My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 655 Four-front linkage, the darkest eve!

The eleventh day of the fifth lunar month is the 131st day since humans arrived in the wasteland, and the third to last day before the great cooling disaster strikes.

Returning from the exploration of two separate peaks in the origin territory, the basic premise for "rescue" was determined.

Somo took off his clothes, lay down on the bed again, and began to close his eyes to rest, thinking carefully about the means he still had in hand to break the situation.

Judging from the current situation, it must be unrealistic to save everyone.

First, 30,000 people need too many supplies. In just five days, they would need 150,000 kilograms of food to barely get enough.

And that's not counting the subsequent costs of settling these people.

Second, not all of these 30,000 people are normal people with good intentions and want to live peacefully in the apocalypse.

Among them, those who embezzled the hot soup of ordinary refugees like yesterday are not worth saving at all.

If these people could be screened out, they would be excluded from the scope of rescue.

Not only can it make advance preparations for bringing people back to the territory, but it can also significantly reduce rescue difficulties and material requirements.

"Is there any way that I can not only get this list of people, but also get a batch of supplies?"

Think about it.

Eliminate them one by one.

After taking out all the means on paper, after careful consideration and selection, just when Sumo had some idea, the noise outside the window began to get louder.

You know, the location of Sanyuan Hotel is off-center.

There can be noisy noises here, which naturally means that there must be many people.

"Hmm? It's only seven o'clock"

Standing up curiously, Sumo opened the window. After just one look, he couldn't help but froze in front of the window.

It was early in the morning, just around seven o'clock.

The street below Sanyuan Hotel was actually full of people, and there were refugees carrying bags everywhere.

In front of the three trading rooms in the Origin Camp, huge queues had already formed, and the sound of chatter was heard rumbling around.

More than 99% of these people are ordinary people living here.

On weekdays, due to the exchange time of the issued Origin Coins, most people save them first and only spend a day to exchange them when needed.

But now, after they had accumulated Origin Coins for less than half a month, it was on the eve of this terrible disaster, and they were stimulated by the uneven distribution of broth yesterday.

These people also began to realize that the iron piece was useless in their hands.

In a hungry and cold night, only the supplies you get are real!

It's not a run, it's better than a run.

More than 20,000 people gathered in the small village complex, blocking almost every main road.

In such a prosperous situation, most shops can only temporarily close their businesses to make way for these people.

Even the place where street stalls used to be set up was filled with the feet of passers-by, and there was no place to rest or sit.

Of course, if the previous material theft was just a dream, or all the lost materials were recovered.

So today's scene will not affect anything, but will unite people's hearts to a certain extent.

But if the supplies are no longer there, there will be so many people waiting to exchange them.

In the end, it seemed like there was only one left.

Sanyuan Hotel.

It was not long after 7:30, and there were also people standing outside the door of the room located in the center of the second floor, including the entire walkway on the second floor.

Unlike the people outside who were queuing up to exchange supplies, these people all looked solemn and unsmiling.

In addition, they were neatly dressed and seemed to respect the people in the middle.

As the momentum went down, some of the casual travelers who were still chatting and chatting on the first floor immediately shut up. They only dared to glance at it secretly from time to time, wondering in their minds what big event had happened.

More than ten minutes passed in such a stagnant atmosphere.

A middle-aged man standing in the center of the crowd walked out with a troubled expression, as if he was risking his life, and gently put his hand on the door.


dong dong

It was obviously a knock on the wooden door, but the sound seemed to knock in the hearts of everyone who heard the sound.

Waiting for the reaction inside the door, the time outside the door seemed to become extremely long.

It only made the atmosphere that was still stagnant just now rise to a higher level again, and the air seemed to be stagnant.

But fortunately, this time obviously did not last long.

Two or three seconds later, a voice came from the room to come in, and the tense atmosphere outside suddenly relaxed!


The door opened, and the four people standing in the front row glanced to the side, then quickly stepped inside and closed the door again.

"Hey, director, you"

For the first time, after seeing clearly the people inside, Feng Long couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

The scene in which Somo sat blankly at the table with a tangled look on his face and had difficulty making a choice did not happen.

Just like any other day.

Standing by the window, although Sumo's face showed emotion and contemplation, it lacked the wavering of yesterday.

Obviously, after a night of deliberation, Sumo had made his decision.

"I've thought about it, there are some people in this city that we can just sit back and let them fend for themselves."

"But there are some ordinary people who work hard and are diligent. They should not be sacrificed so fearlessly."

Pointing to the refugees downstairs who were observing the rules and taking out a water bottle from time to time to take a sip to relieve their stomach cramps.

Sumo turned his head and looked serious.

"If these people can be brought back to our territory, they will be of great help to future development."

"As long as they pay a small amount of materials, they can become the cornerstone of our underlying construction, allowing the village and territory to develop five times or more than ten times faster."

"And, with the life in the origin territory as a comparison, we only need to successfully rescue this group of people and bring them back."

"The slight risk is completely worth it!" Sumo said solemnly.

If you want to gain benefits in the chaotic apocalyptic wasteland, some risks must be taken.

The only difference is the amount of risk.

Compared with risking life and death to fight against alien races, and fighting against the pseudo-gods behind alien races.

I don't dare to bear the risks brought by this rescue right now.

How can you have the courage to confront a life-or-death crisis in the future?


Seeing Su Mo's serious look, Feng Tianmin, Feng Long, Guan Yu'an, and Du Shi all felt certain in their hearts, and their hearts that were in the air suddenly relaxed.

Last night, several people were still determined to leave this place of trouble, putting their own safety first and recruiting refugees secondly.

But after returning to their room at night and thinking about it carefully, they also discovered the problem with their idea.

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

In the current situation, hiding outside is indeed a way to avoid the limelight for a while and avoid the most chaotic time.

But standing outside, can we really watch indifferently as a camp of 30,000 people turns into a killing field for Shuras, and then wait until the dust settles to harvest the "spoils of war"?

After asking their hearts, all four of them had answers.

"Director, to be honest, even if you don't say anything today, we will still advise you to stay and try to save these ordinary people as much as possible."

"Me too!"

"Director, the mistakes committed by those beasts really shouldn't be attributed to ordinary people."

"You give your order and we will do it immediately!"

With Soma directly setting the tone, the four of them opened their mouths and spoke directly.

However, right now, just having an attitude is not enough.

Based on their thinking last night, none of them thought of a way to break the situation.

For example: who to save, how to save, how to arrange the remaining people after saving, how to deal with other people, etc., we still have no idea.


"Okay, since we have the same opinion, there's no need to waste time thinking about it anymore."

"Feng Long, after the support from our snow mountain base camp arrives, you will immediately bring two teams over to capture the bounty hunter who was spying on us. By the way, including his men, all of them will be killed by me. Come here, don’t let anyone go, tie everyone to me outside the origin territory, I’ll wait for you at the snow mountain base camp.”

"Tianmin, take two teams of people to set up surveillance near the main peak for me. If Sun Bahu wants to leave, it is unrealistic to move these resources silently. Once he shows a tendency to leave, notify me immediately. Remember, don’t have a direct conflict with him, you must wait until I come over!”

"Chang'an, in this chaotic situation, even if Sun Bahu has posted sentries before, they may not be effective at this time. I will also assign a pair of people to you. You go and give me all the places where things can be hidden in the origin territory. , places that are not allowed for ordinary people to enter, and all places where people are imprisoned, use adventure mechanics to carefully check to see if you can find any trace of your brother Guan Shan or Marshal Wang."

"Dushi, your task is the heaviest and hardest. I will give you three teams. You can contact Huang Bing as quickly as possible and try your best to infiltrate the guards of the territory for me. No matter what means you use, I will Everyone agrees that if someone resists during this process, and if it is found out that he has no previous criminal record, just knock him unconscious and tie him up. If he has a criminal record, he will be killed on the spot without mercy!"

The detailed plan had been brewing in Sumo's mind for a long time.

Now that it came out of his mouth, it became clearer and clearer.

By catching bounty hunters, you can understand the secrets in the origin territory as quickly as possible, master their channels for obtaining information, and monitor changes in the entire origin territory in another secret way.

Monitoring Sun Bahu can prevent him from taking away too many supplies, turning the entire origin territory into a black hole with zero supplies.

At the same time, you can also see if you can catch the opponent by surprise when they are most unprepared.

The purpose of controlling the city defense of the origin territory is to be prepared and to prevent one's own people who are still operating in the city from being trapped and unable to escape after a sudden mutiny in the territory.

As for finding Marshal Wang and Guan Shan, this was Sumo's attempt. After all, the two disappeared without leaving any trace.

Coupled with the some mystery surrounding them, perhaps finding them can lead to ways and means to break the situation.


The four lines have a clear division of labor and work together.

After receiving the tasks respectively, the four of them couldn't help but look at each other, with joy and surprise on their faces.

In such a complicated situation, I am afraid of hesitation, being unable to make an idea and wasting time.

But Sumo was able to think so clearly in this situation.

Immediately, everyone accepted the tasks one by one, and after discussing the specific implementation for a while, they left one after another.

Soon, the soldiers who stayed in the Sanyuan Hotel were also taken away separately, leaving only five people to follow Sumo and conduct strategic maneuvers.

"It's time for me to go!"

Finally, he stood by the window and took a look through the gap at the crowd outside, which had begun to faintly riot.

Somo took a deep breath, returned to the bedside, gathered everything, opened the door and left quietly with the remaining soldiers.

From now on, the origin territory will enter the first and possibly the last darkest moment it has experienced since its creation.

Not surprisingly, these various places that maintained their original intentions at first, but then gradually began to expand.

It will inevitably become the first place to be "attacked" after ordinary refugees discover the truth.

The benefits they had expropriated before would be spit out tenfold or a hundredfold under the iron fist of the collective will.

And if he continued to stay here, although he was not afraid of being moved and hated, but with the idea that doing more was worse than doing less, Sumo finally chose to retreat.

The origin territory is a large stone house near the east city gate.

Hou Tielong stood at the door with a complex expression, looking at the crowds of people in the distance.

In the past, I knew his evil reputation.

The place in front of the stone house is extremely deserted, and few people dare to come here to "act wild".

But yesterday and today, his place was extremely lively. At a glance, there were all heads.

After continuing to watch for a while, Hou Tielong was upset by the noise, so he simply opened the door and returned to the house.

Seeing him come in, a man with a fleshy body quickly came over to greet him.

"Brother Long, all the supplies are ready and can be transported out at any time through the secret tunnel we dug."

"The brothers from Sanyuan Hotel will be back soon. If you want to leave, we can leave at any time."


After hearing the good news, Hou Tielong's worries finally disappeared.

Being a bounty hunter means being well-informed.

And through these messages, he had already discovered something was wrong these days.

The first thing to bear the brunt is that the prisoner bounties previously turned in have begun to be distributed in the form of origin coins, and physical materials will no longer be distributed.

Origin coins can be exchanged for supplies, and personal daily limits have also been set, and cannot be exchanged all at once.

However, these two points alone, without definite evidence, did not make him so cautious and anxious.

The main reason that allowed him to make such a decision was that after the battle on the main peak yesterday, several captains responsible for managing warehouse supplies all mysteriously disappeared.

The staff who were previously regarded as confidants by Sun Bahu also suffered the same fate as those who caused trouble in the origin territory before, disappearing without a trace overnight.

Including the deputy captain of the escort team who was familiar with him and usually wished he could wear a pair of pants, his face changed in the morning. Before he said a few words, he told him to go back and wait for news, not to worry.

Based on these doubts, it is not difficult for Hou Tielong to guess what big problem happened in the origin territory.

Although there was no definite evidence, he decided to take the supplies out of the city before the big temperature drop was coming, and go outside to avoid the wind. After the dust settled, it would not be too late to come back.

As for finding the whereabouts of Marshal Wang and collecting the huge bounty, we can only leave that for later.

"There are too many people now. We will start evacuating as soon as the sun goes down."

"I have a hunch that this time the temperature drops, the city may not be as peaceful as before!"

He looked worriedly at the thick piles of documents on his desk and on the bookshelf behind him.

After Hou Tielong finished speaking, he immediately frowned and said: "How many times have I said that intelligence is the foundation for our survival. As long as we have them, even if the origin territory changes again, we will have a chance to make a comeback."

"Hurry up, you can't ignore this ordinary information. Load them up with the supplies and take them all away!"

"Okay, Brother Long!"

After being scolded for a few times, the few men in the room who were still packing their things had to put down what they were doing, then turned around and started carrying the information again.

For a long time, I watched all the documents being packed up and put into boxes by the big men, and then tied together with hemp ropes.

Hou Tielong first frowned and was about to praise him, but then he clenched his fists half-ly, pretending to be nonchalant, lying on the chair, squinting and looking out the window.

"Perhaps it's time for these people to take a pick!"

When everything was going well, these strong men under him were respectful to him.

But once something goes wrong, these people will reveal their true nature. They are all naughty and difficult to tame.

It is better to take it to the secret base to consume the supplies that have been prepared long ago than to kill it directly.

It can not only save some supplies, but also avoid the risk of being betrayed.

Wait until the environment in the origin territory is stable and then come back to recruit people. When you have a lot of supplies, are you afraid that you can't find anyone to take the bait?

"Besides, by killing them, we can continue to gather some supplies and spend this winter more comfortably!"

After finding the last reason to convince himself, Hou Tielong became completely excited.

In the civilized era, it is not easy to support a large group of people under your command, let alone in the end of the world.

Recently, in order to collect more supplies for the winter, his hair has turned a few gray.

But now, if we can lay off a wave of employees, we can still inherit the legacy of these people.

It's like making money at both ends, but are you worried that you won't survive this winter?


With a roar in his heart, Hou Tielong sat up straight.


Just when he was about to stand up and call his cronies, the door of the stone house was kicked open from the outside, making a roar.

Subconsciously, sensing danger approaching, Hou Tielong touched directly toward the hidden compartment of the table.

But it's a pity.

Before he could make any move, the figure who came in from the door directly hit his forehead roughly with a handful of objects emitting cold light.

At the same time, a question that was so cold that it chilled people's bones also popped out of the other party's mouth.


"Is it Hou Tielong?"

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