My Star Teacher

Chapter 691: [If you are in full bloom, butterflies come from here] (last 2 in 1)

[Title: my star teacher six hundred and ninety first chapter [if you bloom, butterflies unsolicited] (the last two in one) Author: Night of the Light

Welcome to the latest chapter of my star teacher! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: Emperor Lin Wuxia Dragon King Legend Taikoo God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements Tian Xuan Jie The gate selects the tales Yong Ye King Inverse Scale Lord Dominates the Holy Market Snow Eagle Lord Boss Guo does not send special advertisements, but instead turns to title advertisements, not only Instead of revoking the ads, they intensified their efforts. This move really made Ye Guang a little unexpected at first, but if you think about it, Ye Guang will want to understand what is going on.

China on the tip of the tongue is about foods from all over the country, and it is about eating. And Guorunguo is really doing beverage business, talking about drinking.

Since ancient times, there has been no distinction between eating and drinking, so if Guorun really advertises, if you invest in a food program, in fact, there is a big increase in the effect of advertising.

Of course, the reason why Mr. Guo is willing to vote for this advertisement is mainly because he also watches the show Luminous.

Documentary or something, Boss Guo didn't see it in the eyes. After all, he was too niche, but because of his trust in Luminous ability, Boss Guo still took the first episode of China on the tip of his tongue seriously. Read it again.

After watching it, Boss Guo decided.

In just a few years, Guorunguo can really make the market so big. There is no doubt that Boss Guo is a very visionary and strategic person. He can see the documentary of night light at a glance. The Chinese program named Tip of the Tongue is extraordinary, and he is convinced that it will be hot after it is broadcast, or that it will form a high industry status.

China on the tip of the tongue is about food, but not only food, but also the feelings of Chinese people about food. It is not about the cumbersome and unusually rare food. It is more about a character and food. Emotional entanglement.

This is a kind of sentiment, the heritage and inner of Chinese food heritage.

Guorun Guozhen is now spreading a lot, and sales are good, but as a new beverage industry, Guorun Guozhen basically lacks nothing. The only thing missing is a cultural feeling. The solution comes overnight, and most of the time, it can only be accumulated by time.

After watching China on the tip of his tongue, Mr. Guo keenly realized that this was a great opportunity. Such a show of China on the tip of his tongue, with a sentimental program, would be a fire in the country and would have Certain status, then, Guorunguo can really participate in it, and it can also have a great positive influence.

It is even possible that Guorunguo will indeed become a kind of sentimental drink for the Chinese people. By that time, as long as Guorunguo does not make irreparable mistakes, its status in domestic juice drinks will not be so easily Shaken.

Spend three hundred million yuan, put a documentary title advertisement, if this is said, I am afraid that many people think that boss Guo is crazy, this is a documentary, not a variety show with a star coffee, three hundred million, it is not worth it .

Even Luminous, who was very confident in the show, felt that the naming fee was really high, otherwise he would not take the initiative to give Boss Guo a pre-roll advertisement for ten seconds.

So, either Boss Guo has the courage, Boss Guo didn't count on spending 300 million to cast a documentary, which is not worth the problem.

What he considered was that with 300 million yuan, a fruit run is really stable, is it worth it?

If you think about it this way, the answer is unquestionable. If the company achieves such a level, if it is only 300 million, it can ensure the company's stability. Then, I believe that there will be countless companies who will crowd their heads and do it. this matter.

However, not all companies, China on the tip of the tongue may have this effect. For example, if the advertising industry is the automotive industry, home appliances industry, then even the China on the tip of the tongue will be successful, Advertisers are no more than successful advertisers.

Only those brands that can complement each other with food can have a chemical reaction with this show, such as drinks, milk, seasonings, wine, which is inseparable from food.

Therefore, although Luminous made a oolong and said that he would do a variety show well, he made some documentary out of nowhere, but also made a mistake and made a really good advertising program.

In the next few days, Yeguang will gradually complete all the voice-overs of China on the tongue of the first season, and make the first season of the complete film.

On the other hand, Guorun really sent someone to sign the contract for the title advertisement. Jiang Fengxian also arranged the advertising investment department to negotiate the remaining Chinese advertising space on the tip of the tongue, and when the program was broadcast, there was a fairy video website. Pre-roll ads and things like that.

There are fairy videos, after such a long period of development, it has accumulated quite a good number of users.

Live broadcasting has begun to prevail in China, and many domestic live video websites have begun to emerge.

However, as the originator of Kaishan, there is a fairy video, which may be somewhat lacking in the video, but this one has always been the leader in the country in live broadcast. At present, no one can shake it. After all, the most popular anchors in China are available now. They are signed under the banner of Youqi Video.

They got the opportunity because of the tens of thousands of convening orders for immortality, and the fire spread all over the country. Today, there are immortal videos, and because of the existence of these main forces in the live broadcast industry, their status is unshakable.

This time, Luminous chose to use China on the tip of the tongue as the first self-made variety show of Xianqi Video, and broadcast it on Youqi Video to make up for the vacancy of the video site of Xianqi Video.

Luminous didn't contact any place to sell the broadcasting right at all. After there is China on the tip of the tongue of Xianqi video broadcast, even if it can still sell the copyright, the price will be greatly discounted. It's more important to grow bigger and develop into an industry brand than to sell a single program copyright and broadcast rights.

China on the tip of the tongue, after five days, was very low-key and officially played on the video website.

I didn't do much publicity, just a few days before the broadcast, a pop-up window and poster notice were posted on the Xianqi video website, and then the post was posted by Luminous Weibo and artificially propagated.

However, after posting a post on Luminous Weibo to promote China on the tip of the tongue, many domestic entertainers, familiar, unfamiliar, acquainted, and unrecognized by Luminous, reposted his Weibo on the tongue to help He carried out a free promotion.

It's not how good Ye Guang's popularity is. Compared to the people in the circle, Ye Guang is worse than Liu Tianwang. It is not a grade. Ye Guang is not very good at dealing with people and does not deliberately manage any interpersonal relationships. For so many years since their debut, the celebrity artists in the circle have known a lot, but they can be called friends. In fact, there are not many. Most of them are because they have cooperated with Yeguang before they became friends.

Therefore, so many celebrities and artists have spontaneously helped Ye Guang to promote the show free of charge. It must not be because of the popularity of Ye Guang, and it must not be because of the protagonist's halo on Ye Guang, which gives him the power of being a bully. Earthquake, all subjects.

This is because of the ability of luminous.

Ye Guang's popularity in the circle and his abilities are now in everyone's eyes, and he agrees that in this situation, many star entertainers have released their goodwill to Ye Guang to end a good relationship.

Maybe they didn't want to get something because of this, they just brushed the presence in front of the night light.

But maybe because of this sense of existence, did Luminous think of them in his next work?

Being able to collaborate with Luminous is something that most artists in the circle now expect. After all, as a star artist, who doesn't want to bring audiences classic or even miracle works?

Yeguang is a well-known boutique manufacturer in the circle. No, it can even be said to be a miracle manufacturer.

There is such a sentence, if you bloom, butterflies come. Presumably this situation can be described.

Its own strength is sometimes more important than any slick communication.


China on the tip of the tongue, this evening with a fairy video broadcast, after eating, the Yeguang family also watched the show with a tablet on the sofa.

Hmm ... Yiyi mainly wanted to watch, so Yeguang and Liu Chiyan also accompanied him to watch.

Yiyi looked at China on the tip of her tongue, but she was fascinated. She kept stuffing snacks in her mouth to avoid drooling. After watching for a while, Yiyi looked at Yeguang and asked, "Yeguang, I have eaten this dish. , But how do I feel better in the video? "

Luminous laughed, "said, this is the dish you ate, look carefully, have you seen this uncle? We went to his house together, and then he made this dish for you."

Yiyi thought for a while, and then said in surprise, "Oh, was this plate of dishes presented in the video now eaten by me?"

Luminous nodded.

Yiyi turned to look at the video again, and whispered again, "but I still think the video is more delicious."

This is the magic of China on the tip of the tongue.

There are many famous dishes in China on the tip of the tongue, but there are also many home-style side dishes that you can see every day. There is no exception. Whether it is famous dishes or home-style side dishes, you can see the appetite of the population.


Many netizens who follow Luminous, as well as fans of Luminous, have watched the show China on the tip of their tongues.

Many people go to Yeguang ’s name, and want to take a look and see if there is anything different, because if it is not Yeguang, a documentary film can basically not attract much interest from netizens. It can only be Niche work.

But even with the aura of luminous blessing, the first day of China broadcast on the tip of the tongue, the results were not satisfactory. There are only more than 6 million views on Xianqi video websites.

Compared to the other tens of millions of on-demand videos of other previous works, this is probably the most failed work of Luminous.

But did it really fail?

Some netizens who have watched leave a message below the video.

"Mama, look at this thing and strangle me. I decided to eat the dishes that were broadcast on the show tomorrow."

"Ye Daxian's voice sounds so magnetic. I like it."

"I don't know why. I have always disliked documentaries. I actually watched this episode stiffly, and I didn't feel boring at all."

"Well? I thought I was the only one to have this feeling. Is there a great **** to explain it? I think it's good in this movie, but I can't tell where he is good."

"Where is it? Of course, it's Ye Daxian's voice. This sound, coupled with this picture, is absolutely terrible. The simple food makes me drool."

"Unsurprisingly, this is definitely another fine work in the history of Chinese documentaries."

"Ye Daxian is really awe-inspiring. He is worthy of the name of a talented man. He does everything so well and makes a documentary so popular."

"Good-looking is good-looking, but I still like to watch variety shows. I just want to ask, was it that Yiyi was eaten?


Most of the above are praises of China on the tip of the tongue, but Ye Guang made a documentary, and many people do n’t buy it ~ ~ In their concept, the documentary is just that kind of dull, Unless you particularly like documentaries, not many people will really like such a type of work.

Luminous is indeed very popular now, and it's red for half the sky, but not everyone likes him too much, just some red eye disease and somehow because you are red, but don't like you. Whenever you find an opportunity, you will sneer at it Sentence to the wind.

as expected.

Because China on the tip of the tongue aired on the first day, the response was mediocre. First, the on-demand volume on the video website was only 8 million the next morning.

The 8 million on-demand volume is not a poor quality program at all. Many domestic variety shows and the on-demand volume on the Internet have not reached this level. However, it is also relatively speaking. Ye Guangbo, then this is a street show, plus more and more people are watching the program on the Internet, so the variety on the Internet has also been steadily increasing on demand. The 8 million on demand is not bad, but it is definitely Can't say how good it is.

Sometimes, the society will tell you what the world is like. When your success is infinite, those little darlings dare not approach, but crouch in the corner, staring at you with red eyes, silent.

However, once you show a downturn, as soon as there is any wind blowing, when you are about to fail, they will jump out, no matter how brilliant you were, how many times you have succeeded, but as long as you make a mistake or fail this time, they will Seize your mistakes and failures, and make arrogant articles. I can't wait to take this opportunity to pull you directly from the cloud and step into the dirt.

and so.

Not surprisingly.

The first day of China on the tip was a flat response, and some people on the Internet took the rhythm. 2k novel reading network

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