My Star Teacher

Chapter 453: [Talent missed]

There is nothing interesting about the crew.

For filming and other things, Liu Chiyan and Yeguang both act as actors. This is their job and nothing to watch.

However, fortunately today, the weather is really good, Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan with Yiyi, walking around a family of three near the filming place and talking is also very good.

It is worth mentioning that Liu Chiyan brought Yiyi to the crew, and Yiyi was even more popular than Liu Chiyan. Many crew members saw Liu Chiyan only to take a closer look or say hello. That's it.

See more celebrities, not strange.

But Yiyi's treatment is different. She looks cute and is a favorite. In her pocket, the staff gave her so many snacks that she could not get them at night. Both hands were full of snack bags. The little hand holding Liu Chiyan couldn't make it.

You can't let him be bright and bright, and stuff everything into the storage bar.


the following few days.

Ye Guang followed the crew for two days, finished shooting all of his plays, and then accompanied Yi Yi and Liu Chi Yan to walk around the famous spots in the mountain city.

The trip was over.

Back to Nanchang, it is already April 17.

In two days, the results of the tender of the Cultural Regiment of the Third Military Region will be announced.

Ye Guang is quite confident in this tender.

The amount of investment is large, and Yeguang is also very confident. If none of the bids can be won under this standard, it can only indicate that there is no standard for the bidding of the Cultural Regiment of the Third Military Region.


Sometimes, there is confidence in faith, there is always a gap between reality and ideal.

When Luminous doesn't know.

The Tender Review Department of the Cultural Regiment of the Third Military Region is hurriedly reviewing the bidding documents of various private entertainment companies in the society.

This tender is the first external tender of the domestic military region arts and crafts group, so it is not surprising that it has aroused the interest of various entertainment companies. Good luck, what about winning the bid?

Anyway, there is not a lot of meat in a bid.

However, there are only two places, and the number of bids submitted by entertainment companies can be as many as snowflakes. Therefore, this can be the review department of the hard labor group. Each bid must be manually reviewed and screened. But this is a tedious and time-consuming task, but the staff is limited, so they have also found a way to improve efficiency.

First of all, the cultural industry group set a basic line on the investment amount of various entertainment companies.

Those below 50 million are excluded first.

The investment amount of Luminous is as high as 170 million yuan, and there is no problem if it is proper. Moreover, bids higher than 100 million yuan will still be treated with emphasis. If the conditions are similar, the Cultural Relics Group will definitely give priority to large investments Entertainment company.

With money to do things, this is the same everywhere.


An unexpected situation arose.

In addition to the amount of investment, the Cultural Group has a screening method for project bids of various entertainment companies.


The script is not good enough and imperfect. The auditors looked unfavorable and were eliminated directly.

Luminous bids, not to mention the script is not good enough, is imperfect, there is no script at all, he used it as a script.

On the same day, an auditor reviewed the bid of Xianqi Entertainment. First, he saw a high investment amount of 170 million yuan, and then drew a key logo on the bid.

Immediately after that, enter the second round of investigation, script.

However, Ye Guang's script is that this auditor is quite responsible. At first, I saw the model of the script. Although I was a bit surprised, according to regulations, this was completely imperfect, and it was directly eliminated.

However, with a serious and responsible attitude towards work, he still chose to look at it. This reviewer liked the Luminous one all at once, but the above order was required to complete the script. Luminous Even if there is no script, the auditors have some difficulties.

If the bid is really eliminated as required, he feels a pity that this is indeed a good one. As long as it is slightly better adapted, it can definitely make a good movie.

So, after considering this, the auditor chose to report to his superior.

"Leader, I have something to report to you." The auditor reported.


The review team leader is also participating in the review of the bids, without raising his head, and his face is a bit tired. These days, the review bids that work overtime are really a bit tired, and their mental state is not very good.

"Leader, I found a bid, I think it is good, the investment is 170 million, but ... there is a problem," said the auditor.

"Oh? 170 million?"

170 million is not a small number, and among many tenders, very few can achieve this amount of investment.

The review team leader has some interest, "Yes, you said there is a problem, what's the problem?"

The auditor replied, "Leader of the report, they don't have a script. The bid is a .. but ..."

"But what!" The head of the review team pulled down instantly. "I didn't tell you, will the script be incomplete and eliminated?"


"But what! It's nothing!" Said the audit team leader. "What about the big investment? No good script is not enough. Are we trying to make money? Okay, let's go to work! I will come across this kind of non-script in the future. The direct replacement! Don't care about other factors! "

The auditor was irritated when he saw the team leader's displeased expression. Although he felt a bit pity, he did not dare to say anything.

Li Zheng, salute, "Yes!"

After the auditor left, the audit team leader, who was already upset in the past few days, muttered, "It was already busy enough, and I also made this kind of moth matter ~ ~ No bid for the script! Playing the piano! "

As a result, the tenders made by Xianqi had died before they were finally judged.

If Luminous knew that there would be such a situation, I wonder if it would faint in the toilet.

In fact, it is really strange that the team leader should not be audited. If there are not so many bidders, the audit team of the Cultural Relics Group is more adequate and the audit is not so hard. Then there are no two hard conditions as the basis for screening. After being taken a little more seriously, the team leader will not even look at the tender bids at all, due to the fatigue of the day.

April 20.

Yeguang returned to Nanchang for several days.

On this day, he and the staff of the studio are waiting for news.

Just point to win, and the studio can move.

Until the afternoon, Jiang Fengxian came to report a bit hesitantly.

"Small night, President Liu, we did not win the bid." Jiang Feng advanced the door and said.

Many employees in the studio are also waiting for the results, so as Jiang Fengxian came to the office together, I wanted to know the results as soon as possible.

As a result, everyone was disappointed.

Luminous froze slightly, a little disappointed, and sighed, "I missed ... hey, it seems I still take it for granted."

Jiang Fengxian gave him a glance and didn't speak, but his eyes had already expressed everything, but don't blame you. Who asked you to use a broken bid, although it is really good-looking.

Instead, Liu Chiyan laughed, looked at Luminous, and joked, "Yo, you sometimes miss, my great talent."

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