It turned out that sometimes, one missed, it really missed, missed a lifetime.


Su Zhinian and Song Qingchun didn't return to the city, went directly around the outer ring and went to the airport. Two hours later, they boarded the plane to Harbin.

The flight lasted for three hours. When the plane landed, it was late at night. Su Zhinian had already booked the car before boarding.

When the two came out of the airport, the car was already waiting.

Song Qingnian and Su Zhinian first went to the hotel to check in. Su Zhinian opened a suite with two bedrooms. He and Song Qingnian each have one.

Putting down his luggage, Su Zhinian took Song Qingchun to dinner, and after returning, the two took a bath and returned to their rooms to rest.

Early the next morning, but at seven o'clock, Song Qingchun and Su Zhinian woke up tacitly, spent breakfast in the hotel's restaurant, and then went to the Sun Island like a snow country.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the two returned to Central Street. There were many lovers walking on the street holding a popsicle one by one.

When passing a shop, Su Zhinian stopped and bought two popsicles.

In the evening, Song Qingnian and Su Zhinian went to Sophia Square together and saw what is said to be the most beautiful church in China. She and Su Zhinian also released a white dove together.

In the evening, Song Qingchun and Su Zhinian went to the Ice and Snow World and saw the most beautiful scene in Ice City.

Back at the hotel, it was 11 o'clock in the middle of the night. After a long day of playing, Song Qingjun was exhausted. After taking a hot bath, she climbed up to bed early and fell asleep.

Early on the third day, Song Qingchun and Su Zhinian left Harbin and went to Huangshan's Lover Valley.

Song Qingchun and Su Zhinian did not take the cable car, they climbed up, and they met an old couple with completely white hair halfway.

Then on the fifth day, Song Qingchun and Su Zhinian flew to Yunnan to play Butterfly Spring.

After returning from Butterfly Spring, Song Qingnian and Su Zhinian went to Lijiang. He and her visited all the shops in Lijiang. Then, when Su Zhinian paid for it, Song Qingnian bought a fake for a very high price. Silver bracelet.

Because I didn't think about coming to Lijiang in advance, the inn was booked temporarily, only the last room, and Song Qingnian and Su Zhinian slept together at night.

Most of the inn’s houses are made of wood, and the sound insulation is not good. This is the town with the most encounters. You can hear a lot of messy noises at night, but he and she are always in that kind of noise. Very well behaved and quiet.

Song Qingchun and Su Zhinian only stayed in Lijiang for half a day and one night and went to Zhuhai.

Zhuhai is a very good holiday destination, but Song Qingchun and Su Zhinian have limited time, and they only went to the "Lovers' Road".

The road along the seashore was very long, and I walked from noon to evening, and didn't go to the end.

These days of uninterrupted travel have almost overdrawn all of Song Qing's physical strength. Su Zhinian walked away with Song Qingnian in the final distance.

Su Zhinian walked slowly, Song Qingnian was lying on his back, smelling the salty sea breeze, and chatting with him without a word.

When passing a shop, Song Qingchun suddenly closed his mouth, and then said with regret: "I have seen that shop many times on the Internet. It is said that the cakes made are delicious. It is a pity that the door was not opened today."

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