Chapter 2114 3.560 No Talk

"Every time he came to post the task, he just went a long way away, and the maid stepped forward to explain to us."

"So, I just glanced at him from a distance."

"I can't see clearly!"

There was a hint of sarcasm on Qiaomu's lips, and he nodded, "Oh? Are you sure."

"I, I, I can be sure, I can." Geng Pengcheng, the principal of Shuntian Government, looks like a scared quail, holding his hands in his transparent head with both hands, shouting, "Prince, there is no villain Talk falsely. "

Qiaomu's eyes became extremely cold, and he glanced at Geng Pengcheng, nodding his head with a wave of his sleeves, "It's your understanding."

He He's sleeves swept past Geng Pengcheng, the head of Shuntian Mansion House, and he was startled with an old face.

At first he thought that the little girl's hand was to put him in the situation of extinction.

However, it did not.

She didn't do anything, as if she was just inadvertently sliding her sleeves over his head.

"Fu Jun, it's not too early, let's go back and rest."

Mo Lian glanced at Geng Pengcheng, nodded and took the little fellow's hand, and went out to the next room.

The crowds went out one by one and returned to their rooms to rest.

The room was completely quiet for a while, leaving only the rest on the table. Geng Pengcheng, who was locked in the dungeon, shrank into the corner of the dungeon and muttered to himself.

It was night, and the stars were completely hidden under the shadow of the sky.

It started to rain again.

These days seem to have entered the rainy season. There are heavy rains every three to five, and they are always wet when they go out. As a result, the small merchants and hawkers on Bailili Street have also reduced by two-thirds.

When it was night, there was a desert on the street.

Geng Pengcheng sat dull in the dungeon, his eyes a little blank.

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly floated out of the window, and suddenly appeared in the room.

Geng Pengcheng's spirit was shaken, and Zhangkou was about to say something, but he was shocked to realize that no matter how he spoke, the sound was like a jam in his throat, and he couldn't even pronounce a single syllable!

Uh! Uh! Uh? He tried to say a few simple words, but to no avail.

His spiritual body suddenly trembled, and there was a bad feeling in his heart.

The wicked little girl was intentional!

She intentionally left him alone in this room, using him as a bait to arrest fellow parties!

She knew that someone would come.

Uh! Uh uh! Geng Pengcheng was a little flustered. He wanted to jump to the dungeon and waved his hands to signal that the man in black should not come over.

Unexpectedly, a few pieces of earth and stones fell above the dungeon, knocked him down, and the spiritual body was suddenly severely damaged. The whole body became more transparent and misty, and even the strength of moving a finger was gone.

Heiying didn't hesitate for a while. The man had arrived at the table, grabbed the dungeon with one hand, glanced sharply at the glance, and came out through the window with a loud noise.

Geng Pengcheng was anxious internally, but was too struggling to speak clearly, so he had to watch the man take him with him to the dungeon.

After walking about half a mile, after entering an abandoned house.

The man closed the door, and then looked down at Geng Pengcheng in the dungeon and sneered, "You actually made yourself a ghost."

"I'm really useless."

(End of this chapter)

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