My Star Teacher

Chapter 159: [Among them, there are defeats]

Han Yurou's songs are beautiful.

Even Luminous was amazing. It turned out that the quaint national wind songs in his impression could really sing so well. "Look down at the heroes in the world." Luminous had some feelings.

He originally thought that Liu Chiyan would sing "Millennium Tour" must be able to dominate the crowd, but as soon as Han Yurou's song came out, the luminous was gone, and he even thought that Liu Chiyan's song was not as good as Han Yurou in terms of the ancient charm of the country.

At the same time, Ye Guang also had some doubts in his heart. Why did Han Yurou sing this song with some inexplicable familiarity?

Han Yurou's songs not only made the luminous experience, the audience and several judges and teachers present were also amazing. Several judges praised them.

Huang Bin: "It sounds good, it really sounds good! This is the best old-fashioned song I have ever heard, and none of them."

Zong Zhengguang: "Singing has changed slightly. It is still the old style of the national style. It is just right. With your voice empty and beautiful, it is indeed a rare good song."

Chun Yumin: "The word is beautiful, the song is beautiful, the sound is beautiful, and the person is beautiful."

Several judges spoke highly of it.

Keling Ren: "Yu Rou's song is really amazing to all of us. It's so nice, Yu Rou, do you have anything to share about this song?"

Han Yurou's smile is very confident. "Thank you for your love and affirmation. I have always loved the national style music, but the national style has declined in recent years. I want to change this situation, so I have this song to meet you. I am very glad that everyone can enjoy it, which also proves that the national style repertoire is not unacceptable to everyone. In recent years, the national style repertoire has not been welcomed by the public. It may also be just its own quality. In addition, let me say, my task The national style is the national style, because it has its unique charm and tune singing method, so it is called the national style. Some people ’s national style songs are actually pop songs in national style. There are only good examples. Among them, I do n’t think it ’s a national style song. If the national style develops in that area, I ’m even worried that there will be real national style songs in the future. Say so much, thank you all. "

Yeguang watched Han Yurou's speech on the TV in the lounge and blurted out a sentence.

Jiang Xin: "See it. This woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

"Not only is it fuel-efficient, it's simply sick!" Yeguang said, "Why did she sing her, stepped on our family Liuer and stepped on it, never seen such a person!"

Han Yurou's last remark was undoubtedly going to Liu Chiyan. She was talking about someone, but this was almost the naked name of Liu Chiyan. One was superficial and the other was golden. The foreign defeat is the same as pointing at Liu Chiyan's nose in front of a national audience.

On the selection head on the right side of the stage, He Xing and Mu Feng Mu Huang all looked at Liu Chiyan abnormally.

Liu Chi Yan was expressionless, as if Han Yurou said that it had nothing to do with her.

King Liu Tian was sitting idle, as if nothing had happened.

Outside, many fans of Liu Chiyan are also excited in front of the TV.

"Suck! This girl is sick, what's wrong with our goddess Liu? She's a dog, and she's biting someone."

"I heard that she used to vilify the goddess Liu. I didn't believe it at the time. I believe it now, but I didn't say anything. I'll be black forever!"

"Go to death! Han Yurou!"


The show continues.

Ren Keling and Yi Shan did not dare to interact with Han Yurou more, for fear that she would say something bad again.

Ren Keling now has a **** beast in his heart. Let ’s not say that Ren Keling himself said catkins are true or false, but what is the occasion today? The strongest live, live broadcast, audiences all over the country are watching, can't you pay attention to words, old girl? How dare you say such a direct provocation? It ’s the day after tomorrow, and the fans are many times yours. How dare you? Does it mean that you are ignorant and fearless, or is it that you are pure and upright?

Fortunately, Liu Chiyan is indeed the queen of the sky, and the mood is indescribable. I didn't talk to Han Yurou on the spot, otherwise the strongest voice in this session can't be handled?

Even so, Ren Keling felt coldness from Liu Chiyan's expressionless face, and the air seemed to be full of gunpowder.

After a few words, Ren Keling and Yishan invited Han Yurou to the election.

Ren Keling: "Now, all five players have finished singing. Next, we will count the votes of the five players."

Yishan: "Once again, all of our audience votes will be fair through Comrade Notary, absolutely true and effective."

Yi Shan: "Audience friends in front of the TV, you can edit the number of your favorite celebrity via SMS, send it to, or dial the button to select the player you support. Player ID: No. 1 Liu Xuecheng, No. 2 Feng Qiuhuang, No. Hexing, No. 4 Liu Chiyan, No. 5 Han Yurou. "

Ren Keling: "The off-site voting time is 10 minutes. If there are still people who are not clear about the voting rules, please see the rolling subtitles at the top of the screen." Yi Shan: "In addition, in order to ensure that the voting is true and effective, the audience must vote on mobile Voting with a registered mobile phone number can only take effect. Each audience can only vote once, and multiple votes are invalid. For example, if there are multiple mobile phone numbers under one person's name, only one vote is valid. "

Ren Keling: "Below, I announce that the off-site voting channel is officially open!"

Off-site voting began, and viewers who have been watching TV responded very actively to participation; Ye Guang also quickly took out his mobile phone to send a text message to Liu Chiyan to vote in the lounge. After the vote, he immediately asked Jiang Xin for his mobile phone. Sister Jiang, hurry up, give me the phone, and I will vote for Liuer. "

Jiang Xin: "As for, it's not bad for our two votes."

Luminous: "Why not? ~ ~ One vote, two votes are also votes, hurry up, vote and vote."

Jiang Xin did not talk to him anymore, took out his cell phone and cast a vote for Liu Chiyan.

On the field.

The show continues.

Ren Keling: "Next, I will ask the 10 million spectators present to vote. When I shout out that the voting starts, the audience friends can press the corresponding player number to vote with your voter. There is a minute to vote. Voting begins! "

The audience at the scene used the balloters prepared in advance to vote for their favorite players.

Within a short while, the audience ’s voting was over, the comrades of the Notary Bureau were still fair, and the voting outside the venue had not ended. In this gap period, it was the turn of five judges to vote, and five judges were unmanned It has a 10% vote rate, which is very heavy, so each of them vote is very important.

But today's voting is not so important anymore, because there is a player destined to be eliminated: He Xing! ()

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