My Star Teacher

Chapter 468: [It ’s okay to sprinkle dog food.]

Speaking of which, Liu Chiyan is really a thorough emotional creature.

I haven't seen luminous for two months, Liu Chiyan naturally misses luminous, this kind of thought, when luminous comes back, also emerges instantly, the performance way is coquettish.

Coquetry is a woman's gifted skills. Mastering this skill proficiently allows women to get the best response when facing men.

Similarly, the wife's coquettishness to her husband also hopes to get a love response from the other party.

For the same reason, in addition to coquettishness, there are many different ways of returning to the same destination. Another more common method is called Jiaozuo.

For example, in the middle of the night, I said I would drink milk tea and strawberries.

For example, you have to go all the way to a certain store to buy something that can be bought in any neighborhood.

All these are actually the expressions of hope for the loved one to respond to love.

It seems that no matter who it is, even Tianchi Liu Chiyan faces the same when facing his lover.

Will sell cute, will coquettish.

at night.

Couples who haven't seen each other for a long time are naturally indispensable to do something between husband and wife.

After a cloud of rain and rest, Liu Chiyan collapsed on the bed with a weakness, and looked at the luminous pink, and said weakly, "Why are you getting more and more powerful, like a cow, not content."

Luminous smiled and said, "I train every day during this time, and my body is getting better."

Liu Chi Yannuo said, "Then you don't exercise anymore."

Luminous froze and asked, "Why?"

Liu Chiyan was a bit shy, and said weakly, "I can't stand you anymore."

On hearing this, Luminous became even more perplexed, as if it had won a huge compliment. For any man, this sentence was as glorious and praised as a special achievement.


Returning from the training of the army, the shooting of the TV series must be put on the agenda again.

However, Yeguang and Liu Chiyan were not so anxious. The so-called long-awaited wedding, since the two have not been separated for such a long time since their marriage, they must not be ashamed at home for a few days.

Don't get me wrong, this shame is not a typo. This shame is not a break. As for what it means, I wo n’t explain much. I am as pure as I am and never drive.

Liu Tianwang and Xu Chen have been trained in the army recently.

Jiang Xin and Jiang Fengxian, when Ye Guang et al. Ended military training, began to re-establish the crew ten days in advance.

This time, you're well prepared for the TV series.

Although it was delayed for two months, it was nothing to delay for the quality of the TV series.

Works that rely on traffic and fan effects are short-lived in the end. This is not what Luminous wants to see. What he wants is to create classics and let the works last on the screen.

This is the main reason why Luminous is not shooting well and insisting that you star in military training.

The so-called Ning Que is indiscriminate, and that's it.

Luminous is not a perfectionist, but he has his own benchmark and his own bottom line. Once he exceeds his bottom line, then he would rather not shoot or make this work.

July 15th.

The crew was reorganized and officially started.

Most of the crew members are still the original batch, some of them are new recruits.

This time, the boot was smooth.

Xu Chen, He Xing, and other main actors, after two months of hard-fought military training, filmed this military drama, which was called a handy, decent appearance.

There will never be a crowd of actors, the pictures of soldiers who are not like soldiers, and their acting skills online, showing the soldier's heroic posture to the fullest.

The shooting was really smooth. The actors acted online, and the number of NGs was very small. Many times, Lu Guang asked himself to keep one. The crew also did a good job in preparation. There were no flaws. The original shooting plan for the day was 3pm. It was more than completed, and the film crew did not end there. The filming crew continued to work until 9 pm. After one day, the work was completed for two days.

What is more effective?

Therefore, everything must be prepared, and only when the preparations are done, can we be handy when we start the business.

The first time, Luminous was unable to shoot because the preparation was not good enough, so the crew had to be disbanded one day after starting.

at night.

Although busy all day, everyone hasn't rested so early.

Xu Chen, He Xing, Sapphire, Liu Tianwang, and Zhong Jing all came to chat with Liu Guangyan's room.

Liu Chiyan prepared several side dishes for supper, letting the brothers eat and talk.

Sapphire, "Xiaoye, I haven't seen you for two months. How does it feel that your military training is different?"

Xu Chenying reconciled, "Well, I feel the same way."

Zhong Jing concurred, "It's different."

Ye Guang smiled and said, "What's different? What's different? I think you're different."

King Liu Tian, ​​"Why are we different?"

"It's all strong," Ye Guang said with a smile, "and it's all dark."

But no, the military training is two months, and it's only a matter of not being tanned.

He Xing, "Don't talk poorly, let's be honest, you really feel different from the original, how to describe it ..."

King Liu Tian, ​​"It's temperament. It's different in temperament. Xiaoye, you now feel like I'm in the army, facing our squad leader."

He Xing, "Yes, yes, that's the feeling!"

Xu Chen, "The feeling of soldiers!"

Liu Chiyan sat next to Luminous, braced for work, listening to a few buddies chatting, looked at Luminous, and nodded, saying, "It's a bit."

Luminous smiled, "Well just came out of the army, you are not the same."

King Liu Tian waved his hand, "Not the same, not the same. We have n’t changed much. The military training in the army is military training. No unique temperament has been trained. But you are different. You are like a real soldier. When filming today , You wear a military uniform, and it feels like a real soldier to me, totally different from our performance. "

Luminous, "Okay, I'll just brag about you, wow ha ha ha ha."

Alright, give the Lord something bright.

However, the feeling of a few brothers is really not wrong.

Yeguang trained in the Snow Leopard Commando for two months. He did have some military qualities. Once he was in the army for the first week, he was basically out of the recruit period, like other veterans. Work and rest, the same training subjects, anyway the veteran, so he is, and he is even better than the veteran.

Therefore, compared with Liu Tianwang and Xu Chen, who simply go to the army for pure military training and learn military posture movements, they are completely different.

Moreover, Luminous can really be considered to have been on the battlefield, on the front line, performing missions, and killing people with live ammunition.

The brothers separated for two months and got together again. There was a topic of endless chat. Liu Chiyan had finished all the dishes. They were not happy. They all sat down with a glass of boiling water and sat talking. According to this momentum, they could chat all night long. .

Liu Chi Yan can't help but be sighed ~ ~ Between men and men, is there so much to say?

In the end, Liu Chiyan couldn't take it anymore, it was all a little bit, and he wouldn't sleep anymore, would he still be filming tomorrow?

So Liu Chiyan started to catch people.

"Okay, okay, don't talk, all go back to rest, still filming tomorrow, can you get up tomorrow without sleep?" Then, Liu Chiyan turned his head and said to Yeguang, "And you, hurry up I went to the shower and filmed for a day. I was sweating, and my body was smelly. I do n’t want to go to bed tonight without bathing, and sleep on the table. "

Seeing Liu Chi's tobacco control of Yeguang, the brothers were having fun, smirking one by one.

Zhong Jing quipped, "Xiao Ye, regret marrying such a powerful wife. It is better for our family, Luo Yu, to call me Baiyibaishun."

Sapphire also said, "Our Xinlan is dependent on me inside and out, that is a gentle one."

The relationship between Xin Lan and Sapphire was not discovered when everyone discovered it, but Sapphire didn't keep it hidden. When he found a suitable opportunity, he took the initiative to bring Xin Lan and everyone to confess.

Zhong Jing and Sapphire interrupted each other. Xu Chen, He Xing, and Liu Tianwang looked at each other and got up.

"Leave, leave, boring." Liu Tianwang waved his hand.

"I took a bite of dog food and held it up and went back to sleep to digest it." He Xing sighed.

"I think it's really time to confess with Wanhua. I can't catch this dog food." Xu Chen was indignant.

He Xing and Sapphire glanced at each other and laughed proudly.

In other words, it's really fun to sprinkle dog food.

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