My Star Teacher

Chapter 625: 【Give up】

Ye Guang wore sunglasses, a mask, and a peaked cap. He waited at the bus station for a while, but no one recognized him.

While waiting for the car, there was a very cute little girl carrying a flower basket and walking to Luminous.

"Uncle, uncle, do you want to buy flowers?" The little girl blinked, looking at Ye Guang with some timidity and hope.

Yeguang looked down at the little girl. This little girl looked older than Yiyi. Why did she come out and sell flowers at such a young age?

Luminous leaned down and asked, "Child, are you alone?"

The little girl shook her head and said, "My mother is over there. My mother sells flowers very hard. I do n’t have class today. I will help my mother sell flowers." The girl pointed in the direction and saw a woman who was also carrying a flower basket, constantly selling flowers to the crowd.

Luminous, "How much is a flower?"

When the little girl asked Yeguang for the price, she was a little happy. She would ask for the price, so she might buy it. People who do n’t usually do n’t ask the price.

"One for ten dollars."

Ye Guang looked at the little girl's flower basket and laughed, "Okay, my brother wants it."

"Yeah!" The little girl shouted joyfully. "Uncle, really? You want everything?"

Luminous smiled, "If you call my brother now, then what I said is true."

The little girl froze, then nodded happily, "Okay, thank you uncle ... no, thank you brother."

Luminous smiled, "You count, how many flowers are there?"

"Yes." The little girl answered, then placed the basket on the ground, and began to seriously count how many flowers there were in the basket.

"Twenty-one flowers!" Said the little girl, looking at Yeguang, after counting, "brother, you can give two hundred dollars, and one more will be given to you."

Luminous smiled, "Really?"

The little girl nodded. "Well! Really, my brother is a good man, and a good man is safe all his life, thank you brother."

Ye Guang took the money from the wallet and handed it to the little girl. The little girl carefully folded the money and put it in her pocket. Then she passed the flower to Ye Guang. The flowers were scattered one by one. The rubber band on the head was removed, and the flower was stuck.

Luminous took the bouquet and said, "Thank you, boy, okay, go to your mother."

The little girl hummed, said goodbye to her brother, and ran happily towards her mother.

At this time, the bus also entered the station, Luminous took a bunch of flowers and lined up to get on the train.

The airport is the starting point of the bus.

There were not many people in the shuttle bus, and Yeguang took a spot and sat down. In front of him was a soldier brother wearing a military uniform.

The car drove for two stops, and some passengers came up one after another. The position in the carriage was already full. Luminous had given up the position to an old man and stood with several young people holding their hands.

One more stop, there was a fat, flat-headed man.

The flat-headed man came up and looked around. When he saw that there was no place, his mouth was skimmed, and he muttered, his voice was relatively low, he was vague, and he did not hear what he said.

Suddenly, the flat-headed man saw the elder brother sitting in the position, and there was some joy in his eyes.

"Hey, being a soldier, you give me a seat." The flat-headed man came over and patted Bingge's shoulder.

Bingge turned to look at the flat-headed man, and there seemed to be a surprise. How could such a strong man suddenly call him to give up?

However, in the end, it was the soldier's elder brother who was wearing a military uniform and the people in his heart. He didn't say much. The soldier nodded and stood up slowly.

The flat-headed man, happily wanted to sit down. Just then, a hand stretched over, pressed on the soldier's shoulder, and pushed the soldier back to the seat.

The shot was luminous.

Yeguang looked at the flat-headed man and looked at Bingge again, and said to Bingge, "Don't give him up."

The flat-headed man suddenly became unhappy, looking at Yeguang, "What are you doing?"

Ye Guang gave him a glance, "Why didn't I give you a seat? Why give you a seat?"

Flat-headed man, "Isn't serving in the army just for the people?"

Ye Guang cut aloud, "I have to give you a seat to serve the people? Are you seventy or eighty, or pregnant, or have hemorrhoids committed? Hemorrhoids are better off standing and more uncomfortable sitting."

At nightlight, the flat-headed man was a little angry, and the attention of the passengers in the car was attracted. A few young people also secretly held their mobile phones and started shooting.

The flat-headed man looked at Ye Guang angrily and said, "Who are you, do you matter more?"

Luminous, "It's okay, just don't give you a seat."

Flathead man, "Are you sick?"

"Yeah? You want to heal me?" Ye Guang, "I wondered, and I should give you a seat to serve the people? Is there no TV in your house? Did n’t you watch the soldiers? The soldier gave you a seat, why did you give you a seat? "

Luminous paused and continued, "Whether there is a war or something, it's not all in military uniforms to save you. It's not that they are rushed to rescue you in case of disaster or disaster. . "

The flat-headed man was a little bit lost, "Does it have anything to do with you? There are so many nosy things."

Luminous, "It doesn't matter, it just won't give you. If it weren't for the soldiers to defend the country and let the country develop peacefully, can you eat such a fat and big ear? Shameless."

The flat-headed man was even more angry, and pulled the luminous light, "What did you say ?!"

Seeing that the flat-headed man was upset, Bingge couldn't sit still. He quickly got up and took the flat-headed man's hand to pull the luminous, and said, "I'll give you a seat."

Yeguang also quickly reached out and pressed Bingge back. "I won't give him a seat." Then he looked at the flat-headed man, "I advise you to compare with me less."

The flat-headed man is stronger and looks more powerful than Luminous Kong Wu. He said angrily, "Ah?"

Luminous, "Do you still want to hit me? Give it a try and see if I don't kill you."

Flat-headed man, "Is the sample pretty capable?"

Luminous, "Oh, I'm really right about you. I'm quite capable, anyway, just don't give you a seat! The person who annoys you most is ignorant and selfish. If you don't understand, go home and watch TV. Watching the news, your family does n’t even have a TV? I do n’t know what a military and civilian family is? ”

Flat-headed man, "I can't see what concerns you? Nosy!"

Luminous, "It's okay, I just won't give you a seat today, how to say, I can resist you to hit me, try to smell, shameless, the face made the dog lick."

The flat-headed man was fierce, and pointed his finger at the luminous light. "What do you say, what things? Sunglasses, masks, and caps are so tightly hidden that you can't see anything!"

Ye Guang stared at the flat-headed man, "Who said you can't see anyone?" Then, Ye Guang pulled the mask down. "You don't wear a mask, and a pig's head is exposed, but why don't you have a long face on your head?"

Wait for the flatheaded man to speak.

The passengers who have been watching here ~ ~ a few young people can't help screaming.

"Ah ~!"

"Luminous, luminous!"

"I said it sounded familiar, but it was luminous!"

The flat-headed man was also a little stunned. Obviously, he also knew Luminous, but he did not expect that it was Luminous who quarreled with him.

Ye Guang snorted softly, looked at the flower in his hand, and said, "If I hadn't just bought a flower for my daughter-in-law, I'd be afraid to break it, I'm not gonna kill you."

The passengers suddenly laughed.

Before the two people quarreled, most of the passengers watched the change and no one interrupted, but at this time, when they saw that the quarrel with the people was luminous, their mentality was a little different.

A young man sitting in the back rowed joyfully, "Yarsen, hit him, hit this shameless man."

Another said, "Why are you a good man to give you a seat?"

"Old, weak, sick, pregnant, what kind of family do you belong to? Give you a seat? Funny!"


One stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and for a while, everyone in the carriage, you said in a word.

The flat-headed man was flushed at this time, but he did not dare to attack.

Not to mention that now he has become the target of public criticism, he would not dare to BB anything for just one night light.

Who is Luminous? Now that he knows it, he knows how horrifying Luminous' fighting power is, and if he quarrels with Luminous again, he really has to start a fight. He really can't stand it.

Moreover, people like him can only bully honest people with shameless bullying. When they encounter luminous light, their tails don't know how tight they are.

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