as the girl he likes...

She really wanted to speak up to wake him up, wanted to push him away forcefully, and wanted to put a pot of cold water on his head and told him that she was not Tingting, she was Song Qingchun...

But she felt like she would faint at any time, her body with a sore chest could not move at all, and she could only dryly anger in her heart.

She was so cold that he was still very enthusiastic.

This sharp contrast made her tears flow even more fiercely. She unconsciously turned her head away from her eyes, and she was afraid that she would cry out and tried her best to bite her lower lip until the end She tasted a strong **** smell.

He didn’t know when he ended, she only knew that the moment he released in her body, she couldn’t hold back, sobbing quietly, just a moment, she reacted, and then before he didn’t notice , Quickly turned around, facing him, biting the quilt fiercely.

He was full of food and seemed to be in a good mood. He lay beside her and tenderly embraced her into his arms. Such a move is like treating the most difficult treasure in the world.

His chest was warm and firm, but it made her heart twitch, and the pain became worse.

He put his head on top of her head, rubbed it a few times greedily, then lowered his head, kissed her hair, and leaned into her ear, like a lover who was deeply in love telling a whisper In general, the voice murmured: "Tingting, I love you."

I love you……

She never knew that the three words that turned out to be so beautiful would also become the most hurtful weapon.

Song Qingchun buried her face in the quilt, her body curled into the least secure posture, and the tears fell silently.

Holding her Su Zhinian, it has been quiet for five minutes, and she is just about to move again.

His fingertips, with a hot temperature, touched her skin, leaving clusters of tremors.

Song Qingchun wanted to resist, but she couldn't make use of any strength. Her struggle was more like a slap for him. In the end, she was still pressed down by him again...

His movements were more and more urgent, and the pain in her heart was gradually suppressed by the impulse in her senses.

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