My Star Teacher

Chapter 58: 10 million transactions

Qian Qian said more sorry, then took out his mobile phone and went out of the conference room to find a place where no one called.

Ye Yeguang saw that Qian was out of the conference room, and he was so excited and excited to speak with Jiang Fengxian, "Brother Jiang, I just reported ..."

"Stop it." Jiang Feng interrupted him before Ye Guanghua finished, "I know, I'll finish it later."

Nocturne nodded obediently.

After a while, Qian Duo came in, "Night consultant, Manager Jiang, sorry, let you wait." Qian Duo took a seat, and then said, "Night consultant, Manager Jiang, I have asked our boss to show Our sincerity, I will not be with you, I will pay the bottom, our boss said that the limit of our company is 7 million! If you think this price is acceptable, then we immediately sign the contract, everyone is happy to cooperate, if not Then we will get together and get together, the business will not be righteous, right when I come over and make friends with the two. "

先生 Mr. Jiang Fengxian thought for a while silently, and then looked at the same as Ye Guang, nodded slightly, Ye Guang understood.

Ye Yeguang: "Mr. Qian, since you have come all the way, and you are so sincere, we will not let it go or we can't justify it. Seven million is seven million. Make friends, and cooperate in the future!"

Qian Duo saw Ye Guang agree, he was finally relieved. He was really afraid that Ye Guang and Jiang Feng Xian could not bite. They are now out of business. Ye Guang is like a life-saving straw that suddenly appeared when they drowned. Naturally want to hold tight.

Save more money and stand up. Hold out his right hand, "Consultant that night, Manager Jiang, we have a good cooperation!"

Ye Guang and Jiang Fengxian also got up. Ye Guangxian shook hands with Qian and shook hands. "Happy cooperation." Then Jiang Feng Xian also shook hands with him. "Happy cooperation!" People shook hands, and Ye Guang was nominally higher in the studio than Jiang Fengxian.

Qian Qianduo: "Night consultant, Manager Jiang, it's not too late. If you see this matter settled, let's sign the contract. We can make this advertisement earlier, and our company can really wait a little while."

Yeguang smiled and said, "There is no rush to sign the contract. Mr. Qian, I have an idea and I will tell you."

Save more money: "Night consultant but say no matter."

Yeguang: "Yes, according to what you just said, the situation of your company is really not optimistic at the moment. It is not easy to rely on an ad to clear up the situation. I have some ideas about the promotion plan. If the advertising promotion is implemented together, it should have a much better effect. I do n’t know if your company has any intention. If so, I will package it with the advertisement and sell it to you, and price it together for 10 million. "

I said it would still cost 10 million. Qianduo hesitated, "The promotion plan ... this ..."

Yeguang saw him hesitant and didn't care too much. He said, "If you don't want to, don't worry about it. When I didn't say it, but Mr. Qian, I only wanted to sell this promotion plan together with your sincerity. To you, honestly, in my opinion, this promotion plan is more valuable than advertising planning. A package of ten million with advertising planning is a bargain sale. "

It's more serious to save money than Ye Guang said. After thinking about it, he said, "Let ’s go, both of you, please wait. I'm asking the boss."

Luminous nodded, "Mr. Qian, I will say the ugly first, and you will tell your boss together. I can make a plan for the advertising plan. You are satisfied with the payment, but the promotion plan is just a promotion idea. It ’s equivalent to being open. Everyone can do it on their own, and it ’s worthless, so the cost of the promotion plan must be paid first, and then I will give you the promotion plan, but please rest assured that you and your boss Now that I am confident, this promotion plan will not let you down. "

She saved money and nodded her head to understand, "Okay, night consultant, I will pass your word on to our boss." With that said, I went out to call again.

After a while, more money came in and laughed: "Night consultant, no problem, the boss agreed!"

Wu Yeguang shook hands with him again and said to each other, "Happy cooperation."

The two parties reached an agreement, and the remaining signs of the terms and conditions of the contract were left intact, and he did not understand these things, so he had the full power to let Jiang Fengxian talk with Qian about details of the contract terms.

Qian Duo and Jiang Fengxian were still negotiating and finalizing the contract in the reception room. Ye Guang did not take the elevator, which was too slow. He ran upstairs directly from the stairs and pushed open the door of the office. Ye Guang saw Liu Chiyan in the air, shouting with joy. "Daughter, daughter-in-law, I make money. I make money."

Ta Liu Liuchi gave him a white look, reminding him, "In the company."

Luminous smiled awkwardly, and then looked around again, "It's okay, no one, hurry up, daughter-in-law, kiss me, kiss me and tell you how much money I make." Put your head over.

Liu Chiyan blushed ~ ~ looked carefully around, seeing no one, quickly pecked on Luminous lips, "Okay, okay, you go away, don't let people see Now. "

Ye Guang stepped back contentedly, and then said proudly: "I earned our advertising costs today! 10 million, 10 million." Ye Guang looked at Liu Chi Yan with a proud look, and you praised me Look like.

Yan Liuchi smoked for a moment, and was a little surprised by the ten million that Ye Guang said, and then smiled sweetly and twitched his fingers at this Ye Guang.

Ye Yeguang: "Why?"

Yan Liuchi Yan smiled, "Come here, I'll kiss you again."

Soon after, Jiang Fengxian had signed a contract with Qian Duo, and Qian Duo left with satisfaction.

Ye Yeguang held the contract in his hand and smirked, "Ten ten million ten million."

Jiang Fengxian: "Don't be too happy, the most important thing is that our advertising planner is satisfied, otherwise we won't get a penny. This advertisement is very fast. It only takes ten days from planning to shooting the other party."

Yeguang waved his hands indifferently. "This money is almost in my pocket, how could I let it fly out! Ten days, that's enough."

Jiang Fengxian: "That's the best."

Yeguang looked at Jiang Fengxian and laughed: "Lao Jiang, you can do it. Today, I think you know how powerful you are. It's so dark, it's so dark, ten million, you really dare to ask! I thought The report comes to one million, and I'm almost scared to hear ten million! How can you do that? "

Jiang Fengxian made a black line. I don't know if it was because Luke called him Lao Jiang or because he said he was dark.

Yeguang is like this. The more he gets along with the people he knows, the more casual he is. Whatever is said, the nature of the hippie smiley will be exposed. On the contrary, the goods are all dressed up in the presence of strangers.

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