My Star Teacher

Chapter 614: [Sheep, come back! 】

The weather is gradually getting colder.

Luminous life has also entered a normal state of nine to five.

Except for the Journey to the West movie plan, which hasn't stopped before, Ye Guang didn't plan to do any other projects during this time.

Mainly still too busy.

There is immortality now striding forward. Although Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin helped set it up, it was very important that Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan worked together. It was a bit inseparable.

Especially luminous, this time has been very busy.

Although he didn't do anything about the project, he had a sense of immortality but he kept moving.

I have signed more than ten artists, can't I just let them idle?

Moreover, Youqi has its own project investment plan.

Therefore, during this time, Yeguang almost turned into a full-time screenwriter, writing N movies, TV series, variety shows and other scripting plans and publishing them.

Such things do not need to worry about luminescence.

However, there is a fairy to develop, Luminous thinks, to do well, to do fine, do not smash the signboard.

Besides, there are so many classic film and television works in his dream world in his mind. If he doesn't take them out and use them, will he be able to collect the script outside?

There is a crew formed by Xianqi. During this time, almost overtime and overtime work started, and the staff has been expanding.

Netizens are always happy to see the action of fairy, and the works labeled with luminous are basically good-looking. Therefore, the audience is also very impressed by the series of works that are already done or will be done soon look forward to.

The only regret is that with so many works, there are not many who can see Ye Guang himself, and most of them are only guest appearances. There are no works starring Ye Guang himself.

Unconsciously, even the audience didn't realize that their expectations of luminous light were even higher than that of Liu Tianwang and Liu Chiyan, the queen-level queen.

this day.

Sitting at the computer in the office, flipping his hands, lines of text appear on the screen.

This is a work prepared for the next stage of Xianqi Entertainment.

Suddenly, the cell phone on the table rang.

Ye Guang glanced, eyes narrowed, the caller ID is a familiar one, but calling this number surprised Ye Guang.

"Thunder team, it's been a long time." Ye Guang answered the phone.

The call was a thunderstorm from the Cheetah Special Commando.

Since Luminous came out of the Cheetah Special Forces, they have rarely contacted them because it is really inconvenient to contact them.

Thunderstorm, "Sheep, I haven't seen you in a long time. Are you busy?"

Ye Guang smiled, "Okay, look the same, how about you, are you all right? Brothers are all right?"

Thunderstorm paused, then said, "Flower leopard ... sacrificed."

Ye Guang's pupils shrunk sharply, and in his mind, he remembered the man with a bald head and a fierce face, but a very funny face.

Hua Leopard is a funny, very interesting person. When Luminous was in the Cheetah Special Forces, he had a good relationship with Hua Leopard, and the two lived next door.

Special forces are unconventional troops. They are really active in the rain of guns and bullets. There is sacrifice. This is inevitable, and Luminous can understand it.

However, hearing this news, Ye Guang couldn't help feeling sad for a while, and his chest was stuffy and panicked.

Silent for a long time, Ye Guang took a deep breath, "When is it going?"

Thunderstorm, "Five days ago, during an anti-drug operation."

"Five days ago ..." Luminous was silent for two seconds, then said, "What do I need?"

Luminous is not a fool.

Leopard sacrificed five days ago. Thunderstorm now called him, apparently not specifically to tell him the news. Since it is not, then there must be something wrong with Thunderstorm calling today.

Thunderstorm also remained silent for two seconds, and then said, "There is a mission, a mission overseas, we lack translation."

Now that the phone calls have been made, Thunderstorm hasn't been unpretentious, and directly explained the intention with Luminous.

Ye Guang did not immediately agree, but asked, "Is this operation related to Hua Leopard's operation?"

Lei Yu said, "The same thing."

Luminous, "I'm going!"

"Thank you." Lei Yu said, "This operation is an interim military levy for you. Your identity is a translator for your peers. You are not a combat unit. You do not need to participate in combat operations directly."

Luminous, "I can be a combat unit."

Lei Yu smiled bitterly on the phone, and then said, "No, you are not in the organization. For this operation, you can only be a translator."

Luminous immediately countered, "Thunder Squad, it's boring to talk like this, it can't be a combat unit if it doesn't belong to the establishment? So what did you say?"

Luminous refers to the last time that Cheetah helped the hostage rescue, and the various emergency characters that followed the team to complete. Although he was in the Cheetah Special Forces at that time, it was not in the same strict sense in the establishment.

Therefore, it is clear that Luminous does not buy the account of thunderstorms.

Thunderstorm, "Sheep, I can't let you do anything. You are a hero who wins glory for your country, your identity ..."

"Fart!" Ye Guang interrupted thunderstorm, "I am a hero? Well, even if I am a hero, is n’t Hua Leopard anymore? My identity, my **** identity, I have an identity, Hua Leopard will not have an identity card. ?"

ID card...

If it weren't for Luminous's solemn expression and motivated words, maybe the style of painting had suddenly changed.

Ye Guang then said with some excitement, "The Hua Leopard is gone. You asked me to join the task related to his sacrifice, but let me be a translator and go to a special translator! Thunder squadron, I know what you are worried about, However, I tell you, as long as you need me to join this action, I can't be just a translator! And, to put it bluntly, you know my ability, even if our team is dead ~ ~ The one who died last must be me too! So I don't need you to worry! "

Luminous speech was not polite at all, and the thunderstorm across the corner was silent for a while.

Eventually, Thunderstorm breathed out and said, "Sheep, come back to the team. Someone will pick you up tomorrow morning."


The call was hung up, Ye Guang's face was tax-free, and his eyes looked at the ceiling, a little empty, and he couldn't help flashing a picture of the Leopard when he was in the Cheetah Special Forces.


Ye Luoxi yelled at Luminous softly, "Brother, are you okay? Just ..."

To be honest, Ye Zi was a little scared. Ye Guang's office was big enough. Ye Ye was his assistant and his cousin. So, when it was okay, Ye often stayed in Ye Guang's office and was playing mobile phone in the sofa lounge on the other side. .

Therefore, Ye Guang heard the call, and Ye Zi heard it.

Although I couldn't hear the thunderstorm, the things said by Luminous were enough to scare the little girl.

What action, what organization, what combat unit, what sacrifice, what related tasks, what died ...

These keywords scared the leaves.

Looking at Luminous now, I feel a little sad, heavy, serious expression, and suddenly, Ye Zi feels that this cousin who has been shouting from childhood has become a little stranger.

He seemed to have something scary, but he didn't know the secret.

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