My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 718 Who is the Lamb? Who is the butcher!

The Academy of Sciences covers a vast area and is full of talents.

Every year, dozens or hundreds of various technological items are brewed, born, and flowed to the outside world here, thus changing the way humans live in the wasteland.

Countless talents from all over the world came to study, and left with full harvest and returned to their own territory, making the human situation no longer as difficult as it was in previous years.

This place is praised by countless people as the cradle of the future, the heritage of mankind, and the dream of all children.

In order to protect this place, there is even an army of up to ten thousand people stationed in the nearby Pojun Town. They can arrive at any time, which is enough to show its importance.


"The Western Military Region is doing business. The rest of the people are retreating quickly. Three warnings, the second time!"

The emotionless voice sounded in Hou Congwen's ears again, interrupting the memory of the electric shock in his mind, and then continued to echo in the research building after the power was cut off.

Perhaps Qiu Hong did not wear the correct work uniform of the Academy of Sciences and did not identify himself.

Or maybe before he became a researcher, in the eyes of these fishmen, he was just an ant.

After the warning sound fell, Hou Congwen, who was paralyzed on the ground, subconsciously jumped up. A burst of strength came out of his body from nowhere, and he rushed towards the stairs while crawling.

On the way, he passed by the laboratory door with only a gap, and he hesitated for a moment.

But in the end, feeling the threat of death that seemed to be whispering in his ear, Hou Congwen still did not dare to make any unnecessary moves and chose to follow his heart.

Knowledge is a weapon. This sentence only applies to two people with the same level of strength.

If the virtual reality is not paralyzed yet, Hou Congwen may try to use this power to pull all the murlocs into his home field, divide them, and delay time to wait for rescue.

But it was obvious that this group of murlocs, as well as the intruders, understood the researchers' only means of counterattack.

Cutting off the power cuts off everyone's only means of counterattack.

"Get out of here, what else are you looking at?"

Approaching the stairs, Hou Congwen turned his head hesitantly, as if he wanted to say something else.

But as soon as he turned around, a fishman guarding the stairs gave him a hideous laugh and hit his back with the butt of his gun without hesitation.

This time, huge power came to the fore.

Hou Congwen rolled down the stairs on the third floor like a wind-up toy.

Back and forth, it was not until he hit the platform on the first floor that he stopped with a bloody head and split wounds all over his face.


Seeing such a tragic situation, the fishmen on the third floor still focused on the laboratory with only a small gap.

But the murlocs who were guarding other researchers on the first-floor platform couldn't help but burst out laughing, causing the entire atmosphere in the building to become extremely strange, scary, and shuddering.

"Are you guys going to rebel?"

"The distance from Pojun Town to the Academy of Sciences is only twenty minutes at most. You guys are too arrogant."

"Hou Hou Congwen is a researcher, and he is still a researcher on the list of gods. He is dead, and you can't run away."

"Yes, Researcher Hou has just been on the list of gods. If he is gone, you will all be buried with him."


Seeing the injuries on Hou Congwen's head getting worse and worse, a trickle of blood continued to flow from the opening in the back of his head.

The researcher present was so sad that I couldn't help but support you.

But this time, when he heard that he was actually a member of the Conferred Gods List, a fish-man standing at the back finally changed his expression slightly, raised his head and winked at the several fish-men next to him.

Ordinary researchers and researchers on the Conferred God List are definitely two different concepts.

For the former, even if there are some accidents, as long as they are not dead, the Western Military Region can help them bear most of the pressure and take them back to Fishman City intact.

But the latter, if he was really on the list of gods, would have suffered some flesh injuries.

Not to mention the Western Military Region, even if the Northern Military Region was added, they and their group would not be able to escape the crazy revenge of the Academy of Sciences afterwards.

"Shut up, everyone, we will treat him!"

Stepping forward, the two fishmen first found a few thorns among the researchers on the ground, and slapped three or four big dicks one after another.

Then he lifted Hou Congwen who was lying on the ground, took out a kettle from his waist, and put it to his mouth.

A magical scene happened. The blue water flowed down the spout into Hou Congwen's mouth.

In just five seconds, the injury on his head was mostly healed.

Although he has not completely returned to normal, he has finally stopped bleeding and stabilized his injuries.

"Phew, finally saved."

Seeing Hou Congwen gradually opening his eyes from the coma, many researchers breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed their tense bodies.

From the establishment of the Academy of Sciences to the present, because of the agreement that cost a lot of blood, although there have been countless turmoils in the territory, this is the first time it has happened here.

But unfortunately, that agreement seems to have lost its effectiveness now.

They saw the arrogance of the fish-men, but they could do nothing about it.

"I don't know what happened to the dean and other departments. I really hope that tragedy like that won't happen again. Our Academy of Sciences really can't afford such a major loss anymore."

"I just said that our Academy of Sciences must be armed and cannot rely on others to protect us. If Pojun cannot respond today, we are done."

"If we hand over the power of force, we will be lambs to be slaughtered and can only be bullied by others, alas alas."

"Fortunately, the intruders are fishmen, not outsiders. Seeing how restrained they are, I hope they can quickly find what they are interested in and get out. We can talk about revenge after they leave."

"Alas, people who are not from my race must have different minds. We should not have taught these fishmen back then. We handed over their weapons with our own hands. Unexpectedly, the ones they ended up targeting were ourselves instead."

"Congwen, they seem to have surrounded your third floor. What's going on? Is there something on the third floor that's attracting them?"

"Yes, their attention seems to be on the third floor. What's going on?"

Hou Congwen had just been helped to sit down in the crowd, and the sound of discussions started.

But at this time, he was beaten with a stick and rolled down from the third floor.

Hou Congwen's head was so dizzy that he couldn't say anything.

Listening to everyone's discussion, he raised his eyelids with difficulty and looked up, and then he realized.

On the seventh floor, hundreds of murlocs stood, all staring at their third floor, as if waiting for something.

It was so grand that even the dean of the Architectural Institute who lived on the seventh floor could not enjoy such "treatment". Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

"No, it's on the third floor."

As his blood surged, Hou Congwen was startled when he thought of the real owner of the list of gods, and he quickly wanted to speak.

But unfortunately, before he could finish speaking, an unprecedented explosion sounded in everyone's ears.


The fire was radiating and the heat was rolling.

The laboratory on the third floor, like a fire-breathing dragon, suddenly shot out three to five meters of blazing tongues of flame.

The impact of the same frequency resonance shattered all the glass in the building into pieces, hitting the ground with a crisp sound.

And those fishmen who were still stuck on the third floor were well-equipped.

At this moment, they were like rag dolls, as even three or five people flew out from the third floor and hit the first floor platform heavily.


Blue-green blood splashed onto the bodies of many researchers.

For a moment, the air was filled with the smell of smelly socks that had been worn for half a year and marinated in a jar for half a year.

"Kill without mercy, shoot without mercy!"

Before everyone at the scene could react to what was going on, the voice of the fishman on the third floor could be heard faintly from the explosion.

As they shouted, the fishmen at the top also began to get excited.

"The enemy is on the right side of the third floor!" A roar sounded.

On the sixth floor, a fishman directly picked up the launching device and suddenly pulled the trigger.


The rocket with the tail flame protruded from the device, like an arrow from the string, and rushed towards the third floor.

Even though there were still many surviving fishmen on the third floor at this time, they didn't care and launched an indiscriminate attack.


There was a roar, fire oil splashed out, and the three floors gradually turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The occasionally surviving murlocs screamed and scattered trying to escape.

This scene really happened unexpectedly. It took only five seconds before and after, and the situation seemed to be completely reversed.

In an instant, as more and more rockets were fired, the third floor was like a wheat field walked by a harvester, almost flattened to the ground.

"The enemy is still alive. He went out through the gap. He went to the second floor, the second floor!"

Violent dull crashes exploded one after another.

Be guided by this voice.

Not only were many murlocs on the first floor screaming and rushing to the second floor, but the confused researchers also reacted and quickly looked towards the place where the killing cry came from.

"Fuck, what is that?"

"He is so fast and can run on walls. Could it be that he is some kind of mutant alien?"

"Fuck, he can actually kill a murloc wearing a hope assault device at close range. How is this possible?"

"No, didn't you notice that his attack method and appearance look very human-like?"

"Humans? How is it possible? Even top-level special warriors may not be able to fight back and forth under such an encirclement."

On the second floor, two groups of people suddenly got into a fight.

Since the fire has completely spread, the smoke has also obscured visibility to a maximum of three meters.

Many murlocs also carry guns, but in this environment there are too many friendly troops. If they fire randomly, they may not hit the other party, and they may suffer heavy casualties first.

As a result, they could only rush forward and fight in the most primitive way.

But the "person" being besieged did not have this restriction. The Wolf Fang assault rifle snatched from somewhere in his hand was constantly spraying death flames out, taking away the fresh "fish lives" one by one.


"So many people can't beat one human being!"

In the narrow alley, only a few fishmen can rush up at once.

But beside the guardrail next to the second floor, there were quite a few dead fish falling from the air.

Seeing the casualties getting more and more serious, the fishmen who were guarding the researchers on the first floor finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Only three or five people were left to watch with guns, and the remaining people rushed up the stairs almost in a swarm.

"Human! That person on the second floor is actually a human."

"Oh my God, how is this possible? How can humans maintain such terrifying fighting efficiency?"

"His combat awareness, no, his reaction speed is too fast. If our hope assault device can be put on by him, it will probably be in its true impact form!"

"Yes, he is a human being, and he is the real breakthrough in the list of gods!" During the discussion, Hou Congwen, who had never come to his senses, finally regained some of his sanity under the influence of Baoshui.

He only looked up and found that the figure could match the person he had just met not long ago.

He smiled bitterly and gave the answer.

"He is the one who came to answer questions today and brought a brand new tower structure, breaking the record in one fell swoop."

"And the upper limit of his building is far more than that, at least, it can be at least a thousand times higher!"

A thousand times, that is a terrifying achievement that is enough to reach the level of dean. It is also a breakthrough progress that has never been done before or will come after.

From the establishment of the Academy of Sciences to the present, except for the nine outstanding figures of the first generation, no one has achieved such achievements in various fields and directly joined the Academy of Sciences as the dean.

But at this time, Hou Congwen didn't care so much anymore. He gritted his teeth and directly increased the number by another three hundred times.

Directly change the importance of Soma from the previous 1 to the previous 5.

Ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times increased to five hundred, five thousand, or even fifty thousand!

"A thousand times! Oh my god! That's not the dean, no, this is already a potential beyond the dean level!"

"The tower structure can reach a thousand times, so if we let him perfect the building systems that we have already studied to the best, our Architectural Institute may be able to counterattack and become the number one courtyard!"

"These people are besieging and killing the dean-level figures of our construction institute? This, this, this is completely breaking the foundation of our humanity!"

"Yes, this is to cut off my human roots. No wonder the murlocs are so crazy and want to take action in the courtyard at all costs."

"No, we have to pass this news on. We can't just watch him die in front of us."

"Yes, even if I die, even if we die, as long as he survives, his contribution to mankind will be enough to bring about earth-shaking changes in this era!"

"Rush out, let's split up to find the contact device. We have to tell the dean this information. We must use the ultimate weapon of the Academy of Sciences!"

"It's worth it. He's totally worth using the ultimate weapon!"

The scene became increasingly chaotic.

Under the roar of the fish-men, under the spray of bullets, and under the painful wails of injury.

The adrenaline in many researchers' bodies was also activated, and they felt their blood rising continuously.

No one knows better than them what impact it will have if there is one more dean-level figure and one more national scholar in the Academy of Sciences.

It is no exaggeration to say that such people, not to mention the wealth of the territory, are extremely precious gods to the entire human collective.

Today, when universal education and high-end education are so scarce!

Today, the gap in knowledge has become so serious that it needs to be passed on word of mouth!

Today, the number of humans is decreasing tenfold and hundreds of times, and they are about to perish!

The disaster in the wasteland is getting more and more serious, and human beings can only study and retreat underground today!

If there is one less person like this, the probability of humanity as a collective surviving in the future will be reduced by 1%, or even more.

And for this 1%

"Rush, for humanity, for tomorrow!"

"The hustle and bustle of the world hides the country's warriors, and countless warriors are buried alive. No matter how powerful a common man is, how can he crush the sky with one hand?"

"Brothers, charge, I want to see if they dare to point their guns at us!"

"Rush out and show them that we researchers are also smart!"

"They dare to surround and kill the national scholars who have not obtained their status. We can't do anything about it, but if you dare to lay a finger on us, you must be prepared to fight to the death with our Academy of Sciences!"

Twenty or thirty people suddenly stood up, and the roaring sounds dispersed, forcing the three or five gun-wielding fishmen to hesitate and not dare to move.

Indeed, they surrounded and killed Su Youzong, who had no identity and behaved very abnormally, and they were able to find some reasons to defend themselves afterwards.

But if they really dare to break up with the Academy of Sciences and shoot these researchers, they can rely on the Western Military Region behind them.

Unconsciously, the fishman stepped aside, revealing the passage to the outside.

As soon as they gave way, a dozen or so people's eyes lit up and they quickly accelerated their pace and rushed out.

On the way, even if there were fishmen who wanted to come up and stop them, they would stare at them and their steps would be slow as if they were frozen.

I just watched these people rush out of the research building of the Institute of Architecture one after another and go to the outside world.

"I'll go find the communication equipment and contact the Tianpo Army to ask them for emergency support!"

"I'll go find the dean and ask him to use our academy's trump card weapon."

"I'm going to find my dad. My dad is the captain of the Mingyue Town Defense Team. I asked him to bring his people to come directly to rescue me."

"Yes, I'm going to find my uncle. Although the Inspector is not good at fighting, we have provided many high-end weapons in the past. It's enough to fight these crazy fish!"

"Hurry, he may not last long."

Outside the building, the entire Academy of Sciences has become a war-torn battlefield.

There were broken limbs and stray bullets everywhere.

It was unclear who was fighting with whom. All the researchers who had just left the building could only whisper to each other and turned around to go in different directions.

At this moment, they extremely hoped that they could find support quickly and save the mysterious national warrior in the building.

But at this moment, they themselves knew that even if the fastest support came, it would take at least five minutes to start.

Did he hold on for five minutes?

Thank you all for your monthly votes, and thank you for your rewards. Sanjin himself knows that this crotch-lifting update is not worthy of these, so he has never asked for it, but everyone’s support is really unexpected and heart-warming. Without further ado, I I can only repay all book friends with updates as stable as possible. I sincerely thank you all for your support along the way! pay tribute!

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