Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 307: True king

   "Because this monster is not a normal creature in this world, no matter what we call it, you can be wrong."

   "I'm right, Fang Tianwang."

   "Haha, interesting, interesting."

   Fang Qiang applauded, "But even if you are right, the rules are the rules."

   "Vice President Blue, according to the regulations, if you can't name the monster, then in the second game, we won."

  Lan Yue suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is Fang Tianwang. Congratulations, your true power is so strong that you can create life out of thin air. In the second game, we lost."

"It’s a little trick. Although I can create life out of thin air now, I can’t make the created life last for a long time. Just like this Yo Yo, its life span is only ten days. Hey, this is already the limit of my ability. Now."

   Fang Qiang is known as the real king. The reason is that he has real talent, and he can turn things imagined out of thin air into reality.

   Fang Qiang waved to the monster.


   The monster called a few times, fell to the ground, and disappeared into blue smoke.

   This monster was created by Fang Qiang, therefore, this second game is not comparable at all, the alien alliance only loses.

   "President Blue, now we are tied, and the next game is the third and most important match."

   "Where is the Journey to the West, Fang Tianwang leads the way."

   "President Blue is refreshing, I don't hide from you, this Earth Journey Team in the Journey to the West has been attacked by the Earth for more than a hundred times, but so far, I still can't get anything from there."

  Lan Yue said: "The Journey to the West world is a world where the gods walk everywhere, where everything happens is normal."

   "No, President Blue, you don't understand the situation inside. How to say, the situation in that world is not complicated at all, and it can even be said that it is so simple as to be brainless."

   "It is because it is too simple, so it will be difficult. We are still talking about it, President Blue, please."


   Fang Qiang waved a domain gate and made a request to Lan Yue.

  His ability is to turn the imagination out of thin air into reality. It is too simple for him to create a domain gate.


   Everyone crossed the domain gate and came to an extremely hot hill.

   Looking around is surrounded by desert, and the hilly land where everyone is located is crimson. Heat waves emanating from the ground are suffocating.

   Right in front of everyone, there appeared a'time and space crack'.

   Inside this crack of time and space is the Journey to the West!

"President Blue, this space-time scene is very simple, but because of its simplicity, it’s not easy at all. The members of our Earth Counterattack team who died in it have reached a hundred people. We want to ally with you. One of the main reasons , Just want to conquer this time and space!"

   Fang Qiang did not hide anything. He stood in front of the cracks in time and space and said all the difficulties they had suffered inside.

   This ‘Journey to the West’ world is not a complete world.

   To be precise, it is not even a world, because there is only one scene that is too simple to be simple, and there is only one character.

  Lan Yue said: "It's so hot here, is it the Flame Mountain? Is that the character you said, is it the Bull Demon King?"

   "It's Flame Mountain, but not the Bull Demon King."

   "Princess Iron Fan?"


   "Is it the protagonist team?"

   The protagonist team, of course, is the protagonist in the Journey to the West, four monks, masters and disciples. "

   Fang Qiang: "No, I won't sell it anymore. President Lan is a red boy."

   "Why is the Red Boy in Flame Mountain?"

   "Red children are normal in Flame Mountain, this is the real world journey to the west, not in the book of the West Journey, where red children are not always present."

   Fang Qiang nodded: "There is another point, this red boy on the flame mountain, extremely powerful, our four heavenly kings joined forces, and united more than fifty masters, still not his enemy."

"one move?"

   Fang Qiang smiled bitterly: "Yes, a trio of true fire. If it were not my sister who turned reality into fantasy, we would not be able to come out alive."

  Lan Yue glanced at Fang Xinyao with her double ponytails, which looked very loli.

   Fang Qiang and Fang Xinyao are a pair of siblings, but their abilities are just the opposite.

   Fang Qiang can create things out of thin air to turn fantasy things into reality, and Fang Xinyao turns things into reality into her imagined state.

"My and my sister's abilities have a time limit when they are used. My sister can block the red child's three-flavored real fire for five minutes. I can make a fire shield for five minutes, and this is the limit of our brother and sister. "

   "President Blue, the first two contests are only tentative, we just want to prove your strength, and this third test is the highlight."

   "Dozens of my good brothers are all dead inside. I want to avenge them."

   Fang Qiang sighed: "You are right at the beginning. At present, our Earth Counterattack Group is really only four of us."

   Fang Xinyao said: "If you can attack this copy, from now on, our four kings will obey your orders."

   "Yes!" Ye Nantian and Ye Beitian also nodded at the same time.

   "However, President Blue, the ugly words are to be mentioned earlier. This copy is too dangerous, and my sister and I can only protect up to four people at a time."

   Fang Xinyao added: "If you die inside, don't blame us for pitting you."

   Fang Qiang opened his hand: "That's it, so whether you are willing to enter or not, it is up to you."

  Lan Yue turned around and asked: "How do you guys think, should this be the case?"

   "Go in!"

   "Why don't you care about Even if it is a bull demon, what about the Princess Iron Fan?"

   "Kill it."

   "The Red Boy killed, the Bull Demon killed, Princess Iron Fan became his wife."


   The alien mood is rising.

  Li Mo frowned slightly, thought for a while, did not speak.

   "Go, go all in!"

  Lan Yue's big hand waved.

   All strangers, all walked into the crack of time and space.

   Inside the crack of space-time is a small space less than 100 meters, and it is hot, and in the center of this small space, the red child is holding a fire-pointed gun and standing in it.

   This scene is really like the BOSS battle scene in online games.


   The red child's eyes were red, and a sharp-pointed gun in his hand rushed towards the crowd.

   "Come on, this red boy has no reason at all, and he has no reason to say that when we come here, we can only protect ourselves.

   Fang Qiang and Fang Xinyao stepped back a few times, one made out of thin air, one was ready to turn reality into fantasy, and Ye Nantian and Ye Beitian brothers also made a defensive posture back to back.


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