My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 279: accident


The outdoor development of Jinxiu Group's employees is an activity that is carried out every year. The purpose is to deepen the feelings between middle and low-level employees, cultivate the spirit of cooperation, and make employees more courageous and confident in their work.

Of course, because the staff of Jinxiu Group are mostly women, this kind of activity is generally not too harsh. Generally, it is to climb a mountain, play rock climbing, walk a wooden bridge and a cable bridge, and then it is a campfire, camping and the like.

For employees, it is more like a wilderness than to hone their willpower.

Ye Fan was originally not very interested, but after a scheduled bus, Ye Fan suddenly found out that his wife really gave him a "beauty"!

"Leaf assistant is good!"

"Ye Te helps!"

"Ye Ge is so handsome today!"

Yan Yanyan’s full-fledged female employee, who saw Ye Fan, greeted Ye Fan with regularity or enthusiasm.

Ye Fan usually plays games in the company, and they are not very moving. Now it is discovered that the Splendid Group is really beautiful, and the young girls who are in their early twenties, mature women in the 30s and 40s, have their own style.

Ye Fancai learned from Jiang Chaokou that this event, because he is representative of Su Xiaoxue, is equal to the leader of the entire team of more than 100 people, so the status is naturally different.

Moreover, Ye Fan’s performance in the basketball game has also won a large number of female fans. For a long time, there are no girls who want to contact him privately.

Ye Fan heard such news, his body was as light as Yan, and the whole person was floating.

In fact, Su Qingxue let Ye Fan participate in this activity, mainly to let Ye Fan feel more like a collective team, so that he has a sense of belonging, who thinks that Ye Fan's focus is not on the same line.

He greeted the female employees and sat down to find a seat in front of him.

Just after I was seated, I found that the women around me were very familiar. Haha: "The Xu team... Oh no, Minister Xu, how come you?"

Xu Lingshan looked at him coldly. "I am the leader of this time. I am responsible for taking care of everyone's safety as you are. Of course, come. Do you not know before?"

"Oh, I didn't look at the arrangement," Ye Fan said with a smile. "I said that we have a relationship. We have to eat together and go to the field to expand together."

"Is it a good time to eat yourself?" Xu Lingshan was speechless and had never seen such a cheeky face. "I see you greet the little sisters behind you very hot, or do you sit behind?"

Ye Fan looked at her squinting. "You shouldn't be jealous? Minister Xu?"

"Nervous disease, too lazy to talk to you", Xu Lingshan turned to look out the window, her face a little hot.

Ye Fan didn't care too much. He was so busy waiting for the girls he was chatting with.

The car has to be opened for three hours to a ancestral mountain in the province of Jiang, where there are all kinds of high and low undulating mountains, and there are only a few national mountain parks.

This is winter. Almost every other worker in the park has no other tourists. It is suitable for people from the Splendid Group to exercise in the past.

Although the road was boring, Ye Fan was not idle, and chatted with various female colleagues in the car.

Ye Fan basically can talk about anything, from time to time to give some girls a look at the palm of their hand, touch the little hand, flickering.

Xu Lingshan saw all this, but she didn't say it in her mouth, but her heart was quite annoyed. Finally, she simply put on her earphones and closed her eyes to listen to the song.

After lunch at noon on the road, in the afternoon, three buses drove the crowd outside the Zuwushan National Park.

"Weird, how can we not have a person here, even if it is deserted in winter, it will not be half-personal." Many employees found that there were few empty cars in the park except for a few empty cars.

"Nobody at the ticket office, don't you have to buy a ticket?"

"You are stupid, it must be that our company has already packaged it here, so we will come, what is the difference between selling and not selling tickets?"

A group of people talked a lot, but they didn't care too much, but it was easier.

The staff of the Splendid Group are all very excited, and the photo taken is very active.

Ye Fan also took Xu Lingshan and took a group photo, but Xu Lingshan did not smile at all. The photo was quite embarrassing.

"Mr. Xu, come out and have fun, how do you always make a stinky face?" Ye Fan wondered.

Xu Lingshan gave him a blank look. "What are you doing? You have to smile and look for someone else."

After that, the woman turned her head and went to the mountain.

Ye Fan smiled and shook his head. He was not in a hurry. With other female employees, he slowly walked up the hill.

Before dark tonight, everyone would go to an open space halfway up the mountain to build a tent. After a night, do some activities tomorrow to finish the matter.

After several hours of climbing, most of the employees were too tired, one by one exhausted, and there was no physical effort to build a tent.

When they saw that Ye Fan and Xu Lingshan did not breathe much in the atmosphere, they were very surprised and admired the five bodies.

Xu Lingshan is actually a little surprised. Although she used to be physically fit, she has not been so good. If she thinks about it carefully, she must have been practicing the set of actions that Ye Fan taught, and she has significantly improved.

With such a thought, Xu Lingshan loves and hates Ye Fan, who is so big, and she is so annoying.

To the last section of the campground, you need to follow the winding Panshan Road and carefully go up. Looking out to the outside, it is a few hundred meters of cliffs, quite thrilling.

Many female employees have been scared not to move when they see this road, so they are slower to walk.

But at this time, a scene that made everyone feel terrified!

I only heard some sounds from the mountains, and there were quite a few rocks, rolling down from the mountains, with a lot of mud and gravel, rolling faster and faster!

"Mountain landslide!?"

Many people exclaimed, but it was too sudden. After all, this is a park, not a wild mountain.

"Everyone is approaching the mountain!" Xu Lingshan stood in front and turned back and shouted at the crowd.

Screams, screams, all of a sudden.

The rock continued to roll down, and the metal railings on the side of the mountain road were also twisted and deformed.

Ye Fan reached out and opened some stones near him, his brows locked.

This is really strange. The mountain walls above this road are all reinforced with protective measures. At this time, there is no wind and no rain. How suddenly has the mountain landslide?

Recalling the park gate before the mountain, half of the shadows have not seen, Ye Fan more and more feel that the situation is not right.

One thought and this, Ye Fan loudly said: "All run down the mountain! Don't go up the mountain again! Don't watch!! Rewind!!"

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