Living With a Temperamental Adonis: 99 Proclamations of Love

Chapter 603: Song Qingchun's temptation (3)

Halfway through the conference call in Su Zhinian's study room, I heard the sound of entering a password from the door.

He frowned, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and turned down the sound of the computer a little bit, and then heard the clatter of the iron door being pushed open, followed by the footsteps of someone walking into the courtyard.

There are not many people who know the password in his family, except Tang Nuo, only Song Qingchun...

Su Zhinian said "Sorry" to the computer, got up, walked quickly to the window, and saw Song Qingchun's unsteady pace walking towards the door of the house.

Su Zhinian didn't even have time to say hello to the person waiting for his meeting in the computer, so he hurriedly opened the study door and went downstairs.

When he opened the door, she raised her hand and was about to enter the password.

What's she doing here so late?

Su Zhinian's eyebrows subsided subconsciously, and he had just prepared to ask her out loud, and saw her smile softly at him, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Su, I'm back late."

What a familiar sentence... Once she lived in his house for a hundred days and said this sentence to him many times... Su Zhinian seemed to be acupunctured for a moment, and was frozen In place.

Song Qingchun waited for a moment to see that he still didn't speak, thinking he was not happy anymore, and still said in the soft tone just now: "Mr. Su, I promise I won't come back so late in the future."

As she said, she walked towards the house with strides, and when crossing the gate, her feet did not lift up, tripped to herself, and people threw themselves at the house, but fortunately he stood in front of her, She just plunged into his arms, he smelled a faint smell of wine.

Is she drinking? Su Zhinian's eyebrows moved, before she spoke, she struggled out of his arms, stood firm in front of him, raised her head, and smiled warmly at him: "Mr. Su, have you eaten yet?" ?"

It turned out that she was drunk and thought she was still living in his villa... Su Zhinian was afraid of her falling. Before she left, she still held the fingertips of her arm and shivered gently.

He was always like this, silently... She thought about it silently in her heart and continued to smile at him, and asked in a very gentle tone: "I will cook for you now..."

With that, she shook off his arm, walked around him, and walked towards the restaurant.

As she walked, she was still talking: "Mr. Su, what are you going to eat? Oh, you like sauerkraut fish, we will make sauerkraut fish, and beef, and braised eggplant... well, another one Is tofu soup ok?"

Time is like going back in time, returning to a long past.

It was such a happy and comfortable time, but now, when you relive the old time, it makes people feel as sad as a knife cut.

Su Zhinian listened to Song Qingqian's questioning tone, and his eyes suddenly became a bit sour. His lips moved for a long time. Until she entered the restaurant, he made a very low voice: "Okay."

Su Zhinian was just about to pull in the door. When she went to the restaurant, she saw that Song Qingchun wobbled out from the inside. She was also pulling a cart that she had bought for the supermarket when she lived in his house.

"Mr. Su, there is no more food in the refrigerator. I have to go to the supermarket and I will be back soon."

Su Zhinian's eyes were getting worse, knowing she was drunk, she would not know anything, but she didn't open her face to her.

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