Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 167: Wretched gentleman

  With the help of Li Mo, the pain that Sun Wei suffered greatly reduced. At this moment, he doesn't care what other people think of him.

  Li Mo helped him twice, it was not a temporary intent, but he felt that this product was still a tough guy. Although he was frivolous and his speech was stinky, his style was a gentleman's act.

   In his state just now, coldness invaded his heart. If he couldn't find a way to let out the coldness, he would definitely die, but even if he was almost dying, it was just a matter of discussion with the person. There was no intention to do anything.

Sun Wei is a third-level strongman. If he blamed, the group of people who just accused him could not stop him. You must know that besides the cracks, there is also a transfer, as long as Sun Wei has just put the group of people side by side. If you touch it again, life is surely okay, but he didn’t do that. Although he didn’t listen well, he didn’t have the slightest intention of bullying.

   "It's cool, it's cool, it's not cold at all."

  Sun Wei shed tears.

He can’t control his frozen power at all. Since childhood, he has been tortured by the cold. If he is not good enough, he has already died. Recently, the situation has intensified. It has a direct relationship with his promotion to the third-level strongman. Strength The stronger, the more pain he suffers.

  Sun Wei took his hand out of his crotch, his face suddenly changed, and immediately stretched his hand in again.

   Put one hand into the crotch and one hand to hold the Tianling cover. As long as his hands let go of these two parts, the coldness immediately invaded the heart.

  Sun Wei stayed still, keeping a wretched posture, closing his eyes and raising his mind.

  If it is someone else, I have long shouted and asked ‘Benevolence’, what should I do if I don’t keep this posture, but Sun Wei doesn’t, because he thinks that it’s embarrassing.

  Two hours later, the high-speed rail arrived at the station, and no one came to pick them up. Aunt Lan called a taxi, and before she could greet the four people to get in the car, Li Mo called another one.

  Can four big men squeeze? Having said that, the frozen man Sun Wei is okay to say, Shi Zhenqiang, the stink man, who can bear it?

  Zheng Wufang walked over with a smile: "If the convenience is the same way?"

  Shi Zhenqiang raised his pants and ran over: "If convenient..."



  Li Mo closed the door.

   It took three hours for the taxi to reach its destination. This boundary can only barely be regarded as Kyoto. In fact, it is already the Yunzhou boundary.

The address of the "Huaxia Institute of Human Sciences" is actually an abandoned middle school. It has an old building of thirty or forty years, the walls are cracked, the glass is not complete, and the yard is covered with weeds. If it wasn't for Aunt Lan to get off and go inside, Li Mo really didn't believe that this was the headquarters of the Alien Alliance.

"Although our Alliance for Foreigners hangs the official signboard of the Huaxia Institute of Human Sciences, we are actually not subject to official control. They don’t care about us, we don’t need funds, and, in order to hide their eyes and ears, they act low-key, so President Lan only Will set up the headquarters in this place."

   While walking, Aunt Lan explained to Li Mo and others.

   There are many cars parked on the overgrown playground, but basically there are no good cars, and the most expensive ones are the two or three hundred thousand.

   Acts in a low-key, unassuming manner, and is one of the guidelines for foreigners to follow.

   "No publicity? Is this also called publicity?" Sun Wei suddenly pointed.

In many ordinary cars, there are two very cool sports cars parked, one is golden and one is red. These two cars, let alone put them here, wherever they go, are all eye-catching. .

Zheng Wufang said: "The modified version of the Phantom, the limited edition Porsche, these two cars, any one of them is worth more than 20-30 million. President Lan, our alliance does not have explicit provisions, do not allow members to be overly public? The car obviously violated the rules?"

Aunt Lan nodded.

   "That golden sports car is the car given by Vice President Blue's only child, Blue Sky. Another red sports car should be a friend given by Blue Sky."

  Zheng Wufang suddenly said: "It turns out that it was Lan Gongzi's car, no wonder."

  The five people who came to Shengjing Branch this time, only Aunt Lan has visited this Kyoto headquarters. No one else has visited. They are the first time like Li Mo, but Zheng Wufang knows more about them than Li Mo.

There will always be a chairman and a vice-chairman in Alien Alliance. Aunt Lan said the name of Vice-President Lan, whose surname is Lan and Mingyue, is a veritable leader of the alien alliance. The existence of, in addition to the hardships of the old president retreat in recent years, rarely come out for activities. The big and small things of the alliance are all taken care of by Lan Yue, which makes his status almost equal to that of the old president.

Lantianci is the only son of Lanyue. As a vice president, Lanyue has always led by example, never playing any privileges, but only for his son, because he has been spoiled from an early age, leading to Lantianci's arrogant character, not called What he does, what he wants to do.

   "Which club?"

   walked into the dirty building, and everyone saw the person in charge of the registration. Aunt Lan sent the list of four people, and soon a key was assigned.

   Yes, a key. Aunt Lan handed the key to Zheng Wufang and left. As the branch president, she has her own separate residence.

  Li Mo’s dormitory is on the third floor.

   A dormitory of less than 20 square meters, divided into upper and lower bunks, before entering the dormitory, I smelled a choking smell.

   "It's fragrant and fragrant." Shi Zhenqiang sniffed hard, and excitedly, let go of a few farts, how far the stinky Sun Wei and Zheng Wufang ran out.

  Sun Wei cried out: "Tell me to live with a stinky, I rely on, then I must not be stinky?"

   Zheng Wufang covered his nose: "How good do you think you are? The coldness on your body can't be controlled at all, live with you, and the three quilts are cold."

  Li Mo frowned, he didn't expect the environment in this dormitory to be so bad.

If it’s just a small place, and the environment is poor, you can do it, but the problem is that the roommate is too Sun Wei’s coldness is nothing, but Shi Zhenqiang’s fart, I’m afraid I’m not afraid, but that’s too far. It should be.

  Li Mo did not enter the dormitory and walked to the fourth floor.

"What are you doing?"

   "I live on the roof, you look at the allocation."

   The dilapidated teaching building has a total of seven floors. Li Mo intends to live on the roof of the building. At least the air should be good?

  Li Mo walked up to the top of the building, and the breeze blew gently, looking around, and he was in a good mood.

   This place is really good.

  Li Mo chose a clean open space and sat cross-legged.

   "That kid, get up, this night the roof of this building was taken by the people of our Mobei branch. Outsiders are not allowed to come up. You must go quickly, otherwise you will be beaten in vain. Don't blame me for not telling you in advance."

  Li Mo was just disturbed by a voice within five minutes of sitting down.

When I opened my eyes, there was another person on the top of the building, who looked ordinary, but the most obvious thing about this person was that there was a blue ping pong ball on the left face, and there were a few black hairs on this person. He has a stout body, a cubby meter of five feet, a bronze-like skin tone, and muscles can all be clumped. At first glance, it is a stranger related to strength.

   talked to Li Mo, it was him.

   "I am the Great Master of the Mobei Branch, have you heard my name? Was it scared? Hurry up, kid, otherwise my family president will come up and you can't go if you want to go."

   "I haven't heard it, and I won't go."

  Li Mo closed his eyes. Recently he has been rehearsing the third form of ground boxing. Now he has reached a very critical juncture. He does not want to bother about chores.

   "Oh, your kid is very good, which branch are you from? What level of strangers?"

   "Don't you say it? You are waiting!"

  Birthmark Dahan put his arms around his sleeves, turned and ran away.

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