My Mr. Gu is Courting Death Again

Chapter 306 Gratitude or Love? (2)

Although, this is just a small task and there is not much commission, but since Xu Weiwei joined Z Magazine, every task she has taken has been completed very well. She is extremely serious and responsible for her work, whether it is Whether it is a big task or a small task, she wants to do her best!

She hopes that in her career, she will not leave any regrets!

Moreover, the boss rewarded her with a one million year-end bonus, but she messed up such a small task. Even if it happened for a reason, she was still uneasy and ashamed, feeling that she was sorry for the reward and trust of the boss!

To sum up, the previous news could no longer be tracked back, so she thought about compensating for a new and valuable news.

After Xu Weilai survived for a week, the wound finally stabilized and was slowly healing, and she didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore, so she asked Gu Yu to give her a laptop.

Gu Yu, who has been responsive to her requests these days, refused without thinking, "You need to rest, not suitable for watching the computer."

"...I'm much better now, you take such good care of me, don't you~"

Xu Weilai clasped his hands together in front of him to make a sincere look, and his voice softened a bit, "My body is lying down until the bones are hard, and if I don't use my brain, I will be destroyed."

Gu Yu didn't even lift his eyelids, and continued to refuse, "No."

"Gu Yu~ Just for a while, I'll see if there is any news worth reporting recently." Xu Weiwei blinked his big black eyes at Gu Yu.

Unmoved, Gu Yu still didn't look at him, and refused for the third time, "No."

What the hell, are you a repeater? Xu Weilai was annoyed, bit his lower lip, and stared at him angrily.

Gu Yu seemed to feel her glaring gaze. He finally moved his gaze away from the densely packed report and looked at Xu Future. He pursed his thin lips lightly, his slender legs gracefully folded, and said lightly, "You I just want a piece of news, why bother to find it.”

"..." Xu Weiwei was speechless for more than ten seconds, and asked, "I don't look for it, where is the news?"

The man opened his thin lips, and spit out eight words, "The eyes are beyond the sky, and the eyes are close."

Xu Weilai didn't react at first, she was startled, and soon, she understood, "Are you willing to let me pick you?"

Cai is the abbreviation of interview, Xu Weilai said he was used to it, and blurted it out.

The light in Gu Yu's eyes moved slightly, and a smile flickered very quickly, and his voice was a little hoarse, with a hint of ambiguity, "Choose whatever you want."

"..." Sure enough, creatures like men are inherently coquettish~

However, Gu Yu has never accepted interviews and has always kept a low profile. No matter how influential the media wanted to do an interview for him, they were all rejected. Now he took the initiative to send an interview, don't just refuse it!

Xu Future smiled immediately, "Let me prepare the questions!"

Without a computer, Xu Weiwei directly brought paper and pen, and wrote some questions about work and personal ability. Half an hour later, she checked and was sure it was all right. Then she raised her head and said sternly: "Gu Yu, can we start?"

Gu Yu got up, walked to the side of the bed with long legs, pulled over the chair, and sat down with an elegant posture and a noble demeanor.

Xu Weiwei took the phone, clicked on the recording function, and placed it between the two of them. She cleared her voice and began to ask questions one by one.

Gu Yu cooperated with her very much and answered all the questions she asked.

You know, about him, each item is worth a thousand dollars. Xu Future can already predict that after her exclusive interview is released, that issue of the magazine will sell like crazy, and then she can earn a lot of money. ~

After answering the last question, Xu Weiwei stopped the recording contentedly. Just as he was about to say thank you for his cooperation, he heard Gu Yu speak first, "One more question."

(Hey hey hey~~ What’s the problem~~ Today is the coquettish Gu Zhazha who actually wants Xiao Future to pick him casually! Shameless!! Babies remember to vote after watching~~ You vote for me. , I can rush to the front, I love you guys, good night~~)

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