My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 466: Amazing identity


Ye Fan fell to the top of the church and watched the two pick up the hostages.

"You have been slow for five minutes," the priest said.

Huang Fazhen apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Bruce, we have to go around in order to avoid a police car."

"Hey, don't look for reasons, you have to pay attention to all the details when you perform the task. If your time is accurate, the police car will not appear on your way," Bruce said.

The two nodded their heads and admit their mistakes.

"That's all, let's bring people in," Bruce said.


Soon, one went to open the door, the other took the hostage and entered the church.

Bruce looked around and confirmed that no one had passed by, just followed in and locked the door.

Ye Fan sat on the roof and thought, this Bruce, identity is a priest, of course, this is estimated to be his identity.

Ye Fan thought about it. Before he reached the end, there was no need to stun the snake. So he found a skylight in the church and squatted there to see the movements of the people inside.

As a result, Ye Fan discovered that behind a stone sculpture beside the church, there was still a hidden door.

Bruce took the two, hostages, into the dark door, leading to a basement below the church.

Ye Fan grinned, and it was still rewarding. The church is clearly secretive and should be a relatively important base for Shura.

Ye Fan and so on, no one opened the skylight, and jumped lightly. According to the method of Father Bruce, through the organs on the stone carving, the secret door was opened and followed.

The underground passage, surprisingly bright, bright yellow light illuminates the long steps.

Ye Fan walks slowly and keeps distance so that it is not discovered.

As I walked to the bottom all the way, there was a wider stone space in front of it. It was like a bomb shelter in the previous war period, but after transformation, it was not sullen, but bright and warm, dry and comfortable.

What surprised Ye Fan was that there were still a lot of people below. There were fifty or sixty men and women in a scarlet cloak coat, standing in a pile and holding a light white candle in their hands.

And the priest, Bruce, has taken off the priest's clothing, put on a big robe with scarlet gold thread, leading a group of believers, righteous prayers...

"The great King Shura! May everyone respect your prestige! May your Shura purgatory come!

Thanks for giving us the sweet blood! Free of our guilt! Wash our filth!

For Shura, for hell, for glory! We will follow forever and accept our souls! ! ”

After finishing the prayer, Bruce picked up a bowl of blood, and all the believers followed up with a bowl of blood in front of him.

"Blood! For the Shura King!!"

"For the Shura King!!!"

In the basement, after the deafening shouts, everyone drank the blood in the bowl, and all of them were bloody, but the eyes were full of excitement.

Ye Fan frowned, the degree of development of Shura will far exceed his imagination. This is not as simple as an ordinary terrorist organization. This is an evil church!

King Shura already has his fanatics. This is not something that can be done overnight. He should have been in business for at least ten years!

What makes Ye Fan feel bad is that although he can only look at the wall through a small angle, there are many people in the 50 or 60 believers who exude a good atmosphere. Have a strong fighting power.

After a while, it’s really hard to fight, and Ye Fan has to work hard. It’s not just a group of ordinary people who just squat down.

At this moment, Bruce exclaimed excitedly: "Today is an important day! In order to advance the king of Shura, we finally have to take an important step!

We have successfully brought the third heir to the royal family, one of the most beautiful women in the world, the most beautiful royal princess, Aier-Ingrid-Alice-黛西蕾, brought here! ”

Upon hearing this, a group of believers cheered again and again!

Ye Fan is awe-inspiring. He never imagined that these gangs had kidnapped the Princess of Ruidian! ?

The Princess Ai, Ye Fan has not seen it, but she has heard it because there is always a report that the princess's beauty is rare in the world.

She is the jewel of the King of Ruidian. She was very shy and introverted since she was a child. She rarely appeared in public and did not participate in any public occasions. Even the national celebrations, she wore hats and veil, very embarrassing.

Perhaps it is because the princess is too lovable. Although many Ruidian people have never seen her, they still have wide support and love.

In recent years, as the princess has grown up, he occasionally participates in some international activities, but there are still few positive and clear photos.

It is said that in order to protect her daughter, the King of the Royal Code does not want her to live under the spotlight, so there are few opportunities to take pictures.

Ye Fan did not care about the care of these gossips, not to mention that Ruidian was located in northern Europe, separated from him by a hundred thousand eight thousand miles. Who cares for their princess?

"Tonight, let us use the most beautiful princess, her noble and sweet blood, to sacrifice to our great King Shura in the face of the world!" Bruce shouted.

Ye Fan’s eyes condensed and swept away from a corner not far away. Sure enough, there was a camera that was erected there!

These neuropathy, even intend to **** the blood of Princess Ai, and then make a video, intend to spread to the network! ?

If this spreads out, Shura will be completely famous!

Moreover, the princess was hijacked in Laos, and the people of the country must not lose this person, and the King of the Royal Code must be angry, and must definitely discuss a statement and avenge his daughter!

Shura will become a hot spot in the world. They create chaos in Xiaguo and reinvent the face of the powerful country and the royal family in Europe. At that time, even if they are not willing, they will have to fight the Shura.

And organizations like Shura will not be afraid of you to fight, I am afraid that you will ignore him!

Because once the attack begins, it means that the smoke is everywhere and the war is coming!

War, chaos, bloodshed, isn’t it the favorite of the madmen of Shura? !

Although Ye Fan intends to retire, this kind of thing can't be seen at all.

Ye Fan no longer hides and walks away.

The believers of several scarlet cloaks saw Ye Fan, and they were all shocked. "Who are you!? Why are you here!?"

Ye Fan did not pay attention, but looked to the front, the wooden platform that Bruce stood.

On the high platform, there was a long stone table. On the stone table, there was a comatose woman, Princess Ai.

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